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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Qigong Basics: Gathering Chi?

    Well, compare the New Agey qigong versions to the more traditional systems... The traditional curriculums often include (or implicitly do by "requiring" prerequisite jibengong) a very rigorous, yoga-type, preliminary stretching/bodywork routine. Whereas most New Agey ones COMPLETELY OMIT THAT - and jump right into all the passive, slo-mo air swimming! But if you're wayyy too stiff to even come close to the splits...then how can you expect energy to easily pass through your body??? Wishful thinking?
  2. ☆☆☆

    The worst cities actually aren't even in China... That said, when you have over a billion people and experienced suffering from human overpopulation, humans do start getting viewed with more equanimity with other life on the planet. As in, the humancentric narcissism of viewing all human life as sacred - but all other life here as not - starts tapering off. I mean honestly, how reverent really is a rampant consumer who ravages the Earth, destroys habitat for all other organisms, and even wages war against each other (while destroying everything else in the crossfire too)? Wouldn't the rest of the planet be better off without us? Agree or disagree?
  3. Qigong Basics: Gathering Chi?

    Like I said, until you've actively cleared your channels out, passively allowing qi to flow through them is an exercise in near-pointlessness... In this case, the optimal time to stand is 0, because it's largely a pointless waste of time. It's like watching and waiting for water to drip out of a faucet, without turning it on first...
  4. Yuxianpai & WuLiupai Tradition Doctrine

    Interestingly, David Icke recounts a similar experience with Edward "Reptilian/human hybrid" Heath...
  5. Qigong Basics: Gathering Chi?

    I would start with active physical "gong fu" jibengong before you even bother trying passive metaphysical "qigong"... Because you can't be "song," much less truly surrendering to "wu wei," when your body is so tight you are like a drawn bow. There will be no point in smoothly swimming through the air in slow-motion to "allow" qi to run its natural courses, when they are all clenched up like angry fists. Note Bodhidharma's 2 infamous Shaolin manuals were first the "Muscle/Tendon Change Classic," followed by the "Brain/Bone Marrow Washing Classic." IOW, the common starting point is your muscles/tendons, and particularly in your kua region. So the first step to qigong, is basically "gong fu" warm-ups, lol...
  6. Attaining Full Lotus

    Note Damo's comments on his video: Are there...though? I don't personally know anyone who can go into full lotus without using their hands, even including some yoga teachers... I've only seen 2 people online here over MANY YEARS who can (Eddie Bravo & SonOfTheGods). So, I wonder if you can really get into full lotus easily and healthily (properly without joint damage) - without having cleared out most of your core biomechanical and bioenergetic blockages first? I mean, I've been able to simply get into full lotus for easily over a decade now, well before even stretching. But, it was like pulling a compound bow back... What I'm talking about is being able to go into it easily enough that you can meditate in full relaxation in it with naturally good posture and no strain. Now, how many people (if any) do you know who can really do that?
  7. Hostility towards Russian members?

    I also enjoy matter-of-fact dialogue and harsh debate, but I am in the minority. The truth can be a bitter pill... And while the Chinese will proverbially and literally "eat bitter," North Americans avoid it like the plague. Ergo, "fundamentalist evangelists" of any stripe offering their brand of "absolutist truth" here tend to trigger extreme hostility. Before Wu Liu Pai, there was Mo Pai, and then Kunlun, etc etc. Just look up threads on any of those and you will see the same eventual pattern of a few of their faithful devotees defending them against angry mobs here to the bitter end...
  8. Attaining Full Lotus

    I think the obsession is with releasing all muscular/emotional/energetic tension/blockages/armoring in your muscles and tendons (but not ligaments) - which is what reduce flexibility. And full lotus is probably a prerequisite to spiritual work because it requires the clearing of all of that first - particularly in your root/sexual chakras and related meridians. You need a strong root to grow... Otherwise, you end up with a lot of New Agey spiritual escape artists looking to bypass all their deep primal/personal issues with basic survival needs, home, family, sex, etc... But who won't get very far because if that is all locked up, then there's no free fuel to get off the launching pad!
  9. Yes, all this study likely really proved is that the synthetic versions are not only ineffective, but actively HARMFUL. Just for 1 example: Yet if you read the ingredients of most multivitamins, the VAST majority contain (synthetic) FOLIC ACID, instead of (natural) FOLATE. So, just imagine the cumulative effect of ALL these synthetic versions of the vitamins displacing the natural ones... Just more Western industrialized medical BS, as usual...
  10. Attaining Full Lotus

