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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Karma in relationships

    Why won't you just make a chart detailing excatly what you observed through "clairaudience" about each "race" and their pecking order? And are you claiming that you were basically able to prove this all by "racially" identifying people without actually seeing them?
  2. Final solution

    If they left it at that, sure... But, that's only going to justify the increased usage of technology to supplant natural processes. In another generation, many people will be rendered largely sterile - who will then "need" to "be saved" by all sorts of artificial reproduction and genetic engineering. And then in another half-generation, natural reproduction will be deemed too "primitive" and risky altogether - especially given how many more birth defects and problems will develop as our environment gets further degraded... Artificial reproduction with a lengthy checklist of standard germline edits will then become the established (and nearly MANDATORY) norm. Nothing more will be left to natural "chance," anymore. (Despite the fact that all natural life on our planet today evolved purely from natural "chance"...) Yes, the writing is on the wall...and you can't help but already see all this a mile away!!! And oh look, look what else has happened in the last ~60 years:
  3. Lol, reminds me of back in the good ole Manifest Destiny days when the "good cop" missionaries were also "trying to do good social work" by converting and "civilizing" (obedience training) the preparation for their new imperialistic, "bad cop" masters. And with such an effective 1-2 combo of soft and hard power, indigenous cultures, land, men, women, and kids...were all soon LIBERATED! So heartwarming to see the colonial stepchildren of this great heritage loyally preserving and continuing their hallowed traditions even today! Their legacy lives on!!! *slow clap*
  4. bigu or Daoist low carb

    Yea, but we're not talking about the general populace here...but cryptic advice from ancient Daoists. Who have always somehow remained ahead of the curve even thousands of years ago! So amongst other things...growing grains caused massive deforestation, human population explosion, and brain shrinkage...
  5. Right, so Green Pill ecospiritualism in a nutshell...vs where globaliesing WEIRD cult-ure has been verily leading us very merrily into the depths of death...
  6. Interesting, I wonder if "Kunlun"/Yigong Level 1 also operates on that same principle? Although in that practice, females held the exact same posture as well - without switching hands...
  7. Is this a portrait ?

    Although original aboriginal art was generally imprinted directly on Nature (petroglyphs), and not on rectilinear canvases... Which is yet another artificial, rectilinear framing superceding our natural field of vision, which is more of a buttprint shape without really hard borders... Remember, even "Yeshua" was (allegedly) constantly persecuted and eventually crucified for violating various "laws." So his crucifixion on the rectilinear cross symbolized the initial "triumph" of this square cult in overriding "Divine Nature." But of course, Man's "laws" are actually misnomers because in science, a law cannot be broken. And if it can be, then it has been effectively disproven and is thus no longer truly a law. Therefore, a manmade law can never truly supercede a natural one. Hence, Yeshua still "rose again" in the end...
  8. This staggeringly stark tragedy bears I just recently realized the very same thing on my own, as well! 7.5 billion humans now are the equivalent of a giant asteroid hitting the planet!
  9. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    YES, YES, YES!!! It all stems from the self-entitling idea of OWNING NATURE. From domesticating livestock animals to owning pets and slaves to land "ownership" to patentable GMOs's all the same dish in a thousand different flavors! Like, JUST AS YOU SAID - sure, we can "buy" land but it was stolen first. Which then invalidates any future "legal" purchases. Because it can't be legal if it was hot to begin with... I think a lot of denialists may realize this DEEP DOWN, but the GREEN PILL is just TOO MUCH for them to want to SWALLOW!!! So, they simply "can't accept it," regardless.
  10. apocalypse confirmed by science

    WOW, I independently came to the VERY SAME conclusions as you...just 2 whole YEARS later!!! Which shows that there's something consistent to these underlying realizations here.. 1) Man CANNOT OWN NATURE. Sound reasonable? Well...not to WEIRDos, who have based their entire society upon the OPPOSITE notion... And will thus stubbornly stonewall any attempts to convince them otherwise! 2) Man builds with uniform simple symmetry, while Nature builds with freeform super symmetry. Which is how people can generally recognize manmade objects, vs organic ones.
  11. And some recent scientific studies also corroborate acupuncture points from a materialistic POV, too: Would have been cooler if they actually included some photos of all these acupoint microstructures, though!
  12. How would you define your country ?

    Currently conflicted... The American lifestyle is amongst the most opulent in the world! But the price paid for this by the rest of the world has been, and still is, unconscionably catastrophic!
  13. Illness arises from continually avoiding our greater fears with lesser ones. Healing comes from the reverse path. Your greater fear here is that of just living real, ordinary life. Because that makes all your issues all the more tangible and literally "harder" to deal with. Having real, healthy relationships with men, paying the bills, etc, etc. So, you seek to spiritually escape that in a magical, fantasy world. Trust me, when people start obsessively relying on Tarot cards for reassurance and guidance in life - it means their real life is a failfest! Of course, the problem is that your issues still repeat themselves even in your fantasies... So, your deep distrust/fear of men...reappears even in the dreamy astral realms of your imagination. Because, there is no escape from your own mind. In this case, for example, there is no escape from your distrust of men. Fully accepting, feeling, allowing, and surrendering to that feeling (rather than constantly running away from it like a scared rabbit) first...would be the beginning of the process that would finally start to end that repeating cycle. But until then...welcome to another exciting Groundhog Day!
  14. Mo Pai and John Chang

