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Everything posted by gendao

  1. What a Tosser!

    Well, that's my point. The goal for increasing efficiency is minimizing the ratio of "your moves"/"his moves." But I'm not sure a lot of styles explicitly focus on this, though... In fact, many seem to do the opposite to appear faster with more and faster hand motions...but which actually only makes their method structurally slower (and waste more energy). Anyhow, I'm no expert - just giving my 2 fen here, lol.
  2. Spiritual Guides

    Very cool, I had forgotten about this. Maybe I need to add tryptophan to my supplement list...anyone using it now and noticing any difference?
  3. tooth regeneration

    What is X-factor butter? And GREAT find! Wow, K2 - that's huge! Anyone find any cheaper supplemental sources though? $50-$70 a bottle is a lil' steep...and what's the recommended daily dosage? I have always noticed that my teeth feel really clean after eating a bunch of leafy greens - wonder if K1 has any effect, or maybe it's the alkalizing and calcium content? Anyhow, I agree - chronic use of natural antibiotics (like tea tree oil) is probably not good either. Especially low doses - as that can breed resistant bacteria just like synthetic ones can. So, I would cycle them at full-strength only occasionally or when needed. Kind of all or nothing, periodically. Don't just go partway all the time... But what about free calcium in any of these formulations? How come none of them contain any of that???Wouldn't it be helpful too in remineralization?
  4. Uh, does this include FEMA camps? Man, this bill is chock-full of HUGE GRANTS for vague pork... So, I'm getting the feeling the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" is just another excuse for funding more Big Bro infrastructure like the "Patriot" Acts...
  5. What a Tosser!

    Well, internal power is very real and I've felt it. However, I'm not sure about the typical IMA techniques and delivery systems for such power. Many of them rely upon blocking, bridging and parrying strikes. Sure, this can work well on slow, overextended punches. Problem is, it's near-impossible on fast, snappy punches. JbRykf-5Zo8 Now try to "redirect" any of that! You'll end up chasing a blur of hands and get your ass handed back to you. A fundamentally fast style would have only 1 move you have to perform for every 3 of his. Instead, most IMA techniques seem to require the opposite - like they throw 1 punch and "freeze" it while you do a sequence of about 3 moves to take them down. Which basically means you'd have to move 3X as fast as them to pull that off. An incredible level of inefficiency. I think if you could combine the silk-reeling, rooting and internal structure of IMA with a far more efficient delivery system - then you'd have something very, very potent against skilled competition!
  6. The invasion of privacy, monopolization/homogenization of all health care and loss of doctor/patient freedom of choice in the system severely disturbs me. It's already bad enough as is, now everyone must march in lockstep with the medical mafia or face Big Bro penalties??? F that. F Obama. F his man, Daschole. These moves are all the EXACT opposite of what I wanted. Now there's less privacy and less choices? What about more autonomy to choose our own holistic alternatives? WTF?! HUGE THUMBS DOWN to our new POTUS!
  7. Growing with the Tao

    Where can I get white sage seeds? Or where's a good online herbal seed shop, for that matter?
  8. ...

    Yea, but the thing is it seemed like I ejac'd in my dream...but NOT in real life. Which is what made it really interesting (if that's what really happened). But I can't really remember now, so I'll see what happens next time..
  9. ...

    Well, I did do some drawing while dreaming, basically pulling my dantien back towards my spine, but I was laying on my back. But if this technique is repeatable, then I could have dreams, but no emissions. Cuz having no dreams at all would be a more difficult level, I think. Anyhow, hopefully so, cuz I was very pleasantly relieved to have a sex dream, but no emission for once!
  10. ...

    What about when you came in your dream? Normally that's when I would wake up and realize that that part wasn't just a dream, lol... What would be interesting to me is if I could come in my dream...but not in real life at the same time. Basically show some dream/reality disconnect. Although, I guess retaining in the dream and real life both would be a good step too.
  11. Sexual teachings of the White Tigress

    This is off on a tangent, but... Has anyone else been able to retain from jizzing in "wet" dreams? I did for the first time this morning, so was wondering if anyone else has too?
  12. ...

