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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Bamboo

    Tabashir actually forms within a few bamboo species (Bambusa arundinacea & Bambusa verticillata): There's also some purported types of Bamsa Mukta (Bamboo Pearl)...but those don't even look remotely As far as invasiveness, the primary culprit to avoid is Phyllostachys aurea (golden or fishpole bamboo). Although obviously you should be careful wherever you plant any of it.. But with that said, a lot of species are not weeds that can just grow anywhere under any conditions at all, either.
  2. The 'Christ Clicks'

    I think on one level, the Abrahamic religions can be psychologically boiled down to dysfunctional GUILT-tripping. Like, humans are all essentially born GUILTY now. And those who accept this initial premise, shall then forever be in self-bondage seeking eternal redemption from their accuser. Problem > Reaction > Solution. Ordo Ab Chao. And so the play's main protagonist and antagonist differ in how they handle said guilt-trip. Yeshua is the sacrificial lamb ("good" obedient sheeple) vs the Devil, the ("bad" rugged individualist) scapegoat who prances around refusing to lay down on the altar. Who are essentially 2 sides (similar animals) of the same guilt-tripped coin, both burdened with excess guilt for the sins of others. Jesus just obediently accepts this torture (martyrdom), while the scapegoat doesn't... The irony is that...wouldn't false accusations and wrongly punishing the innocent (with the death penalty, no less) unjust acts that the prosecution should actually feel guilty for??? So, might such guilt-tripping be self-serving psychological manipulation for mind control...leading to further dysfunction in their reactionary responses? Is GUILT being used as a WMD here?? Or is there another explanation? It just seems awfully psychodrama-ish...and NOT of higher clear consciousness?
  4. FREAKING AWESOME!!!!! Qigong masters in China 20 years ago are still eons ahead of us here.. Lots to learn thanks for sharing!!! Please share more similar material if you can!
  5. Jim McMillan has passed away

    Not to derail this thread, but why did you neglect to mention his GREATEST FOE (originally partially funded by Opium Wars against the Mo Pai ancestors) - the Anglo Gov/Monsanto/military industrial complex that sent him to Nam and then doused him in Agent Orange/dioxin - likely cutting decades off his precious life to ultimately do him in.. Anyhows, I believe he had a good heart and intentions and inspirational perseverance. He managed to achieve what scarcely any on this planet have in the time he was here. So, I hope he finds inner peace and everything he sought from without, within... R.I.P. man!
  6. Syria

    Interesting times...when a FAUX NEWS commentator sternly pleads AGAINST WWIII with Syria...while Nobel Peace Prize President OBAMA keep obediently stumping for it!
  7. Syria

    Lol, who is "they" - the rebels armed by the US whom Iran had allegedly warned had CW a year ago? LMFAO!!! You do realize that the US ITSELF is the largest genocider of Muslims in the world, having slaughtered 2.5 million over a decade since 2003 and turned their motherlands into toxic Superfund sites by dumping ~400 tons of DU (nuclear weaponz) there??? you propose the US to intervene against itself now? Or continue its preplanned war campaign to control the entire Middle East?
  8. Syria

    So, with no real intel and record anti-war protests from the American people to both mainstream parties...why are we still being so heavily forced into Syria??? Anyone know what other corporate lobbies & PACs are also ramrodding this country into potential WWIII? Welp, here we go again...
  9. Monsanto has specialized in producing synthetic environmental toxins for a century now, with the full support of our ruling regime. Here's some of their greatest hits! Saccharin Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Polystyrene DDT Agent Orange w/dioxin Petroleum-based fertilizer Glyphosate Aspartame Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) GMOs Amazing what all a single company can do!
  10. Regardless, always good to keep an eye on the bigger picture, of which cultivation techniques are merely only a part.. While a step-by-step, paint-by-numbers, powerfully-distilled formula for life can sound appealing, real life as a whole is generally far more complex and organically chaotic than just that.. Curveball factors like possible lineage karmic patterns or how to heal cancer might not be included in any stripped-down methodology, yet may be just as vitally important should they arise. Especially if not practicing under the direct supervision and care of a qualified "master."
  11. Syria

    Russia & China have now proven to become the new relatively sober global voices of reason - which is probably why the rogue US/NW0 war machine has been on a constant smear campaign against them... Because they remain major hedges of resistance to them implementing full world 5-0 state domination. Common sense...except in the MSM. Just watch the one lone voice of reason get ganged up on by the entire panel of MSNBC warprop dronebots: No wonder the MSM is rapidly losing all ratings & credibility!
  12. Syria

