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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Scoliosis fix (back problem)

    Actually, it's not just tucking the tailbone...but Taijiquan posture also includes hollowing the chest and rounding the back. But does agree with straightening the upper spine in general and tucking the chin. One possibility might be that tucking the tailbone eases the MCO. However, to do this without physical may have to open their kwa first. Otherwise, it may not be worth the trade-off. Perhaps like full-lotus position in meditation. It might be better to do it than not...but better not to than to if it creates too much physical tension? I still dunno...just throwing out ideas, here.
  2. Scoliosis fix (back problem)

    Taijiquan teaches to tuck the tailbone.She advises not to, and let the butt even curve out a bit. So, which is it? I've always wondered about this? What exactly is the point of tucking the tailbone, and are there only certain applications it should be done for?
  3. Things a Taoist do not eat

    What about onions and garlic? Buddhist monks traditionally avoid it. Hulda Clark & Bob Beck also advise against eating it. OTOH, garlic is known to have many healthy properties. So, what's the deal? Do Taoist monks also avoid it like Buddhist monks - and if so, what is the reason? I've heard so many various alleged pros & cons, I don't know what to believe anymore...
  4. Hairloss

    I wonder if ORMUS can help this? According to these photos, it can turn gray beards brown again and grow humongoid walnuts...
  5. tooth regeneration

    Speaking of mercury toxicity, it got some limelight recently in Hollywood: Now (assuming this is not a prank), if this can happen to a healthy-looking 43-yo guy like Jeremy...
  6. Cancer is a Fungus

    I also believe cancer's underlying cause may be some unresolved issue that then creates an energetic block or weakness and eventually, physical disease manifestation. However, that doesn't mean you still shouldn't treat the chain of effects, IMO. It's like if there's a leak causing flooding in your house, you DO need to stop that leak! But once you stop it, you still have to clean up the mess it created. Merely plugging the leak alone won't do that. Some energetic people get this illusion of invincibility, or want to treat everything mentally/energetically. I think that's unrealistic though. I mean, if your energetic state was that powerful, you wouldn't still need to physically shower or brush your teeth, right? But who has reached that level? One of my dear Taijiquan/qigong teachers died of cancer a few years ago. He also smoked and I have no idea what personal issues he may or may not have had... But, obviously just cultivating a lot of energy did not offer him foolproof protection. Point is, real life can get a lot messier and more complex than clean theory on paper, so I would avoid getting too narrow-minded, purist or dogmatic about health. Energetics is not an invincibility shield, and some physical effects should still be dealt with (IMO) on a physical plane. Personally, I would hedge my bets and hit da shyt on all levels with combination therapy. Pull the root issue, use energetic healing and also do physical disinfection & detoxing...
  7. Hairloss

    Try a kidney (and liver) cleanse, then. Either Hulda Clark's...or you can also try consuming 12 lemons/day for 5 days. I'm doing that now, and it does seem to be cleaning something out.. My skin feels clearer, although I still got some gray hairs... Well I tell you what - 12 lemons makes probably around 20 oz of pure lemon juice with a 2.3 pH (and around 225 mg vitamin C). So, if that can't clean some of your pipes out, then I dunno what can!
  8. Qigong Pyrokinesis Demo Real Or Fake

    FfoEdgB9weM I still don't see why the guy needs an eagle's nest-size pile of newspapers, though? Unless it is to hide an ignition source underneath?
  9. Cancer is a Fungus

    - Ya, Royal Rife also believed that cancer was caused by a virus. And nearly a century later, even the lamestream doctors are finally admitting a link here (see HPV & cervical cancer).- Dr. Robert Dowling believes it's due to fecal toxins from oral bacteria. - Dr. Hulda Clark believes it's caused by parasites. - Dr. Tullio Simoncini believes it's caused by fungus. - Calcifying nanobacteria (although they actually may not be classical bacteria, viruses or crystals) have also recently been linked with cancer (and heart disease). I don't know which it is exactly, or if it's perhaps a combination of several of these or some underlying cause that allows these infections...but it seems increasingly clear that infectious germs do play a significant role in cancer and other serious diseases. Therefore, disinfection and detox are critical to our health. Disinfection to kill off these germs (but not the healthy flora), and detox to improve our body's natural ability to do so (by improving our immune and elimination functions). BTW, yes, you can get a Zapper for ~$60 to just over $100. For these, you want to get one based on Dr. Hulda Clark's specs: - "Original" Dr. Hulda Clark model - Don Croft's Terminator II version as you linked (which also contains orgonite, a mobius coil & magnet). - Mstrong1's Zapper Go get yourselves one for Christmas, folks!
  10. Hairloss

