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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. Tummo?

    Is kundalini awakening process worth it?
  2. I was wondering if buying monks robes would offend people? Ihe robes I am looking to buy would be these but i wont buy them if they might offend people. Also I am going on a trip to the Great Vow Zen Monastery for a couple of days. I am leaving this sunday. Wish me a safe trip.
  3. Monks robes and wish me a safe trip.

    The robes and the trip are sperate I want the robes just to have.
  4. Does anyone know a place to get a cheaper version of these herbs?
  5. The cheaper version of these herbs?

    Well I am thinking of gettiong into herbology and i thought i should start some where but now i think i should start somewhere else besides this one herb place. thanks for your help.
  6. Become Taoist Priest?

    Spirit ape can you tell us where you were ordained?
  7. Medical Qigong books?

    Can anyone recomend any good medical qigong books? thanks.
  8. Learning Baguazhang

    I dont have the dvds all I have is the book and I find the book alittle hard to understand sometimes but all in all it is a good buy. I would first buy the book then the dvds if you are still interested.
  9. Emei Baguazhang?

    Has anyone tried the dvds of Emei Baguazhang? I have the book and I find it hard to follow. Do you think the dvds would be easier?
  10. anyone ever heard of this guy?

    Sorry to necro but I beleieve this warents one. Wan Qi aka Robert Kim is really iffy. In my opion I dont beleive him anymore.
  11. I just wanted to say thanks for being there everyone. You really helped out alot with my questions about martial arts/ qigong and dvds. I am glad that I am not alone when I think that you can learn at least some parts of martial arts and qigong from dvds. Now I have a totaly wacked question. I have been watching my favorite anime Yugioh and was thinking do you think it would be possible for someone to do a dark game with all the purple fog and such?
  12. Is it possible to do this learn baguazhang and qigong from dvds?
  13. mantak chia?

    I was wondering where should I start with him? What dvd should i buy first second third like that.
  14. It has ended.

    So has anyone watch Avatar the last airbender? What are your thought on the show?
  15. Should we help?

    Hi this is related to my other topic, anyone ever heard of this guy. He has started a forum and it seems like alot of the people on there dont know what they are talking about. I was wondering if some of the people here would be willing to sighn up and help the people on the forum. Here is the forum url
  16. Should we help?

    Could someone give me a question to ask to see if I could trip Mantra up? Cause I know it might be stupid of me but i still kind of beleive wan qi aka mantra aka yogameditation.
  17. mantak chia?

    Whats wrong with Mantak Chia?
  18. anyone ever heard of this guy?

    he just said you can die from meditation.
  19. anyone ever heard of this guy?

    How is that?
  20. anyone ever heard of this guy?

    he is actualy selling mantras. he sells one dvd for 7,000 dollars. to me that is the final straw.
  21. anyone ever heard of this guy?

    Can someone give me an example as to why they think this? I am on the fence as to wether believe nim or not.
  22. so my theory states that anything is possible you just have to work at it for a long time. levatation for example al you have to do is project chi down into the earth so you can push off it and you levitated. What do you guys think of my theory?
  23. anyone ever heard of this guy?

    funny funny But now I think I see him for who he really is.