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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Demographic Warfare

    How many Palestinians have died in protest of Israeli apartheid rule? How many Muslim "terrrorists" and "suicide bonnbers " have died fighting imperialistic US invasions in their lands under false pretenses? Are you even more outraged by that? And do you also believe that illegal Latin American immigration into the US is also "demographic warfare," since they will become the new majority in the US within a few decades??
  2. Demographic Warfare

    Well, I'm not sure the exiled Tibetan numbers are more accurate, either? Obviously, both sides have motivation to stretch their numbers... But after a quick search, I couldn't really find independent verification or hard evidence backing either claims... This fact cannot be denied, though: So, on the whole, the Han Chinese government is only trying to restrain its own majority growth, while allowing all native minorities unbridled growth. But regardless, my point is how DIFFERENTLY the VERY same CONCERNS are popularly SPUN with a consistent DOUBLE-STANDARD, depending upon WHO's doing it. The exact same action is either condemned as "cultural genocide by invasion/colonization" or glorified as "beneficial enrichment and strength through multicultural diversity" and commentary deemed "racist xenophobic hate speech" or "progressive humanitarian concern against minority oppression," depending on the specific parties/underlying agenda involved... On an ideological level, it's also interesting then how Tibetan Buddhists still ultimately relied upon force (through military alliance with Mongolian and now American bullies)...NOT non-violent peace, to survive. So, psychologically, they don't seem to have been able to transcend that "might is right" dilemma yet. And in addition, there is the possibility that mistaking Buddhist emptiness with self-denial...could ultimately leave to self-denial on a national sovereignty level.
  3. Demographic Warfare

    Funny, if a European/East Asian/etc. leader said the equivalent of this, he'd be demonized as a far-right Hitler.. But, if an Israeli or (subtly anti-China) Tibetan says it...then they need more aid to fight the oppression! Tibetan population in 2009: Tibetan 92.8% Han 6.1% Maybe DL needs to be lectured by the Native Americans on how multicult diversity became their greatest strength and only backwater racists would resist it?
  4. Elongated skulls of Paracas Peru

    Wow, so these recessed "phantom" doors are also known as niche or fake doors in "mastabas" in modern Arabic in Egypt! They were essentially located on the outside of tombs to allow contact after death with the buried person... And this similar motif has been found in Latin America, Egypt & Malta!!! Mesa Verde (CO) Peru Turkey Malta Atlantean diaspora, perhaps?
  5. Vajra strands

    A qigong master has said that is qi. Congratulations if you can see it, because normally people can't. You have to reach a certain level before you can..
  6. That type of populist sentiment is nothing new. Back in 1971...
  7. All our problems ultimately originate in our own subconscious mind (powerlessness, racism, etc) - and become resonated, reflected & shadow projected into our outer lives. Because deep down, there is no real "other"...only on the "outer" conscious physical level. For example, if you believe that "power corrupts," then you will: 1) Keep experiencing such experiences that corroborate your belief 2) Repel power from yourself, because you don't want to get corrupted, thus further deepening your spiral... Fill out the free worksheets on Byron's site yourself and begin your self-inquiry/healing when you're ready.. And if you're not, then just keep angrily playing your own victim and continue suffering...until you are.
  8. Love....Dating.....Marriage....Why?

    Eating....Sleeping.....Breathng....Why? If "we" don't really exist...then why bother? Why?
  9. Russell Brand

    It takes a genius to dumb down arcane concepts into simple laymen's terms...but a pseudointellectual poseur to do the reverse.. I would say David Wolfe is more an example of the former, but Russell Brand is often more the latter..
  10. This guy actually has good customer feedback? Who actually think he's worth $1000/pop??
  11. Full Lotus Position Tips

    Whew, I've been at this for a while now...maybe 5 years or more? In retrospect at this point, I have a few speculative observations: 1) In order to sit in full-lotus comfortably, you primarily have to be able to perform 3 basic poses (or some variations thereof): Upavistha Konasana (Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend Pose) - to open your kua and get your knees down to the ground Sucirandrasana (Eye of the Needle) - for more hip-opening rotation Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold) - so you can sit up straight without your lower back bowed back 2) It may easily take years to sufficiently lengthen all the requisite muscle bodies (many large) and manually work out muscle adhesions - not to mention meridians - to be able to assume full lotus loosely. It actually requires the opening and clearing of a LOT of different areas - so should not be underestimated or rushed and is not easy to "fake." But as with many spiritual "attainments," full lotus is more the end result of clearing all this out...than the actual means to do so. It's more the cart, than the horse, so to speak...which most people have backwards.. 3) Once attained, it is a resting position that also passively stretches a lot of tissues and meridians out to their limits. Because this helps keeps them open with minimal additional effort, it is thus such an optimal position for meditation/neigong.
  12. Cancer-killing dandelion tea gets $157K research grant

    Celery Chinese Toon
  13. embarrassment at the nightclub....

    Well, both Glenn Morris & JJ Semple alluded to unreliable performance after kundalini awakening. I don't know if that happens to everyone, or just some people due energetic rerouting or clearing out blocks there?
  14. Can anyone help with this possible predicament?

    Powerless, paralyzed, sexually-abused... Were you child-molested or abused? If so, you need to recover from that trauma in order to stop the same pattern from repeating itself.. Otherwise, if you remain stuck in the "victim" role...then you will keep attracting "persecutors" and then need "rescuers" to complement and complete your "triangle." At this stage in your journey, psychology may be more directly helpful than "spiritual" (bypassing) fairy tales..
  15. Qi Meridians and Acupuncture points

    I've wondered if it might correspond with the vagus nerve function, which connects the brain, heart & gut (3 dantians)?
  16. Buddhist Giveaway

  17. Taoism Giveaway

  18. Hmm, *surprise, surprise* gee, how convenient...
  19. what is reality and what is illusion ?

    To be, or not to a false duality. Valid only within a frame of reference.. But outside of one... There is no such thing as existing...or not existing. Only "existing." An example of this is a thought in your mind, a dream, a video game playing on your computer screen. Do any of these truly exist...or not...or...? What is the word between yes and no? What is the Middle Way, between all binary boundaries? How can infinity even have boundaries?
  20. what is reality and what is illusion ?

    When people think of "non-duality," they only think of subject/object being a false duality. But in fact, is/is not is an even deeper false duality. *ENLIGHTENMENT!*
  21. Is TTB a safe place to post?

    Interesting, what did you base your interpretations they don't seem to match the standard ones? Or using the Yijing, "How should TTB best be moderated or governed?"
  22. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    You have alluded to this numerous times now.. Could you specifically describe the typical energetic and tonal differences you observe between animals, Western & 3rd World countries, different regions in the US, races & genders? And what about plants, fungi, different ages or gurus/masters? And can you also sense these energetic qualities through photos or videos, rather than just in person?
  23. Has anyone trained with Ian Sinclair? Essentially he explains that the physics secret to Taiji power is (instead of just increasing your velocity). Of course, that is far easier said than , and I'm guessing requires a lot of deep opening and relaxing of chronic tension..