    Well, Bruce Lee was like a brash Conor McGregor back then. Both were aggressively and actively on the offensive to prove their points. But guys going to that extreme are 1 in a few billion... Whereas, Ilovecoffee is a lot milder and more just on the defensive whenever the topic comes up. That doesn't change the fact that the basic dynamics are the same, though. Bruce Lee basically believed some of the establishment dogma was ineffective, and some of them felt he was just too arrogant and disrespectful. At the core, the conflict really lies in how to ascertain what the truest (and thereby, most effective) version of something is. Which is no small feat, particularly in fringe fields. I mean, why did people develop the scientific method? Why did people start the UFC and MMA cage fighting? These were all different attempts to validate the truth by controlled repetition or direct competition. So at the end of the day, who "wins?" The man holding the thunderbolt of truth, rules them all - and moreso, himself! Hence, we're all constantly seeking it, like sifting through desert sands for water lost in mirages... It's funny to think, however triggered some members feel from Ilovecoffee's uncompromising Mo Pai advocacy can only imagine how certain Chinatown proprietors felt after constantly getting publicly dissed by Bruce Lee in various formats (demos, books, etc), lol... So, I guess a showdown became inevitable at that point of continual escalation, lol. Anyhow, just adding some greater perspective here by showing a bigger picture at play. This is not a unique scenario, and there's actually a whole buffet of food for deeper contemplation here..
  15. Mo Pai and John Chang

    Anyone else but me see what's really going on here? A classic battle between the young, cocky upstart and the older, more established "council" holding court... This all culminated in the legendary, and controversial, fight between Bruce "Rebel" Lee & Wong Jack "Establishment" Man... The results are still subject to debate today (sadly, it wasn't video'd)...but the parallels between this archetypal conflict and that between Ilovecoffee & The Dao Bums mods now are pretty obvious. I can only await a written, live, head-to-head, neigong challenge letter to be issued by the mods next, lol.
  16. But there's still no actual proof there...just more subjective interpretations. In fact, just in that one article alone, some archeologists believe dragons were crocodiles, and other researchers still believe they were boa constrictors... So, there's not even a consensus, there. And do note that most of these Chinese guys are still rather Westernized (left-brained, materialist, Mad Scientist) archeologists, academic researchers, etc etc.
  17. ^^ Well, I'm not ruling it out, but saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) tend to be wider, flatter, and stubbier. So, they just don't seem to quite fit the visual description - that has remained remarkably consistent over millenia! If anything, a smaller freshwater crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni) would seem a better match. As they do tend to be thinner and more upright. But you also have to consider that a lot of Chinese mysticism is actually simply literal. And Westerners who have yet to experience said phenomena, often attempt to WEIRDsplain it as something that they are already familiar with. Yet, this is often a mistake... For example, Westerners who have never felt qi, may believe it is actually simply air or electromagnetism, or something... When in fact, it is actually what Chinese have defined it as - a subtle, "woo woo" bioenergy. Yes, that is EXACTLY what it is, believe it or not! It's simply a concept that does not exist AT ALL in modern WEIRD science - and is therefore incomprehensible within that cultural framework! Like, look at this painting of a giraffe by Shen Du in 1414. It's pretty accurate with not much creative license taken there! It simply is what it is... Which if you've never heard of a giraffe before - would thoroughly confuse you. But if you have, then it would give you an "aha!" moment of instant recognition! So, what if classical dragons are also the same way? Now, I do think the crocodile hypothesis is still plausible...but it just seems a little off, would require a little shoehorning, and so I'm just not really convinced. I don't get that "aha!" moment, but more of a, "hmm, mayybbee?"
  18. Great art!!! And I'm also still not sure that that pictograph depicts a crocodile. Sure, it has 4 legs and a serpentine body...but it still also has what appears to be some head shield or frill? Which you still often see in past and present artwork. (Bronze dragon, A.D. 220–589) (Earthenware Dragon, 400-600 CE) (Painted Ceramic Dragon, Tang Dynasty) Honestly, all these Chinese dragons look more like these (than just a crocodile): (Dracorex hogwartsia) (Pachycephalosaurus) (Nothosaurus) (Sirrush by Ishtar Gate from 600 BC) (Ojibwa Indian art, Agawa Rock, Ontario, CA) (Petroglyh - Wupatki National Park, Arizona) (Tomb Tapestries - Ica, Peru, 200 – 700 AD) It makes you wonder if perhaps the Chinese dragon...might have been some sort of rare, cross-cultural, "living dinosaur?" Maybe something that not ONLY the Chinese saw - but some others around the planet too, as well??? And there's even a few other varieties of Chinese dragons too. These (alleged) Hongshan "pig dragon" figurines appear to be Montanoceratops, for instance... So, all these old, dinosaur-like depictions seem pretty cross-cultural. And the classic Chinese dragon motif seems to typify one of the most common forms of these...a slim-bodied, long-necked, long-tailed reptile up on catlike legs with a frilled or armored head.
  19. Mo Pai and John Chang

