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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Marvels Iron Fist [potential spoiler alert]

    True, but even older audiences grew up watching Master Po and Mr. Miyagi, etc... Yet now, these same viewers would suddenly rather watch a bald White woman instead of an old Asian greybeard old Asian greybeard? Or is that BS...and might HollyWEIRD be motivated by something other than just audience approval and ratings/money? Like sociopolitical statements and social engineering too? I know a lot of apologists feel a lot more comfortable excusing everything on the profit motive (which I agree accounts for a LOTTTT), but I just don't think that really quite explains all of their actions.
  2. Marvels Iron Fist [potential spoiler alert]

    I agree, to a degree.. If it's simply a matter of HollyWEIRD believing Asian actors are not as bankable - then how is that determined? Is there some fair competition (free from central casteing biases) to actually measure that? Like, what if you look at indy media platforms that are more grassroots reflecting the free market - to bypass central casteing cackblocking filters? And try to short circuit circular reasoning to gain a more accurate measure directly from the audience (not studio heads)? Well, of the YouTubers with the most subscribers, for instance - most are Top 40 popstars, with a few foreign Spanish ones too. But, the top US amateur act is #7 Smosh (sketch comedy duo - one of whom is part-Filipino), followed by #14 Japanese comic, nigahiga. Yes, these guys actually got more subscribers than top-rated, mainstream corporate acts like TheEllenShow, Bruno Mars, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, etc etc...! Despite having practically no budgets! But somehow Asian actors aren't as "bankable?" Even when some Asian amateurs rack up more subs than Jimmy Fallon??? Granted, that's just one measure...yet it runs entirely counter to HollyWEIRD's "conventional wisdom." Which you shouldn't expect if their "logic" was altogether true. I mean, it makes sense that most leading roles and positive scripts would go to the majority group in a country. But, I doubt it even makes FINANCIAL sense to thoroughly Whitewash even the few maringalized, minority roles that are tailor-made for Asian actors. Because you CAN'T TELL me that turning a wizened old wizard named Yao born in Tibet in the 1430s - into a bald, middle-aged, White woman - was a FINANCIAL decision??? You can't tell me that the American/global audience is really THAT RACIST! So, who really is that racist and what was their motivation, if not money??? Or should they also have gotten Bette Midler to play Mr. Miyagi and Sarah Jessica Parker to play Master Po?
  3. Marvels Iron Fist [potential spoiler alert]

    Lol, so in reality when Asian-Americans are the "model minority" with the lowest social pathology rates across the board of any group in the US - they are somehow cast as villainous heroin ring ninjas...lmfao! Go HollyWEIRD! Meanwhile, of course they just HAD to Whitewash the benevolent, wise, Tibetan "Ancient One" master character - because that would have been a positive onscreen portrayal of Asian men. Oops, that'd be breaking the rules, bro! So yes, the EXACT SAME SPELL CAST(E)ING SCRIPT emerges beneath all these Mad Libs: - Acceptable to Blackwash White heroes (but NOT vice-versa!) - Acceptable to Whitewash Asian heroes (but NOT vice-versa!) - Subjugate all Asian characters to sidekicks and villains Like literally NONE of the dozenish examples in this thread violate these rules, lol! Coincidence...or concerted collective agenda?
  4. Marvels Iron Fist [potential spoiler alert]

    Haha, that would actually be more interesting than naming it after a magic plant... And I understand their homerism and consumerism - just calling it out for what it is, instead of making apologist excuses for it. Which is simply masturbatory ego-stroking. Iron Fist was the White Savior in both the original comic book and subsequent movie adaptation because they were both following that same script. Even though actual history often didn't...
  5. Marvels Iron Fist [potential spoiler alert]

    Exactly. Liberal HollyWEIRD has a penchant for both Whitewashing Asian characters and Blackwashing White characters - so accuracy is obviously not a concern of theirs. And never was. Because if it was, then you wouldn't have so many Blackwashed superheroes now. And there'd be no reason you couldn't Yellowwash a White character (like Iron Fist). But underneath, it's more about dictating and inciting caste warfare - hence one of its major propaganda functions is "central casting." And both this comic book and movie are just another standard issue iteration of all that... Look, keep in mind that HollyWEIRD is not simply "entertainment, but really about mass hypnotic spell casting... After all, have you ever thought about why it was even named HOLLY WOOD???
  6. leg crossing habit

    I'll second with this. When I was much stiffer before, sitting cross-legged was too uncomfortable. But now since I've become more flexible, I find it a much more comfortable, passive stretch in itself...
  7. Marvels Iron Fist [potential spoiler alert]

