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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Cure myopia naturally

    Please do! So far, the only people that I've heard of who have really improved their eyesight used some form of energetic therapy. - I briefly got one eye back to 20/20 for about 10 minutes using ThetaHealing (which I stopped using after due to some questionable controversy). - A friend told me about someone who cured his eyesight (I believe myopia) using Golden Shield qigong. - Vajrasattva's eyesight improved nearly back to 20/20 after his kundalini awakened. - Glenn Morris's eyesight was also instantly healed by Hatsumi. Well, I did also experience a marked improvement (several diopters) while doing some physical eye exercises for a week or 2 many years ago...but as soon as I returned to work (at a computer all day), I immediately lost all my gains, before they had gotten locked in. Thing is, I believe the eye's normal focal length is 20' (6 m). Which basically means that in its normal state, your eye can see anything 20' or farther away without changing its shape. So, if you can see something clearly at 20', you can see anything else clearly at 1000' or more too (infinity). But, if you want to see anything closer than 20' clearly, your eye has to change shape (lens or eyeball). And probably, the more frequently you look at stuff under 20' away, the more likely your eyeball will simply "permanently" elongate to adapt to that. Which most of us now do on a regular basis today in our modern world.
  2. PostSecret

    Here's a similar funny site: FML (Fvck My Life) What, you think your life sucks? Then read a few of these and feel sooo much better! Yes, it could always be worse..
  3. Good chemistry

    Wow, that's pretty cool! What's your regular cultivation practice like? Anything like drewhempel's? And also looks like your wife's opening up the relationship was a blessing in disguise!
  4. Is Master Chunyi Lin going bald?

    Yes, he is growing a fivehead. However, I wonder if he may have attained his highest levels at peak condition BEFORE he was married, probably having sex regularly, having kids, giving many healings and holding many seminars? IOW, he may have hit peak condition when he was single and simply living/training hard like a monk. Whereas NOW (at around age 50), he has a wife, family and a very busy business. That could be draining a lot of his energy. I dunno...just a guess here? Otherwise though, he does appear to have very good, smooth, clear skintone - a sign of good health.
  5. Semen Retention Dangers

    Here's a cautionary tale that may or may not be related to jing depletion. Elvis had tons of groupies and sex. He also had a horrific diet & a lifestyle of vice & excess. As a result, his health was apparently far worse than most fans even knew... But several of these symptoms - like bad eyes & grey hair - could easily be related to weak kidneys, in particular. The guy burned out at age 42, about half the normal lifespan. Meanwhile, some famous celibates include: Nikola Tesla Sir Isaac Newton Leonardo da Vinci George Frederic Handel
  6. Tofu?

    Basically from what I've read, the benefit of soy is a complete protein profile. The disadvantage though is several phytoestrogens and even "antinutrients." Now, some of these can get deactivated by processing like fermentation and to a lesser degree, precipitation. So, I try to limit my soy to small amounts of fermented soy products. And definitely stay away from raw soy (edamame), underprocessed soy (like in many commercial soy milks) and GMO soy.
  7. Good question. What is the color of the underlying emptiness within it all? Black, clear, what? I "saw" some "emptiness" today, and it seemed a grayish color...with maybe a very slight beige tone. But that made me ponder what the real color of emptiness is? What is the color of colorlessness?
  8. Actually, I think I've experienced the same thing. Previously, my lower gut was starting to bulge out a little. It has now seemingly receded after months of cultivation, stretching and "dantian breathing," which I think works out the lower core (kua)... And remember, simply sitting in some form of lotus is a static exercise that targets your core in order to maintain a straight spine. UTI - Great to hear of someone really dedicated to dilligent training! Keep up the good work and us updated on your progress!
  9. exercise for stronger erections?

    I think most herbs and supplements will generally just have a very short, temporary effect. For longer term results: - Open your kua with stretching - Strengthen your kidneys So, say you hold your right shin on top of your left knee with your left hand - and slap your (right) sole with your right hand? Or do I have the hands backwards? - Clean your blood vessels with fibrinolytic enzymes (an interesting side effect I inadvertantly stumbled upon earlier this year) - Preserve and cultivate your jing with meditation
  10. Johny Chang/Liping Lotus position?

    Well, the West capitalized and commercialized technological advancement with the business practice of intellectual property rights. I think that this, in addition to other factors, is what led to their accelerated scientific advancement in the last few centuries. However, prior to the last 3 centuries of civil war, foreign invasions and Opium Wars, etc. - China was the world leader in technological invention. Which it is now slowly regaining again today after centuries of social upheaval and turmoil. But if the West is so good at developing insights from asking questions - then why do guys like Niko have to go get it from the Chinese, whom he despises? Why hasn't the West already developed the same body of knowledge that he seeks, if their methods are so superior? Niko - If you think there's so many more secrets hidden in Chinese, then why don't you just learn Chinese? No Chinese are stopping you from doing that. Only thing stopping you here is YOU. So, quit whining and help yourself, princess. It's not THEIR fault you're illiterate in their language - it's YOURS. How's that for growing some balls and stop kissing laowai ass? I wouldn't want to make you sick with a pathetically humble or respectful attitude, now. Nor should any Chinese masters either by treating you with any pathetic humility or respect. Its better to die standing then to live on your knees and it works both ways, right? Yes there is always more helpful info...but I also think most of the actual practices are basically pretty simple. The hard part is doing them and doing them a lot. And reading more and more books about them isn't going to compare to actually just doing them, even if you lack some of the theory. There's gotta be a balance there.
  11. The wu-chi diagram

