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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Michael Winn - Why is he like the way he is?

    Although the form itself got panned, I do like the sound of some of his claims in here. Anyhow, I feel like he's giving his honest opinions, and people can take 'em or leave 'em. He's not necessarily the final word, just a word. And another useful POV, IMO, from amidst all the PC hallelujahs. He may also have some inner doubt that gets projected cynically on others, but you simply can take that into account and anything he says with that in mind. Remember, Doubting Thomas was one of Yeshua's 12 disciples and a social archetype.
  2. .

    Has he really explained what the goal of Gold Flower is...and how it differs from Gold Dragon Body (the goal of KL + RP)?
  3. Mer Ka Ba

    So, our DNA is naturally beaming out all the time on its own? What does Bob think about this? Also, drew hempel beams out "Yang bliss light" to random people all the damn time at fast food joints and bookstores. He hasn't really reported any long-lasting ill effects though - and in fact claims to have gone 3 days without eating from this. So, what would Bob say about this? Female sperm? Drinking sexual fluids? Ojas proton-proton asymmetrical spin coupling? I think it will take me a while to figure out what all that really means before I can even comment... Is there a good site explaining this scalar phase conjugation with gif's?
  4. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    I'd be very interested to hear about your experiences. I don't even know what "recapitulation" is. But one of my friends was into CC for a long time and felt she really got a lot out of it. So, count me as "curious."
  5. Tensegrity and Golden Dragon/Diamond Body?

    Don't forget, it is hypothesized that Chinese Shang Dynasty refugees may have helped found the Olmec culture...which preceded the Mayans. In fact, there are even Olmec statuettes that resemble Asians performing "qigong" moves. So, there could conceivably be some ancient "Chinese connection" here between "Tensegrity" and Yi Jin Jing-esque practices...
  6. Mer Ka Ba

    sheng zhen - I believe Bob was just talking about beaming in general, not "Merkaba" beaming vs love beaming vs universal healing energy beaming. He said that beaming was fundamentally damaging to the beamer. Therefore, beaming should be bad no matter what kind. However, that does not appear to be so based upon common experience. Is bioenergy scalar? I don't think that's all been defined yet... I'm sorry, but I need a translator for this site into plain English. I mean, "phase-conjugation" of "asymmetrical golden wedding silk?" W-T-F? This guy is "worse" than drew hempel in terms of incomprehensibility.
  7. Xiang Gong

    I have a friend who has done this for maybe 2-3 years. It's pretty powerful, although I don't know the details of it. The Chinese master lives in Germany but visits the US "regularly."
  8. Mer Ka Ba

    Lol, well it doesn't appear that the Merkaba was the Fountain Of Youth for those guys...but without knowing their actual ages I cannot really judge. Also, which founder are you talking about that died? Drunvalo is still alive and well, as far as I know. Ashayana Deane doesn't look too bad - depending upon how old she actually is though? Hmm, sounds like an interesting experiment (seriously). Except I don't have an acre of land and time to repeat it 30X, lol. I've heard of some talk regarding the Holy Grail as a reptilian bloodline...but I have never tried WPG, so not am too worried about that possibility at the moment...nor do I know what it has to do with modern Merkaba? sheng zhen - That does not sound like a good experiment. Because again, it would not hypothetically prove if BEAMING is wrong...or just NON-CONSENSUAL beaming is wrong. One common thing all the anti-beamers here keep conveniently ignoring is the fact that people beam love ALL THE DAMN TIME. Between lovers, mother and child, humans and pets, etc. So, if BEAMING itself were so harmful - wouldn't all these people be killing themselves from it??? Proving non-consensual sex (RAPE) is bad does not necessarily prove that consensual sex is bad...right?
  9. Chinese and Tibet?

    WYG - Have you read this thread, yet? On the one hand, you do have a minority that desires self-rule. You see that around the world and nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, you also have the NW0 drooling over a strategic prime location in Asia who have exploited and piggybacked their hegemonic agenda onto their separatist desire. Why else do you think they've put the world focus on Tibet and Darfur instead of Israel and the Congo when: Israeli racial apartheid: 5000 Palestinians killed (.05% of 10 million population) since 2000 Tibet: several dozen deaths (.003% of 3 million population) in recent anti-Chinese riot Congo civil war: 4 million dead Darfur: 200,000 dead (but only 9,000-40,000 from actual violence) And why is Darfur labelled a "genocide" (by the Holocaust Museum/American Jewish World Service), but Iraq is merely a "peacekeeping police action?" Iraq: 1 million killed (4% of 27 million population) since US invasion in 2003 As you can see, all these conflicts have been distorted and portrayed disproportionately according to the NW0 agenda. China remains the last hedge against the NW0 right now. Therefore, both Tibet and Darfur are highlighted in order to turn popular sentiment against them and weaken their global status. Not to mention, Sudan is bubbling with oil that they refuse to sell to Israel. I don't like the CCP trampling on anyone's freedom. But what disgusts me even more is the NW0 hypocritically exploiting and hijacking these situations for their own gain (and the global ignorance that perpetuates that). Based on the unbiased REALITY, there is NO REASON why Tibet and Darfur should take precedence over far greater atrocities like in the Congo or Iraq. And yet they do - but only because of strategic NW0 interests. Yup, let's turn a blind eye to any conflict killing millions if no oil, Arabs or Chinese are involved! BTW, for a brief history lesson - what happened when an oppressed minority in the US tried to restore Spanish/Mexican land grants? In 1967, Chicano activist Reies Tijerina did just that - and the National Guard sent in 200 military vehicles and tanks to stop him! Uh, where's HIS story on CNN??? Where's Cry of the Aztec Puma? Yea, hypocrisy much?
  10. Mer Ka Ba

