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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Quick question regarding sexual energy

    "Sounds like" you might have a lower blockage above your sacral chakra that may be preventing the rising of your energy past it up your spine - like an elevator stuck on the ground floors. So, nowhere to go but down and out... I'd specifically work on clearing any blockages more than circulating the energy first.
  2. up coming event

    Ha, easy Trigger... I would definitely LOVE to meet and learn from WLP in person, but Ken's 2 points are the ones I am most practically concerned with: 1) Language barrier unavoidably impedes comprehension. Also, I'm assuming any workbooks or reference materials handed out will all be in Chinese, and not English? 2) Large "stadium seating" class size with no individualized attention or personalized instruction also vastly reduces the comprehension rate. Then it no longer becomes a 2-way conversation, but a 1-way lecture. So, the more people there are, the more it becomes like just watching a video... Of course, the main draw here is that it is the great WLP teaching in PERSON! So, that does even things out. I have also heard mixed reviews on Master Chunyi Lin, but if I was in the area, I wouldn't mind taking a class from him, Or even better, how to give O's @ a D from you! -------------------- Ken - Please remind me how long you (or Shen Laoshi) have been studying with WLP, what your current "level" is and what you have attained from the practices? (Not trying to be rude, just honestly curious to get some real student feedback and results.) Cuz we've all heard fantastic stories about WLP, but I would also like to hear how his students fare to "gauge" the effectiveness and user-friendliness of the teaching method and transmissions? And what are your personal impressions of WLP? Does he live up to all the legendary, enlightened immortal siddhic master hype? The other thing I'm concerned about is the efficiency of the method? I've heard that you must meditate for several hours a day? Is this true? Problem is, I am not sure I realistically have enough regular free time right now for this level of dedication. Although, I'm sure I could still learn a lot of things I can integrate on some level, regardless. Also, how much would a translator there cost? -------------------- de_paradise - Thanks for the tips! Ya, I believe the main Chinese international airports are Shanghai Hong Qiao International Airport (SHA), Beijing Capital International Airport (PEK) and Hong Kong Airport (HKG). And maybe Nanjing Airport (NKG) too? But I'm sure SHA does probably accept many more flights than HGH, so would be much easier to fly into (despite being twice as far from Jinhua than HGH). So, how long is the busride from Yiwu to Jinhua or directly from SHA to Jinhua? Well, I don't want to become a workshop junky and thought I was done this year, but who can help not to be interested by this? Not saying I'm at all decided either way, but it's certainly worth considering.
  3. up coming event

    Thanks, it's just that I've been to an all-Chinese seminar before - and live, real-time translation is really rough paraphrasing at best. A lot gets left out, and you just get the basic gist. I usually understood more with my marginal Chinese than listening to the translator. But there was still lots of words I didn't know that got lost between the truncated English recaps and my own limited vocab. And I would imagine even moreso with esoteric Taoist terminology. It's like the speakers would say about 10 sentences in detail...and then a translator would sum all that up in one sentence, lol. Oh well, guess there's no magic bullet around that. It just is what it is. YMWong - Thanks! So, most people have no problem scheduling international flights into HGH?
  4. Heaven will always find it's own Way...
  5. up coming event

    ^ Well, the 6000 EUR ($8700 USD today) tuition only was supposedly for a 2-3 week workshop. As compared to 1.5 weeks with WLP. However, that Denmark workshop was only a "dantien-opening" prep course conducted by students(?), and not with WLP himself. BTW, does anyone have this text or know what issue contains it?
  6. Kunlun San Diego and assorted musings

    Yes, David Icke is going mainstream! I think in 8 years, this will be a serious rebuttal in Presidential election debates.
  7. Taoist Master Wang Liping

    Interesting, that's coming up fast... What's the best way to Zhejiang from overseas? Hangzhou (HGH), Shanghai (SHA) or Nanjing (NKG) airport? Looks like HGH is the closest, if they accept a lot of international flights... So, then take a train or bus to Jinhua? How far is HGH from Jinhua? And is this workshop going to be conducted all in Chinese? What about for English speakers or huayi with marginal Mandarin skills?
  8. Kunlun San Diego and assorted musings

    Weird, what's with so many (ok, well 2 so far, lol) people experiencing mishaps and hurdles before this one?
  9. KSMO = Kundalini Shared Mutual Orgasm? And is there some technique that you practice to achieve this - or does it just happen spontaneously during sex?
  10. Fruitarianism

    I found that beans easily give you the protein & fiber (than just fruits & nuts) in a denser form. But you generally have to cook them. You could also sprout them too, but that's more complicated...
  11. Thanks guys.. You know, I just had a startling revelation. Glenn talked about various historical figures having their kundalinis awakened. This generally makes them more charismatic, and such. Well, I was out last night and had a number of random people coming up to me, including several girls...some who would just grab me. Which made me think about "mojo." And how Jim Morrison anagrammatically called himself Mr. Mojo Risin'. Not to mention the Lizard King. And in his song, The End, he sang: So, might mojo/snake = kundalini? Kundalini Risin' = awakening/rising Kundalini? 7 miles = 7 chakras along spine? Was Jim's kundalini awakening/awakened, perhaps? iI78ZPZm3qQ Seriously, I think (my fav one) could be used in Kundalini meditation: t3jf9_rua5Q Gawd, the lyrics are AWESOME!!!
  12. Lol, "period?" I guess anyone with any muscles is guilty until proven innocent? Even a Shaolin monk? Or weightlifters or gymnasts? Reality is, if you do a lot of strength exercises with weights or bodyweight, how can you NOT grow bigger muscles??? And yes, there are natural Asian mesomorphs, too - just like any other race... BTW, Dara Torres credits her performance to meridian stretching. Keep in mind that flexibility is veryyy important in swimming, if not necessarily other sports... yUPMCu7WAzA
  13. Wang Liping in Denmark

