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Everything posted by gendao

  1. I think this means that as you approach the extremes of hard or're actually better off switching to the opposite extreme rather than going even harder or softer. Too much Yin becomes vulnerable to Yang, and too much Yang becomes vulnerable to Yin. The most difficult opponent then is the one who possesses and can change rapidly between both.
  2. maoshun traveling hands

    I have a theory about this I am currently testing out... Our muscular power is a chain with several links like our mover muscle, stabilizer muscle & tendon strength. But, this chain is only as strong as its weakest link. For which I believe our proprioceptors sense the amount of force we're generating, and then limits us to the most our weakest link can handle safely. Now for most people, this is actually stabilizer muscle & tendon strength, not mover strength. Therefore, increasing mover muscle strength with weights will not increase our applicable power since it's not the bottleneck. The key then is strengthening your weakest link, whatever that may be. I think this is why the Shaolin monks practiced the Yi Jin Jing (Muscle/Tendon Changing Classic) and martial artists traditionally didn't just focus on training mover muscle strength. Because while there's nothing wrong with increasing mover muscle strength, unless it happens to be your weakest link, it's effectively pointless. I think for most people then, if they simply increased their stabilizer & tendon strength, they would notice an increase in muscular power even without working out their mover muscles. Unfortunately, if this is true, none of it is ever explained in martial arts or athletic instruction. I've had to intuit underlying foundational core concepts like these on my own after wasted years of vague non-understanding..
  3. Actually, that's the "traditional" Chinese way of mass instruction. Spend more time on rote practice and less time lecturing theory... I don't know if this system is designed more to benefit the teacher or his students (guessing teacher)? Perhaps it's the only way you can really teach a large group of people. But you see this in Chinese martial arts and schooling, as well. So really, he's treating you, as a Westerner, no differently, lol. Although, I don't think that works well for me either, as I would like more personalized instruction and an explanation of what I'm really doing. Of course, if you go to a Western church, you don't get much explanation, either. You sit quietly and listen to the same rhetoric for the umpteenth time, sing along with some hymns and drop some change when the plate gets passed your way. There is no ideological Q&A there, either.
  4. Why can't we all see the same thingg????!!!! Waahhhh!!!!
  5. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    I agree. I think reviewing tape of yourself is a GREAT training tool. With martial arts, the challenge is maintaining good form while remaining loose. And letting her rip without getting sloppy. And you may not realize how hard it can be to do both at full speed until you actually watch yourself on film! But every art is a balance between spontaneous improv & "proper" form. Martial arts, dance, music, acting, etc. It's always a process of active participation in co-creation.
  6. If you see an inherent conflict between money and happiness, then that's your first problem...(mine too, lol).
  7. Well, they did some carbon-14 dating on just one tiny section, which dated back to only 13th century medieval times. However, the fact that the cloth had been bleached, partially burned and they broke many protocols in the testing - makes it inconclusive to me. This video has some more pretty interesting evidence though - including IDing some coins placed over his eyes...back to, the alleged time of Christ. Rqp0aCslChA
  8. So, does anyone believe that the negative image on the Shroud of Turin was formed by Jesus (or some other adept) possibly when they attained their immortal light body? f_Fic48ajbk And perhaps it was this light body that was later seen as proof of his resurrection? If so, then I wonder why he taught people only to accept him for ascension, rather than actual internal alchemy methods? Is he like a 9th Taoist immortal that will simply do all the work and awaken your spirit for you if you allow him to? BTW - In this series, it's claimed that Jesus was initially was depicted as a young, clean-shaven guy with a bowl-cut...until the 'Mandilian' of Edessa showed up in ~300 AD - his purported burial cloth. From which came the current long-haired "hippy" image.
  9. Cave meditation and Faraday Cages

    phauT-oDmjI The tour guide at Hua Shan says the main 2 reasons for mountain cave practice are: 1) Tranquility with fewer distractions 2) More concentrated qi The ex-nongmin monk in the cave says the basics of Taoism are wuwei: 1) Quietness - no thinking in your mind 2) Effortlessness - do not do anything and remain unaffected by the outside world
  10. Marijuana, strength training, nei kung

