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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Wow, very cool, SA! Sounds very interesting... I'd love to learn more about it...sounds like the Taoist underpinning of liuhebafa: So, I'm guessing your teacher is Cornelius "Connie" Coelho? And just curious - is this related to Feng Zhiqiang's Hun Yuan Taijiquan and what is the "hunyuan spiral pulse?"
  2. Very interesting, I will add that to my to-read list. Actually, I've been wanting to study archetypes just recently - and Jung & Joseph Campbell would be good resources for that. Also interestingly, Campbell was influenced a lot by Jiddu Krishnamurti, who also heavily-influenced...Bruce Lee. And of course, many great dramatic works today also incorporate Campbellian mythology within their storylines. So, this whole archetypical level seems to really resonate people. Thanks for all the great research!
  3. How to commit suicide?

    Max & Wang Liping have both experienced death and came back. However, that was a natural part of their training, more or less, and they had developed the ability to come back by that point. And neither of them did it intentionally through self-harm. So I think it's possible for a highly qualified adept to do so, but kids please don't try this at home!
  4. Great Book (Correction)

    Thanks, although that previous link was pretty damn awesome too! It was concisely packed full of clarifying info not typically found in more wordy, but general Western books. So, keep 'em all comin' please!
  5. Wang Liping Seminar Complaints

    Well, we only got "forced" (by ourselves) to set the record straight in response to some rather overzealously negative, 2nd-hand reviews, lol. Yes, the omission of some exercises was admittedly a fair criticism. But in the overall scheme of things, I don't think it was that big a deal for most of the students given our average n00by level, the very economical pricing and limited time. And the fact this was a first trial run and Kathy and her husband are working professionals - not professional workshop-holders. I also think this problem can be easily corrected in the future with a disclaimer that material will ultimately only be presented according to the collective level of the students (as ascertained by Master Wang). Or he can verify the contents beforehand. Live & learn. And I don't think anyone has any obligation to post reviews - although I certainly agree they are very helpful and it would be nice if more did! But if you have a gripe with any previous attendees not posting anything, that certainly isn't Kathy Li's problem. Although, I'm not sure how many TaoBums have even attended recent seminars?
  6. Nei Gong: Taoist Process of Internal Change

    Sounds interesting. I also notice some *drumroll* spontaneous qigong in there too... I wonder what the name and which exact part of their system this is? Not to mention some orthodox Taoist sources:
  7. What is Shi Ne? Spirit Ape - Holy shat! Good combo, but what system are you following? And what kinda results have you gotten?
  8. Ya, quantum physics subsumes relativistic physics which subsumes Newtonian physics... However, we are still primarily subject to the general laws of Newtonian physics in our ordinary lives on our level of physical interaction.
  9. Jeff Primack

    I heard his live seminars are extremely cheap...although they are packed & "stadium seating."
  10. Ditto please on the instructions, Silicon... And here are some of the preparatory poses: Ardha Matsyendrasana Baddha Konasana Janu Sirsasana Virasana
  11. Dr. Baolin Wu / White Cloud Monastery

    Cool, how exactly do you do that?
  12. Lee Ching-Yuen

    I'm guessing qigong and lifestyle had more to do with it than those herbs. Anyhow, I do notice that "spritual health nut" type people do age noticeably slower than your average McAmericans. And the gap gets increasingly wider the older they all get...
  13. Reptilians?!

    Interestingly, I met a female "seer" from NY last weekend who said she had seen a green entity sticking a spiky finger (or claw?) into someone at a bar or club. She didn't dare to look up at this entity's head - but I suspect she saw a reptilian looshing off some patron... So, she doesn't go out to clubs or bars anymore, now.
  14. Very cool, thanks! Is there a pic of Jung's castle anywhere on the net? I'd like to compare... Santi - Thanks for the tip, teach! Yes, great idea!
  15. I'm sold, Indianapolis here I come! I could use some of that eyesight healing too!
  16. Practices for heart problem

    Ok thanks, getting a better picture now... Except I don't see how you can hold your hands both PALM-DOWN, while also keeping your thumbs, index & ring fingers nearly touching? Or are your palms actually slightly angled and "holding a ball?" Otherwise, I don't see how else you could keep all those fingertips nearly touching? Sorry for all the questions - but my friend just had some heart trouble so this could possibly help them.
  17. Practices for heart problem

    So, hold your arms out in front like a zombie...and then do you slowly wave your hands up and down like qishi in Taijiquan...or wiggle each finger separately? Or do you rotate your palms to face back at yourself in a classic zhan zhuang posture? And then wave your fingers in sync together? And then you circulate qi from left hand to right through chest and back through left hand...etc?
  18. The collected works of Blissmusic

