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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. My dog Candy had to be put to sleep please pray for him. Also I was wondering if someone could explain to me what buddhist and taoist thought on pets are, like will I be reunited with him in the after life?
  2. So I was wondering if we could try and make a family tree out of religions? Like try and trace it back to its source.
  3. Tracing religion back to its source?

    Well what i was trying to see with this topic is where the religions originated from and some of the similaritys but through some research i finally understand that all religions are the same. Thanks for helping.
  4. I was wondering if there a way to get ride of unwanted desires wether they be sexual or not right now i am deling with an unwanted sexual desire that i feel i should get ride of.
  5. So how many different branches of religious Taoism are there and what are the differences? I found this cool opening on youtube for a show called huntik. The white gargoyles is cute. he is in there around 43 seconds. Sorry for making so many threads in a day.
  6. sneek peak.
  7. Coin Sword - taoism and fungshui tool

    That is one cool sword. I have never even heard of this being used in fengshui. Wonders how the sword would do in a real sword fight? Just kiding.
  8. Yeah Gantz was a pretty graphic anime. Sure, thanks Mak Tin Si.
  9. Cool thanks for sharing. Yeah so Mak Tin Si i was wondering what your opinion on buddhism was?
  10. So I was wondering if we could discuse where Taoism ends and chinese folk religeon begins? Also where Taoism ends and buddhism begins? Like try to untangle it all.
  11. Where does Taoism end and begin?

    anyone else wana input ther opion?
  12. Fu-? help or superstition?

    I dont have much experience with talismans of any kind. I belive that we have all that we need inside ourselfs we just have to learn it like how to heal ourselfs, in my opion they are a way of invoking what is on the inside through an outside source. thus i voted for number 3.
  13. imortality?

    So is their any record of the oldest imortal? Are there any living today? That is the one thing about Taoism that always kind of struck me odd was that if people had reched imortality would they not be on the news.
  14. parlour tricks?

    So I am very interested in parlour tricks that you can do with chi. Do you think we could make a list of all the parlour tricks you can do with chi? Here is what i have so far. light light bulb start fire throw sewing needle/chopstick hamer nail into wood break beer bottle break wood/cement push fingers through pop can apple I am also wondering how one would train to do this parlour trick?
  15. So I was trying to break a glass bottle that root beer comes in right. well after like 15 hits it finaly broke and I cut my self. the next day I went to the doctors office and I had to get 1 stich. You wana know the ironic part there is a guy in town who teaches iron palm. Man do I feel stupid.
  16. parlour tricks?

    I found somemore stregthen dollar bill to break things and move things break coconut bend spoon
  17. Please pray for Ryan.

    My moms friends son Ryan died in a fire yesterday please pray for him.
  18. Sorry to double post but I was wondering what would a person need to do something like this? Also i have kind of changed my mind if we do do this i would also like to have a taoist priest along with the zen priest around.
  19. Please pray for Ryan.

    Thanks everyone Mak Tin Si Is there anything I can do for the family like is there something like a fu or something i could print off the internet to give to them to help them?
  20. Qigong Pyrokinesis Demo Real Or Fake

    If you turn the volume up you can hear a noise like that sounds like a lighter.
  21. I will edit this post if there is any way that this info can be used against my friend. But my friend owns some land out in South Dakota iin size it is about a square mile. I will talk to him about this. Now if there is any way this info can be used in a bad way against my friend please tell me. I dont want anything to happen to him. My only other thing about this is if we do do this I would like to work in some zen things like retreats into this.
  22. Funny Youtube clips!

    I have no idea what kind of qigong this guy is doing but i find it funny.
  23. Avatar: The last airbender

    I loved avatar. I cant wait for the live action movies.
  24. ron7786 got me thinking about the reigious vs philisophical Taoism so I was thinking we could discuss, where does religious Taoism exist the most and how many followers does it have? Vs philisophical Taoism, where does it exist the most and how many followers does it have? So lets discuss.
  25. So what exactly do you learn in level 1, level 2, and level 3? Sorry if this has already been posted if it has just post the link in the thread then feel free to lock it. Thanks