    Taoism to me means following the rules of Nature. When you abide by such rules, you will reap the rewards of that. Many of the same people who don't dare break the (arbitrary) rules of Man, will flagrantly violate the (real) rules of Nature by which life and the universe actually operate on. Most people see a red light and stop. They pay their taxes on time. Etc. Yet they may have no problem scarfing down food products loaded with trans fatty acids that will clog their blood vessels. Not to speak of far more esoteric natural causes & effects. The laws of Nature are largely unwritten and unseen to the casual eye...but no less important. So, Taoists have devised a science out of detecting these rules (many exceedingly subtle) and learned how to live accordingly to them - to fully maximize their personal potentials and opportunities in life.
  12. Interesting, what made you think ZZ caused that? I thought it was great for energy accumulation and clearing channels in general?
  13. I think you can ask Kathy Li - I believe she also mentioned the same thing in her workshop. Capital - agreed. The key here is to open your kua...not strain your knees.
  14. Johny Chang/Liping Lotus position?

    Uh, laowai is not a racist insult. "Lao" in Chinese culture actually implies venerable respect - as in laozi."Wai" simply means foreigner. And with a population of 13,000,000...70,000 is still only .5%. BTW, I've hung out with numerous laowai while in Beijing. Never once did I see a local run out and shout "laowai" at them. Only time I ever see that is from poor street hawkers trying to push their wares on tourists. But otherwise, you're really just not that big a deal there anymore, due to growing exposure. Kinda a big deal - yes. Point & gasp big deal - no. So, please don't flatter yourself. And if that's your idea of "brutal" racism, then you should try being a Chinese man in America. Where you can get victimized by both real racial slurs & hate crimes in addition to race-based affirmative action for "minorities"...but that excludes Asians. Trust me, you'd much rather be a laowai in China than a "Chinaman" here.
  15. Biff - Thanks. Yea, I'm not going to try to practice that or even real MoPai right now. For some reason it just hasn't resonated with me yet. However I do find some of its instructions and "dogma" interesting, informative and possibly applicable in parts nonetheless. Well, I've heard it rumored that real MoPai can cause heart problems too. Which makes me wonder why exactly, if true? Is this due to errors by the practitioners...or is there an error or inherent risk in the system itself?
  16. Healing a wart

    Well, are you guys sure these were truly (viral) warts...or possibly just toxins detoxing through the skin? Especially since they seem to coincide with bad diets and go away with good ones?
  17. Jeff Primack

    Which of his "forms" creates blockages, and which ones are good for general energy cultivation? Because I've done or been shown a few sequences by an instructor. One I think was his Level 1 form - basically standing "embracing the tree" with some various and added hand positions, while slightly opening and closing with the breaths. Most of the instructions seemed based upon pretty textbook qigong theory - so nothing seemed like it would be harmful or blockage-inducing? Another was his 9-Breath Method. This was more like a "hyperventilating" fiery yogic breath that I didn't really personally attempt.
  18. Jeff Primack

    Interesting...what do avocado pits do? JohnnyLee - Why, what happened?
  19. Wow, what's "wrong" (or not so great) about zhan zhuang?
  20. Johny Chang/Liping Lotus position?

    Why won't Westerners learn Chinese? I mean, is it really Chinese's responsibility to spoonfeed Westerners in English here...or Westerners' responsibility to learn Chinese? Chinese come to the West and learn English. They don't expect the locals to learn Chinese. And neither do the locals - they fully expect/demand immigrants learn English. But some Westerners go to China and expect Chinese to learn English to accommodate them? Lol...arrogant much? Seriously though, I do agree that more English translations would be AWESOME! Realistically though, I know it's a very labor-intensive process - and pricey if you do it professionally. Not to mention that esoteric texts will require translators familiar with such subject matter. End result being that these translations are unfortunately not gonna just happen overnight...
  21. Excess sexual energy--tao approach?

    Yes, I've heard that when your jing is full, you will no longer think about sex.Although I've also heard that when your jing is depleted, your sexual function may suffer. Which sounds somewhat at odds, but I guess could both be true: Your jing could be full, with you no longer thinking about sex...yet you still be fully virile and potent (should the desire arise). Meanwhile, with depleted jing, you could have strong desire...yet lack the performance to back it up. But, the "problem" with this viewpoint is that people could have any combination of high/low sexual desire and high/low sexual ability (like Will@Peace having both strong sexual desire and ability). So, guess I don't really quite know here... As far as your girlfriend dilemna - why not keep her as a (platonic) spiritual friend and then find another girl mainly for sex? I mean, ideally maybe one day you could find everything in the same package...but until then...?