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Everything posted by gendao

  1. If you want to help others...

    Such bruising freaks out gentrified Westerners, but is nothing new or shocking in Chinese medicine via common methods like cupping and guasha. Slapping is just a slightly different method to achieve such similar results... But Western culture in general leans more towards aesthetics and comfort, while Chinese just prefer brutal effectiveness. This is also why these practices always get watered down and rendered useless once they crossover into the "delicate sensibilities" of mainstream Westernized society. And why there have been a lot of Western televangelists and Deepak Chopra blowhards...but no real John Chang's with real siddhic power. Only mostly ficrtionalized Hollywood and fantasyland comic book heroes! Not to mention, genuine Chinese medicine is generally anti-meds...while the Western press is generally infomercials for Big Pharma. Hence, the need for a hit piece on Xiao Hongchi to discredit medless healing as unscientific and teh deadly!!! This is not to say that mistakes can't be made...and any therapy can be as much an art as a science. But no healing method is 100% successful, or probably even close! The question is if it can help when done correctly? And a FAIR article would have proportionally mentioned all his successes, as well as his "failures" - NOT just ignored all his glowing testimonials only to single out a lone "failure" instead. Not to mention, also actually interview the guy and allow him to respond??!! You are one of the most spiritually-mature people on this site...
  2. Mass shooting: what motivates them

    Yup, no surprise here. The teen angst of marginalized and "sexually-rejected" beta Yin males can be very depressing, or even suicidal in the extreme... Especially when their plight is continually denied or ridiculed by ultra-feminist Boomer America.
  3. Ebola coming to the USA

    Sounds a bit like Lyme disease...
  4. Seriously. what happened to Miley Cyrus.

    Sadly, very little real psychological insight in here... And guess what else finally happened in 2013, after years of roller coaster rockiness? Her parents got divorced after 19 years. And Miley sided with her Mom angrily against her Dad. Granted, all the other sociological and profit motives probably helped fuel her fire, but probably a lot of the direct impetus to act out (perhaps a big F*** U to Daddy?)...started at home in your typical dysfunctional Boomer-American family.
  5. Tattoos

    And let's not forget Mozi, an interesting link between tattoos, philosophy, and neigong..
  6. Good Place For QiGong Training!

    Wow, this Chen Shixing is pretty athletic and flexible...check out his handsfree !
  7. Nonsense, as you admitted here, YOU misunderstood the forum organization and were thus cavalierly man-bashing and "defending" women against NO ACTUAL INJUSTICE. And in doing so, CREATED INJUSTICE. You railed against men for being disrespectful simply by posting in Nuwa...when they are actually freely permitted to and have largely done so respectfully as well, Essentially, their behavior as a whole has been the diametric counterpoint to your entire stereotype narrative. THAT is why you were "written off as a White Knight." Because you weren't actually defending any actual victims of any actual injustice. Only an imaginary injustice in your own MIND. And in reality, you were actually falsely accusing and (still) unapologetically bashing innocent parties (all male posters in Nuwa)! So, your whole crusade here was largely a farce, and arguably really just a validation-seeking personal ad for needy, codependent women (any takers, lol?). Basically, you hit the wrong target like a loose cannon, and then played victim once your ulterior motives got questioned. The real victims here? All the falsely accused - who have not even received a mere apology from yours truly yet... And note that sex is often sought out by both men and women as external validation of self-worth, although you can certainly still seek external validation without it. Sex is often just one easy means to that end, is all. Whereas, if there was legitimately injustice here (like men posting in the Women's Sanctuary, NOT Nuwa) and you targeted just those guilty individuals, I don't think that would have warranted any further comment or raised any psychological red flags. You would have gotten a pat on the back and been free to ride off into the sunset... But that all said, psychological malfunctions are part of the human condition, and I'm certainly no exception either. So, I say get off your high horse, White Knight...and join the club!
  8. ^^ What's the subject have to do with reality at hand? Just a quick scan of Nuwa shows the current top 5 threads by men(?) to be: Iron Supplement for Women? Female Dan Meaningful pictures of woman alchemy The Auspiciousness of Being a Woman: Yeshe Tsogyal, Tibet's Amazing Mother "Sita Ram'" (Hindu related singing) Does the OP really have a problem with such diverse topical contributions - simply because they come from men? Lol, paging Byron Katie...
  9. Like innate self-worth as a man and the subtext to your pretext? Indeed, especially deepset dysfunctions like codependency for all involved...
  10. Small heavenly orbit

    So, what exactly is the "divine tortoise" and where exactly is this kun earth location, then?
  11. When Bad Things Happen to Bad People

    You are holding and Freudian-projecting some problematic beliefs. Blaming is not great, but shame is even worse. In fact, David Hawkins believes it is the lowest-vibrating emotion. So, your underlying presumption is that your sexuality is bad. But, you then take that a step further and say that because your sexuality is bad, then YOU are bad. As are people who echo this belief... Furthermore, if something bad (like diabetes) happens to someone, then conversely that must also mean that they are bad, right? Which now includes you, again. Shame naturally leads to self-loathing... But then throw some added guilt on top of it all for feeling schadenfreude too just for good measure, and now you're really emotionally bottom feeding on a sh*t sundae with a cherry on top.
  12. John Chang

    I do wonder why you couldn't absorb Yin qi from yongquan while standing, or any other points or areas? Also, if Yin qi is "magnetic" (vs "electric" Yang qi), then why treat it like an electrical current or ions via grounding? Magnetism is a field effect dependent on distance and material, not unbroken contact. As in, a connecting copper wire is not going to "conduct" the magnetism any. Absorbing Yin through your Huiyin makes sense to me. But not sure about why that's the best or "only" point...or if "magnetic" Yin qi can actually be conducted like electricity? If so, I would be curious as to the actual reasoning?
  13. In A Dream

    Perhaps a Torii & Shinto shrine on a sacred mountain?
  14. Practical ways to let go of attachment?