    Relaxation and letting go never worked that well for me. As they never really stopped the movie, just tried to take your attention away from it. But one little trick I recently found is to keep your mind focused on the point in time RIGHT BEFORE a thought spontaneously arises... This is a clever command line to keep your mind "stuck" in wuji mode.
  19. Wang Liping Seminar Complaints

    Most hotels alone will cost you $35-$120 per night. Which would be $140-$480 for 4 nights. Now, compare that to $340 for hotel AND tuition. BTW, I have no idea why the hotel was so damn cheap, even some other locals were surprised at it. Let's hear it, dude! Trust me, after all the things I've seen & experienced over the last 2 years, I WILL believe you!
  20. Yea, I'm coming to the same conclusion that QI in particular is what builds and promotes good physical health. Not shen, not jing, not herbs...but most purely and directly QI. That seems to be what "metabolic" form of energy our bodies thrive off of.
  21. Alcohol

    The funny thing is that beer is marketed as a very "manly" drink. Yet, hops are potent phytoestrogens (although amounts in beer are negligible) and alcohol itself is estrogenic from lowering the liver's ability to metabolize estrogen due to ethanol toxicity. So, higher estrogen could have some mixed results for women, but probably not much good for men at all.
  22. the hidden meaning of relationships

    I agree. Relationships are also about reconnecting with other parts of Ourself, no? Although, life is an inkblot test, so everyone sees something different in the same thing. Subjective meanings are all in the eye of the beholder...
  23. Wang Li Ping Seminar Talk

    We learned some sitting, standing & moving meditations basically for collecting and balancing qi. And maybe I'm imagining things, but I feel as if my health has already improved from it. So, my preliminary speculation right now is that there may be a sort of "3 element" cycle between jing, qi & shen. Where, working with shen creates spiritual openings and awakenings. But may use up qi and thus decrease health. Working with qi builds physical health. But this may also drain jing. Not really sure what jing does...aside from probably sex. Anyhow, I think plain qigong is important for building up a good reservoir of qi and physical health to help fuel higher alchemy. It may even be that we want to create a pyramid of jing, qi & shen. I think it's easy to snub qigong as a "lower practice," but I'm seeing how it may actually be an important foundation to "higher" neigong. Or, I could be totally wrong about all this. What the bleep do I know? PS - 7 star is a group meditation - you cannot do it alone.
  24. Wang Liping Seminar Complaints

    Lol, some posters doth project too much, methinks? When people exhibit an overemotional response to an issue, they are typically really reacting to that same issue within themselves. I think such people here have either had repeated bad experiences with masters before or have been guilty of some of the things they protest against. Ultimately, this is NOT about WLP or this seminar (which they didn't even attend) for these folks, but personal issues. Which is fine, but let's just call it for what it is. That said, I don't think WLP even got any of the relatively meager tuition costs - and was actually incredibly gracious to hold a webinar with us all the way from Russia, at the time. To be honest, this guy has numerous wealthy millionaires throwing money at him for face time (not that he cares), so for him to take time out of his busy schedule to humor us n00bs is really a non-profit-driven and caring act. Yea, it was a BIG F'N DEAL! And I mean that with 100% sincerity. Please do not baselessly project crass cynicism on it. Everyone who actually ATTENDED the seminar was overjoyed at the amazing opportunity to get to converse with him personally. And that is a straight FACT. As I said, the seminar was a first trial run and not 100% perfect, but it was all done with a lot of good heart and in good faith. The omission of some advertised teachings is a fair critique, but to let that overshadow all that was provided and dismiss it as just another "money-making scheme" is PATENTLY ABSURD. This is an authentic Taoist lineage that can actually lead you all the way back to the Dao and only a fool laughs at the Dao when he hears it. And if he didn't laugh, it wouldn't be the Dao. No offense to anyone and I'm not trying to get all sectarian up in hurr. But, I feel I need to set the record straight as an actual participant at the seminar. Because it would be too great a shame for people to get shut down after genuinely opening up with compassion for others. Sadly, we've already seen this with John Chang. Now, if you really have a problem with this lineage - why don't you teach others your own "better" way instead of just backseat-driving? Because if you can only offer criticism and no better alternative - then what real options have you really offered? If you tell people not to do A, but don't offer a better B, then won't they still be stuck doing A regardless?
  25. Taoism and the feminine divine

    Well, not really digging the feminist revisionism here. It's simply historically inaccurate. Unfortunately, Laozi was an actual flesh-and-blood man - and not a fanciful genderless metaphor. Daoism certainly does honor both male and female, so there is no need to falsify the facts to further promote a feminist agenda. That's plain annoying.