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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Most outrageous interview ever?

    Any relation to Jerry? Anyhow, it is tiresome how quickly these "journalists" drop the facade of journalism and quickly go into attack mode like paid neocon propagandists...
  2. Kunlun follow up poll

    An interesting parallel experience with entities from a kundalini perspective: It may be that...any opening will expand your perception to the wider subtle realm-at-large - and whatever all it may contain. And it is not going to magically make you selectively only see the "good" things, either. Why would it? When that's not the full reality? It's like a blind kid blaming a healer who restores his sight for allowing him to see war and pestilence now. But, I think a true expansion of reality is going to make you see more of both "good" and "bad," not only one side. The artificial division of sides which resides only in your mind, anyways... While many of us may have imagined only "good" (harps, light & angels) due to New Age sugarcoating...perhaps that is simply not the full reality on the ascending "stairway to Heaven."
  3. On Kundalini

    This is very I made the same observation recently (even with a similar timeframe): And even seems to correlate many of the "SQ symptoms" described here. But, even if all the upheavals are "part of the process," doesn't mean that everything is necessarily neatly under control and can't still be dangerous. And in fact, El Collie ended up dying in 2002...
  4. True, but how do we know that this "reality" might not be the product of a greater (non-human) consciousness? I mean, a dream is not a product of the consciousnesses of the characters IN the dream, either. Perhaps the better question is not HOW, but IF we even can KNOW anything with 100% certainty? HOW implies that we can...somehow. But, why do we assume that? Shouldn't we prove it first before we "assume" it? And even if you could prove that something absoultely exists in a system...can you ever prove that that system exists (and is not a "dream")? But I do agree that realistically, even if this is a "vivid" DREAM, it is still for our intents and purposes now real ENOUGH to take "seriously."
  5. Kunlun follow up poll

    Yea, from what I've seen, if your baseline foundation isn't raised high enough, you will not be able to maintain such higher states. It's like taking a big jump up, but having nothing higher to land on. Which means you will come right back down to where you had left off. But you are still DAMNED LUCKY to have at least gotten that brief glimpse of the big E!
  6. Here's another basic TCM technique to boost your kidneys (combining sound & color): DUHHH, the basics, so easy to remember yet so easy to forget!
  7. thin auras, and how to improve them?

    No idea if this works, but just saw it:
  8. Kunlun follow up poll

    Guess one question is...have you gone too far, or just not far enough?
  9. Kunlun follow up poll

    Good points, all... Again, I'm not sure that "spontaneous qigong kriyas = spirit possession." I think there is a difference. For example, here's an Indian "SQ" practice that bears a lot of similarities to Kunlun: Kriya Yoga (Although, I seriously doubt that these kriyas really couldn't be stopped at will, as claimed.) But this guru has had untold number of if they were all getting possessed, you think you'd have heard more about that? I guess one test is to see if others from comparative SQ practices or teachers (like Jenny Lamb) also experience the same "dark phases" (health issues & life mishaps) as Kunlunners? Or "creepy" dreams and entity visits? If so, then they are probably due to the inherent nature of SQ practices themselves, not so much the teachers or their "baggage." If not, then it may have more to do with particular teachers than the practice itself. Cat - Interesting. I have an "inactive" Kunlun friend who recently had a dream about a big snake laying on top of her.
  10. Kunlun follow up poll

    Interesting feedback, thanks. I would like to hear more about that Ching Fung Dao Shr legend - any source or more info on that? However, I have actually seen someone possessed by a ghost. It was realllyyy creepy, as they looked totally spaced-out like a classic zombie. Also, I'm not sure that they could snap out of it, if they wanted. But I have not seen any Kunlunners in this state, and any who couldn't stop any kriyas easily at will. Also, Max cannot move anyone against their will. Even he openly admits this. It's more like remote influence with your consent, not remote control against your will. Anyhow, this is not to say any of your suspicions couldn't still be factors, but if so, they would be to a far lesser degree or just more sneakily subtle than you imagine.
  11. Awaken to true buddhanature?

    Cool, is this video on YouTube? If so, let me know where - I'd love to give it a shot too.
  12. Aha, see now we're getting somewhere... Everything we "know" is based on some fundamental assumptions. But where is the absolute proof for these base assumptions? And if none can be proved ABSOLUTELY, then neither can any other relative assumptions based upon those. Which means, nothing is known absolutely! Or can science prove we are not all in one big dream that we could all wake from one day? What we "know" is like a deeeeeply-nested NLP macro. We define and recognize things based upon the sum or our (personal and collective) experiences. Their consistency of which determines the strength of our definition of reality. The scientific method, in fact, uses reproducibility and repeatability as its "proof" of knowing. But, while that may measure the consistency of a system, it cannot prove how "real" that system itself is. I mean, an illusion could have its own set laws it consistenly operates by (like a video game). But, that doesn't mean it can't still just be a game, that is subsumed by a greater system with total override control over it.
  13. Spontaneous Qigong; A Report.

