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Everything posted by gendao

  1. mystic not religious

    Cool, could you elaborate on those? Have you actually levitated? And quantum mechanics states that we see what we choose to see, on a quantum level. Or to simplify it, a 3rd density particle is nothing but that part of the 4th density wave that we chose to perceive. "Fate" is thus that 4th density wave. "Free will" is that 3rd density choice. And both are actually under "our" control - just at different levels of our being. So, when we exercise "free will" in the 4th density, that determines our fate in this 3rd density. Ultimately, it's all "free will," just at different levels...
  2. TaoBums and Kunlun

    I've been to 3. 1) Didn't open. 2) Opened! 3) Opened into a long trance.. Thing people should know is that while the technique is simple and can be shown or quickly learnt from his book - and is repetitively taught at his workshops - most will still get a huge boost with each workshop they attend. This is due to his immense teacher's presence as well as the synergistic sangha energy which raises everyone's level via group entrainment. So, you will still learn something new each time and make another big leap in your progress with every meet. Even if a lot of the material is repetitive. It's almost like the Grateful Dead tours. Why did Deadheads keep travelling along with the band when it was hearing the same music over and over? OTOH, going to too many can be cost-prohibitive and I don't want to use them as a I've been pacing myself after the last one.
  3. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    VIDEO! WE NEED VIDEO!!!! How do they get the animals to sit still? And I think Kostas got burnt out and can't really practice neigong anymore. I believe the Mo Pai system reportedly can be a little forceful and risky.
  4. When there became separation, there became "me" & "you." When there became "me" & "you," there became "for me" and "for you." And "for me" became "good" & "for you" became "evil." And you can therefore not eliminate one without the other. Only both together when you enter the state of non-duality where nothing matters anymore...
  5. the magician of java

    Well, I believe Kosta Danaos essentially "gave" himself cancer now by improper training. At least that's the rumor, I don't know the exact story...but I think he basically can't progress anymore now.
  6. Full lotus

    Fascinating, thanks! Very interesting. I've wondered if the ability was due to karma or physical flexibility (or both)? Half-lotus is fairly comfortable for me right now, but not full-lotus.
  7. any ken wilber fans here?

    Can Wilber do anything in meatspace besides the brainwave control - which did seem pretty impressive (although I don't really know how hard it really is?)? Personally, I think his work is valuable - but the academic, scholarly approach has its definite limits. I've also been listening to some WIE audios lately but frankly, find them a little too political and not enough spiritual. Most of them seem to be Jewish/Judeo-Christian intellectuals debating how to integrate (typically) Eastern spirituality into their liberal ideology (or vice-versa). Nothing wrong with that per se, but their focus just seems to be more on sociology than...enlightenment. I mean, I'm personally not that interested in seeing the development of "feminist-American-revisionist-Judeo-Buddhism." In fact, I think we have to be careful about mixing politics with spiritual practices in order to maintain their purity and universal humanity. I think we've seen with the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, jihads, etc what can happen when spirituality gets too politicized.
  8. What is the Kunlun Energy

    I wonder if this might be related? According to sacred geometry teachings going back to Egypt and probably Atlantis...there seems to be an association between "female," "emotional," magnetic and "downward" light energy. Similarly, Kunlun is also about using feeling (not thinking), women seem to naturally excel at opening faster and it involves a downward "watery" (yin) flow...
  9. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Ok, I'll take a shot in the dark - 11310287
  10. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Fair enough. The gauntlet has been thrown. Less talk, more action. What I envision is some of us calling you up and giving an accurate psychic reading, healing, etc...or yes, maybe Drew Hempel could give you an O at a D, lol. Something convincing to and verifiable to YOU. Time to put up or shut up, folks. This is where the rubber meets the road. So, who's up for the fun challenge?
  11. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Very true. Buddy's faith in modern physics exceeds his faith in these Taoist demos. But he actually has no more specific evidence that they are fake vs. real. I'm not sure faith ever really defies logic, though. It's just that our logic only operates off limited parameters and our limited ability to connect them - which results in a limited answer. For example: Is there a natural law that says energy or heat cannot be projected from a distance by a human? And sure, it COULD be faked...but again, there is no smoking gun here to prove that, either. But, I like your moxy. Maybe we should hold a TB contest here to perform some feat on him that can ?
  12. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    I don't think Buddy is going to believe anything unless it happens to himself in person. That's fine - but while he may lack the hard proof to say this vid or Jiang is real to him, he also lacks the proof to declare them fake. Why not take an agnostic position if you simply don't know for a fact either way, then? I mean, is there any visible evidence within that video or hand blister pic to imply they were faked? If not, then what is your specific doubt based upon?
  13. John Changs 1st Westerner student

    Well, I wouldn't call several hours of consistent meditation daily for well over a decade "simple," by any means. That's essentially a professional level of training similar to a pro-athlete or musician. Although I know what you mean by "simple" - minus all the mystery, misdirection and dharmic filler.
  14. Encounters with the Nagual

    Well, that is absolutely proof for you then. I would be very interested to learn this technique, btw. Because I am trying to make the paradigm shift from perceiving to being...and need some help. Also, I would like to improve my eyesight as well, so I'd appreciate any such tips.
  15. Jane Hallander was a Taijiquan & qigong enthusiast who died of cancer at age 58. Sun LuTang died at age 52. Yang ChengFu died at age 53. Meanwhile, quite a lot of other practitioners have led very long lives... So, what is the exact effect of Taijiquan/qigong on longevity? Does it really promote it? Does it have a negligible effect? Might it even possibly reduce it? Might it perhaps drain your lifeforce? Or might it add to it? Or does it depend upon how the Taijiquan is practiced?
  16. Encounters with the Nagual

    Proof is in the pudding. So, could CC actually perform any siddhis, healings, psychic powers, etc? Was there any actual hard "proof" behind all his claims?
  17. Help, I made an Alchemy mistake?

    Well, I haven't even actually read his book myself - but just got a synopsis from someone else who did. And based upon that, neither of us felt like he has actually attained "full enlightenment." So, I agree he probably overstated his claim - although he may still have found a piece of the puzzle that can be useful. The point was not that he is for a fact enlightened, but establishing some common consensus about dropping ALL worldly attachments towards enlightenment. Which would logically include deeply "loving" ones too, no? Because are't romantic or parental love some of the biggest desires/attachments of all? So should beggars, lovers, family & kids all be viewed with neutrality, then? Hell, why even feel anything at all if nothing really matters? Which is what the state of non-duality feels like - a state of perfect neutrality because nothing matters... Now, these basic questions are probably all Buddhism 101, but I think that is excusable since this is a Taoist, not Buddhist forum.
  18. Help, I made an Alchemy mistake?

    Thanks again, Sean. Well, when I said nihilism I was referring more to "local nihilism" of our local consciousness and ego, I guess. Jed McKenna, some shamans & even Buddha seem to say you must cut off ALL earthly attachments - including tightknit relations with family and loved ones. And essentially detach from your own personal history. And certainly, most of these guys did abandon their families for years on end or more during their spiritual quests. But, it seems by expanding out from your local identity, you can then assume a much larger one and thus become "one" with the universe. Which would then be the opposite of "absolute nihilism." However, as I have experienced neither "enlightenment" nor Yang Shen Dao...I am admittedly "ignorant" of both - and thus asking now, lol. And not trying to judge either - just openly speculating. And I do realize that such phenomena may well not be fully expressible in existing verbiage, anyways. But still never hurts to ask, right?
  19. Does god exist?

    What is God? God is our Highest Self.