    I will veer from the other advice given here. It is actually difficult to consciously release subconscious tension. That's like consciously stopping a muscle cramp or willing a boner on demand. Or mentally relaxing your muscles enough to suddenly do the splits or get into full lotus. It doesn't hurt to try, but that approach is just not likely to be effective...
  15. Neidan vs Qigong

  16. Well, I think Spotless's experiences are truly valuable and am glad he is sharing them. However, when someone continually makes "grandiose" claims yet doesn't appear to walk their talk, it does lead others to question all that talk... Hmm, no political positions, anger, or resentments there! Self-proclaimed "Western Enlightenment," in a nutshell?
  17. Neidan vs Qigong

    No, Kunlun was a simple self-practice that didn't invoke spirits or magic. However, it did seem to push whatever latent fears or other negative dross lurking in your subconscious up into your manifest conscious awareness. So, if you feared entities, you might get haunted by them, etc. But more often, it could initiate physical detoxing that would require healing. I had some incredible experiences with it and still feel like I benefited immensely from it. Kriyas (automatic outer body movements) were just the tame norm then, lol. But, I was also fortunate to have some good outside healing resources and sufficient grounding to be able to handle whatever was stirred up. And those who didn't, ran into problems... I've always wondered "why?" and as Bruce Lee said, "We must discover the cause of our own ignorance." Well, I wanted solutions to life's problems and Daoism appealed to me due to its deeply spiritual, philosophically esoteric, and yet highly practical and applicable nature. And I was inspired by genuinely experiencing qi just as it had always traditionally been described for the first time. So, the ancient mythology...was actually literally (and not "metaphorically") TRUE?! Anyhow, so yes, I would love to learn more of whatever you have to share! /\
  18. Neidan vs Qigong

    Interesting, I never knew "Kunlun" (yigong) was popular in China? Too bad you weren't here on the boards during the height of its craze here - as you could have added some interesting context... I do feel like it definitely opened my eyes and gave me a great spiritual springboard (catapult?), and there's no question that it was IMMENSELY powerful to begin with! But I gradually discontinued it after I no longer felt I was getting effects from it - and it likely had released a lot of my excessive blockages. So maybe I intuitively ended up using it the way it was supposed to be used? Or maybe it would have led me even further had I continued, who knows? But afterwards, I organically moved on to other self-healing practices, plus some other false starts.. Currently, I've continued going back to the drawing board and practice mostly psychoanalysis & active bodywork now - like you. I still hope to practice genuine neidan one day, but realize how I have a lot of remedial training to finish first before I am even ready for that! It's like it takes Yang to attain Yin to attain True Yang, lol!
  19. Neidan vs Qigong

    Welcome and fantastic first post! Probably more authentic info just in here than I've read on this board over the last many years! Shows what happens when you drink closer to the source! And I would also agree that active "Yang" yoga, stretching, and bodywork are probably required as a foundational prerequisite in order to be able to attain the "great Yin stillness" - from which True Yang then arises... Because if your bodymind is full of chronic tension, emotional turmoil, and qi blockages, then how can you genuinely meditate in spacetimeless samadhi?
  20. Wayne Dyer has transitioned

    Ah, I stand corrected. No idea what you were disappointed about, then? Maybe you were hoping for a New Age guru shaktipat, but left the same as you came?
  21. Urge to look into Freemasonry

    Right, it sounds like they may ritually simulate the Campbellian Journey, like going underground (crossing the first threshold into the subconscious) and the death experience, etc. Nothing new here. Except, this process normally happens spontaneously in real life, not in a contrived fashion. And I don't know that you can convincingly replicate an organic, authentic experience.
  22. Wayne Dyer has transitioned

    Could you elaborate on this? Did he not live up to his hype for you? He also believed "John of God" cured his leukemia in 2011...but I guess not? I'd say he lived a pretty full life to age 75, though.
  23. It may also be possible that the suppression of traumatic memories, especially sexual ones, may have caused blockages in the kidneys - which supply the marrow (including brain) with jing. This selective amnesia then eventually becomes full-blown amnesia as time wears on and less and less jing reaches the brain. Also note that some of this trauma may be generationally inherited and not even necessarily from your own lifetime. By contrast, a true sage is so clearheaded that he is "transparently" empty.
  24. Yes, that is the common realization by Westerner n00bs - that most must actually first spend years building their foundation before they are really ready for neidan - an advanced practice. Namely, you must open your body, kua, and channels...before enough subtle energy can even flow through them to start "cooking" with...
  25. So, are you claiming that high testosterone and high estrogen both dominate? And that they are both calming, while estrogen is also exciting? Could you give an example of how something is both calming, yet exciting, at the same time? Is it like being served a meal, so your hunger is calmed but taste buds excited? And I understand height, but what would the "natural" pecking order for skin color or facial features be? Also, can you detect these tones remotely over the internet? If so, how accurately can you tell someone's biological identity and dominance without seeing them (to test your theory)?