    Yea, I don't see why that topic was locked before he even had a chance to finish posting his series? Seems rather harsh... Whoever he is, I would like to hear the rest of his commentary. Maybe he can post it up somewhere else. I think different viewpoints are helpful and all sincere feedback is useful. If people disagree, they can always offer rebuttals. If they agree, then they can find some support. Either way, people may find some more more clarity through open discussion and various interpretations of shared experiences. Or...they may just find more confusion, and question what they thought they "knew" even more! Although ironically, realizing what you don't KNOW, may actually be a step towards greater clarity. Possibly akin to recognizing the possibility of the dream...just being a dream.
  14. Exactly, deductive reasoning is ONLY as sound as its PREMISES. But, what "absolute truth" are those premises based on? Are these premises really 100% certain themselves? If not, then you've still really proven NOTHING... Instead of a line of answering to build up a set of beliefs, this is really a line of questioning to unravel our chain of assumptions. Where you start off with premise 10089 and work backwards...until you can get down to an Absolute Reality (original premise)...or bust.
  15. I agree. I think it opens the door to a larger paradigm. And by providing a knee-jerk answer, you are just kicking it shut before you have a chance to step through it - like an armchair expert. I asked my friend this question, and she kept giving quick reflexive "answers," without any original thought. That was missing the point, IMO. But, I just couldn't get her to understand that. To go back to the dream analogy...I think any "reality test" could be performed in a dream. You could throw a ball at a baby and make it cry in a dream. You could do things and see how they affect your health. You could try various things and gauge them by your feedback. But no matter how consistent (or not) the results, if you wake up the next morning, you will ultimately realize it was still all an "illusion." And therefore everything you thought you "knew," was all merely imagined in the end. So, what if what we "know" as LIFE, is like that too? Is this what Buddha meant by AWAKENING?
  16. Help me removing a ghost

    I agree with the sage smudging... But there's also a simple protocol in ThetaHealing to remove it...PM me some details if you want me to perform it. BTW, in ThetaHealing we're taught never to talk to ghosts directly. I think because you can open yourself to them when you do that.
  17. True, but this "knowledge" is still all based off feedback, and subjective feedback at that. But if that feedback were manipulated, then you could be as well. For example, I have a friend who is suffering from some astral "parasites" or something (again, who knows?) right now. Now when she eats nutritious foods, she feels nauseus. But when she doesn't, she is slowly wasting away. IOW, it's a catch-22. So, in this case, the feedback loop appears messed up. Maybe these "negs" have reversed it to manipulate her to starve herself? Or maybe she needs to fast to the brink of death to fully purify herself? She believes she is more or less following her guides...but is she? She thinks she knows, but does she really? Or maybe the problem is something else entirely... Point being, if feedback can also be manipulated...then it's not 100% certain, either. And maybe when all is said and done, if we can one day "wake up" from this life...we would just look back at it all as just a "big illusion" that only happened in Our Big Mind.
  18. Right, but you see - this "knowledge" is simply based upon historical consistency. IOW, it's always happened that way before, so you "know" it will always happen like that in the future. But, are historical track records a 100% accurate predictor of the future? If I flip a coin 100X, and it somehow lands heads 100X, does that mean the next time it must also land heads? Or, can you prove that this scenario could NOT happen in another way? Bascially, if we only "know" something through limited experience, how certain is that really? And what's to say it HAS to always behave the same way and CAN'T some other way? I mean sure, the most convincing illusions are the ones that maintain the highest consistency. And maybe one with 100% consistency could even be called a "virtual reality." Except for the fact that the arbitrary rules of an illusion could presmuably also be changed anytime at will by its creator(s). As opposed to an "absolute reality," which would be where the buck finally stops... But, I am just thinking out loud here, as I really DON'T KNOW anymore! ---------------------------- Here's a more routine example: When most of us dream, while we're IN the dream...we believe it's real. Only when we wake up, do we realize it was just a dream. So, how do we know we're not in a big, long "dream" now when we're "awake?" Especially considering how you also thought you "knew" things were "real" when you you were dreaming, too? ---------------------------- Here's another thought: Our minds can often be easily tricked... Or maybe they are even, in fact, what tricks us into this Grand Illusion? Essentially like game consoles or projectors.
  19. Kunlun follow up poll

    Agreed, I was just making a general point. And I don't know exactly what energy it is either, but I have inadvertantly done it to someone else myself - with absolutely no sexual (or any) intent at all. Was just playing and working with the energy...and it produced a totally unplanned effect. But to me, these "stupid human tricks" are fun crowd-pleasers and I enjoy watching them. Although, I now find stuff like a persona more cleared of egoic attachments or healing ability more impressive on another level. For example, at this past Austin seminar, a tall, lanky guy had trouble walking with a cane. Max spent probably around 20-30 minutes healing him...and the next day the same guy came in SANS cane and with a spring in his step. Not as flashy as a writhing orgasm, but to me far more impressive to me. Anyhow, I commend your courageous feedback, and I find all feedback useful.
  20. Kunlun follow up poll

