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Everything posted by gendao

  1. National Pride

    Actually, I think the real problem here is that 85% of people don't even understand the real issues, and so are frankly unqualified to vote. Remember, this is the same country where 80% of American high school students could not even locate Iraq on a map...where we've since killed 1 million of their citizens. Forget about the candidates, the real problem is that we're a politically-illiterate nation as a whole. And for an oligarchy, that is incredibly dangerous as we fall easy prey to the best Pied Piper election after election...
  2. Wang Liping in Jinhua 2008

    I'd love to hear from her and learn about her system and results. Do tell more!
  3. Wang Liping in Jinhua 2008

    Interesting, I'd LOVE to hear what each thought of the other's system and personal development/level?
  4. National Pride

    Agreed. And, I think anyone voting for Obama because of his race (for a historic first, guilt, sameness, etc), is just as racist as anyone not voting for him because of his race. Unfortunately, I feel that yet again, the real issues in this election got obscured and sidetracked by special identity politics that ultimately have minor bearings on our future. But if people had to vote strictly on the issues alone, I wonder who they would have voted for? That said, at least Dumbya is OUT!
  5. Wang Liping in Russia

    I 2nd that! BTW, are they just happening to be holding some personal items in their laps here, or are those some special herbal packets or something?
  6. US history is made...

    Obama is a self-avowed Christian...who went to the same church for years. He is also a strong supporter of Israel & Zionism. Therefore, being a Christian Zionist...he is actually ideologically & politically, about as "anti-Muslim" as you can get. Don't let the name fool ya. I don't think he is a Marxist/Commy/Socialist, though. I mean, for all the Republicans' talk about being against big government, the government/military ballooned to obscene proportions under Dubya. I mean, just obscenely... So, I'm hoping that even in the worst case, there's no way Obama could possibly do as bad as Dubya did in 8 years. And hopefully, he'll do much better (although Ron Paul was the real candidate for real change). I'm just at least thrilled to finally get Dr. Evil out of office, though!!! Good riddance!
  7. Lin Kong Jing Instruction Online...

    H0fetyVx-YY Paul Dong puts on very open demos minus all the misleading stage dramatics. Like a hypnotist, he purposely selects the most sensitive people out of the audience and they don't try to resist. Except that this is all done openly and explicitly. Because the purpose here is not to show that lin kong jing can move people against their will like puppets...but that it alone can influence people over a distance - something still not accounted for in our current physical paradigm.
  8. Wang Liping in Jinhua 2008

    Wow, that's very cool, Kathy!! WLP's got some stylez. Overall, how was the seminar? Could you share any highlights for us? I did really want to go, and still hope to someday, but it was just really bad timing due to the economic chaos, I didn't feel like I was ready for that type of hardcore cultivation yet (can't even sit in full-lotus yet) and the real dealbreaker was that I had some health issues cropping up over the last few months that were getting progressively worse, until I just recently turned them around (just ask Santi, who very kindly gave me some insight, guidance, tips & healing in my recovery ). Under those conditions, there was just no way I could go anywhere, much less China and try to meditate for hours on end... This was one of the most stressful times for me here at home since I can remember. It was no time for me to abandon ship. So, basically the primary cockblock for me was really horrible timing. Oh well, what can ya do? Just hope there's still a "next time," sometime..
  9. I would suggest combination therapy. Hit this thing from all angles. Everything here sounds good, but also make sure you dig down to the underlying issue driving her anorexia or whatever. This often stems from childhood or past-life karmic baggage. In fact, with a serious chronic condition, there may be multiple issues driving it, so you may need to excavate and clear stuff over a span of time. Keep at it until she's recovering well.
  10. Potassium Secret

    You need both (& both KCl & NaCl are technically "salts," btw). But, you do want more potassium than sodium - I've read from 3:2 to 3:1 or so. So, I definitely wouldn't eliminate salts from my diet, or sodium completely. However, I would shoot for a healthier K:Na ratio of 3:2 to 3:1 or so... BTW, I love finding "secrets" "hidden" in laymen's terms. They're there if you know what to look for. And I just realized the literal connection between "POSITIVE FEEDBACK" or "POSITIVITY" in general and...positively-charged cations! Whereby, positive ions that strip electrons off pathogens are also the operating principle behind ionic "colloidal" silver, ionic footbaths, oxidants, positive DC Zappers, etc. So, being "positive" literally means to maintain an alkaline pH with plenty of positive ions...
  11. Gum disease

    Ok, so you are saying that the vagus nerve basically creates an electrical signal from mechanical stimulation - sort of like a quartz crystal? Not sure how that physically transports bacteria from the colon up to the brain? But perhaps maybe it sucks some up along the nerve sheathing? Also, I thought ultrasound is often used medically precisely because it DOESN'T ionize? But if hormones do get ionized somehow through meditation - are they gaining or losing electrons? But basically your alchemical process goes something like this? Hormones -> (somehow ionized by ultrasound produced in meditation) -> neurotransmitters (like serotonin & oxytocin) Anaerobic bacteria in gut -> (somehow transduced by vagus nerve up to brain & gums) Hormones & bacteria -> (transduced by pineal gland) -> electromagnetic fields Male electromagnetic field (causing vagus nerve to pulsate and magnetizing pineal gland with bliss) -> (shoots out into female you're looking at) -> (female electrochemical energy [hormones] is sucked back up by you in full-lotus in return) -> mutual "O @ a D" So, what is the primary method by which you attained this ability? Just receiving Chunyi Lin's transmission and meditating in full-lotus?
  12. Gum disease

    Drew, I'm slooowwwllyy starting to understand some of the things you talk about. Although enough to ask more questions... I understand now that anaerobic bacteria are generally the harmful pathogenic ones. And teeth/gum infections are a "well-known" side effect of internal alchemy (Max and others have even mentioned it before). However, I don't understand exactly how the vagus nerve transports or "transduces" anaerobic bacteria from your lower body up to your head? And why only anaerobic bacteria, not aerobic as well? And what exactly do you mean by "transduces?" Physically transports or somehow teleports, or what? BTW, you might also experiment with using a Hulda Clark-style Zapper to destroy pathogens...
  13. How This Universe Works?