    Official stories and rumors keep swirling and changing.. The latest alleged evidence for another US false flag are some incriminating (alleged) hakt emails:
  13. Back in 1992, warhawk to outline the subversive strategies and bully tactics driven by propaganda and preemptive warfare to be used to tool the American military-corporate complex for their own agenda... ...crying Wolfowitz again?
  14. Hello from another Newbie

    Good question! So, has anyone read Decoding the DAO: Nine Lessons in Daoist Meditation: A Complete and Comprehensive Guide to Daoist Meditation by him yet? He just seems more IMA-oriented, not as specifically a cultivator.. So, is this book still worth getting, or no? Anyone even met this guy before?
  15. The Taoist's Herb Garden

    It took this urban homesteading family 10 years on their "path to freedom" to wean themselves off the grid and produce 6000 lbs of food a year on 4000 sq ft...
  16. More Pie Guy's Tips On Saving Money

    OTOH, in the future yards will simply be replaced with beautiful, edible yardens...minimizing or eliminating the usage of lawns and mowers altogether..
  17. Nine steps to spiritual immortal

    Very interesting...sort of seems to correlate this account of Quang Van Nguyen (currently living in VT): Anyone else read: Fourth Uncle in the Mountain: The Remarkable Legacy of a Buddhist Itinerant Doctor in Vietnam?
  18. Art As A Spiritual Quest.

    It could be interesting to express and compare ideas in a nonverbal format, tapping into the right lobe instead for a change. So here's a fun art assignment for everyone out here: Draw "God" (or whatever you believe is the most "divine or deepest" level of "reality" in the bigger picture) and post it here!
  19. Or might it? A lot of the most powerful, spiritual, naturalist energy healers in the world appear to exhibit a similar "Asianesque" heritage. Like the continental Asians, Native Americans and also the San Bushmen of the Kalahari... Aside from the obvious physical resemblances, they also speak in a "tonal click" language, perhaps remotely similar to how Chinese is also multi-tonal? Were these perhaps prototypical Asians, who later interbred with Neanderthals and diverged further into other "races"...? In Africa, the Bushmen hunter-gatherers are now considered "trespassing nuisances" who are often variously bullied by both White & Black landowners.. And because they were never warlike, they and their ancient spiritual "n/umgong" culture are in danger of extinction now...
  20. Hmm, so which races may have more qi & shen, then?And what if jing was not necessarily more, but just being burned up faster, resulting in faster aging and shorter lifespans, for some? This topic seems to be an emotionally-charged sore spot for many here, inducing a lot of tiptoeing, cognitive dissonance, self-contradictions, polarized fundamentalism, double-standards, hypocrisy, repression, suppression and anger.. Anyhow, according to Destiny Of Souls, different age/level souls will often choose different "age appropriate" bodies and lives suitable for their level and goals. So, "younger, n00by" souls will often select hot bods and simplistic, hedonistic lifetimes. Whereas, "older, more advanced" souls might choose more complex & challenging lives. So, I don't think "better lives" are rewards for "better karma" per se. Instead, we are more role-playing through different avatars here to gain different experiences. The "best" life is then rather the one most convincing and suitable for you to experience what you need to - of whose lessons you then accordingly learned and mastered. One way to gauge YOUR own "soul level" is to get an aura photo. You may notice that most people do in fact have orange-yellow auras - in line with the bell curve shown above.
  21. That's part of the point...vague terms lumped in gives them "carte blanche."
  22. Genetic ancestral memory

    Ergo, GM0 crops are being used to cause infertility (and other problems) by the 3rd generation...
  23. Families: Privilege for the rich?

    3. The Only 22 Countries in the World Britain Has Not Invaded (not shown: Sao Tome and Principe) So, the British Empire is the basis for the NW0? And anyone who resists their metastatic culture/control is a "terori5t rogue enemy of the Superstate?"
  24. Families: Privilege for the rich?

    I would agree that legal marriage is basically a costly expense to pay the State to control your relationship...and so it may run proportional to wealth, religious beliefs and other factors... But with childbearing, there is actually more of an inverse relationship between birth rate and wealth. IOW, poor people tend to have many more kids earlier (regardless of whether they themselves can afford to raise them) - which also keeps them all poorer... E.g. - The poorest place in the world is in Sub-Saharan Africa - which also just "happens" to be where the highest birth rate is too. Then again, even that could be constrained by lack of more wealth. Like when given more money: