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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Women & TTB

    Actually, I was speculating about varying natural gender preferences in spiritual orientations in general, not just in this forum. It could likely be that Taoism as a whole is naturally majority-male - and TTB could then just be a natural reflection of that? I mean, certainly other groups like Reiki or American Yoga are heavily dominated by female memberships. And I don't think that is due to them actively excluding men, but that they simply draw more women for various reasons.. Or, do you think they ultimately must face serious questions as to why their businesses are "not working" too?
  2. Women & TTB

    That's a good question. One possibility is that more women may place a higher priority on finding cultural identity & community with their spiritual affiliations. Whereas more men may seek more esoteric (ç„¡) and solitary "Dragon Ball Z"-type goals. So, the classic archetype of a Taoist mountain hermit living in isolated solitude probably appeals to more men than women...even though the philosophy itself may actually be more female-friendly than some of the organized religions or metaphysical arts that are far more popular with women (Abrahamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Yoga, Reiki, etc). If that's so, then maybe this "business" IS working precisely as it naturally (in Taoist fashion) should? Or are all special interest groups supposed to naturally randomly be exactly population-proportional?
  3. Women & TTB

    Well according to some schools of thought, like in Destiny of Souls, we actually do choose everything we experience, on some level (albeit often not conscious now). And this includes who we incarnate as and with in each lifetime. Which may also vary by gender, race, sexual orientation, etc with different lifetimes.. Within this paradigm, the only possible answer to outer acceptance is self-acceptance. Self-inquiry and self-accountability are genuine foundations for self-healing whether via Byron Katie, 12-step programs or the "Law of Attraction" that often work when nothing else does.. Whereas avoiding one's own deeply personal pains through such processes via generic pseudo-spiritual escapism is what's actually defined as "spiritual bypassing." And which only leaves people wallowing in their own festering wounds while continually blaming others for it... Of course, people can be their own judge and see how spiritual bypassing vs self-inquiry works for them... Well, I'm willing to bet that a lot of the "anti-racism" tirades here are really a proxy for "anti-White males" which is really a proxy for "anti-my White Father who never approved of me and so now I angrily reject him and everything he stands for back." That unfulfilled desire (for a proud Dad) creates a wound so deep that people will displace their pain-turned-to-anger onto a similar group (bias) for the rest of their lives...or until they finally find the courage to face up to it (self-inquiry). Of course, this doesn't completely invalidate one's activist causes (like anti-biases) - but external fixes are generally only short-term "solutions." Inner work is needed to help one truly transcend them in the long run, rather than just keep manifesting and reacting to them in an endless feedback loop. There is a critical distinction between following our own true Nature (Taoism & being) vs reacting to our own outer stimuli. So...who grew up with and has a proud, accepting, loving (White) Dad vs a judgmental, intolerant, disapproving one, here?
  4. Dr. Jerry Tennant really breaks it all down here:
  5. Interesting, could you describe what each race sounds like and where you think these sounds come from? They sound like higher vs lower frequencies? Also, do you know historically why different "races" developed and for what reasons or purposes?
  6. Ayn Rand on Israel and the Middle East

    Note that "Ayn Rand" = Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum = Russian Jewish bourgeois ...who are often not known for their fondness of their sibling rival Arabs... ...or Chinese... ...or Blacks... But thankfully it's all sanctioned & ordained by the great Yahweh/Enlil!!! Amen!
  7. The cult of racism

    Uh, have you ever heard of "affirmative action?" It was already legislated to address those complaints decades ago... And as a result now, Black kids can now effectively score 310 pts lower than Whites and 450 pts lower than Asians on the SAT to get into American universities. So, I don't know how much easier it can be made? A Black kid can literally slack his way through school and still gain admission over an Asian or White kid busting his azz 16 hrs a day. Because of mentalities like yours. And of course, affirmative action applies to the workplace as well.. And again, so you believe in the same racial/cultural stereotypes...that you also are offended by?
  8. The cult of racism

    Are you claiming that racial street crime rates are all the same...or at least the same based on the same income levels? So, are all stereotypes wrong? You yourself said that, "For the record, I never said there are "no differences" between races and cultures." So, you imply that you believe some stereotypes are statistically-valid...while also implying that they're all nonetheless racist...yet valid? Could you elaborate on what racial and cultural differences you specifically DO believe in? And how that differs from the racial & cultural stereotyping which offends you?
  9. The cult of racism

    There are 2 sides to your coin...and the more you completely deny 1 side, the more you excuse and enable it and the worse it keeps growing. Which is the danger of your mentality. Excessive scapegoating only allows the real problems to continue festering unabated.. So, what about this "thug lyfe" ethos of multiple generations of fatherless, feral gangbangers? There's roughly about a million gang members...with about 460,000 Hispanics & 350,000 Blacks. Again, compare these numbers to ~5000 KKK members? Yet, you are not proportionally more concerned about unprovoked thug crime (often racially or anti-gay-motivated) long as they're not White? Then it's of no concern because it doesn't fit your 1-sided, Baby Boomer narrative? Just keep it moving...nothing to see here?
  10. The cult of racism