    Yea, I'm deciding between the May Brampton & June West Plains ones right now. Trying to figure out which one has better logistics, cost, timing, etc for me. BTW, I have a friend that Max gave some orgasms to as a playful seminar demo. Of course, the sensations felt physically great...but she didn't develop any attachment since there was no emotion involved. And he does the stuff more in a fun, childlike - than any overtly sexual, way. So, I don't feel he tries to "seduce" or "hook" any women in like that. I think bliss demos are just better-suited for women, like how his burning palm demos are better-suited for the men. In fact, I think many other men in his position might take more advantage of any opportunities with willing female admirers. Whereas, he seems to steer clear of any of that. But, as you say, anyone can stop it if they feel uncomfortable about it in any way. Just my opinion here, though. I have received burning palm, but no orgasms from him. Although, I think he did give Kan some Os in one demo...and I'm pretty sure he's definitely not trying to seduce Kan!
  21. Kunlun follow up poll

    Ahh, if this is true, this is a key I've been looking for! How to avoid manifesting your "inner crap" out in your "real" life, if possible? Can you expand on this, or is this pretty much simply put? By "clear mind," do you mean remaining calm, maintaining conscious sovereignty (as WLP says to "keep the spirit in front of the energy") and remaining unaffected by any phenomena? Sloppy Zhang - I agree. I didn't mean to imply that either path was better or worse - just different. The real question comes in when you feel lost...and don't know if you haven't gone far enough in the right direction, or went too far in the wrong direction? At that point, do you keep going, backtrack or change direction? Also, Max does start his classes out now with a basic breathing technique. Maybe not as detailed as BKF's instructions, but it's in there now. Upfront and center, in fact.
  22. Kunlun follow up poll

    Yea, I've been going through a questioning and UNknowing period lately - of how do we KNOW...anything? That couldn't ANYTHING we think is true or real...ultimately be an illusion? And that in fact, maybe everything IS in fact an "illusion." That the only absolute, underlying reality may be the empty void. The only thing that wasn't created, but always was. The real Tao. It may well be like I channeled during a small awakening back in 2007: But I also agree with you that in the here and now, self-healing ability is PARAMOUNT to supporting any alchemical process. Particularly for energetic-based issues. So as with you, I also plan to take Lomax's workshop. May also take a Matrix Energetics one soon too. And even Max stresses the importance of health and says that he first learned Kunlun for health, not awakening... An interesting poll would be to see how many folks experienced health problems or adverse life events after starting Kunlun or some other alchemical path (presumably due to purification and detoxing)? BTW, if it is all detoxing...then I think that is a good thing. However, people should be prepared to deal with such and pace themselves at a rate they can safely handle.
  23. Kunlun follow up poll

    I thought of this hypothetical last night: You are at the base of a mountain. There is the main path leading lazily up the sides with well-marked switchbacks and tour guides. It's a long, 8 hour roundtrip...but with few unknowns or surprises. The road more travelled, so to speak. Then a local comes up to you and shows you a hidden deer trail off to the side. It's a bit brushier and appears to lead up the steep face of the mountain. At some points, you may even have to jump off precipices into pools to get down faster. Definitely the road less travelled. But, it promises to be only a 2 hour roundtrip. So, which trail do you choose? PS - I am not making any direct analogies with Kunlun or other practices here btw, as I really don't know enough about any to. It's really just a hypothetical parable about different paths and their possible trade-off's. Where some may suit some better than others depending upon their own level and personal preference.
  24. Kunlun follow up poll

    So, sounds like the main gripes are: 1) The practice may raise some dark aspects in peoples' lives - but the students are largely left to deal with these on their own or amongst themselves. In short, there is insufficient preparation and technical support for this phase. 2) The nature of all the phenomena and effects (like health issues or adverse life events) experienced is uncertain. Is it all purification, or possibly also some contamination? And how can we discern the difference? How can we KNOW anything in life? 3) Max sometimes speaks off-topic about fringe topics (like aliens, etc). Some may find some of this stuff "creepy." I also don't think all of these issues are unique to Kunlun, though. But seem to be common to many on the "ascension" path. I have one friend, for example, who is dealing with some serious problems supposedly from an astral encounter...and she has never done Kunlun before. However, she is very empathetic, open and ungrounded - which may leave her more vulnerable. mgd - So, how do you feel Jenny's presentation might better avoid or address these potential pitfalls? IOW, how can these areas be improved upon? Let's start talking about some solutions, here. Personally, I think Kunlun should be naturally self-paced, and if someone is starting to feel too challenged, they may want to decrease their practice time, perhaps. They should also be prepared for and ideally have a good foundation of health, wealth and reliable healers to support the "ascension process." As well as learn your own self-healing. And from what I've heard, I agree with Ya Mu - try to avoid the lower astral realms - even though that may be the first level many contact as they start to expand their perception.