
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. So I was wondering are temples alowed to ordain monks in buddhism or is it just monasteries? And if one is a monk can they have other jobs to like being a cook?
  2. Dont know if this is in the right section but if it is not mods feel free to move it. But I was wondering what a Taoist view would be oin a furry? I know that a Buddhist would think it was an ego-trip.
  3. Well for some of us it is spiritual and I feel sort of like there is a lion inside of me, but also that I am a reincarnated lion.
  4. So I found an old yoga documentary and I wana know what you guys think of it.
  5. I am just wondering what your guyses views are of the furry fandom.
  6. What are your guyses views on it?
  7. Nonduality Remeber to hit the hd button.
  8. So I decided to check around and it turns out we have a yoga class in the town where I live. I just got done with my first class, it was nice I sweated more than I ever have doing taichi and qigong. So my question for you guys is if the instructer is not cerified to teach sould I continue to take classes from her? She just has been doing yoga for a while and kind of picked it up along the way.
  9. So last night aournd this time I was watching a how to video on yoga and something in me clicked. It felt like I got it all, that I truely understood that we are one. This feeling lasted for about 2 hours then it went away. Did I awaken to my buddhanature for a short period of time? What happened to me?
  10. Hi I am in need of some simple meditation about 5 should do they need to be non religious. What I am trying to do is get a group of people together to meditate who may have never meditated before and I need some meditations for this. I am going to be doing this in a school like setting called job corps thus the reason for the non-religious meditations. Thanks. PS here is the link for job corps if anyone is in trested in finding out more about it.
  11. Go/weiqi

    I play go I love the game. So like probably 10 years ago my dads friend went to japan with the boy scouts and he brought back some souveniers for us and one of them was a wierd game that i had never seen before, so we put in somewhere and did not think about it for a while then i was watching hikaru no go "japanese anime about go" and i thought about this game so i went to our basement amd found it and sure enough it was a travel version of go.
  12. An easy yoga for me?

    I am new to the world of yoga and was wondering if anyone had any tips out there for me on a good one to start out with?
  13. So first thing has anyone heard that steven seagal the actor is a tulku. This is a funny mad tv skit about the tv show kung fu. Now is where I would like your help. Right now I am trying to do some pyrokinesis and I have yet to actually light stuff on fire. My practice goes as follows. I imagine a fire in my stomache and when I breath in the fire gets bigger and when I breath out the fire goes through my body and to my hand after some time I imagine my hand as a hot coal. While doing this I say a mantra that sounds like EEEEEEEEEEE. I have been abile to warm my boddy up to the point where I was sweating, I have only done this for about 5 minutes at a time. So what do you guys think, any suggestions would be much aperciated. Thanks
  14. Thanks I will take your advice. As to where got this practice i just thought it up after watching some documentaries.
  15. Monastery

    Hi I posted here some time ago looking fr a taoist monastery in an english speaking place preferably the united states, I was wondering Does anyone know of any? Thanks for your help.
  16. Aliens?

    So I was wondering what the concencus on aliens was here, like do you guys think they exist? Has this video been posted here before? Also what are the eastern religions views on aliens?
  17. So it seems at least to me that people dont like the new age movement. I was wondering what is wrong with it and what are the thought on this board about it?
  18. How edumacated are you?

    I gets my edumacation and i aint not no dummy. So far i have yet to get my ged but am working on it.
  19. What is the Average Age of a Tao Bum

    I am 19 years old.
  20. How does hinduism and taoism relate?

    In my mind at least Hinduism shares some words with Buddhism, like dharma and karma. And Buddhism and Taoism are close so, Hinduism relates to Taoism.
  21. Joint Popping

    Here is what wikipedia says on the subject.
  22. That is a very interesting idea. I really like that idea. As for diagnosis this is more for an IEP Individualized Eduaction Plan there are these series of tests that they give you they are called the W.I.A.T. test. I am not sure but I think they give you a test related to the DSM I could be wrong on that one though.
  23. Well I have not worked with people with ASD or Apergers specificaly but I have been diagnosed with Aspergers. I will be glad to help in any way I can. Have you tried this place? I is a forum and comunity for people with ASD and Aspergers.
  24. Well in posting this question i was trying to find out what thet new age movement was all about mabye a better question would have been what is right about the new age movement? or just what is the new age movement all about? Thanks for all of your replies.