    Well, light only gets fully-reflected directly back with a highly-polished mirror. Otherwise, they may get scattered, absorbed and/or transmitted through. And in the case of full absorption, the overflow of energy does not get "beamed back," but re-emitted diffusely as "black body radiation." I haven't heard of sound having tranverse waves. Nor why it would matter? You can still get the same interference patterns with longitudinal waves just like transverse waves. Well, if binaural beats can induce brainwaves states, I suppose that could be good or bad. I would be interested in the medical applications of the Neurophone - as a possible delivery-device for "Royal Rife" resonant germ frequencies. Yea, the Vortexijah does sound interesting as well.. What effect was his holoform music supposed to have on me? Interesting - but don't we project thoughts all the time? We see people or things and project lust, fear, interest, etc? Don't we "project" thoughts whenever we communicate? Aren't we projecting thoughts at each other right now via text? WPG --> reptilian? So, the Merkaba is really a reptilian plot to transform us into them? WTF? What is a WPG? Good luck!
  11. Mer Ka Ba

  12. Mer Ka Ba

    Well, in energy healing - you generally always ask permission first (on some level) before you beam someone. If not, you may be overstepping your bounds and it's unlikely to do too much anyways if the target is unreceptive. It'd be like shouting at someone with headphones on. So, you could end up feeling drained. But I think this is still vastly different than Bob's claim that you will receive the opposite energy back as blowback. I mean, nearly all energy healers or qigong cultivators beam or radiate energy at some point. And so do ordinary laypersons. It is hardly unique to the Merkaba. So, for him to condemn beaming in general with that theory is taking a pretty wide, questionable swing. But my goal with the Merkaba is more personal ascension than trying to save the world, anyways. Cam - Good point. I think this goes back to the classic Buddhist/Taoist divide where Buddhists feel the body is just a vessel to be shed - whereas Taoists strive to maintain and take their vessel with them as well. Anyhow, these are the more lucid points of debate I was hoping to get - thanks!
  13. Mer Ka Ba

    Nothing personal, I'm just trying to pin down exactly what the actual beef is? And while you may call him wacky, you do seem to tacitly support his paradigm, no? Whereas, I don't see what's wrong with beaming to begin with? His analogy frankly makes little sense to me. Again, don't mothers beam love to their children? So, wouldn't this be deadly by his theory? Meanwhile, sheng zhen discredits an anti-merkaba guy in order to discredit the merkaba. Again, that makes no sense, either. What am I missing here, fellas? I mean, if there are legit problems - I have no problem cutting my losses and stopping or modifying the practice as required.
  14. Stand with Tibet

    Lol, you do realize that Sky news is owned by the same neo-con who owns FOX news in the US, right? So, what you have is hundreds of news outlets with hundreds of names - but actually all tentacles of the same octopus. And hence, the same underlying agenda and bias.
  15. Mer Ka Ba

    1) Yes, you would be pinging them with balls of love.2) Since Sri Yukteswar gave Drunvalo the Unity Breath, are you saying that Paramahansa Yogananda's guru is "evil" now too? Or all the various native cultures that practiced essentially the same thing? 3) What was their gripe against the Merkaba and why did they choose to delete it all? 4) If Drunvalo's teachings are wrong or misleading - I would like to know how? But so far, I don't seem to be getting a clear explanation - just a lot of insinuations and obscure anti-occultism. Which may or may not be true, but it's just not clear to me? For example, do you really believe Bob Dratch's claim that beaming love out results in a death ray back? So I guess conversely, if I beam out death rays - then I would get love back? Isn't that the opposite of karma and most common experience? Don't mothers beam love to their kids or people to their pets all the time? But that is deadly?
  16. Stand with Tibet

    Again, another great example of Western bias that grossly-distorts the situation and omits any relevant contradictory facts, such as: 1) Sex-selective abortions have already been illegal for years now in China. Doesn't mean laws can't be broken...but I love how this fact never even gets reported, though. 2) Hepatitis-B is widespread in Asia, and may actually be a leading cause of more male babies being born. Again, this medical factor is never reported. 3) The Chinese census is notoriously inaccurate to begin with - and Chinese girl births are often unreported so that the couple can still try for a boy. Which is different than being killed. And the preference for boys being due to the fact that men are burdened with most of the responsibilities in society there - including caring for the parents when they retire. They are only so "preferred" because they are essentially slaves and 401K plans. Now, let's examine the source of your article: Ah, so our friendly neighborhood neo-cons again - the same fork-tongued warhawks who lied about OBL, "Al-Queda" and "WMDs" to get us into Iraq. No, these guys have no unethical behavior or agendas! Look, my priorities are this: 1) See Tibet truly independent and free. 2) Rather see it in Chinese hands than 3) Neo-con NW0 hands. Problem is, #3 sees #1 as a step closer to #3...which is why they over-simplify the conflict to #1. But the point is, the situation here is more complex than #1 alone and involves game theory between multiple agendas.
  17. Mer Ka Ba

