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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Kunlun follow up poll

    Well, I would hate to just throw the baby out with the bathwater, here... I think perhaps Kunlun could just be presented with a little more warning for potentially powerful detoxing - that could cause health issues & tapas. That can really push people to their panicked brink. So ideally, people should know some good energetic healers and have a good base of qi to help maintain their health through this purification period. Which appears to be similar to kundalini awakening syndrome. I was fortunate in that I had studied some ThetaHealing on my own, and knew some powerful energetic healers when I went through this. However, someone with no tools could certainly feel scared and abandoned. Especially if they were not mentally-prepared for this and caught off-guard. Whereas simply knowing what to expect as part of the process can help calm one down immensely. I do think there's a pay-off if you really stick it all the way through. But, there could definitely be some dark days in between - and a far cry from just all bliss...that many people may certainly not be expecting upfront.
  2. Mysterious gate; primal essence

    Interesting, thanks.. So, what actual results have you attained from this so far? Have you opened your micro & macrocosmic orbits and Kundalini/chong mai? What types of experiences or confirmatory signs have you had? Etc, etc?
  3. Celestial Nei Kung Level I

    Cool, is this the fabled Diamond/Rainbow/Gold Dragon Body? Or something similar? And have any of the modern Celestial Nei Kung masters attained this?
  4. Reptilians?!

    This sounds like some more convincing, firsthand, non-trance testimony:
  5. My Alchemy

    So, what is your alternative, effective method for opening the mysterious gate and cultivating the primal essence?
  6. Golden Dragon - Kunlun or other arts?

    What are they becoming?
  7. The Chicken or the Egg?

    Lol, interesting...but nonetheless irrelevant. It doesn't really matter if the adult organism in question is any other type of bird, or even a reptile... In fact, you could just as easily ask which came first - the pre-pubescent girl or the post-pubescent girl, right? One is hairless and flat as a board, and the other got some bumps and tufts...
  8. The Chicken or the Egg?

    Uh, an egg and a chicken are just 2 phases of the same thing. Therefore, the same thing cannot come before or after itself.. At the same time this organism evolved more complex features ("adult chicken"), it also evolved a more sophisticated and complex sexual reproduction strategy that involved genetic recombination and an external incubation unit (egg). But at first, there was probably a time when this organism was a far simpler blob of cells that did not resemble a grown chicken whatsoever nor use eggs in reproduction.
  9. The Chicken or the Egg?

    They both evolved simultaneously. This is like asking, "Which came first...the embryo/fetus/baby or the adult (human)?" Next?
  10. Just saying HELLO!

  11. Life Force

  12. My Alchemy

  13. Meditation is boring and futile

    What exactly is that and how does it differ from Max's Kunlun?
  14. Forbidden Rice

    Very cool! But where do you buy this stuff?
  15. Meditation is boring and futile

    When I was in my mid-20s, I tried some standing meditative "qigong," but could not tame my 1000 monkeys and quiet my mind. Period. So, I gave it up (for the time being). In my late 20s, I tried some Falun Gong, and did (mostly) sitting meditation. I did better and could sit for a while, but it seemed more a physical exercise in endurance and perseverance than any metaphysical state with any tangible benefits. In my early 30s, I tried some generic sitting meditation again. Just 10 minutes was very difficult at first (mainly just to quiet my mind that long), as was trying to physically hold a straight spine. But, I eventually worked up to about 20 minutes regularly... In my mid-30s, I took a number of workshops and got more serious. 30 or 45 minute sessions were now doable. And recently, I've been meditating for 2 hrs/day (w/1 halftime break) for the past few days. Now, 20 minutes is nothing anymore. But, the "trick" is entering deeper and more timeless states... These states make it more pleasant, relaxing and allows the time to pass faster. Whereas if you just stay in your conscious "beta" mind, you will lose patience RAPIDLY and get excruciatingly bored FAST. The bottomline is, unless it's relaxing and fun, or at least not an intolerable drag, you're probably not going to be able to do it for any long stretches. Kinda true for any leisure activity... Anyhow, give yourself time, LOTS of time to make iterative progress. You can see from my own example that it took me nearly 10 years of trying it on & off to get to where meditation could become even somewhat enjoyable and doable for longer periods. Also, I think it helps when you're simply older and presumably less prone to ADD.
  16. The purpose of Full Lotus?

