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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Soy Milk Allergy ?

    ^ Agreed. Soy milk is actually a relatively recent opposed to the various fermented products. And I don't believe modern soy milk is fermented or precipitated or anything. Which is why it gives me bloating and I avoid it. But, why do people always think that dietary items always have to have a "substitute" that looks and tastes relatively the same, anyways? It's like, why do carnivores going veggy have to find veggy-based products remolded to look and taste like meat? Why don't you just break out of the whole paradigm of your old diet and eat whatever you need in whatever forms they come in? If you want additional calcium or protein - there are many sources for that that don't resemble dairy (or meat) products at all. Open your minds, people!
  2. Most EFFECTIVE form of Meditation?

    Noting or nothing?
  3. je zeus?

    I think it is already commonly-acknowledged that "Yeshua" is more authentic than "Jesus." And it would also fit better with claims that he was known as "Issa" in the East, where he allegedly studied and taught during his missing years in the Bible... Hadn't heard the "Hail Zeus" theory, though.
  4. Kunlun Europe

    Or did the slick marketing also intrigue you enough to make you go? He has learned from a lot of Asian masters, so why not don their traditional garb? Sometimes that's a way to honor those traditions. I mean, an Asian CEO is often going to wear a Western business suit - is that insecure? BTW, he doesn't always wear "Asian" dress - he often just wears T-shirts and cargo pants too. So, I wouldn't get hung up on it either way.. Interesting - because that seems to consistently be about the average % at each workshop - about half. But he is an "Asian" guru - rooted in a lot of Eastern Mystery School practices. Just because he's White in this life does not mean he couldn't have learned many of these "Asian" methods (in this life and others). And some of us do really enjoy such "fanciful" stories and don't presume that they must be mere fancy!
  5. *Even more humbly bows back* I used to follow the left-lobe, intellectual path, until I could go no further... I realized its limitations when I was stuck treading water. In fact, when I very first joined this board, I had just had a dream. (You can read that first post in my sig.) Where essentially, I was forced to start using my sensing to go further down the path... Feeling Heart Intuition God These are things I had been largely blocked from most of my life. I was always intellectually spiritual - but was "physically" disconnected from these aspects. But I later discovered just how paramount they are to navigation in spiritual ascension. No, you cannot just "think" your way through it. You are best off guided through opening these avenues. Freud & co were wrong. We are not merely mechanical men.
  6. NLP and Max (Conman) Christensen

    I agree. WTH is the difference?
  7. ^ Teachers are only fingers pointing at the moon, though. And perhaps it is hasty to judge and reject the moon by the fingers...because they are not necessarily synonymous? Well, even he admits he is a "trickster" coyote. That he does have a playful, mischievous streak. But I don't think this is malicious - more like a prankster who still really cares deeply about everyone. Also, I think he often has to give simplified answers due to time constraints and the n00biness of many of his workshop students... BTW, my spontaneous partial kundalini awakening was helped triggered by Dionne. Who I believe was unknowingly running what Matrix Energetics calls frequency #18. So, I don't know how much of it was directly due to the Kunlun itself and how many others at the workshops have experienced it there. Or how the "small death" experience might relate to kundalini, if it does? Because more than a few people had those during the workshops... Personally, I do want all my chakras open from root to crowm etc. Because I agree that all are important, especially while still living in this 3rd density.
  8. Ironically, I think you missed my point tho. The mechanistic part wasn't necessarily directed towards you, I was only adding to the general discussion. I agree. Perhaps you presumed that I meant using logical psychoanalysis to do the digging? Because that is the default frame for psychology in this hemisphere (pun intended). Well thing is, our Western psychiatry was founded by secular Jews like Freud, an unemotional, left-brained, militant atheist. And these dialectic materialists believed that the world consisted solely of matter, and everything could thus be explained by physical science alone. In essence, all is nothing more than a giant, cold machine (projection, here?). They absolutely denied any spiritual realms or psychic phenomena. (The heartless, anti-spiritual ideology of which on a global scale!) Now, I'm not saying the logical approach can't work to some degree, but it's only one piece of the puzzle. That can often lead to false conclusions that make sense...but are still false. This is because a lot of it becomes open speculation based upon incomplete data - and your logical analysis is only as good as your data. But when you tap into higher intelligence, you get better answers because it's based off better data. Ergo, let go & let God, as they say... (And to preempt the next assumptions, no I don't mean "God" in a Fundy Christian sense - but a trans-cultural sense.)
  9. NLP and Max (Conman) Christensen

