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Everything posted by gendao

  1. ///

    Dang, does anyone else get a virus when they click on that page? I believe I've been to that site before with no probs...but maybe there's a glitch on that one?
  2. On love and sex

    BTW, for some possible examples of "non-lusty" orgasms here...I might suspect that these may have been some: Now, these women may have had intense orgasms...but I'm speculating that "feelingswise" - they may have been more or less neutral and so not emotionally pleasurable. I mean surely, Drew's mom didn't get off emotionally by the orgasm he stimulated in her. It probably felt like a nice, physiological energetic flow...but not one loaded with lust and emotion. And without those additional "hot" factors, it can be a drier, more clinical & mechanical experience.
  3. Daoist Muscle Tendon Change classic

    Wow, that's pretty amazing. So, are such results typical? Or was it possibly just the last straw on the camel's back that unleashed what you had already been building up through all those other years of practice? Is this technique described on your site? I know it can't be transmitted effectively over text, but I'm just kinda curious about a glossover of the basic method.
  4. Well f*** Barry Long with a fire hydrant...tell us YOUR secrets, Sean!
  5. On love and sex

    Do you mean his women were far from not jealous? As in they were jealous? Also, do you mean literally make love (sex) to her "24/7?" Who has time for that though? Or just love her in an emotional sense? So, is this what you would call lust or love at first sight? Yes, by this I mean you can have a full-fledged (not weak) orgasm...but devoid of lust and personal attachment/emotional just feels like "any other" non-sexual energy rush and more "clinical" than "pleasurable." Again, I am no expert here - but have seen, heard of and somewhat experienced this before lately. Cat - Let's say a random "massage therapist" or "Tantric" adept rubs you off one as a demo. You don't even know the guy (or gal), and they might not even touch you physically. Yet, they could still stimulate an orgasm in you as a physiological response...yet no matter how intense, it wouldn't feel as "pleasurable" as one with a romantic partner with an emotional connection. Because there would be no "meaning" attached. It's like your body is involved, but not your "soul."
  6. On love and sex

    ^ Well, I agree that some of the squabble here is over semantics. Cuz what we're talking about here is not well-predefined. But, I do know of having orgasms that are more like just clinical, energetic flows than really "pleasurable" if lust and emotions are not also involved. Pleasure then seems to be tied to sweaty lust and personal emotions (passion). The energetic flows of sex just seem to be more of a "neutral" vehicle for that. Which is not to discount non-lusty sex for other purposes, like dual cultivation. I just wonder if that is as "pleasurable?" And what you can really attain with Osho's non-ejaculatory valley orgasms, if those supposedly aim towards a higher goal? Anyone wanna chime in with such actual experiences here?
  7. Dark Night of the Soul

    Well, what we say we want consciously...and what we actually believe subconsciously...are often 2 different things. The subconscious beliefs that our energy bodies hold are what actually count, though. So, it is possible that you may just have a subconscious belief(s) "blocking" you from God (quite common, actually), then. And until you address these issues directly, tangential methods may not be enough to crack through them, or without far more difficulty. The ultimate goal of most spiritual traditions is yoga - or union with God - or dissolving back into the Void. So, I don't think this search is ever going to simply go away... But again, this is just my humble opinion. You are, of course, your own judge. And perhaps you are only kindly humoring me with passive-aggressive sarcasm. In which case, that is fine too.
  8. On love and sex

    Au contraire. Actually, what I believe is that sex and lust are not necessarily inseparable. Therefore, you could have non-lusty sex...which would then be "non sexual" sex. This could be in energetic dual cultivation...or even regular sex where one (or both) partners are emotionally-disconnected and personally disinterested. But still physically performing the biological act of sex (see porn or prostitution). Without the emotional aspect and feelings of lust, it seems the act can still occur...but becomes more clinical (ie - "non sexual"). Or in your terms, the gateaux without the whipped cream. But I am no authority here, in fact the opposite in trying to figure it all out!
  9. mantak chia?

