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Everything posted by mewtwo

  1. taoist monastery north america help please

    any luck on finding any actual monasteries i looked over your list and found some helpful places but no actual monasteries
  2. I have a few questions for people 1 how do taoists pray? 2 are there any places in colorado that teach taoism? and finaly this is not so much of a question ass it is a statement, correct me if i am wrong but when a taoist dies there sould will be reincarmated untill they achieve the tao if the person has been bad there are sent to one of the hells. my question about this is when we are done with our reincarnations will we see our family members in the tao.
  3. learning taoism

    Hi I was wondering if anybody could give me the names and addresses of some good places to learn taoism in the united states.