    IMO, we are like living in a 2D reality here... Our time is 2D - only going linearly from past to future. Our vision is 2D - where we only see every event from 1 dualistic perspective. But outside the veil of ignorance in this Earthly realm, time is 3D. This can be seen in a cross - where the horizontal bar is 2D from past to future - but the vertical line is the 3rd dimension. Where there are actually expanded "outcomes" in the same moment. To experience that expanded NOW here, we must open our hearts, where we "cross our hearts." Similarly, vision there is 3D, where both sides of each coin can be seen at the same time. To see that here, we must open our third eyes. Anyhow, the apparent conflict between fate & free will is actually due to our decreased perception here where we can only blindly feel the elephant one part at a time. So, we may not be able to change the elephant (fateful event) itself, but we can choose what part of it we want to experience (free will). BTW, I have nothing to prove all this, so it could all be BS...
  14. Gum disease

    Here's another interesting finding...if you have mercury amalgams - they increase the antibiotic resistance of pathogens even down in your gut!
  15. Energy Work and Family

    We typically incarnate into family settings amongst our soul groups to challenge us on particular issues that we need to resolve. That's why every family has its inner conflicts. Because we push each others' buttons by design. So, one of the first tasks in your path then is confronting and resolving those issues. Working through these real-life issues is integral, not incidental, to your spiritual progress. (And btw, I don't mean you have to openly confront people, but within yourself at least. I use ThetaHealing, but I'm sure the Sedona Method and other release techniques are similarly applicable.) Anyhow, I've spent the last year doing that and have released a lot of resentments and recently mended a lot of fences amongst my immediate family. It feels really good and I am in a much better place now, as is my family. Now, I'm resolving more conflicts from past lives... As far as talking about this spiritual stuff, I agree - proceed with caution. I only try to say as much now as I think someone can handle. Otherwise, they just write me off as a nutcase and tend to reject the messenger right along with the message...
  16. Energy Healing and Self-Protection

    Well, it may be hard to reintroduce probiotics orally - since many will get nuked in our stomach acid before reaching our guts. So, a few other options here include: Baby poo enemas: Prebiotics: "Super" probiotics like Sustenex that can be taken orally, yet survive to the gut.
  17. Yes, there's actually several types of iodine supplements... "Magnascent" Iodine Edgar Cayce's "Atomic" Iodine "Tree" Iodine Etc... Not sure which form is best... But iodine in general is an oxidant that the thyroid gland stores up to use as ammo to kill germs with. --------------------------------------- Now, for electrical medicine, Zappers are an interesting device. Here's Hulda Clark's essential theories on them:
  18. sore throat and weak feeling

    For germs, I would say to zap them with a Hulda Clark-style Zapper. You can buy most of these devices for just over $100. Some even cheaper...and then you also have upper-end computational Rife-like machines, etc. But a simple positive square-wave function DC microcurrent device should do the trick. (2 main ones are "official" Hulda Clark versions and Don Croft's Terminator II Zapper.) These are just good devices to have on hand to stop colds, flus and other sicknesses in their tracks. (I don't have too much personal experience with this yet, but I know a few who have.) Biochemically, you can also try some: garlic (effective doses range from ~5 cloves - 3 bulbs per day) oil of oregano (a few drops per day, I believe) iodine (a few drops per day) Siberian pine nut oil (maybe a tablespoon per day, I believe) ionic "colloidal" silver (maybe a few teaspoons per day) turmeric (dissolve a tablespoon in a glass of water and try 2-3 doses per day) mushroom immune boosters etc. BTW, people might want to start researching some of these remedies and stock up for cold & flu season NOW. Thing is, you already want to have your med cabinet stocked and supplies ON HAND to nip things in the bud at first onset... And of course, you can also do some energetic healing, as well. But for the little bugs, I think the electrochemical combination approach often seems to work best.
  19. Starman returns

    Nothing, but it's a simple law of teh Internetz known as "Godwin's Law." Whereby: So, when da H-bomb finally gets name-dropped in a thread, it's a sign that the thread is finally nearing its bitter end...
  20. Starman returns

    Actually, no. Kriyas are well-known phenomena and you can stop them at any time. In fact, you have to go along with them to allow them to happen. I think this is pretty widely-acknowledged amongst Kunlunners. If you really wanted to resist any of those empty subtle force demos, you could. Of course, nobody does because everyone goes to those workshops to facilitate openings and such... Btw, I do enjoy your Taijiquan vids! Quite beautiful!
  21. Get to know the real Procurator

    I think that's the bottom line that crosses over into blind racism. Pre-judging (pre-judge-diss) a person by his "group," rather than his own individuality. Sure, maybe the shoe fits...but maybe it doesn't. And until you try it on, you won't really know. I know I have often been surprised after talking to someone about how they actually differed from my snap judgments.. And had I let my assumptions close me off, I would have missed out on some really great people. And by the same token, I've also gotten burned by giving other people too much credit too, lol.