    Oh I agree, the less flexible the kua is, the more pressure gets put on the knees... But unfortunately, my kua does not open fully overnight, lol. And until it does, I think I will have pressure on my knees whether my feet are up on my thighs or hips.
  17. The purpose of Full Lotus?

    Really, why not? I am stuck in half-lotus with foot on thigh right now, as an intermediate step, until I can go into a full, full-lotus later...
  18. Vegetarian diet and body building / hard training

    Max is not vegetarian.Also, Shaolin Buddhist monks were allowed to eat meat and drink alcohol by the Emperor (not saying they all did). I was doing pretty well on a primarily-vegan diet by using beans as a protein source. However, I decided I was going to try transitioning to sprouts, which are supposedly an even better superfood, but haven't done so yet and so have been eating sardines in the meantime, lol.. Carl Lewis is probably the most famous high-performance, vegan athlete.
  19. Qing Gong

    Hard-style training is probably not going to develop any real qing gong. You have to do qigong and cut your root to the Earth.
  20. Bruce Lee?

    ^ Well, if I had to put money on it in a match between Bruce & Hata, my money's going on the guy with the nuclear hand strikes! It's kinda like rock beats scissors, even if it's Edward Scissorhands himself! And I'm a huge Bruce fanboi, but you have to admit that Hata/SSTT > Bruce/JKD. It's just on a whole 'nother level... Ohh, my bad! Thanks for the correction, I had no idea that ssttinstitute = the actual Sifu Hata! DEEP BOW DEEP BOW DEEP BOW! What an even greater honor to chat with him, then! So insanely humble for a great master - that he fooled me as one of his own disciples! Yea, seriously love your art, man! And would feel blessed to have a chance to learn some of it some day!
  21. Bruce Lee?

    DEEP BOW to you! My comment there was merely trivia...but your useful knowledge and abilities here far exceed mine! But you really have some Asian heritage? I would not have guessed! ccN6pZumFOQ Anyhow, suffice it to say that SSTT is clearly far superior to JKD, so I'm sure it transcends a lot of the whole "cat and mouse" game antics. If I was in LA, I'd definitely be signed up for your class!!! In fact, I'd love to get Sifu Hata to Texas for a seminar, somehow, now that I think of it... What do you think would be the miminum attendance or cost we'd have to cover?
  22. Bruce Lee?

  23. Possession!

    Why is it more common in 3rd world countries and amongst Native Americans? I was surprised that the "possessions" in the first video were induced by healers. Didn't know you could do that, lol. They looked almost slightly silly in the first vid. I'm skeptical about the 2nd vid because it seemed over-the-top, especially with the bloody mouth at the end. And the camera work seemed a little too well set-up, too. Anyhow, I have seen a real possession before firsthand in a qigong clinic. This woman walked in like a zombie and sat down in the waiting room. Then...she abruptly stood up, dropped trou and start pissing in a golden arc about 3 feet straight out onto the floor, standing. Everybody's jaws just dropped as they watched this spectacle, and we gradually moved outside. She supposedly acted like a dog inside and the doctor said she was possessed by a White man who wanted to take money from her, because "Chinese people had money." Later, she laid out on the grass outside and her brother loaded her into the bed of his pickup... At the time, it was one of the creepiest things I ever saw. But there are some feng shui and energetic guidelines to follow to prevent these things. This lady had apparently broken several of them and so put herself at risk for attack.
  24. Interview with George Xu (Xu Guoming)

    Actually, I really loved his theory and demos here!!! M2mGK_ETAPY