    ^ From what I gather in this (and I could be totally wrong): - DSV's alleged level 4 attainment may be somewhat questionable?- DSV may possibly have misrepresented or overstated some things about his attainment or relationship with WLP? - Little1 has been withholding such disclosures in case WLP does consider DSV to be some sort of esteemed disciple - as it would not be "respectful" to discredit such an "accepted disciple?" Perhaps I read too much into this, but regardless, thank you for your frank input here, Little1. I think the truth sets all sentient beings free in the long run though. And so overrides any need to protect falsehood. Besides, Heaven will always find it's own way, anyways... Like, I know some guy whose pineal's been opening and skull plates shifting, with no dedicatd effort or formal training at all.
  14. flouride and mercury tooth fillings

    Qin Shi HuangDi, who "created" China (probably named after him), sought immortality after creating his new nation, building the Great Wall and his elaborate tomb in Xian with terracotta soldiers... Well he was advised to take mercury balls for life extension...which only led to madness and renal failure instead, lol. ZdTDikvWRYc Great info though. But I wasn't considering IV chelation. Just oral chelation perhaps, and replacing my amalgams. I believe they are a constant source of mercury loading, so I need to remove them in order to really unburden my liver and kidneys for good. Although I also agree that the internet stuff is typically hyped-up "worst-case" scenarios and I will need to weigh the "fix" against the problem. The problem with amalgams being that they initially required large excavation of the tooth to install...and even more to there may not be much tooth left if they get removed too. Now, has anyone heard of cilantro (coriander) chelation? And not only is it a chelator - but antimicrobial too! I think I'm going to try some Bentonite clay & cilantro...and consider getting my amalgams replaced too.
  15. Trance Songs

    That's nice, but I just wanna make love at a distance to booty girls at McDs!
  16. Coral castle, Florida

    He made some interesting observations there... As you can see, Ed encoded a LOT into the site. It's like the how old Sionists/etc did in The Da Vinci Code. I went there myself when I attended the KAP workshop. It's a truly intriguing site, and I also learned many things about it during my visit. Stuff about ley lines, demons, ghosts, etc. Of course, not the big overall secret of how he actually did it all, though. So, if anyone is ever in the area, they should check it out and add some more pieces to the puzzle here.
  17. flouride and mercury tooth fillings

    Has anyone had their amalgams removed or know a good protocol for it? What dentist to use? What to replace the amalgams with? Ceramic, gold, composites, porcelain, resins, silver, etc? What supplements to take? Clays, HM (Heavy Metal) Nano-Detox, etc? The more I learn about amalgams, the more I want them OUT of my body! frankly, I'm disgusted dentists would even CONSIDER putting something like this in our bodies! WTF were they thinking???
  18. You'll have to check back with me later on that... My main goal this past year was to assemble a decent toolbox to work from - as I basically started "from scratch" last year. I had philosophical knowledge, but little applicable stuff. So, I barely squeezed in various workshops of interest, while getting swamped with many other things in life. And barely had time for anything else. Even got to exhaustion at one point, before I decided to pull back some. But, I have been progressively working off my todo list so I can create regular dedicated training time. Takes time to make time. As laypersons, we don't live in a vacuum and so much of our time goes to work, home and other aspects of physical life. Which is also the foundation of spiritual growth, though. Anyhow, I am nearing the completion of my todo list...and I feel I have a good set of tools to work with. At that point, maybe within a few months, I am going to be able to finally do some regular training. Then I will report back on results. Which is not to say I haven't been progressing as we speak. I have done some minimal or irregular practice and many healing sessions. So, stuff has been steadily getting cleared out, nonetheless. In fact, recently I have felt whole-body energy circulation with deep whole-body belly-breathing. I just haven't had time to make a more concerted cultivation effort, yet.
  19. Frantzis and China

    And that would be....?
  20. Ah, do tell then, sir!!
  21. flouride and mercury tooth fillings

    What's dmps chelation? And I think my amalgams have been slowly leaching out mercury over time... So, I think I'd eventually like to get them all replaced. In fact, even the FDA is finally admitting to this problem (although only as part of a legal settlement):
  22. Clay Supplements

    Wow, perfect! I was just contemplating using clay for liver-cleansing, mercury detox & general lower torso detox! Sooo, it sounds like Bentonite is the heavy-hitter, with Terramin, Pascalite, Redmond, etc being milder in effect? What about any risks or side-effects to be aware of? Sounds like Trunk's depletion effects were correctable...with rich "pregnant woman" food. Might the clay ever get stuck in your intestines, though? Can someone please summarize this thread with: 1) Which clay to buy? 2) Where to buy it? 3) Dosage? 4) Any supplements to take with it? Very where would we buy this antimicrobial agricur clay from, then? Thanks! Da clay n00b
  23. Frantzis and China

    Someone must still have that tape...what I would give to watch that!
  24. Have you gotten your Tibetan flag out yet?

    Russia is a democracy now. But how come the US no longer reports on them and what a "great improvement" that's been? Also, where has our "democracy" (oligarchy) gotten us, in reality? $10 trillion in opposed to China, which now has a surplus of money. Maybe China should start chiding us for our fiscal irresponsibility, living waaayyyy beyond our means and starting wars to force people to value and use our fiat Monopoly money? That said, I'm all for freedom of thought, speech and smart, benevolent leadership. Unfortunately, that freedom can also be abused by mass psychologists to brainwash the mass sheeple...just as despotic regimes can abuse their authority to silence dissenters. The end result then is similar - a hypnotized, ignorant public.