    What are those racial & cultural differences, then? Do you think that imbalanced portrayals of the KKK by you and the media might have made you overestimate their influence? 5000 is .0016% of the current US population of 314 million - or about 16 per million citizens. This means that about 3.5% (11 million) of the US population are Black felons - or 35,000 per million citizens. Yet, you are far more threatened by the KKK than Black felons? Even though they are outnumbered by 2200:1? Oh, but you don't even live in America, do you? Which means you must be basing all of your opinions on...imbalanced media portrayals, perhaps? Now...tell me about your father?
  11. African teens create way to use urine as fuel

    A better (and entirely free) usage of urine is as a liquid fertilizer (assuming the person eats a clean diet and isn't on meds).. This is a farrrr better usage than the West's absolutely wasteful double-whammy of simply flushing it down the drain with 3.5 gallons or more of potable freshwater each time.. Do note that urine should be composted away from sensitive plants first, to allow bacteria to first break the ammonia (which can burn them) down into nitrates. And also, it shouldn't be concentrated too much in any one place, otherwise sodium could build up excessively there..
  12. Pine trees - liver (wood) function Apple or Phoenix (Chinese Parasol?) trees - heart (fire) function Willow trees - spleen (earth) function Poplar trees - lung (metal) function Cypress trees - kidney (water) function. Of course, these are just some common trees, especially in China. But unfortunately, I don't think there is a more comprehensive listing of the far greater variety of trees that are out there, especially in other countries... Do note that many different trees are actually related from the same "family" or grouping. This could help a bit in elemental classification. For example: Moraceae - Includes both Figs & Mulberries Populus - Includes Poplar, Aspen & Cottonwood
  13. The Tao of a pointless crush.

    Not due to age. I was just questioning why you are choosing unavailable love (he's a gay celeb and you're already married). Oftentimes, that could be because a parent was emotionally unavailable...or you fear intimacy...or other reasons.
  14. The Tao of a pointless crush.

    Daddy issues?
  15. Allopathic doctors are probably going to be useless for 90% of the symptoms you may incur from spiritual detoxing. Good energy and bodywork, psychotherapy, some herbalism and basic supplements/compounds will probably be your best bets.
  16. Proper Taoist Grounding Method

    Hard labor digging in the Earth is extremely good for detoxing, btw. Moving all that lymph while working out heavy sweat in the a surprisingly powerful cleansing method! Just make sure that you've already done plenty of yoga and use good form so you don't strain your back!
  17. Ha, some similar accusations have been made about ThetaHealing.. But who knows?? I practiced Kunlun for about 2-3 years. IMO, it was one of the most powerful practices I've ever tried. For a while, I also wasn't quite sure if it was causing beneficial detoxing or making me sick...? But in retrospect now, I am pretty sure that it was the former. I and my life are definitely better now. However...I also don't believe that Kunlun is a magic bullet cure-all. Remember, Max extracted it from more "complete" systems (Yigong & Maoshan). And I think it's more for opening and awakening certain higher levels - but not necessarily for healing. I had to resort to outside healers and healing techniques to resolve numerous health and life crises (not saying that Kunlun had necessarily raised them). So, I would recommend you do the same. All your shit is your own. So, learn to own your shit. And shit it out. (Like, even if you did connect to some "negative" entity, that would only be because you already contained the subconscious program attracting/resonating with it to manifest it in your experience to begin with..)
  18. MH17...

  19. Rooting?

    Rooting is a foundational skill in the Chinese energy arts. The ability to stand there and become an "immovable" object when pushed on. This is a good litmus test for your structural alignment and ability to energetically connect with the earth. I've now felt this with 2 Taijiquan and a Yiquan player. One of the Taijiquan players having been largely self-taught for only 2 years.. And yet, I still can't figure it out yet! Their ability to withstand extreme force just standing there almost seems to defy physics...or at least common sense. - Is it biomechanics? Perhaps some, but most appeared to hold a pretty casual, neutral posture without any noticeable contortions. - Is it tendon strength? Maybe some, but again they often seemed fairly relaxed and not twisted up. I mean, I could feel some force being expended when they were holding "unbendable arms," but sometimes I was only pushing on their shoulders, not forearms. - Is it qi? How much of this rooting is "simply" qi and yi? Can anyone here really root? And I mean, actually possess the skill...not just move hot air about it? If so, could anyone post a vid demoing this? I know this is not a "super high level" skill...but it is a significant and foundational one that I have nonetheless not seen very often and I am really trying to acquire. Help?!
  20. Texts for preliminary neidan study

    You will probably need to spend the good part of a decade clearing out enough emotional/energetic blockages and stretching your muscles/tendons out enough to sit in full lotus properly first...before you can really begin "classical" Chinese alchemy. Otherwise, it will be like trying to fill up a bucket with a stiff, old garden hose clogged with mud...
  21. What is this shimmering light?

    Is it about the size of a pencil eraser and look sort of like this?
  22. Vitamin B-12 Shots?

    So, where do we get natural Methylcobalamin instead of "synthetic" Cyanocobalamin? I also agree that it is much better to use folate, instead of folic acid..
  23. Vitamin B-12 Shots?

    Such as...? Vitamin B12 supplements are probably essential for help prevent atherosclerosis..