    Well, Jiang Feng already sadly passed away just over a year ago...
  20. Yea, I have to admit that while the crocodile origin story is an intriguing possibility, it doesn't quite seem like an exact fit, either. For one thing, the mythological depictions of Chinese dragons tend to have longer necks and legs than a crocodile/alligator. And even in the earliest scripts, they tend to show an ornate head with "catfish whiskers"...that still looks remarkably consistent with modern artwork today! So nothing's really changed over thousands of years!!! Whatever this creature is supposed to be - it looks similar to a crocodile/alligator - but not entirely. Not to mention, there have been various Chinese terms for dragons, crocodiles, and alligators, with some distinctions and some possible overlap. But if they were all basically one and the same, wouldn't there just be 1 word? So in some texts, they even refer to "jiao" and alligators separately as different aquatic creatures. A "jiao" is therefore at least not an alligator, but some type of distinct "dragon" or possibly, a saltwater crocodile. But then why would there be 2 different words for crocodile? Although, 鱷 for crocodile, appears to be a relatively new term, not existing in older Bronze or Oracle scripts... Well, the key words to research here would be 龍 (lóng), 蛟 (jiāo), and to a lesser extent, 鱷 (è).
  21. Great Pacific Garbage Patch

    Lol, even back in the Middle Ages, look at the environmental destruction wreaked by WEIRD populations! Which only briefly subsided for a few years while 20 million were killed off by the Black Death plague!
  22. Holy Grail

    Right, and the bleeding lance could also symbolize another broken phallus. So, you have 2 broken dicks, basically, and a holy vagina. Well, in order to continue the need 1 working cack and 1 vagina. But if you're 0-for-2 on cacks, it doesn't matter if you even got a vagina or not! So, the Fisher King must be depressed because he knows that only HE can continue his Father's legacy and fulfill his expectations...and he even already has the magic yoni needed for that - but his own magic sticks are busted. So, unless he can magically repair them, he is the tragic end of the line, and that all falls upon him. No pressure there, son! On a psychological level, this scenario also falls into the common struggles with living up to the expectations of your Father, others, and ultimately yourself. Which is a whole topic in itself worthy of deep contemplation...
  23. Holy Grail

    ^ Hmm, maybe on a deeper level...but perhaps on a more immediate one: This is just a speculative hunch...but I feel it fits an archetypal role like that of a "lineage holder." In this role, the holder is entrusted to serve as a living vessel (grail) for some invaluable tradition, bloodline, etc. that otherwise cannot be replicated/duplicated on its own. If ever lost, it would be ridiculously difficult to redevelop from scratch, if not nigh impossible... And this "fluid line" is of a "spiritual/divine/irreplicable nature/origin that very tenuously requires a living, physical container in this realm. It cannot really "exist" here (in this material realm) merely on its own. And while such a line is timeless, physical containers are NOT. They all age, wear down, and eventually break. So, the precious fluid must be transferred generationally, in an unbroken chain, in order to preserve it. It is much like torchbearers passing Prometheus's torch down... The lineage holder serves this role. And it's a bittersweet one, because while they may gain "divine" status/powers from possessing it, they also tend to sacrifice a lot (or all) of his life in order to do so. A very familiar example HERE is "John Chang" - who's lived quite a tough life in mastering, safeguarding, and stewarding the Mo Pai art. Which is also just common folklore in many martial arts, and other traditions, too... Not to mention, in many more mundane aspects of ordinary life, as well. Within each species or family, there is bloodline and culture to be passed down. Etc, etc. In any case, the Fisher King seems distraught with his failure to fulfill this role successfully. His phallic sword is broken, implying impotence/powerlessness. A bleeding lance might symbolize a mortal/primal wound that is still actively festering and not healed. And the grail is a symbol of immense power, coupled with the burden of immense responsibility. He has served his whole life serving this lineage and role, and lost a lot of it in the process. The big question is - WHY? And if he doesn't know the answer, has he lost the whole point? Why has it been so important to HIM, personally? Usually, the Campbellian "boon" we all seek is some long-lost part of ourselves, that we need to heal. So, this boon should be his antidote, not poison. Has he been slowly dying carrying around a heavy medicine bag this whole time, without actually consuming any of the medicine inside???
  24. Chinese Bones

    It does seem like you can rest assured that whenever the West "pickpockets" fire (technology) from Prometheus - it's "always" ultimately to "combat & control" Mother Nature and weaponized to "combat & control" other peoples. Verily, they shall beat their plowshares into swords every time with a one-track mind! Amirite or amirite...anyone?
  25. Qigong Grandmaster John Tsai

    Don't know - but I was thinking of the passage (p 120) from The Magus Of Java that shaq420 was referring to... So, these abilities seem to lie at the intersection of integrated energetic/physical training. If you just "strictly" train one or the other (as many such specialists do), you don't seem to get such results. You tend to get either a New Agey woo-woo airy-fairy or Joe Brogan MMA meathead.