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Everything posted by liminal_luke

  1. fusion confusion

    What do you guys think? When I practice fusion 1 (just collecting negative emotional organ energy in my paqua) I feel all sorts of nasty feelings and shake. Feels like the shaking is more a defense against feeling whatever is coming up for me than the actual feeling itself. For at least an hour or so of practice its very unpleasant and I often just get up and forget it. But if I stick through it eventually get to a very good place where I feel centered and very happy. Amazingly, my voice is then about an octave lower and a whole lot calmer than usual. This new voice lasts about 15 minutes or so. Feel like this is my "real" voice and Ive just somehow been walking around with a voice that isnt authentic but the product of a low but chronic level of anxiety that keeps it from coming into its normal post-fusion range. When I go to practice the next day the whole process starts over again. So heres my dilemma. Is it worth going through the hell of meditation to get to the sweet spot at the end? Will I slowly change if I keep going even though it seems the next day Im no better off than I was before? Will my voice ever get to where it is just permanently hanging out in a lower and calmer range? Anybody else gone through anything similar?
  2. fusion confusion

    Wow! Thanks for the feedback everyone. The suggestion of going onto Kan & Li really resonates with me. I've been to several of the Winn Kan and Li retreats but never got into a regular Kan & Li practice. The funny thing though is that Im finding that if I keep at fusion long enough Kan&Li just happens without my trying. I wont be doing anything particularly Kan&Li-ish but theres that steaming feeling just like I remember years ago from the retreat. Also like the suggestion of focusing on the positive. Thanks Jeremiah for bringing the whole if my patterns change its like death (well, from their point of view) concept up. Sounds right on.