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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Man Love

    Well, purely from a physical standpoint - habitual anal sex leaks to a loosened sphincter and anal leakage in the long run...
  2. Neiye and Resource Links

    WOWZAS! Great to see another great ancient Taoist text to add to the canon...POW!
  3. Totally Cool Website

    Care to share? Is there an article on Max's site on this?
  4. .

    Yea, thanks K! Your site is definitely in my Top 10 Taoist sites!
  5. My Theory Of How Qigong Really Works

    Brilliant analogy, bud! Yes, I agree that the ultimate composition of reality is simply...information. Data. It's not even matter/energy. It's a substanceless order. For example, strictly in terms of matter/energy - a conch shell and a pile of calcium carbonate are the same. So, what is the obvious difference here? INFORMATION. In this case, as expressed through structure... I think there may be a dimensional hierarchy of manifest reality here (with each denser and more measurable than the one before it): 1) Information: 0-dimensional. Can a thought, idea, concept or structured order be measured in any way, shape or form? Can it be located anywhere in 3D space? No. 2) Energy: 2-dimensional. Basically has no mass and can't be measured in linear dimensions, per se. Although it can be quantified by its intensity & wavelength. 3) Matter: 3-dimensional. Concrete, physical and measurable in many ways...
  6. So, are you saying this is more of a "hypnotic" (vs physical) technique that might not work so well in the field against unwilling opponents? Also, how did Peter Ralston explain it? And, do you think you could demo this skill, then?
  7. I think there's 3 separate issues here: 1) The Taoist lineages themselves - which most people do seem to find quite authentic and powerful. (Except for maybe the "Red Bull" energy boosts.) So, this is David's ace-in-the-hole. 2) David's attempts to commercialize these into Western business models. Where, the seemingly high-end fees and hidden costs have raised a few eyebrows... 3) "Cultish" attempts at control. With great power does come great responsibility. So, it is understandable that Prometheus might give fire to mortals with some conditional safeguards attached. But, where exactly does this line get drawn? For example, I wonder if the $250 for forum access might also conveniently function as a "cultish" control mechanism? If it is non-refundable, then it would be a great way to keep people in line (otherwise they risk losing their access and $250). Of course, this is pure speculation and it's his forum, so he can charge whatever the hell he wants for it. Personally, I remain interested in his findings due largely to the strength of his masters and lineages. But, 2 & 3 do give me a little pause and almost a slightly Faustian vibe. Which is not to say that they are indeed "Faustian" or "exploitative." Or that he should give a rat's ass how I feel. So, I still remain open-minded and would reserve any actual judgment until I tried it out for myself. Because just because it's not cheap - doesn't automatically mean it's not worth it, either. Although frankly, I'm not even sure money is the biggest hurdle here - I'm more worried about the time, personally. If this path requires 4 hrs or more of practice per day for years...well, that's not a commitment to be taken lightly. It almost requires a monastic lifestyle and an independent stream of income. Honestly, $250 is NOTHING compared to sincerely dedicating 4 hrs per day of your life for years!
  8. Help with Negative effects of Meditation?

    I think there's some general safety precautions here that you've violated - thus increasing your risk of "injury": 1) Don't do drugs (I heard they can tear holes in your auric field and also prematurely use up your "death energy," etc.) 2) Don't force things (unless perhaps you have really good control) 3) Ground (a tree can only grow as tall as its roots grow deep)
  9. Dealing with the duo

    Anyone know if there is perhaps a common etymological origin between kunlun & kundalini?
  10. So, even people who are members now will be banned if they don't pony up $250? That is quite a large sum to pay for forum access - which is generally free.. While I understand teachings cost money, I have to admit that such fees also seem rather exorbitant to me and have given me some reservations about the marketing of that path. Although the path itself may well be very powerful and legitimate. But who knows, maybe I'm just not "serious" enough yet?
  11. Qi transmission Video

    I think the point of these demos is not so much that you can affect completely unwilling, random people to such an extent...but simply that remote energy transmission is indeed possible (and obviously far easier if it's cooperative). And that alone is pretty cool! It's sort of like how the placebo effect itself shows the effects that the mind alone can have.
  12. Eyes

    Ahh, very interesting! What modality did this association come from?
  13. Sexual Alchemy

    Also, some have warned that because jing is so dense, you could cause some serious stagnation if you don't know what you're doing... Although, I wouldn't mind a summational revival of the whole topic since I wasn't here when it got over-discussed... As in, what were the final conclusions?
  14. Another cool vid demoing soft hits... Still don't understand how they do this??
  15. Eyes

    Has anyone tried lemon juice?
  16. Taiji tire training

    Interesting, I have also heard about guys poking a basketball in water to practice finding the center...
  17. Infrared Light Spurs Braincell Growth?

    If IR works on enlarging the male organ too...someone will become a very rich man.
  18. How about that UFO over Texas?

    I love how the USAF has already changed their story (just like at Roswell), and now claim that the UFOs were just "F-16s." 1/17/2008: 1/23/2008: Rigggghhhtttttt.... Meanwhile, has anyone seen the alleged Martian pic?
  19. Kunlun Scottsdale Jan 19-20

    Yea, Max did the same thing to me back in September. He was talking about scorpion palm at his Friday night lecture, and I was going to ask him to demo it on me, but didn't get a chance to. Well, he must have read my mind because after the lecture he told me he'd demo it on me the next day in class. Which he certainly did. He started out slapping me on the back and then had me lay on my belly, where he also actually clawed me up off the ground several inches repeatedly. I think it hurt most at the end when he was smacking me down on my lower sides...yooowch! And yes, he did say there were 9 levels and most people pass out at 3. Which, I have absolutely no problem believing. But overall, it was a fun & cool experience...that left welts.
  20. How about that UFO over Texas?

    A short video here...
  21. poor bastards

    Actually, if you guys read "Power Vs. Force," David Hawkins measures the "level of truth" in various religions from when they originally started...and now, after centuries of degeneration. I don't think he included Taoism, but it was interesting to see how other major religions stacked up...and how some had deteriorated far more than others over time (like Christianity & Islam, for example). So I think ideally, your best source now is really to just psychically directly contact these founders' spirits or even higher sources...
  22. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Very cool! Just a minor technical correction though is that while males attain "Golden Dragon Body," females attain "Golden Phoenix Body." Although they are equivalent to each other. And I'd love to hear what she had to say about her experiences! Anyhow, again, I wish we could just have a Kunlun subforum here because the same old issues get raised over and over. But, if people could find all the old threads in one spot, they wouldn't keep repeating themselves.
  23. RAVE diet

    Interesting, he seems to advocate nutrient-dense vegetarianism & raw foods: This is actually basically the diet I am following now. However, I believe the blood type diet would have me change that by adding some meat and dairy. How exactly does he debunk the blood type diet? Does he cite actual studies?