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Everything posted by gendao

  1. "Leftist" Nationalism/Centralization/Socialism -> Dictatorship
  2. Losing your virginity what was it like?

    Mass murderer groupies! True story! ZOMG! That said, I would prefer to have a healthy, functional psyche/body, regardless.. This makes a lot of sense. What's a good way to clear out liver & (particularly) gallbladder meridian blockages?
  3. free will is BS

    Even then, some believe that such would have been the choice of her soul for her to experience getting seduced by some "pusanga" plant. Free will is proportional to how conscious you are of our full Consciousness...
  4. Detoxing

    1) Take niacin (B3) to "explode" fat cells (lipolysis) and flush fat and toxins out from them 2) Bounce on rebounder to move lymph 3) Sit in hot sauna to then flush toxins out through skin 4) Take bentonite clay and activated charcoal to absorb toxins through GI tract 5) I would also recommend cupping too
  5. A Jolie: Breasts + News

    This is a subtle public ad campaign to legally pave the way for GM0 HUMANS - to eventually mainstream human mutation, c!oning and a!ien hybridization (see Du!ce). When in fact, all of our taxpayer dollars could be spent on actual cancer cure research, instead: Or why couldn't Angelina just start ingesting cannabis oil, like Tommy Chong? And why didn't Tommy Chong's story garner the same amount of fanfare and sympathetic praise for his courageous actions?
  6. PUA and Spirituality

    Black men are racially-profiled as macho bad boys. That alphaesque archetype alone can override looks or any character defects.. Hey, that's more than most guys ever get! And it makes sense that if you have a LOT of repressed pain, you would fear intimacy because that would open that giant wound. Therefore, you subconsciously repel any intimate relationships. So, as you slowly purge that pain out of yourself, you will steadily decrease your fear of intimacy and relationships. Pretty stunning insights for a guy of just 23!!! Any examples of men found less attractive by women and so perpetually-single? There have been numerous young males on this site alone struggling with this today. They all stumble through here with the same syndrome on a regular basis now. And many of them are not physically deformed, but "yin"-natured and above-average intelligence, if anything. I've heard of a number amongst certain groups of men living in North America who were very relationship-inexperienced or virgins into their 40s. Again, all stereotyped as or fitting the general characteristics mentioned above (quiet, smart, introspective, physically "yin," etc.). Essentially, the type of well-behaved men that feminists would have no beef with and ideologically want - yet appear in practice the most unwanted amongst men. Whereas, I think I would be VERY hard-pressed to find any female virgins past age 21 anymore... Most American girls lost theirs in the mid-teens (18 considered late). Anything beyond 18 for a girl is considered "freakish" now. Interesting, so in addition to the 5 phase circle jerk, is there also a top-down chain-of-command? Could you outline how the rest of the organs fall into this hierarchy then?
  7. Not sure how this might affect the overall global competitiveness of our companies (our entire government is basically an epic business FAIL), but as an employee...I would LOVEEEE having this choice! It does hinge upon whether workers WOULD actually have full control over that option...which the article states it does - but then notes how Democrats claim it doesn't.. So, which is it?? Well, some do. They are just not required to get paid it - since all of these Federal labor laws only apply to hourly employees, not salaried. However, free market forces generally pressure companies who don't pay salaried employees for OT to offer higher base salaries upfront in order to attract and attain them.
  8. *WARNING* Drive-by Psychoanalysis... On the surface, you feel a conflict between self-approval vs societal approval (internal vs external locus). But, the real conflict is the "Egoic" divide between you as an invididual vs the rest of manifest phenomena as a begin with. You love feeling distinctively "unique" because that strengthens the pseudo-illusive notion of your "individual existence." So, you subconsciously create even more substantive gaps between yourself vs "others/society." Because these function as artificial borders or moats to preserve: The conceptual castle of your "individual Ego's" survival. The more substantial these gaps feel, the more real It feels. Whereas showering would be an act that literally diminishes this boundary, threatening your "Ego's" sanctity. Like a "special snowflake" melting into a lake... But it doesn't wish to be so easily forgotten. As completely formless and indistinct as water. *glug, glug* Of course, this base fear is unfounded.. True integration is not negation.. Being yourself, does not mean denying yourself. But fully embodying your whole, unbounded self.
  9. a Q about Zhan Zhuang Qigong

    It's a core practice for IMA, including Baguazhang, Taijiquan & Xingyi. On the higher end of results, one might experience the slow opening of the MCO, like Sun LuTang. That said, I think these practices aren't necessarily that effective "standalone" , though. They probably work better when integrated with varied adjunctive therapy holistically within the greater context of your monomythic journey, to clear through all your blocks from multiple levels and release your inner being...
  10. Awesome!! I always wondered how he did this: And does anyone have the PDF of this translation of his alchemical essay originally posted here? How far does your translation delve into these neigong practices vs. just Baguazhang?
  11. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    Recent studies have indicated that various traits ranging from height to IQ are 75%-80% genetically-determined. So, according to conventional science, you could maximize your IQ with an optimal lifestyle and perhaps nootropics or special mindbody exercises - and possibly even boost your IQ 25% and go from a C to an A student.. And further out on the fringe, a rarer few might even believe that you could naturally fix or improve your DNA programming to strengthen numerous weaknesses. But that would be the equivalent of restoring your prenatal short, a very advanced, alchemical task at the least! I believe that if it's all programming, then it's all theoretically correctable. However, obviously hacking your OS is a lot harder than just surfing the web, lol..
  12. Deng & Blofield works. Is it ethical?

