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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. Anyone know of a good program to learn japanese from like books or cd something that does not require a computer?
  2. Nature is the closest thing we have to chi. Nature can be felt with the 5 sences whereas chi can be felt and sometimes seen but the other sences to my knowlege do not know of it. If one can study nature and become like a certain animal/plant/ natural thing they can acheve what the want to acheve. From Asencion (stargate) to liberation. Anything is possible if you study nature.
  3. What about other tradtions like buddhism and hinduism and jainism does chi = god in thouse traditions too?
  4. But the big question does god exist if so does chi equal god? What are your thoughts?
  5. Nature/chi is all that exists when we die our phisical bodys become the land and you chi goes back into a great ocien of ch aka tao nirvana heaven what ever you call it.
  6. So sometime in the future i will be doing a talk in my buddhist sangha about aliens in religions, And I was wondering if you guys could give me some examples of aliens in the different religions. I already have some stuff on hiduism and christanity. But I need some help on the other religions like buddhism and such? Thanks
  7. Can anyone think of any religion that does not have anything that could resemble a ufo? I would only like old religions to be concidered like taoism and buddhism and jainism ect. I dont want new religions like caodaism only old ones.
  8. Kunlun in the movie Avatar

    I just saw this movie, I got a lot of native american stuff from it. It was amazing. One questions though what does it mean if i have a sexual attraction to the navi (the alien race)?
  9. Video of master using his chi

    Attaining a power does not make you free, you have to be carefull in that you dont focuse on powers to much. If you focuse to much on them they can lead you astray. focus more on getting liberation enlightenment nirvana what ever you call it. Freedom would be more valuable to me. powers are a side effect.
  10. Video of master using his chi

    I believe in chi and such i think it is part chi and part hypnosis of the student into thinking the stuff really effects them. That is to say untill you get to a certain point like john chang and then it all becomes real. PS what is the russian guys mantra he uses?
  11. So in the topic on kulun and avatar the movie someone said that they had been an alien in the past life. I was wondering who on this forum has been one? What different species are there for aliens?
  12. So I was wondering why does everyone hate on kunlun? What is wrong with it? It looks ok to me.
  13. SO my question still stand what is the problem with it?
  14. but is that not a possibility with any training?
  15. Buddhist or Taoist

    Mabye it is just me but i dont see any rift on this forum.
  16. What about my theory and is there an iron palm type thing like i that? I porved my theory correct in finding info on the internet. Well it really was not my theory but iron shirt or golden bell qigong.
  17. Well i study qigong at the moment used to do taichi and other internal martial arts but chose to only do qigong cause i have become really busy.
  18. Thank you Just one more question, Is there a way i could do all this internaly and not hit my hands against anything but just like put chi into the part i want and have it become as hard as steal? I have a theory as to how one would do this I want to see if my theory holds up. One would do qigong to pack qi into the dan tien and then once suficient chi was built up into the dan tien one would direct all of it into the hand or what ever they were trying to protect and there hand or whatever would be hard as steel.
  19. SO you would recomend hitting a bag full of beans and then moving on to cotton? Also is any qigong good to do with this or should it be a certain one?
  20. Ok in doing some research over the interwebs i have found out about a cotton palm where you hit a bag filled with cotton to strengthen your QI your not useing physical force but QI. Anyone have any info on how one would do this, I get the slapping of the bag but beyond that I am lost?
  21. So I was playing go one day and I had a thought could a game uncover the universe? Like what we know what we dont know? Also would you say go is the most stratigic game in the world or would you say that there arte more strategic ones out there? if so which ones?
  22. Are you joking hydro I mentioned go like twice in my post.
  23. Well I have done my research on the internet and learned how to hit the bag filled with beans for the first year. I was wondering if anyone knew of a dit da jow that was for sale that did not have alcohol in it?
  24. Secret Disney Vortex Book

    did you get my joke about kimba simba?