    Right, because HollyWEIRD is all about historical accuracy when race cast(e)ing: HollyWEIRD would never cast an actor of an entirely different race than his character's! FFS, what's next...Black Vikings??? Yep, just fuhgeddaboudit! No anti-Asian colonialist racism here - just "HISTORICAL ACCURACY!" Nothing to see here, folks - please just buy your tickets, popcorn, and keep it moving! WE MUST KEEP STICKING TO THE SCRIPT, OY VEY!!!
  8. Marvels Iron Fist [potential spoiler alert]

    Lol, well HollyWEIRD...sure likes to stick to their scripts! Some things just never change... Next?!
  9. It`s sad to look at Westerners

    Well, GDP should go up with population. Because if you have more workers, you should have more production. But beyond that, the graphs show nothing about WEIRD wealth increasing Third World population, or whatever his extrapolation is... These graphs are very illustrative of the WEIRD mindset though. Plenty of WEIRD graphs on wealth production and labor force (population) growth (all to do with $$$)...but where's their graphs on habitat destruction, resource consumption, waste generation, plant & animal populations, aquifer levels, pollution levels, invasive species, etc etc? Aren't those all important factors for them to track and consider as well? Oh yea - the answer today and historically - has always been a resounding NO. This goes back to ancient Judeo-Christian edicts to "rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground" and "be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it." Clearly, these Man Vs Nature roots certainly still lie embedded deeply within the collective WEIRD consciousness today. LITERALLY BOMBING PRISTINE PARADISE!!!
  10. Physics and Wealth

    Yea, I don't understand how he is shoehorning Marxist economics into constructural flow? I mean, first the article correlates wealth with fuel use: Captioning this association with, "More economic activity means more fuel consumption, not less." As if greater production would normally require...less fuel? Huh...WTF? And then he tries slapping on some Marxist rhetoric about hierarchical inequality of wealth distribution...without explaining exactly how so? I mean, the model is similar to old hub-and-spoke distribution theory - which was designed to maximize efficiency, not "hierarchical inequality of wealth distribution." Well predictably, it's all just a long pseudoscientific setup guessed it: So, after a few paragraphs of nonsensical dry humping...thar's the money shot! We need mo' gubernment intervention to better simulate (or counteract?) a natural pattern that occurs naturally without any intervention on its own in Nature. Now, I CAN actually see how constructural flow applies to finance - but it has nothing to do with the ways he asserts...
  11. It`s sad to look at Westerners

    A family of 7 American WEIRDos is likely going to have a massive ecological footprint in habitat destruction, resource consumption, and waste generation. Like how many trash bags do you think they are leaving on the curb every week, for instance? Sure, they might appear to be a happy, functional family (great for them!) - but that has little to do with the amount of ecological havoc they may be wreaking. Which is going to be farrrrr greater than a Third World family of 7 - whom all have a higher death rate and far smaller average ecological footprint. You are right that "litter" would be a misnomer, though - as that technically refers to multiple births. Oops...
  12. It`s sad to look at Westerners

    There are no corporate WEIRDos crying overpopulation. Not even when addressing endemic poverty and strife in domestic ghettos and Africa, with the highest birth rates in the world. Big litters are the elephant in the room that can never be fingered as a cause. Because egotistically - humans ourselves can never be the problem. Despite the fact that population growth reduction in China has been one of the only policies to actually lift the country out of destitute Marxist poverty. Instead, the only problem with population ever officially proclaimed is declining WEIRD birth rates - which stops funding all their financial pyramid schemes that they still sit on top of. Or some might speculate our alien overlords WANT humans to overpopulate and completely terraform this whole planet for them. I am not suggesting any kind of artificial birth control or policies (and certainly not false "fixes" like GMOs) - just to acknowledge the reality that our ecological footprints have on the world. And to quit pretending that the complete opposite - like dropping birth rates or natural deaths - are a bad thing for the planet. I mean, this kind of fear-mongering is just sooooo ridiculous! Even if some super apocalypse killed off HALF of all humans tomorrow - that would only knock the global population back to what it was in the 1970s!!!
  13. We face "either/or" crossroads because we have internal conflicts. So, the more we clear our own blockages, the more we resolve these conflicts, and the less crossroads appear in our lives. New Agey WEIRDos are fond of saying to follow your heart... Problem is, most of our hearts are clouded and broken from trauma, lol. That's what they naively leave out.. So, you might as well be following an inaccurate GPS...until you heal it. Basically, it all begins and ends with your own self-healing.
  14. It`s sad to look at Westerners

    You know, I think those who believe overpopulation is a myth - mean to say that the planet could support more humans - without a lick of concern for any other lifeforms here. Whereas, those who think it isn't a myth - mean that sure, it could technically support more humans - but not without ravaging and killing off all the rest of the planet in the process...which is entirely irrelevant to the former. When I think about how many resources WEIRDos like us gobble up, it really inspires me to really make use of my life and have something to show for it. Especially something to better not just us, but conditions for all other lifeforms here as well. Which collectively all have no voice (speech, money, or votes) in human society.
  15. It`s sad to look at Westerners