    Employing aphorisms and idioms is one thing...plagiarizing and fictionalizing specific events and stories is another... But, why don't any of you just contact Deng Ming-Dao himself, for his side of the story? He does not appear that hard to find in the Bay Area, given that he's still actively writing and promoting his books?
  13. The roots of poverty (or any other dysfunction like alcoholism, really) cannot simply be cured with money. That root change must always come from within. In fact, throwing more money at such symptoms of deeper dysfunctions or unsustainable lifestyles only enables, perpetuates and exacerbates them. Affirmative action quickly becomes a crutch that weakens and encourages dependence. This can be seen most dramatically with ~60 years of AFRIC0M, for instance.. Meanwhile, despite no aid and nothing but constant Cold War rhetoric from the US during the same timeframe, look at what China has accomplished merely since 1990 - as Asia has shifted away from Communism into capitalism and reduced overbreeding:
  14. Feminist thread

    Already, the hordes have rapidly descended upon their new idol! They claim he is teh b0mbz! So, young womenz choose and lust after bad menz...then complain about bad menz laters after they failed to win them over...? I guess is much easier for many feminists to say, "menz are bad" than..."I (or many womenz) were attracted to and chose bad menz."
  15. Fascism + Solutions

    Lol, I guess they got what they voted for! Harass whistleblowers and monitor all media. Hmm, sounds familiar...
  16. Do a Conspiracy Really Exist?
  17. What?? How did you never stumble across THIS???!! As far as "Freudian projection," yes basically everyone is guilty of that.. Which is what makes self-reflection on it such an underrated therapeutic and overlooked spiritual tool.
  18. Feminist thread

    Yet, talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words, don't they? And at the end of the day, that's all that REALLY COUNTS. "Bad boy alphas" like Tiger and Charlie are ALWAYS irresistible to groupies, no matter how often they serial cheat, date polygamously, abuse, how many different kids/baby mamas they have, etc, lol! Do you really think any rabid fangirls worship Justin Bieber for his cooking skills or give a flying f*** if treated them like a jerk or not?? WOMB-MEN choose the memes & genes that humanity perpetuates by the types of males they mate with - and thus "approve" of through their sexual selection. If women can't stand these male traits - then what they really can't stand is their own collective choices in men.. So, when women flock to role models like these - what message are women undeniably sending to other men about what "works out in the real world?" Should men strive to be "mannies," or "alphas?" Now, when females don't use alpha dominance as a main criteria for sexytime...then there is no need for males to strive for that. So, in that case males and females can both live in a very peaceful, leisurely society.. However, those isolated cases apparently didn't survive into widespread predominance because they could not compete with far more competitive societies - where men drove societal development out of their drive to prove themselves worthy of copulation with females selecting for competitive "winners." I mean, ever know natural womanizers (like K-Fed)? Some of them are the laziest slackers who live off women ...because essentially they don't need to "prove" themselves any further to women when they are already getting freely satiated with them (like bonobos)...
  19. Feminist thread

    Lol, many females have been choosing the more dominant, aggressive alphas for eons, even in primate and other animal groups. That is why "patriarchs" "making the choices for girls" even evolved and assumed power to begin with. And now that females can more freely choose...they are choosing more alpha beasts than even before for the "raw thrill!" Even literally!
  20. Feminist thread

    Well, as long as women en masse keep deselecting domesticated "betas" in favor of rewarding "alpha" males for winning above all else...then that's what men will keep doing and striving for. I'm not saying this is necessarily "good" or "bad" btw...just drawing the connection here. The majority of men out there possess the traits that were chosen by the majority of women over time during their sexytimes. So if feminists believe that many men are abusive, domineering, oppressive a-holes...then that only goes to show what many women cherry-picked throughout history to pass down those tendencies. Whereas the lineages of "nice guys" like Buddhist monks...didn't get chosen to live on today. Hence, we don't live under a society ruled by thoughtful Buddhists seeking inner peace, lol.. Again, not that there's anything necessarily "wrong" with alpha groupies - as it is also basically just an extension of millions of sperm competing for 1 egg. Where ONLY the (fittest, not most congenial) winner survived! Except for solely scapegoating men for what is in large part, results of your own collective choices.
  21. The jhanas

    What type of meditation exactly did Buddha use to reach enlightenment, after breaking a 6-year fast? In all his teachings, where are the actual instructions for his breakthrough meditation???
  22. Inner Peace and Nei Kung

    ^ I don't claim to know what's actually going on here (perhaps a mix of fact & fiction?), but the cultural phenomenon in question could be a mix of that and this, lol: Anyways, I do wish us all 內安, and not just 內劲 too...
  23. qigong for kidney yang deficiency ?

    ^ Well sure, if there's a relative imbalance - it could be caused by a liver excess and/or kidney deficiency. Ultimately, everything should also be at an absolute normal baseline, not just relatively balanced with each other. This is why TCM goes into further depth and measures imbalances from their deviation from a healthy normalized baseline - not just in relation to each other. So, you have specific diagnoses of yin or yang excess and yin or yang deficiencies...
  24. qigong for kidney yang deficiency ?

    Well yes, I think the insulting cycle is much it is more of an unusual upstream battle where an "underdog" must overpower its more natural master. Which would only happen under a severe imbalance. I mean, wood does wear down metal slightly - otherwise axes and knives wouldn't need to be sharpened. So, in the case of hardwood vs a dull, rusty axe of a weak alloy...the wood could conceivably overpower the metal..