    Yea, she has a great site and story. What exactly do you think killed her, though? Possibly side-effects from the kundalini awakening? Or nonrelated? What ARE the possible risks or side-effects with kundalini, anyways? And how can we avoid them?
  10. Yea, we'll see...wherever the flow takes me. Yes, that was my hunch. In fact, I already had a slight kundalini awakening (partial, stirring, whatever you wanna call it) during one of Max's workshops - which is why I suspected the opening itself was not incompatible. Maybe just some of the practices. And Max never said kundalini awakening itself was incompatible, anyways. I do believe, in context, he was implying kundalini practices when he cautioned against mixing in "kundalini." Not to mention other references he's made to kundalini. So, I think it's important to really understand what exactly is (and is not) being said to prevent teachings from becoming blind dogma. Interesting, I would love to know the historical connection here. As that topic has come up here before... And thanks for the other replies.
  11. ^ True, everything is holographic and thus connected through the different layers. Although, it seems that it is still more effective and efficient to pull the weeds out at their roots. Anyhow, I think personal healing and self-discovery is very important in the spiritual path - although it often gets neglected in favor of mechanical formulaic techniques that don't address personal identity so much. But people forget that we are trying to personally reconcile with a "Divine Creator"...and focus on just trying to jump levels like in a video game like the universe is just a giant, impersonal machine, instead. In this sense, I do agree with the Reiki Tummo philosophy. (Although, others may not.)
  12. I don't understand either process exactly enough yet to make such hard calls. I mean, what if Kunlun is going down in front and kundalini up in back? Wouldn't that be like the MCO then? And doesn't Max also teach a reversed MCO (Red Dragon)? And is it the traditional kundalini practices or awakening itself that is "incompatible?" Now, I could see how these could be contradictory, but also how they might possibly not be in some situations. Although, it's somewhat pointless for me to arrive at logical conclusions right now when I am lacking so much data. Logic is better used in concert with intuition, or in post-game analysis. And one thing I've learned from Kunlun is not to get so stuck in my logical left lobe. Hence, I'm keeping an open mind and just inquiring.. Santiago - congratz & thanks!
  13. Well, that's how it works. You figure out the connections and trace back physical maladies to energetic disturbances to emotional issues. Then you resolve the root issue at the bottom of each. And keep repeating with various issues until you're fully clear. Wash, rinse & repeat. Spirituality is an ongoing process of purification. (But if someone else has figured out a quicker way, let me know!)
  14. ^ Never hurts to ask and keep your mind open.. And I'm not sure Max meant that as an absolutist blanket statement...vs. just more of a general precaution. Uh, even Max doesn't limit himself solely to Kunlun. It can do a lot, but he also continues to study many other things still. Similarly, I just follow my flow and don't limit myself as well. Santiago - Are these methods forceful or use a lot of visualisation?
  15. I have actually been working with someone with a rather similar condition... I wouldn't know if the causation is the same, but the pelvic area often harbors sexual issues/trauma and the left side unresolved past issues (often even past life). Fear is also an aspect of the root chakra - a survival mechanism. If these are the case, then it's "simply" a matter of identifying and clearing these issues.
  16. How long do you recommend one waits after KAP Level 1 to take Level 2? After their kundalini has actually been awakened, first? Also, I wonder if this is possibly safe to combine with Kunlun or other practices?
  17. Who am I ?

    Godseed A fibrillation Of the cosmic essence The flower who forgot It was part of the tree The raindrop between Heaven and Earth All rivers returning To the sea.
  18. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Not even just to break even to cover all their travelling expenses? Where are they supposed to get the money to do that then? Working day jobs?
  19. NLP and Max (Conman) Christensen

    I actually think a subforum would help - because then the threads would be compartmentalized and easily avoided, if wanted. Also, the same questions and issues keep getting rehashed over and over. But, if all the threads were compiled in the same place, people would find a lot of their answers to the same old questions in the old threads.. Anyways, I would actually like a Derren Brown thread to discuss his methods and how to do them..
  20. Spiritual Politics and Practice

    That's really cool. What modality did she use for that? And yes, there are "drug spirits" that enjoy keeping you addicted to drugs...cuz everytime you get high, they do too. I know the 60s helped to "legitimize" recreational drug usage in the West...but they failed to warn people of the spiritual and emotional problems it can cause (& maybe even intentionally to keep us down). But there's an actual spiritual mechanism working there based upon these entities.
  21. WU dang orbit?

    I wonder if this has to do with Tibet Buddhist theory on white father and red mother energy. Where, essentially, they split apart at birth to your crown and dantien/"sacral" chakra area...and merge back at the heart at death. A lot of esoteric practices seem to center around activating processes that naturally occur at death. So that you can achieve those same transcendant states...while still alive.
  22. Dragon Breathing

    What is Mantak Chia's level after all these years?
  23. Drew, do you get a hard-on and ever actually ejac during this remote dual-cultivation? And if not, are YOU ever actually having an O, or just the female? And if you are, what does it feel like when it is getting "ionized" up to your brain? Anything like a conventional male ejac O at all?
  24. Left in the Dark

    I REALLY wanna see a YouTube vid of Drew doing an O at a D on some dime at McD's. C'mon Drew. Show us what you got!
  25. Yea, I think the energetics are highly important. And a lot of the other stuff is just "mindless filler," to be frank. Because the goal is mindless...not filling it, lol. Thus, I agree that if you really cut it down to the core essentials, the process is much quicker and simpler than it has been made out to be. You could really streamline it and increase the efficiency manifold. Although, isn't a partial kundalini just that? Partial? Nothing more, nothing less...? So, are YOU and was Glenn ENLIGHTENED?