    Exactly, the point is that it's a (factually) bad example precisely used just to push a point. THAT IS THE PROBLEM! Sort of like tobacco "science," reefer madness, etc...determining public policy based on junk science. Whereas, based on actual reality... Look, I'm not telling all WEIRDos to live like indigenous natives now...just to stop pretending like we aren't the root ecological problem on this planet.
  16. It`s sad to look at Westerners

    LMFAO - based on some dumfvck WEIRD scientists calculating living spaces like people are stackable cargo boxes... Based on their calculations, each person could live entirely enclosed within a 1031 sqft biosphere? IN REALITY, you also have to take into account natural waterways and water supplies, land required to grow and support food, enough space to dilute all our waste streams, etc, etc... Not to mention the VAST amount of additional resources required to build all the technology WEIRDos use in life. It's not simply a matter of where you lay your head at night, ffs. Sure, I can SLEEP in just a little tent. But, I can't get enough clean water, bathe, grow/catch food, build a fire & cook, eat, sleep, piss, sh*t, etc all in a little tent! Not to mention live a full-on WEIRD lifestyle! Just for comparison, another apex predator like a tiger needs around... And as you said earlier, the higher the population density, the greater the filth and diseases too... So basically, more space is always better because it's all a zero-sum pie on this planet. Or are you arguing that NO species can overpopulate any area? it only somehow impossible for humans to...but not any other species?
  17. It`s sad to look at Westerners

    Because of their natural lifestyles, their innate health seems to be superb. However, their harsh environments full of pathogens and predators are usually what eventually do them in. But, this is also why indigenous natives never overpopulate, degenerate, and destroy their local ecosystems, much less the world... It seems to WEIRD humans that overpopulation of any species can be a problem - except for...humans, lmao...
  18. Capitalism, private property and sociopathy

    I agree. Capitalism is a great financial contract between producers and consumers. But anyone or anything lying outside of those 2 categories without MONEY (or the use for it) gets left out of this loop - and simply rebranded as a resource for exploitation. Namely, this includes the entire planet and all non-humans living on it. So, there needs to be a larger system that includes their welfare. Capitalism can be a good subsystem of this larger government, but it only operates effectively within its own economic parameters as stated above. Otherwise, everything on this planet simply gets reduced to their economic value to human consumers, most of which are WEIRDos in particular... An animal, a plant, the planet - has no money, no vote, no guns - so what say does it have in a democracy or capitalism or socialism or communism or any fvcking human civilization steamrolling over it???
  19. physical manifestations

    I can make goosebumps flare out around my body at will too...not sure if that indicates qi flow, or just something else?
  20. How do you engage your glutes in horse stance? And if you do so, are you then able to feel the qi there?
  21. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    So, you are saying you haven't replicated the experience...because you have been actively trying NOT to? Why? I'm confused as to why you'd want to stop generating heat in the LDT (a great alchemical sign) and not keep a good thing going largely on its own??
  22. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    Wow that's awesome! How long ago was this and what posture were you in? And actually, I did have a similar experience during my initiatory awakening too... So, how have your subsequent meditations gone since then? Have you been able to regularly replicate or surpass this one experience?
  23. First attempt at healing!

    Interesting... I made some vaguely similar conclusions on an unrelated post yesterday: Civilization is sort of cultural rigor mortis...
  24. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    Ok, and Drew did a crazy healing when he first started too. I had some crazy experiences when I first started practicing too. But, those initial power surges soon faded...and I haven't been able to replicate any of them since. Which is quite common, and even the norm. Like I said, after the initiation comes the hazing... That's why I said time will tell with you. If you can sustain your power over time, then you truly are an exception. And I would then be interested to know why? But if not..then join the club.
  25. Looking for Advise on a Daily Practise

    But srsly, don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to achieve "hands free" lotus "soon" in only about 20 years or so... And no, I see no mention of me or "perverts" on Drew's post. Again, a hair trigger ego, Freudian projection, self-delusion, and false accusations are all examples of...a confused mind. That all said, you will be an interesting case study in supposed correlations between physical flexibility, emotional maturity, cleared meridians, experience, and neidan advancement. Typically, these metrics are all at least fairly correlated and proportional. Emotional traumas create Reich's armor and blocked meridians - which impede any type of qigong (healing, neidan, etc). But there are some who claim that ordinary flexibility has little bearing on anything - but some mystical form does? There are also those who can't do a "hands free" full lotus, yet still have demonstrably strong medical qigong abilities (like Michael Lomax, etc). So, would it be possible to be fairly advanced in qigong, while being an emotionally immature and extremely stiff n00b? Well, I wouldn't rule anything out and time will tell? I'm actually quite interested in your results because you allegedly sort of represent 2 ends of a spectrum - so could provide a pretty good test for these general axioms. Are you really some exception to the "rules," or only think you are? Inquiring minds want to know!