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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. Any Xiangqi players here?

    I play the game, I suck at it cause my version is in chinese and i cant read what the pieces are so i am always having to look at a diagram to tell me how to move the pieces. lol
  2. Secret Disney Vortex Book

    Lion king rulzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Along with kimba ah i meen simba. lol

    gotta love the dark power Sorry i could not resist.
  4. Well I want to advance my spiritual practice. I guess i will share with you the story. See i first got into all this stuff in 9th grade with taichi. I foudn an insturctor in our town and he taught sun style taichi. Well we pracitced for about 5 months 2 times a week then he had to move cause he found a better job in chicago, the area where i live in just does not have that good of jobs. so about a year goes by and i deside to do an external kung fu with his student who took over the class, well that was not for me at the time. I ask about my former teacher and find out that he has died. Well needless to say i was sadened by that. So I had not been keeping up with my taichi so i asked for a refresher course, and the new instructor taught it to me again. I have somewhat been leeping up with it. But now am looking to do some stuff with iron palm and asked him to teach me well he said it was more of an advanced thing and could only teach me if i was there for a couple of years but with me being out at job corps i just wont work out. I guess from that experience stems some of my philosophy, like you dont need a teacher once you reach a certain stage. And that it does not matter what you do on the external as long as you combine your breathing with your movements it will do things with chi.
  5. A place holder topic.

    This is a place holder in case the guy comes here and i want to have a discution with him. The reason i dont want to say anything about him is cause he is not well receved by people here.
  6. A place holder topic.

    yeah i know any ideas on how to let this go?
  7. A place holder topic.

    lol yeah
  8. Salt baths

    Use Tao salt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It can ba found here. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Just kiding PS watch the vid of sean lennon. And they think that will make me want there products.
  9. So Basicaly for some time now it has been going on and off me feeling depression and anxiety and such as you guys might know. I would say it started at age 17 I am now 20. I just got out of the hospital on friday because of the way i was feeling. So basicaly the way i was feeling was some bouts of depression and anxiety and thoughts of not knowing where to go with my life. I also had some thought/actions of self harming myself. these were intersperced with regular feelings of happiness. I do not know weather i am going through someting spiritual or not does anyone know if it is something spiritual or not? I am going to see my counseler later this week. Basicaly I am wondering if it is something spiritual or not. Thanks
  10. I know that I am just wondering if what i am going throught is spiritual and i will also be seeing my spiritual teacher of wednesday.
  11. Spiritual jobs?

    I am curently looking for a spiritual job like a meditation instructor any know of any? I am not certified per se, But I do know stuff about meditations.
  12. So I think I have finally found the one. Before i always thought i was not interested in humans only animals but he just makes me feel a way i have never felt before it is kind of hard to describe, like i cant stand being away from him and i love to be by his side. I was wondering if anyone had some ideas on how to incoperate spiritual stuff into our lives? He understands chi and such and he pracitces magic and his own form of taichi. Just an fyi I am also a guy incase this matters with what practices we can do. I dont think we are ready for the sexual stuff yet. I hope this does not bother you guys with it being a same sex partnership. Thanks i might add more to this latter.
  13. yeah anyone esle have any thoughts?
  14. Tonight I cheated at billards I put a spell on the cue ball so that my opponents balls would not go in and mine would. I felt I needed to share this with you. Just as a confesion type thing. Thanks
  15. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of something simmilar to a robe but of non religious significance. I am looking for something that has a hood and sleeves kind of like an ankh shape to it. Thanks
  16. So I was wondering what are your opinions on these phrases? There are no secrets. You dont need a teacher. Thanks
  17. ARe they turning this into a comedy see for your self?
  18. Basicaly internaly what goes on with our spirit and chi and other non-corporeal things are the real key. This boddy made of flesh and bone does not matter. I am sorry it is kind of hard to vocalize what is going through my head at the moment. But what i have said is the basic idea. Now I dont want you to get the wrong idea I am not going to do anything stupid like kill myself or anything. Thanks
  19. Is that what the sutras and stuff say or is that your ego talking? I guess what I am trying to say is that this is a way of higher plane existance, like ascension or something. That is where i get this whole physical body does not matter. If you can ascend without dieing you can achieve many things, like imortality. Or you can ascend when you die. Either way this physical body is just temporary.
  20. So does anyone one know if lions or other animals can achieve liberation in there lifetime in a buddhist sence? If they cant is there anyway one could help them achieve it in there lifetime?
  21. I want to make a pledge to everyone here in my next life I will become a lion, If my theory is true I will have achieved what i want to achieve if my theory is wrong and lions or animals cant achieve liberation, enlightenment, nirvana or what ever you want to call it I will help them achieve it.
  22. You dont need to transcend nature you must become one with nature. That is my belief. In a future lifetime i want to become an animal specifically a lion. Does anyone know how one could achieve this? Thanks
  23. I have figured out my own belife, I believe animals are somewhat closer to nature than humans. So to be an animal Is one of the best things.