    Hence, I got a showerhead filter years ago. Problem solved (hopefully). And interesting, I hadn't heard of shampoos promoting fungal growth (how exactly does it do that?) or using a Borax shampoo. Hmm....
  11. Angels and Aliens, Monsters and men

    This petroglyph in Miculla, Peru is estimated to be ~500-1500 years old:
  12. Tibetan Lama Demonstrating Qigong

    Dr. Peter Yeung of : S6KxA6H4aUg Has anyone in the UK met this guy, btw? Could be interesting...
  13. San Diego Kunlun Seminar Review

    Ha, looks similar to mine, but you got some more and bigger welts: Those slaps really do sting at the end - ergo, Scorpion Palm!
  14. Qigong Pyrokinesis Demo Real Or Fake

    The setup has me skeptical. 1) When he was "wiping his hands dry" on his clothes, he could have palmed a lighter or something at that point. 2) Why did he need such a hugggee nest of newspaper - unless it was to conceal something he was using with the hand he had under it? Not saying it is or isn't a fraud, but there are at least some questionable red flags here... A more convincing demo would have used a smaller amount of newspaper with both of his hands in plain view.
  15. KAP London Workshop

    Mucho thanks, bro! That would be awwweesommmeee!! And let me do you some favors sometime too, if you ever need any! BTW, it's interesting how Pak believes a lot of disease is rooted in the knees. Because in this interview (at around 35 min) with Fred Hughes, he talks about how toxic feces from oral bacteria can spread through our bodies and in women...tends to collect in the breasts. But in men, they tend to collect in the...KNEES!
  16. Death of 64th Celestial Master

    How old was he? What was the cause of death? And did he achieve the immortal light body? Sorry, just curious...about an orthodox high master?
  17. Immortality

    I think a master or at least a great healer is good to have on hand to guide you through any murky waters, though. Our lives and bodies may often go through various odd changes during the "ascension" process, and it's good to have someone to give you an accurate diagnosis and guidance during these times. And make sure you handle them properly and stay healthy and on track. Sure these questions may arise only 10% of the time, but otherwise, who else can you go to? A regular medical doctor or shrink will NOT be able to tell you what's really going on...
  18. Ideagasms

    I don't think PU tells guys to be a-holes - just not to accept crap and show a backbone. That's simply being a self-respecting human, not an "a-hole." Remember, a whole generation of us post-feminist men were misguided to place women up on pedestals and reverently kowtow to them...and suffered severe reprecussions for that. The problem with most AFCs then is not being a-holes, but being far too nice and spineless... But I think most mature guys can find the happy medium after a while. And ultimately, women determine what they get by what they reward with sex. So if they reward a-holes with sex, then more men will become a-holes. If they reward nice guys with sex, more will become nice guys. It's all a Pavlovian feedback loop where supply will meet the demand. But, if you read Smile's link - it turns out Stephane wildly-exaggerated his "success" with women, anyways. Yet another "Wizard of Oz" hiding behind his own hype machine...
  19. Last time you were sick?

    I agree! Also, as Karen said, you could not feel sick - yet still harbor sub-clinical, "dormant stealth" infections and toxins that could very slowly (but imperceptibly) be causing disease in you. For example, they have now linked dental germs with cancer, Parkinson's and many other diseases...and cold sores with Alzheimer's. And can now thus even detect these diseases 10 years in advance by looking for hot spots with thermal imaging. And by the same could also feel sick, yet it could be a Herxing "die-off" reaction due to the expelling of germs and toxins. After which you would actually be healthier than before... So, the real question healthwise here is how clean are you really and how strong is your immune function?
  20. Good Source of Fat

    I only know a little about fats so far, but 2 top ones seem to be coconut oil and hemp. Coconut oil has a lot of MCFAs and medicinal properties. And hemp oil has a 3-to-1 omega 6-to-omega 3 ratio that exceeds the 4-to-1 "target max." Not to mention the rare Gamma-Linolenic (GLA) acid. For more available conventional fats, I'd probably try olive oil...or avocados sound good too. Hell, mix 'em together, lol. Flax would be good too, but it contains phytoestrogens so may not be great for men.
  21. Immortality

    I can survive ok without sex for extended periods...but no internet for a few days? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
  22. Do as we say, not as we do? The real problem in cold/flu season may be the decrease in exposure to sunlight and subsequent Vitamin D production (a potent immune factor) - not any seasonal "increase" in flu viruses themselves. So, whether you decide to get flu shots or not, you probably do want to maximize your Vitamin D.