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Everything posted by gendao

  1. amatuer, amatuer psychic in need of meditation

    Your abilities (open yin eye, auric readings, OBEs, precog, etc) are hardly amateur, lol. I have yet to experience any of those myself, except for barely being able to see auras... So, lucky you! It's interesting how some people are just born with psychic abilities - as it appears to often run in families (is there a gene for this, or energy body inheritance?), or may come from astrological influences. Anyhow, it sounds like some of your 3rd eyes are open, and so have a lot of activity in your head. You may want to work on opening your other 2 main "dan tians," then. Ultimately, you want everything open. I am currently doing a spontaneous qigong and "Quanzhen" sitting meditation. Any type of meditation will take a lot of discipline to do for extended periods daily, and I think your ability for "relaxed focus" develops from such repetitive practice.
  2. EDIT

    WTF? There are some HARDCORE mofos in here! Please report on some of your results, thus far! I just hit day 38, with only 2 hrs/day and plenty of food! Did you at least drink juices? Or are we talking strictly only air & water?
  3. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    Interesting, so is this "pain" and "uncooperative energy" from blockages being released and detoxing? And if so, does it decrease over time as the energy body clears more? Thanks, I would definitely check out a class if I were in LA! But let me know if you guys ever make it out to TX. Craig, how would you compare and contrast the Kunlun & SSTT energy and experience?
  4. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    I'm just curious, what sort of physical and metaphysical suffering are we talking about? Taking lots of painful, but empowered hits? Holding grueling training stances or forms for hours? Detoxing? Is the suffering during the training itself, or after-effects from the training? Also, is there any similarity with "traditional" (like Quanzhen) Taoist alchemical methods, often involving a lot of seated meditation to open the various orbits and channels?
  5. Inside vs Outside Qigong Practice

    I wouldn't rely too much on that factor... Generally, the higher you go, and away from vegetation, the less bugs there are. Even just 100' of elevation could make a huge difference. That is probably one reason why ancient Taoists chose mountain caves for meditation. What about meditating on a 2nd (or higher) story, though? Does that diminish your rooting and connection to the yin Earth?
  6. Very successful healing with Jim Nance

    Cool, did you purchase a private session, and if so how and how much was it? The group sessions appear to be $118 for a series...
  7. Meditation

    Yea, I'm a big believer in formal instruction - to get you off on the right foot, or to help you jump up to the next level. If you've already practiced some on your own and still feel frustrated, now might be a good time to take a workshop. Spend some money...but save a hella lottttaaaa time! Looking back now, there is no way in HELL I woulda got as far as I am now without all the workshops I took over the past 1.5 years. I had a lot of openings, awakenings, connecting, learned techniques, detoxing, cleared blockages, etc etc...that I otherwise wouldn't have figured out and gotten merely on my own. Just no way.
  8. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    Thank you for the thoughtful & informative reply, as usual, Dr. Hata. I'm not really sure what the alleged story between Max & Andrew Lum is, but I assume they had some falling out, although Max still respects him as one of his longtime teachers. Well, at least that's my impression, accurate or not... Just curious though, what are the higher level goals or "endgame" of Lum Dai Yun? Is the "Gold Dragon Body" jalus anywhere in there, or are there different attainments?
  9. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    Is there anywhere online where we can find this article? I didn't see a functional link on their website? Or could someone possibly scan it in? You don't exactly find MMA Hawaii in most magazine stands on the mainland, lol...

    Great post! This sounds like it covers all the bases pretty well here. I had a few minor experiences with sick qi in my seminar with you...that I will share in my review, when I get to it.
  11. Not every case is a "healing crisis" for spiritual growth, per se... In fact, probably only a few are. Where, healing won't really work because that illness is being used by the Higher Self to effect a change in that person. Anyhow, I don't think healing will really HARM anyone's destiny if so, it just probably won't work (or only provide a temporary fix) if the person is meant to suffer through that health problem on their own. Although, I guess it would also be a waste of energy in that case, so it's still better to check.
  12. Kunlun follow up poll

    But what did he misrepresent? He never said that Kunlun makes you suicidal. <-- Noobs read this! There was just some discussion about a suicidal person who started inquiring about Kunlun. And another whose parents were looking for a scapegoat ("rightly" so or not, is not known). And no, this thread is not over until Godwin's Law kicks in!
  13. Kunlun follow up poll

