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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Or does she perhaps have a long-lost or estranged brother whom she does not love as herself? Whom she now Freudian-projects onto "brothers" and other rebellious non-White "minorities?"
  2. What I've just realized recently is that no matter how many "outer" schools we try out along our path, our metapath is generally an inner, personal "school" all of our own - for seeking the Divine. To my chagrin, I've already belonged to my own particular private "school" my entire life, without even knowing it (until recently). And each person has a different tendency/avenue for how they prefer/hope to witness/experience their greater Divinity... Yours seems to be through finding (holistic) fulfillment - filling your emptiness and feeling full & WHOLE (unity consciousness?). Otherwise, normally you feel "unfull" (or partial/incomplete?) and are thus always seeking more. Hence, subconsciously you may be attracted to practices that fill the dantian leading to expanded being, amongst others...
  3. Lol, so basically - State propaganda is self-righteously promoted and protected as "free speech," while any dissent that counters it is rebranded as "hate speech" and punishable or illegal. Interesting different views on this photo op... Mainstream media: A "higher" perspective: Orthodox Jewish revisionism (photo actually manipulated and all women deleted) : "Enlightened" Obama & "Free Speech:"
  4. Perhaps another Zionist false flag attack to counteract France's popular vote to recognize Palestine? I mean, certainly "FREE SPEECH" is a joke in France, where it is legally kosher to obscenely ridicule everyone...except for Jews. Interesting how simply profane graphic art against some groups is fiercely defended as "free speech"...yet a much tamer casual remark against another is condemned as "hate speech" punishable by termination or imprisonment. Vive la France!!!
  5. I'm no big fan of the Abrahamic religions...but I would imagine that these Muslims are not merely taking violent revenge against free speech. The Anglospheric cartoons satirizing their idol are essentially the "last straw" of pouring salt in the wound of over a decade of invasive Western imperialism in their lands, destruction of many hometowns down to rubble, pollution with over 400 tons of DU radioactive waste, killing of millions, imposition of economic sanctions against, etc etc... Imagine if a Muslim country did all that to the Anglosphere...and then to top it off, published cartoons mocking Jesus Christ just to rub it in? Kick a man down...and then start cracking jokes at him? I mean, that sort of happened with the Moorish invasion of Europe...and Europeans eventually crusaded back.. Yes, murdering cartoonists is a SEVERE OVERREACTION to their mere free speech "insults." But, a dozen bodycount is also a SEVERE UNDERREACTION to the sheer destruction that Anglos have actually inflicted upon Muslims over the past decade. Although, Muslims themselves have ALSO inflicted a lot of destruction upon others, now and historically, as well...
  6. Well, "unjustified" killing of another human (or few) is simply called murder. But, mass murder is rebranded as "warfare" or by the Anglosphere as "police action," "liberation" or "Operation Iraqi Freedom," LMAO!!! And unpunishable and actually revered with shiny gold stars...if you win! It's only "murder" or "terr0rism" if committed by "enemies" of the State?
  7. Hmm, why does it seem like 12 people are far more significant than over 2.5 million in the Anglosphere? Hmm...cultural enhancement? Do you feel enriched now?
  8. A Path To Enlightenment

    WOW...AMAZING EXPERIENCE & POST!!! THANK YOU!!! Just curious though, anatomically, are you sure that our left brains are from our father and right brains from our mother? And that left is conscious and right subconscious - as well as the 6th chakra? If that were true, wouldn't most of us consciously think like our fathers and only carry the subconscious baggage of our mothers? Yet, I don't think that is always true? What is Sandhya? YES! I've come to the same conclusion that purifying our subconscious of all beliefs, to allow our true Divine Dao Nature to flow unimpeded, is the key to health and a happy life. It's as if there are no inherently true beliefs...we simply perceive/manifest/manufacture the "evidence" to "prove" whatever we subconsciously believe to be true - thereby making them "true" in our conscious minds. But, the belief precedes the "evidence," not vice-versa... Therefore, clearing all subconscious beliefs clears all limitations & resistance to our spontaneous Divine Nature - which in reality needs NO "HELP!". Even with good intentions, it would be like a chipmunk "helping" a rocket scientist build a spaceship, yes?
  9. Just started reading Tao, The Pathless Path

    If you really wanted to find happy work, you would still find it wherever you're at or end up where you need to be for that.. Again, you are not finding it...because you are not looking for it. It seems as if you suffer a false "either or" dilemma of EITHER working or ACCEPTING/BEING yourself. Hmmm, why are they "mutually-exclusive" in your mind? Couldn't "work" also be both personally rewarding/fulfilling and financially supportive? Or do you believe you must always compromise one for the other? So, you must deny yourself to support yourself? You also claim that you don't "need" to - because your parents are supporting you? Yet, you are not bothered that they are obviously getting fatigued from all that, hence considering sending you to an outside facility?
  10. A recurrent dream progresses...

