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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. mirror meditation help? please

    butt did i have a kensho?
  2. Ok so some of you might be aware i am curently enrolled in jopb corps for the culinary arts. And i will likely be helping out in the school cafeteria since i am complete with the program and technicaly a chef. I am still in job corps cause i am waiting to move to conneticutt for advanced training in new haven. Anyways I was wondering what are some chi packed foods one could make for breakfast in case they let my make my own thing? They may or may not let me make my own thing i have to talk to the head chef on this one. So anyone got any ideas on chi or prana packed foods? For breakfast we usually have a choice of bacon or sausage hash brown and eggs and some kind of breackfast bread like a pancake or a waffle or frenchtoast.
  3. Help me make a tasty stew!

    ahh I love cooking alchemy in the making. For spice is concerned i always love extremely hot stuff like so hot you start sweating. So i use pure cap. dont know if they ship outside the united states but there it is. It looks like you have the rest covered well thought i would add my two cents in.
  4. So i was wondering if anyone knew of a website in which has a free online description of how to do the movements in each of these? or would anyone be willing to share how to do these movements? Thanks
  5. So I am on journic haveing vented and ranted about wan, I believe i have made my piece with him. His stuff on daoism i cant find fault with it is just the way he goes about doing it is the trouble. But I believe i can look past that to see the good he does. Anyways my question to you guys is how do you put up with so to speak the same question or the same problem over and over again? Cause one thing i stress is time, it takes time to devlope siddhis and stuff like that. I have told these people this many times but new people pop up with the same problem or question. So how does one do it? Thanks
  6. here you go goldisheavy Just go to
  7. So how leathal is the shaolin sewing needle skill? cause in all the vids i see the monk or person doing it is always just a couple feet away from the glass. So I was wondering is it very leathal?
  8. shaolin sewing needle skill?

    can you post some pictures of the xing yi needles cause i cant find any online? So is the needle thing deadly or not?
  9. Your dreams are just as real as the real world what you can do in your dreams you can do in reality. What you can do i reality you can do in your dreams. One you can control your dreams you can learn to harness them and do incredible tihngs. What do you all think of my thought on dreams?
  10. could be i once read that dreams in color are when you astral project and travel and black and white dreams are regular or it could have been to other way around i cant remeber.
  11. So as some of you may know i have narcolepsy whicth is a condition charecterized be excesive daytime sleepieness. I was wondering in my 8 to twelve hours of sleep i get each day is there any practices in the chinese tradition that one can do in there dreams? I know of some in the tibetan and hindu tradition but of none in the chinese tradition. Thanks
  12. Hi all I am pulling out my friendship card so to speak. I was wondering if some of the members here would mind sighning up on To help out thouse people on there they have the right idea but some of them seem to not know where to go at least that is what i see. so if anyone wants to sighn up and help. Thanks.
  13. Need help with the people on jorunic?

    oh ok read his bullshido page at
  14. Need help with the people on jorunic?

    in my oppinion it was a cult from the beging. But can you tell me why you like his videos?
  15. Need help with the people on jorunic?

    nope i am not the creator of journik that would be wan qi. I want help steering these people away from wan and onto a good instructor. I have tried in telling them stuff but they never listen to me and always ban me. so i was wondering if you guys could hepl them see for them selves the truth about wan. Also help them learn some qigong and energy work in the process.
  16. So I have read that doing certain yoga poses alows one to be able to do siddhis. I was wondering if we could compile a list of yoga poses and there correlative siddhis? Yoga is not the only thing we have to work with anyone heard of certain taichi practices that alows oneself to have psychic powers?
  17. any siddhi or powers related to simhasana or lion pose?
  18. So I was wondering what is the first taoist qigong that ever existed? I know that one of the first buddhist qigongs that the myth says is attributed to bodhidharama and it is the 8 section brocade and the muscle tendon changes. I also know that some of the first recorded yogic poses were stuff like full lotus and such. But i was wondering what was the first taoist qigong practices? Thanks
  19. I was wondering how one would create there own sexual tantra? like what are the basic rules we have to follow and where can we variate? Also how could one incorperate fetishes like diapers? Thanks
  20. create your own sexual tantra?

    some further info we are both guys and we both enjoy the diaper scene.
  21. create your own sexual tantra?

    ok so scratch tantra, how does one cultivate with sex?
  22. As you all might know my favorite movie of all time is the lion king. Well I searched ebay for a copy of the japanese version and could not find it. I was wondering if one of you guys might have it or know a place to buy it that ships to the unioted states? I am interested in owning it cause i am trying to learn japanese and I heard that watching a movie can help alot. Thanks
  23. AAnyone know a meditation to distinguish between the yin and yang chi and jing and shen.
  24. What does your Qi feel like?

    My chi feels like a tingling sensation in my hands and where i focues my chi at. I have not learned to distinguash between different types of chi.