    Interesting, so you claim this is why there is often a ~100 day "energy building" celibacy period for many esoteric traditions? And that it's to open the pineal gland so you can then channel unlimited amounts? Hmm...are there quicker ways to open the pineal gland then...that don't require such retention? Also, is opening the pineal gland really the mechanism here that opens you to unlimited "jing?" Well, I have never formally trained with Chia - only skimmed through some of his books, heard a few secondhand anecdotes and watched a few clips. I just get the sense that he is more a lecturing publicist than a truly self-cultivating adept who can really show what he tells... Although such PR serves its societal purpose too, and may provide a good overview for n00bs. That's all just a snap judgment, though. Again, I don't really know that much about the guy. Yea, right now I really like your 5PB! All the stuff's good though and I am trying to integrate them together, and do them more smoothly and fluidly as second nature. I also agree that there is no substitute for live instruction. The media can serve good as a reference after you've already gotten it, but it's tough to learn things well for the first time off them since there's no corrective feedback. But videos are probably the next-best thing.
  10. Sounds like you got some temporary "qi sickness"/"Kundalini syndrome" from too much qi stuck up in ya head...and just need to bring it down in front like with the MCO and ground more. I don't think this should be a big deal.
  11. On love and sex

    Ok, well can you just tell me if you prefer it to "regular" ole' lusty sex?
  12. Dark Night of the Soul

    Actually, I think your dissolving practice sounds great... I've actually done some similar stuff as that, and it also worked well. But, the type of "spiritual parapsychology" I'm talking about here does not "endlessly cogitate." It seeks quick Divine answers from God, that bypass your logical left lobe. And the issues are not just understood, but then "energetically" cleared as well. Again, I am not talking about conventional post-Freudian psychology here that relies upon a lot of logical speculation and meds. No, that CAN easily lead you on a wild goose chase for years on end (as you experienced)! Only higher intuition can directly guide you to the point-of-origin for your issues - not cold, intellectual logic. But, I think the 2 approaches we're discussing here are not so different. One is just a bit more manual, the other channeling the Divine energy more. But, there's many ways to unclog a pipe.
  13. ^ Thanks. And here's some info on terma:
  14. David Verdesi

    Muchos gracias Jesse & mjjbecker for the 411! The way of Heaven tends to find its way around obstacles to those it sincerely needs to reach..
  15. Pema Dudul achieved it back in 1872... He did this via "chulen." So essentially, he used a practice that gradually weaned himself off solid food to subsist off pure elemental essence, instead. But, does anyone know more about the specifics of this process? BTW, he could also engrave rocks with his finger! In more recent times, another guy attained it in 1952:
  16. Silly electrical question

    Yea, I take a walk every night and on average at least 1 turns off as I pass by it everytime. I thought they had light sensors that trigger them to turn off in the daytime though? That could explain SLI if cars or people reflect light up into them, if so. Or no?
  17. Dark Night of the Soul

    True, I suppose you don't HAVE to know the origin of an energetic block to clear it...but it just seems that much more efficient and effective. To me, just doing the energetics without psychology is like just doing psychology without energetics. You are essentially cutting your effectiveness in half. So, why not do both together? Because, let's face it, every energy block has a causation. They aren't there "just cuz." So, I find it very therapeutic to find the reason behind them. But if you eliminate this psychological aspect, then that's what I define as making the process more "mechanical" and less "personal." Whereas I believe that underneath every energetic block lies a personal issue. And the issue is like a speedboat, while the block is the turbulent wake it leaves.
  18. blue orbs

    ^ Interesting, thanks. And this is a n00b question, but why is Shiva purple? Also, does the Tarzan outfit symbolize shamanism, or what?
  19. Dark Night of the Soul

    I don't mean despiritualized secular psychology. Which often runs in logical circles without getting to the root of the problem. And then prescribes happy pills to numb the pain. I mean, let's say you're irrationally afraid of water. You trace it back to a past life where you drowned. You then clear it, and recognize that you're no longer at risk for that in your current context today. And so, you lose that fear. Basically, a lot of our blocks are leftover reactions to stimuli that no longer exist. So, when you realize that they no longer exist, it's easy to release that reactive block.
  20. Muchos gracias, compadre! Great to join the tribe and appreciate all the guidance from you and Glenn. And so nice of him to drop in like he did. Well, I got home yesterday and then had to go work evening shift (this week), didn't get home till almost midnight. Was a long day, so haven't had time to train or do much yet. I may try to train some tonight, if I have the energy. As I said, my schedule is kinda hectic right now so I'm working on clearing that so I can free up more time for solid practice. But I did notice that my ankles and shins are really sore, and I realize that it's from all that shaking and vibration! Good to hear Juan's doing great too! I dunno, if I was him, I might have just gone for the eruption and DAMN THE TORPEDOS! Let errr riiipppp! Isn't that the point?
  21. ---

    That was my honest opinion too - no offense to Lama here, or claim to be right about it...
  22. Anyone heard about this Nepalese kid, Ram Bahadur "Palden Dorje" Bomjon?