    Congratulations, you met your Shadow Self - an esoteric megalomaniac. Grabbing your dog represents an underlying power struggle that you are having with him. IOW, you are currently resisting deepset urges to become or acknowledge "sneakily" already being an esoteric megalomaniac. The answer is to contemplate, understand, accept and reintegrate all parts of yourself, ESPECIALLY those you have cast off and rejected (your Shadow Self).
  11. Just started reading Tao, The Pathless Path

    Maybe it is? First off, if you have computer programming skills...then you can actually work for anyone from anywhere in the world...for many jobs. So, you could already be making money as it is! Yet somehow, you've failed to see that?? And being in a "xenophobic Muslim country" just another symptom of your underlying belief (IMO). You see, the conventional conscious mind thinks that "because A, A, A a result, I believe A." Whereas the metaphysical mindfvck is that "A, A, A happened because I already subconsciously believed A beforehand to begin with - which then projected into my outside world as a result, not the cause." So, applied to your've manifested and focused on every possible obstacle to becoming self-sufficient and self-responsible - probably because deep down, you subconsciously believe you are a disabled victim incapable of supporting yourself. So then you manifest a life to consistently support, maintain and "prove" that true. Anyhow, as far as how to distinguish between our Divine Nature and our ego...that is a good question. I'm no expert in that area myself yet, so maybe another "wise azz" here can better address that?
  12. Just started reading Tao, The Pathless Path

    Are any of those the actual root of your problem...or the symptoms? You need to do self-inquiry & genuine healing. If you sincerely desire healing and allow your Divine Nature through, then it will find a way to start on your road to real recovery. It could even start tomorrow, who knows?! Are there any local wise men, seers, intuitive healers, etc in your area? Maybe check out some bulletin boards? Just try to open your mind, suspend all your beliefs about why you can't...and allow the miracle of Nature to work its magic! I mean, what have you got to lose and what else have you got to do right now, anyways???
  13. Inaction vs. Passivity

    Wu Wei means spontaneously allowing/being your true Divine Nature...rather than acting/doing with your "Ego" (localized & limited consciousness). This is not to be confused with physical inactivity vs activity. Your Divine Nature might have you climb a mountain and till a field, for instance. Whereas your "Ego" might just tell you to lay in bed and play video games. The type of action is irrelevant, the difference lies in the motivation.
  14. Just started reading Tao, The Pathless Path

    LOL, you "don't need" to work? I'm sure your parents would beg to differ!! As a 36-yo man, you need to be supporting and healing yourself, financially and in all other ways!!! Not completely relying upon others! The fact that you don't even see the need to do this...and have been relatively comfortable living completely dependent upon even be SHOCKED that your parents believe you can't live definitely symptomatic of an unresponsible "victim" obliviously in denial! Your seizures may be a subconscious reaction to attaining self-sufficiency to keep you an incapacitated, dependent victim. The question is, what subconscious beliefs or painful blockages are putting and keeping you in that role??
  15. The Worst Mistake in Human History

    Osho essentially postulates that the "illusion" of separateness creates the Ego which makes an effort to "improve" Nature which then becomes "culture" and eventually "civilization." Only when "you" (your Ego) stop making an effort and accept that your Ego ("You") does not fully "exist" to begin with...and fully accept Nature...thus correcting your "Original Sin" Enlightenment realized.
  16. Just started reading Tao, The Pathless Path

    Hmm, amongst other things, you may have chosen to incarnate in a "I cannot cope on my own" Victim role. The only way to break out of these roles is for each to take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for themself...& nothing MORE & nothing LESS. Of course, since much of your Victim programming would be SUBCONSCIOUS, you may need special therapies to deprogram yourself. Good Luck!
  17. Why would she take your advice to try mindfulness, if mindfulness hasn't helped you resolve your own conflicts with her? And why would you even suggest an approach that hasn't successfully worked for you yet? Or, are you suggesting advice to "others" that you haven't taken yourself, yet?
  18. Lol, so much utter mass confusion in here...obviously many others are all still stuck in the same sinking boat too! And hence mostly all advocating further coping or defense mechanisms...but failing to address the actual root cause (that will only continue to worsen, if not properly fixed). For example, you ran away from home to escape...yet now the issue has grown even more emotionally painful! Anyhow, we've all been there, so maybe another alternate viewpoint might be helpful to you? It's simple. You believe that you can and must earn unconditional love (which your mother archetypically represents). Therefore, after "earning" it by becoming "more spiritual" and financially successful like the prodigal are enraged (deeply hurt) to find out that this still isn't enough! Damn Mother, what more can I do??? I need your love...wahhhhhhh!!!! Whereas your Mother is like a Ch'an monk slapping you upside the head with a stick, that is NOT "Enlightenment" you fool! Unconditional love doesn't have to be earned (or even technically received) AT ALL to begin with silly boy, because you already ARE an expression of it. It is our MOST INNATE DIVINE NATURE. That's like trying to pay a clerk for a watch that you already own and are wearing right on your wrist! You just have to fully realize, stop subconsciously resisting, accept and allow it (gnow & be thy "true self")... There's a big difference between "doing" things (allowing the Daoist flow) simply out of love as a natural "wu wei" expression of it vs doing things to get love (an unnecessary & painfully futile pursuit).
  19. The Worst Mistake in Human History