    Sounds like student 1 was not caused by or even really "associated" with Kunlun, much less Max. She was obviously already near the end of her rope when she grasped for a few last straws... The 2nd case is just lacking too much info to draw any conclusion. I certainly wouldn't automatically assume Kunlun or Max to be at fault here though - if anything, the parents have a motive to find a scapegoat rather than hold their own child accountable for it. BTW, thank you for sharing your personal experiences. I don't see what's wrong with that, since they are largely your own and not others'.
  14. Kunlun follow up poll

    -O- specifically didn't state that Kunlun caused the suicide though, but was just "associated." So, I interpreted that as being a far cry from blaming Max for it. Lots of things can be "associated" with a suicide. Job stress or getting rejected for a date can be associated with suicide. Or emotional detoxing. Doesn't mean any of those were really "at fault," though. I think ultimately everyone must take responsibility for that type of life decision. That said, El Collie committed suicide due to the pain from her spontaneous kundalini awakening. So, heavy detoxing and spiritual growing pains could push some people to their edges. Although most would stick it through that...and come out transformed for the better. Of course, a tiny few (probably already on their brink) might not have the strength to push past. No activity, from driving to giving birth, is 100% risk-free. But I think suicide has more to do with the individual person and their situation than the practice, though. Well, I hope whoever did it can find peace.
  15. Kunlun follow up poll

    *Deep bow* to Max for such selfless service and often "casting pearls to swine." *Bow* to Chris for facilitating his teachings to the world. Thank you -O- for your sobering and open input. Prayers and blessings to all those who need it. Rain - I'm just curious, how did you determine that your energy level has changed from 100% to 20% now? -O- - Can you tell us more about this "associated" suicide?
  16. Damn, how many days straight did he do this for?
  17. Wu Wei

  18. Wow, really impressed at all the incredible seers in here! Holy shat you were basically cultivating 9-13.5 hrs per day? For around a decade or more? And still found time to WORK on top of that??? How did you do it, seriously? Right now, I'm habitually meditating 2 hr/day and still working a full-time job. This is surprisingly somewhat doable, yet also has me pressed for time at times. And I thought this was relatively hardcore, but damn that is NOTHING compared to 13.5 hrs/day! I mean, HOLY SHAT, BATMAN!!!! You got some major discipline, dude! Were you living in a monastery or retreat center, or just a regular pad? And what kind of work were you doing? I'm just curious about what kind of lifestyle can support this rigorous training regimen?
  19. Lol, watch out for that pothead paranoia.. Look, I don't know if WLP is all he's hyped up to be, but he definitely has some real ability at the least. One student I met said when she first met him, he instantly told her everything that she had done from way back in her youth... And was entirely accurate. Now, such an instant personal cold read reveals a deep perception and would be very hard to fake. So, I wouldn't dismiss him as just some "Commy stooge." In fact, he didn't exactly paint a glowing portrait of all the years of Commy turmoil in his book. At the very least (from what I can tell), he's a very generous, compassionate guy with at least several of his 3rd eyes open. And is very likely much, much more than that, too. Normally, I wouldn't advise against your unorthodox approach. Who knows, sometimes unconventional manners can generate a positive response. But seeing as how WLP is just reaching out to the West for the "first" time right now, I don't think it may be so wise to make a bad impression on him and possibly spoil it for you and the rest of us at this juncture. I would advise to keep your skepticism to yourself for now, but remain open to the possibility he is legit and then judge him for yourself accordingly. Just let your mind be made from the facts and anecdotal evidence. BTW, his book is just based on his actual bio - so I'm not sure how literally I would take all the training in it. Certainly, much of his publically-taught, actual methods are simply meditative.
  20. Jeff Primack

    Actually, what would be cool would be a 3D computer model of the human energy body showing the circulation of energy sequentially through all the acupoints, meridians, channels, orbits, etc. And other energetic structures, like dantians, chakras, etc. And where did Wim Hof learn his Tummo techniques, btw?
  21. Dealing with Your Demons

    I have a friend who is recovering from some (supposed) astral entity attacks. But she had a lot of pre-existing fear issues, and had "drawn" attacks upon herself throughout her life (in the physical plane as well). So, I don't think everyone is prone to these - but particularly moreso those with deep, underlying fear issues. That is really what you need to resolve, then - the root cause of your fear. Everything else is likely just symptomatic of that. Most people will get through their spiritual crises, if they stick through it. And I'm not sure there is a shortcut to this. Everything has risk though. No risk, no gain.