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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Orgasm from "dancing Palm"

    Orgasm from "dancing Palm?" Is that what they're calling it these days? Well, I guess it does sound more spiritual than "spanking the monkey" or "choking the chicken?"
  2. Obama getting blown by red neck crackhead or?

    Slick Willie admitted to smoking weed. Dubya refused to deny snorting coke. Obama has now openly admitted to using both weed & coke. Seems like quite a slippery slope. But apparently nobody cares anymore... Although, one has to wonder why these elites can remain unpunished for committing such illegal acts that normal citizens still get heavily punished for? Also, people still get denied high security clearances if they have histories of illicit drug usage. And yet, the POTUS is exempt from that? Personally, I don't like the elitist double-standards here.
  3. .

    Very cool, Chris. Sounds like a combination of morphic imprints, entrainment and the 100th monkey effect...
  4. white skeleton meditation

    I think Michael Jackson may be a secret practitioner. He does appear to be turning white, skeletal and dissolving...
  5. white skeleton meditation

    Cool, thanks Max! I was just curious because this meditation seemed to be all the rage a few years ago here before my time... Interesting to see how different techniques come and go like fads here.
  6. Actually, I was searching for WSM and this came up somehow.. Anyhow, I am starting to notice a similar effect as a byproduct of studying PU and clearing your energy. Both improve your persona, and women are quick to sense that from afar. Like lately, I've even noticed women at work (whom I normally don't talk to much) seem more willing to banter with me and so forth. In fact, yesterday one talked to me for about 5 minutes as if she knew me. Not my type at all, but it was just odd how she initiated the interaction even though we've never really talked before.
  7. .

    Ah, nice finds AL! I guess I stand corrected. I do wonder about the age of Kunlun, though? Is it 3000...or more like 1400 years old? Not that it really matters, just curious...
  8. .

    I'm not sure if his energy transmission is the same thing as a knowledge transmission. At one of the LA workshops, Max gave Kan a knowledge transmission. I think it was 3000 years worth of accumulated, ancestral Kunlun lineaged knowledge. Or something like that (since I thought Kunlun was actually given to a girl in the 7th century AD and so not 3000 years old). Perhaps Chris can help clarify this for us...
  9. I used to be able to do a 1-arm pull-up. Basically, you have to be able to first do a pull-up or lat pull-down with twice your bodyweight. I was around 155 at the time, so that was about 310 lbs.
  10. Damn stud, I wish I had that problem!! What's your secret?
  11. white skeleton meditation

    Interesting. But can someone give a basic rundown of it so I can satisfy my curiosity without having to buy the e-book?
  12. Eva Wong: Shambala Guide to Taoism Discussion

    They must have been Cantonese. Personally, I think the "food = culture" litmus test is rather reductionist and not necessarily synonymous. But, I digress...
  13. Eckhart Tolle claims to have become enlightened at age 29. And I've heard many laymen recommend his book, The Power of Now. My question is if he is all he's cracked up to be? I haven't read his book, but from his YouTube vids, I dunno, I'm not overly impressed with what sounds like standard New Age rhetoric of living in the present moment and finding stillness, etc...? What does everyone else think?
  14. Sacred Places of Taoist Cultivation

    Wow, very interesting! I never knew that... Thank you for your continued teachings, Jesse.
  15. Diamond Way Buddhism

    I attended a lecture by Lama Ole Nydahl last year... He described himself as a guardian protector of Buddhism. Like a bodyguard, in a sense. So, he was not afraid to take some hard political stances on some issues - which I liked. But I also didn't find him much of a deep thinker or scholar, either. I think he knew the dogma he was taught, but not much beyond that. Like, some students would ask him larger existential questions and he would (IMO) beat around the bush without giving direct answers. Probably because he didn't have them. Also, he offered everyone Buddhist refuge, but didn't fully explain it. Because, correct me if I'm wrong, but I've heard that it often also includes Bodhisattva and other vows. Nothing wrong with that per se, but I think people should be informed of the full commitments they are signing up for. Personally, past-life vows have caused me problems in this life, so I'd rather not take any more. Although, I don't doubt that Buddhist refuge might possibly assist and accelerate one's progress, either. But, I just think people should be given a well-informed choice about it first. Overall, I don't think he's a bad guy and I did learn some things. But, he also left a lot of things to be desired as far as what I was looking for.
  16. Kunlun Nei Gung and DNA mutation

    I haven't seen any actual scientific evidence yet...but there are a lot of claims for metaphysical "DNA activation and repair" floating around these days. So, Kunlun is hardly unique in that.
  17. In praise of wikileaks

    Lol, sounds like the US was the one shytting themselves... Man, from what I've learned about our skeletons, people would be simply traumatized if they knew what was really going on behind our curtains of power.
  18. Anahtkarana Healing Symbol...

    Very interesting, I love symbology... And I get activation in my forehead and solar plexus when I stare at it.
  19. Lama Dorje

    Kan is an advanced student of Max who I believe has achieved Golden Dragon Body now. I think his healing sessions were something like $70 or $80 per hr or half hr...can't exactly remember which. Maybe Cam or someone else remembers?
  20. Thank you Tao Bums ~ Adios Amigos......

    * deep bow * Feel free to stop back in anytime though, your valuable input is always greatly appreciated!
  21. Discourse on Taoist Internal Alchemy

    WOW. There is a very strong light casting these beautiful shadows...
  22. Best Translation Of The Six Yoga's Of Naropa

    What is dragon body? And how do you do your shaking? So, it sounds like "radar hands" is projecting energy, bouncing it off stuff and receiving it back with the hands like a radar - to scan it?
  23. Best Translation Of The Six Yoga's Of Naropa

    Could you please precisely define "radar hands" for me, please? Thanks.
  24. The Deadly Huashan Hiking Trail

    Holy shhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I'm honestly curious what the annual fatality rate is there?