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Everything posted by gendao

  1. ^ Wow, that's hardcore. But personally, I wouldn't sit in full-lotus for an hour until you can at least sit comfortably in half lotus for an hour. Remember, don't force progress - or it will only backfire. Just do what you're ready to do. I've been sitting in half lotus for 4 months now and have not even attempted full-lotus yet. Why? Because I can't sit very comfortably in half lotus for the full hour yet. But when I can do that, then I will start trying full-lotus.
  2. What is so "special" about full lotus?

    Good question. I don't know the full answer, but I think one thing it does is biomechanically and bioenergetically open the lower deep core. This is a big physical and energetic junction, so is particularly important in neidan. Which also makes it great cross training for any other basic qigong postures. Most of which require an open kua, "tucked" pelvis and straight spine. So, if you can do lotus, anything else is generally cake. Energetically, I believe it's also used primarily for alchemy since it collects energy in the dantian while impeding qi flow down through the legs. Which then makes the path of lesser resistance up the du mai (MCO) or chong mai (kundalini).
  3. The white drop of bliss

    Awesome, please share your meditation then. Taoist Yoga talks about merging with the golden light, or macrocosmic alchemical agent - I believe also called the jin dan (golden elixir). (Or at least that's my fuzzy interpretation of it so far..) But, you should not have stopped!
  4. Enlightenment, Self and the Brain

    Very fascinating research. Expecially part about an hour in when he talks about the right amygdala getting so loaded up with energy (felt as anxiety, fear, terror & sadness) until it has no where else to go but shoot across the anterior commisure to the left amygdala (felt as bliss, insight, intuition, silent thinking, light & "God")... Sounds like AugustLeo had experienced some of this in his experience..
  5. What is the point

    Good question for AugustLeo. After the Big Realization after decades of what? How is your life, your health, your "experience" now? Do you feel fulfilled? Is there anything else "you" still seek? Was it all it was cracked up to be? Would you have done anything differently?
  6. Yin or yang... never both.

  7. Shaking Practice in Bali

    I stand corrected, you're right. I freeze-framed the vid, and did see that the orbs did follow the contours of the back wall of the room. Moving light elongates onto right side of alcove: Moving light distorts over contour at top of painting frame (to right of alcove): Whereas if they were free-floating in the air, they would not have. So, these "orbs" were actually lights reflected onto the wall. Good catch!
  8. Why do you believe in qi?

    Sure, just out of curiosity, let's hear it?
  9. Shaking Practice in Bali

    Agreed. I have seen the photographic glare off air moisture that TI mentions... But, Ratu's orbs (and other shapes) have been filmed in well-lit indoor rooms and zip around in curving trajectories. So, I don't think the ""flash off droplets" excuse may easily suffice here. 1PuMWycAv-I That said, I agree with Scotty that the overhypes their significance. I don't think they're that big a deal and nor do I think the shaking practice alone will get you all the way to enlightenment & immortality. I think it's just a first step on a long path that gets increasingly still, silent & sobering... Taijiwuxigong is a kick-ass site, btw! I really like this guy's theory & curriculum. It sounds like he experientally understands these ancient instructions, and so is able to reinterpret and represent them clearly in a more modernized context.
  10. Draft; how bad is it?

    Yea weird, I sleep much better leaving the window cracked to let fresh air in, especially in the morning. To me, it seems much more helpful than harmful.. But if you're chilled, maybe you just need more blankets or to turn the heat up? Yea, I know that may waste a bit of energy, but the small cost is worth it to me.
  11. Laughing at suffering

    Don't forget about ground beef (most likely a mad cow from the UK)...
  12. Laughing at suffering

    Ha np buddy! Wasn't offended even if you did - but just wanted to clarify my opinion here.
  13. Laughing at suffering

    I don't find the live fried fish funny, nor is it something that I would personally do. Nor was I trying to justify it. However, the point does remain that humans ARE animals and Nature CAN be very "cruel." Most predators maim or kill its prey just enough so that it won't get away before they can consume it. Not out of any "compassion." And here's an even more ruthless example. IOW, this wasp has evolved to oviposit its eggs into this caterpillar, which then hatch and eat their way out (obviously, killing their host). Now if this is not cruel, then I don't know what is. Yet, this is the very survival strategy this species exclusively uses (not a random choice by "rogue" wasps).
  14. The ancients were really onto something with that marrow-washing. Infected or dry-rotted marrow can be responsible for a lot of chronic or serious diseases, often experienced in older age. Who woulda thunk? Just check out the photos in here!
  15. Laughing at suffering

    I believe that is Cantonese they are speaking. Well, Northern Chinese often "look down" on Cantonese because they consider them shady, low-class, country bumpkins. I've been to China 4X and never seen this though, so at least it's probably rather rare... But, Nature is cruel too. All animals also eat their kill live out in the wild. 538hUpRV7k0
  16. Do any Bums stare at Goats?

    Damn, a neatly simplified hormonal view of neidan. You really need to post more, dude. What systems do you study, btw? Thanks!
  17. Do any Bums stare at Goats?

    Haha, I like this! Can someone summarize the properties of each hormone here, though? What stimulates their production, and what behaviors they induce?
  18. During zhan zhuang today, I had another possible thought of how to locate the dantian. If you feel where the tops of your hip bones are at your sides...this may be the same height as your dantian (a little over an inch below your navel).
  19. In your Experience...

    Awesome find, Drew! Duh, kidneys are connected to the ears, just like the liver is connected to the eyes. However, this article is not clear if ringing in the ears signifies kidney meridian blockages...or opening?
  20. Spring Forrest is Awesome!

    Well dang, so who was Yan Xin's teacher??? Cool, this basically confirms what the "Awareness Watching Itself" site posits..
  21. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    So, standing after sitting, eh? What about any moving qigong? After standing? The general continuum moving from compact and still to expanded and moving?
  22. In your Experience...

    Interesting, I've noticed this "problem" lately...but hadn't heard this explanation given before. I hope it's this and not a real problem. Are there any other sources that also say this?