    Well, by that definition, your aura is "beaming." Yes, the workshop effectively teaches you how to expand your subtle energy field. But everyone already has an energy field to begin with. So, who ISN'T "beaming," by your definition then? And no, I don't believe the basic merkaba beams indefinitely into the the earth & sky. It's basically a UFO-shaped "disc" of the average diameter you mentioned. If anything, you absorb energy from earth & sky through your pranic tube. And yes, you can create a "surrogate" merkaba around something else. This is billed as for protective purposes, but I guess I can't say it couldn't somehow be used otherwise? But couldn't Reiki or acupuncture also theoretically be used for harm as well? sheng zhen - Ananda is not a "merkabah spinner." He is actually "anti-merkabba" and pro-"Vortexijah."
  18. Mer Ka Ba

    Wun Yuen Gong - No sorry, I don't. Taoist81 - U know, to be honest, I don't even remember "beaming" being emphasized much in the workshop, anyways... One critical key was becoming heart-centered into Christ consciousness. However, I don't specifically recall beaming out love being required. That may have been in there at some point, but I don't recall. The main point though was just being in your heart. And as far as symbology - the NAZIs adopted the ancient, auspicious swastika. Except, I don't think it was too auspicious for them as they lost WWII. I think this Bob Dratch guy throws a lot of shit on the wall, but how much of it is really coherent and sticking? More on this stuff: And here is a "merkabba conspiracy" theory from Ananada Bosman that I am still trying to wrap my head around... Anyone else please feel free to take first crack at it!
  19. Mer Ka Ba

    Hmm.. So, this guy claims that if you "beam out" loving energy, then you will get the opposite (death) energy back? Well, EMF waves are only arbitrarily "positive" or "negative" in relation to each other - and have nothing to do with "morality." And, a reflected wave will also alternately create both constructive and destructive interference with the beamed wave. So, the result is actually a standing wave with double the amplitude. Mmm, so what? Now, some "beamers" do get drained - but that is generally attributed to them using their personal lifeforce rather than channeling universal energy. So, I don't think it has to do with reaping the opposite of what you sow? Although, from what I've heard - he is correct about the Great White Brotherhood typically demanding sacrifice. I believe it's to break and open your heart...or something? And it may often be far heavier than they downplay it as. Perhaps similar to the Bodhisattva commitment Buddhists often "sneak in." Well, then he goes into the "evil" origins of the hexagram. IOW, it was an alchemical symbol that represented the union of Kan & Li. Ok, I guess I don't see what's so wrong with this, though? And then he seems to corner himself with some somewhat self-contradictory Biblical interpretations: The Bible says occultism is evil! The hexagram was King Solomon's seal. Therefore, King Solomon must have been evil. Even though he was also one of the most revered figures in the Bible. Wait. Doh? I'm not saying this guy is wrong or right. I just don't understand all his logic or have the occultist background to get all the points he's making. He seems to be a technological activist with a EE background - but I wonder what his spiritual beliefs are, exactly?
  20. What is your focus right now?

    Very interesting. My new focus is God and the divine order within all things.
  21. Mer Ka Ba

    I dunno, seems like we did the exact opposite in our workshop. We would all go into meditation and everyone would go somewhere different and share where we went afterwards. I thought the merkabah was supposed to facilitate "astral" travel, not "encage" us. In fact, it is advertised as a "light vehicle" or "chariot." As far as all the "occult" connections - most occult schools borrow heavily from the Egyptian Mystery School (as does the FOL), so it seems that would be expected and I don't see why automatically damning? Unless, his contention is that the Egyptian Mystery School itself is "evil?" BTW, you can see the outline of the FOL in the lion's ball here:
  22. Mer Ka Ba

    Yup, that page is actually a great explanation of the meditation, btw. And, it can even be broken into standalone chunks, like parts 1 & 2. Although, I'd rather just do the whole shebang completely each time. Because that only takes at least about 4 minutes (or probably less), so why not? If you're really interested, I do recommend taking a FOL workshop, though. Because the 17 breaths can be a little hard to learn off paper alone. Plus, in the workshop, you will learn much more of the supporting theory with supporting exercises. There's just a lot of info here. In fact, I believe the class originally used to be 6 days, but they compacted it down to 3. Drunvalo also teaches a Unity breath, that he was given by Yogananda's guru, Sri Yukteswar Giri. BTW, Drunvalo did refer to the Chinese "fu dog" lion's ball in his book - but I believe it was in vol 1, which I am missing right now. I'll post something on it when I can find it. So, what similar meditation do you practice? Sacred geometry goes way back to the Egyptians and other ancient cultures, so it shows up in various mystery schools today.
  23. Sifting Through the Mulch

    What's that?