    Speaking of the latter, I dreamt this morning I was fvcking some chick. I don't remember if I came or not in my dream, but normally this would have resulted in a wet dream. But this time, I awoke before it was quite over with a hard-on, of course...but was surprisingly relieved to find no goo! Somehow, I had avoided dropping a load of jing in my shorts this time! This was a first, and now I'm curious to see why and if I can keep it up.. Has anyone else been able to retain during "wet dreams?"
  13. Your own videos

    Ironically, Sly is only 5'9", lol.. But you wanna see some real boxing, check out the 4-sec double bag end flow at 6:10 here: JbRykf-5Zo8
  14. cut my finger

    I would use alcohol and H2O2 sparingly, if at all...maybe just for an initial or periodic cleansing. Problem is that they dry out the tissue, and I believe the H2O2 can actually caust oxidative stress on it, slowing healing even more. I would use tea tree oil on the external portions as a disinfectant, and maybe coconut oil to fight infection and also keep it covered and lock in moisture. Or A+D Ointment is also decent for creating a protective barrier that locks in moisture (normally used a lot for diaper rash & tattoo healing). And there's also other more exotic alternatives here like manuka honey, ozonated/oxygenated oil/water or French green clay... The main things you want to do though are: 1) Keep it disinfected 2) Keep it from drying out 3) Have some type of protective barrier that does both Now, that's all topical. Meanwhile, you could also be doing/taking stuff internally to support it from that side, as well...
  15. Loose Change

    ^ But reacting to an unrealized threat doesn't carry the same weight as a realized one. People quickly forget what "could have" happened. But they don't forget what DID. Now, the Hegelian Dialectic delineates the I11uminati strategy of "order ab chao" (order out of chaos) as: Thesis (problem) --> Antithesis (reaction) --> Synthesis (solution) So, when backroom elites want to create a new order, they must artificially (via false flag ops, bogeymen, strawmen, red herrings, etc) create chaos first... Uh, I'm not sure we want to open all those cans of worms here, do we?
  16. Loose Change

    Free fall, or near-free fall, whatever... The point being that the fall was all very sudden, and pretty much nothing was left standing. When you'd think the heavy steel skeleton would have held up much better than all the other stuff that was merely hanging onto it. Especially when the fires lasted only 20 minutes in each area. I mean, even bombed buildings usually have more left standing...
  17. Loose Change

  18. Uh, I think you have TKD confused with JKD. TKD (Tae Kwon Do) is known as n00by "phag-tag," a sport-art created in the 1950s. JKD (Jeet Kune Do) is Bruce's MMA (primarily) combining Wing Chun, fencing and boxing (with considerably more street cred). Oh yea, and let's not forget the less-publicized Fook Yueng Quan, too.
  19. Loose Change

    I do know that a plane (or some winged craft) did hit the Pentagon as I have a reliable source who was there. That does not mean it wasn't rigged, or RC'd or something though. Anyhow, some famous last words from a 9II widow, Beverly Eckert, who founded a 9II victims group, pushed for intelligence reform and decided to sue the Port Authority instead of accepting her government hush money for 9II: By "sheer coincidence," she was just killed in the Continental Airlines Flight 3407 crash today... Well, when you can't buy someone's silence...
  20. Loose Change

  21. I think rednecks may be the best-equipped to survive any future shortages. They all love to hunt & fish regularly. They have all the know-how and gear. They can kill game, gut, cut & store it. Many even raise some livestock too. While they may get mocked and looked down upon by snobby liberals, their off-grid, backwoods lifestyles and skills may actually give them the last laugh...
  22. Mass healing

    Wow, the "blessing" is amazingly similar to the basic ThetaHealing technique! Connect with Earth up through yourself to Source. Then channel and witness the healing by the Divine. Actually, I've found this basic method to be in common from many energetic healing modalities..
  23. The Rainbow of Reality

    So, after this trip, do you feel like your blockages really have been permanently removed? And if so, how has that changed you?
  24. Kundalini & Lucifer &:...

    I "think" Luciferianism is just using God's technology, without acknowledging God. Therefore, a lot of the methods would be similar, only difference being that God is ultimately left out of the picture. I guess this is like if a student had a beef with and broke away from his teacher...and then started teaching the same methods, but not crediting his teacher for it. So, when you learn from Lucifer, you are learning from the student, not the teacher. Could still learn some good material, but not the highest-level and it could ultimately only get you so far... Well, just a guess..