    If that's true, then Michael Phelps should have his medals stripped! Cuz now we know his real secret! Hitting the bong to increase lung capacity, relaxation and strength 20%!
  11. I don't think the goal is interfaith harmony. I think the goal is finding the truth underlying different faiths. Although doing that, might also accomplish the former as a side effect...
  12. Purpose of the Yin / Yang in Taoism

    When you draw yang-fire-li down from Heaven and unite it with yin-water-kan from Earth, you may create 2 vortexes with the same directional spin (per the right-hand rule), but facing opposite directions. So, when they connect and fuse in the middle at your LTT, the 2 spiral flows colliding head-on create an 'S' shape when viewed from above (or below). As you can see, the original symbol was more of a Golden Mean spiral. So, this is the "true" meaning of the Taiji symbol. It was a 2D sacred geometry cross-section of the center of a toroidal energetic field - that formed the key to Taoist cultivation (Or I just made all that up, lol.)
  13. tooth regeneration

    Right, could you expound on techniques for that? mat black - I need to pick out a dental strategy now, so have just been compiling all the info in this thread. Once I'm done, then I will review it and pick some choices to try out. Otherwise, there's just too much scattered info in here to process... Mainly I want to know what each ingredient/component does, so I can pick the best formula or just make my own.
  14. the most imp thing when you're a kid

    Don't dump all your baggage, expectations and blind traditions on him. Adaptability is the key to survival in a constantly-changing environment. Recognize his own unique persona, dreams and different situation that he's in today. Mentor and prepare him for the real world out there, not your own personal fantasy world. Support him in finding his True Self (not yours). Because the sooner he finds his True Self and "life purpose," the better his chances for success. Good luck! From what I've heard, parenting can be one of the most difficult, yet rewarding, jobs!
  15. Well, the problem is that society always sinks to the lowest common denominator...and one bad apple can spoil the bunch. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. So, you could have a happy commune full of hippy peaceniks - but throw just one gangsta thug in the mix - and now they all become easy victims to him... I feel a more realistic proposal is "peace through strength." The mere threat of reciprocal violence can actually prevent violence. This is akin to the human body, where a strong immune system wards off attacks. Or a car alarm or guard dog. Now if EVERYONE signed onto that pact - sure, it could work. But get just one abstainer and it won't.
  16. Goal of Cultivating Qi/Chi?

    No, I'm not sure, as I have achieved neither, lol.. And by "immortal," I am referring to attainment of the yang light body (not an undying physical person - which I don't know has ever been dccumented before). Here's another take, though. Perhaps we could imagine ourselves as water. With low energy and frequency, we condense into rigid ice. We take hard form and become distinctly separate from one another like unique snowflakes. But when we increase our energy and vibration, we phase-change more liquid, gaseous and plasmic states. Like a snowflake melting and vaporizing on a hot stove, "we" no longer exists as such as we lose form and "evaporate" into the void. "We" was only our form. Once that is lost, "we" become formless and delocalized. This phasic "evaporation" is what we then refer to as "alchemical ascension."
  17. Anyone heard of the Ishayas? Supposedly, it refers to a de-stressing, New Agey ascension technique (for enlightenment & better health) founded by the Apostle John with some Eastern influences... Towards the end of this audio, there's a really cool clip where chirping crickets are slowed down and it sounds like chanting.
  18. I've started playing the didgeridoo

    Woa, that feels challenging!
  19. Your own videos

    Ok, here's one I shot last night: 9Yti4IBAXms Obviously LOTS to work on, but we'll just call this a progress shot, lol..
  20. Red palm oil

    Yea, coconut oil is super-healthy and I just got a jar. Tastes GREAT too! But, you're supposed to refrigerate it after opening, right? Which then hardens it and makes it hard to scoop out after. So, do you take it out and "defrost" it for an hour before each use, or what? Or does it really need to be refrigerated?
  21. Goal of Cultivating Qi/Chi?

    I'm guessing that qi cultivation is more for immortality & emptiness meditation more for enlightenment?