    Interesting, I do about half of these stretches myself daily... But there are SOOOO many muscles involved in just your pelvis and legs - and getting them all loose enough to allow full lotus can probably easily take a decade for many. Because there's usually at least a separate muscle on each "cardinal" side (anterior, posterior, medial, lateral) of a limb, between each set of joints. Not to mention both superficial and deeper layers... So, given that it could easily take months just to fully release a single tensed muscle, do the math on how long it may then take to release them all! YES, for anyone who is actually trying for this goal, you will eventually start thinking in terms of YEARS, rather than MONTHS!
  11. Hong Chi Xiao simple healing techniques

    Yes, I believe it works - based on all its testimonials, theory, and history. Of course, "simple" is not necessarily easy... The slapping doesn't really hurt, but it takes a lot of stamina to keep slapping yourself hard hundreds of times or even more for hours a day... Imagine just slapping your hand on a desktop 300X - that's actually pretty tiresome. Well, the effectiveness of Paida is basically based upon how hard & frequently you slap yourself (where you need it). I tried it myself for a few days, and got tired & lazy...but I may pick it up again... Because when you consider the benefits and lack of side effects, I'd say it's worth the gains.
  12. The Secrets of Coral Castle

    Hmm, according to this video with actual archival footage, he may have simply used heavy-duty block & tackles... Like this:
  13. Taoist Alchemy - good book resources?

    It's akin to all the mystery of all the ancient stone megaliths. They all still stand today, millenia later - concrete proof taunting us that they knew something that we still don't. Countless books and videos have been produced speculating about how they were built...but probably the only one who actually knew and could PROVE IT BY REPLICATING THE RESULTS - was Edward Leedskalnin. And no one else can understand his cryptic explanations.. Easy to speculate, generalize, and talk... But much harder to actually DO!
  14. Taoist Alchemy - good book resources?

    Always plenty of recommendations... With very few significant results, lol. I think all the old traditions are useful only as clues before you know what you're looking for... And for retroactive confirmation once you do. The real intents are all largely hidden and/or lost... So, until you know what you're looking for, You won't notice or see it anywhere you look. While once you do, you'll see it everywhere there's real results. Well clearly, most of us have no idea what we're looking for yet!
  15. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

    He definitely had great delivery when reading off his ubiquitous teleprompter...but not sure about his ability to generate and convey his own unscripted thoughts? Thing is, most mainstream Americans weren't privy behind the Mass Media Matrix screen here, much like foreigners like yourself. You were basically just peering through a selectively-focused telescope through a peephole from across the pond - with zero reality checks.
  16. War, Peace, and Putin

    Historically yes, but in modern times China has arguably adopted the Panda as its international symbol. Clue - what's on its standard bullion now?
  17. War, Peace, and Putin

    It's useful to consider the 3 animal icons at play here: 1) US = Eagle = fierce, fast-moving, carnivorous, apex predator 2) Russia = Bear = more lumbering, but extremely powerful, omnivore 3) China = Panda = very slow-moving, cute, vegetarian bear that only strikes back when prodded (and not that well at that, lol)
  18. Ancient asian grain crop type qualities?

    They still do grow wheat in the North - based on its greater hardiness. That's why the cuisine there is based on wheat flour (buns, potstickers, noodles, bing, etc). Whereas rice grows in hotter, wetter climates like Southern China - where the food there is thus rice-based.
  19. You might check out this thread. There's a few success stories there using holistic methods - but I have found no sustained improvements with any yet (not that I've really tried any for a really sustained period). Holly Tse claims to have reduced her prescription objectively by a few diopters so far using reflexology - although I have had no luck with that one yet either... With TCM, the theory is a bit confusing. Because although the Liver is associated with the eyes, and the Gallbladder is paired with the Liver...there's also a lot of other acupoints around and meridians (Bladder, Stomach, Large Intestine, San Jiao, Du Mai, etc) leading right up around the eyes. That's 7 meridians/vessels right there. So, it's hard to figure out which ones may actually be the ones responsible for your individual case of nearsightedness?
  20. boom in dan tien ?

    See The Magus Of Java, Ch 10?
  21. OTOH, although very vague beforehand, Nostradamus has had a pretty decent track record in hindsight...
  22. Peak, ecstatic, divine, miraculous, supernatural, whatever...the initiation comes in many flavors... As you noticed, it wasn't sustained and you are not able to replicate it at will now. That's where all the manual work comes in. Been there, doing that now...
  23. Lol, first rodeo kiddo? Temporary ecstatic experiences are typical spiritual initiations. But as you noticed, they don't last - and you now have a very looonggggg & grueling road ahead of you!!! Welcome to the grind!
  24. Seeing beings in Meditation

    I was just giving you another variation of the same archetype to offer some more information...orrrr apparently trigger you into some more over-defensive overreaction, lol...
  25. Seeing beings in Meditation

    Interesting, per Emotion and Healing in the Energy Body, that is the Lady of the Lake, and she comes to you in dreams/meditations to help heal your first chakra, through being reborn/rebirthed...