    Well, modern cushy civilization is still just an option, albeit an increasing one. But, you could always revert to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle somewhere if you truly wished? Honestly, it probably is healthier in many respects (especially for our own species and planet as a whole), albeit more rigorous. Hunting and foraging can be a lot of work...although I'd also imagine very rewarding as you really intimately become a part of the natural food chain and ecocycle of life again...
  20. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    So, why the Liver meridian as opposed to the Kidney, which seems to be more theoretically associated with jing & sexual functioning? Is it because the Liver meridian also passes by the genital area and/or is the Wood help "sport wood?" Or something else?
  21. Demographic Warfare

    Well, aren't they at least treating Tibetans BETTER than Han Chinese here? And specific to this thread, given that birth rates determine a region's demographic could China REALLY be waging "demographic warfare" on Tibet...if they restrict their own birth rate to 1 each...but allow their "opposition" UNLIMITED population growth??? FACTUALLY speaking, isn't the only proven "demographic warfare" that the Chinese government is waging...on its own Han majority??? IMAGINE if they had restricted only TIBETANS and other minorities to 1 child each, instead??? Certainly, you and the Americanized world would be OUTRAGED at this ETHNIC CLEANSING policy and without a doubt label it racist "demographic warfare," yes? But when it exists ONLY against the Han Chinese, then instead you dismiss it as insignificant and irrelevant...and still accuse them of "demographic warfare" against another? When they are severely restricting their own growth, and not the other's? Logic experiment: So, if the Chinese were (or are?) "migrating naturally & gradually" into Tibet...yet still inevitably causing Tibetan cultural loss in the process...would that OK, then? IOW, do you have NO PROBLEM with cultural/ethnic loss through immigration...unless it's intentional? Also, since Buddhism was imported into Tibet and replaced the more native Bon shamanism - aren't the Tibetan Buddhists themselves "foreign invaders?" So, should they all be repatriated back to India and Tibet returned to the older Bon adherents???
  22. Demographic Warfare

    Well, for the record, I would agree that the Chinese Commies, and also many historical Chinese dynasties, have treated their own peoples and neighboring minorities very ruthlessly at times. But my question here is more simply about whether China or Israel treats these 2 minorities worse now...vs their coverage and treatment by the US - in order to determine any double-standard bias in popular Western judgment? For example, I would submit that Israel treats its Palestinians far worse...yet the US treats Israel far better, giving it the most foreign aid and labeling it as a top ally & friend. Whereas, they continually lambast China for human rights abuses, etc.. And, would anyone here ever label Israeli, Muslim or Mexican settlement as "demographic warfare" vs "multiculti diversity?" Or is anyone else willing to address the deeper questions of PRINCIPLE I've posed here? Are all these mainstream attitudes consistent and based fairly upon principles...or inconsistent and on the lack thereof?
  23. Demographic Warfare

    I'm basically just agreeing with the disclaimers in your own quote? And yes. Although I'd say China has relatively cleaned up its act a lot since Mao...while Israel has arguably continued to worsen. China certainly has no wall, cut off resources and apartheid policies segregating the Tibetans. In fact, they even enjoy some special privileges, like no one child policy... Anyways, the point is the philosophical question, when and how much immigration/emigration is beneficial or detrimental - and to whom? Is inevitable cultural loss through foreign immigration (intentionally or not) "bad," according to both Hitler and the Dalai Lama? Tribalism concerns the preservation of one's cultural heritage and homeland. When is that considered important vs bigoted and isolationist? And who decides? When is foreign multiculturalism "good" for expanding your world view, and/or "bad" for losing yours? If Tibet should be for Tibetans, should China be for Chinese and Sweden for Swedes? Should all countries/regions have very open or very restrictive borders to encourage or discourage more cultural mixing? Is ALL cultural mixing "good," or does it depend on the culture? Are there any real consistent principles here...or just flat-out double standards based on popularity contests??
  24. Demographic Warfare

    So, it is proven that China is forcing Han people to move into Tibet to outnumber them...and not just pumping money into it, like other SEZ's, because it is a far-flung, underdeveloped destitute area? And migrant workers then simply follow wherever the money & jobs are? Meanwhile, all Mexican immigrants are merely migrant workers following wherever the money & jobs are, and absolutely none also believe in any larger political agenda of reconquista to "reclaim" the SW? And Zionist Jews did not purposely migrate and land squat into Palestine with the intent of eventually supplanting them and taking over their land as their future homeland of Israel??? But, you're not mad about that?