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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Ron Paul wasn't just referring to those specifically on welfare and/or all other government assistance - but a majority population that still refuses to live within our means. Which at $16 trillion in debt, means $16 trillion in spending cuts that should be made. Instead, they reelected a guy that added $6 trillion to our debt during his 4 years... How & when did this start??? Interestingly, the Titanic "coincidentally" sank just the year before (1912) the FRB was formed - along with most of its most powerful opposition.. Essentially, the bankstas have done the same thing to us as we do to other impoverished countries. They loan us money, tempt us to overspend so much of it that we can't pay it back and then they got us enslaved and can exert wanton control over our country. The key here is to get the population more and more dependent on the government and to embroil it in giant expenditures (like global terr0rist occupation). Which is why Iceland did this following their fiscal collapse (which our mass media has suppressed): But we just voted for more of the same (more spending, more debt, more wars, printing more money, more Socialism and more 0rwellian control)... And interestingly, the truth about John Lennon was... ...that he actually had (or developed) a Libertarian-leaning conservative streak stressing individual responsibility over government/1%er dependence by his last years...
  2. Due to self-entitled voters and the elitist 2-party collusion that intentionally divides the populace along low-priority, emotional wedge issues, the actual people's choice was beaten by their double headed dildo. Oh well...guess we'll raise taxes and counterfeit more money again to keep paying for this: Well, nevermind...The People have spoken!!!
  3. As a Libertarian from a quick glance, he appeared to be the next best thing on the ballot to Ron Paul. I agree. But as you can see, Libertarians (& maybe some other Indy's) are the only candidates who support these common sense solutions to our Real problems. You want to instantly create green jobs, insource, massively cut water, pesticide use & tree-cutting, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and cut healthcare costs by naturally curing cancer and other chronic diseases?? Then simply Federally LEGALIZE POT!!! But instead, the mass media and controlled opposition focus on "raising taxes or counterfeiting more funny money" as the only possible "fixes" here. But, cutting our enormous military offense spending and global occupation in over 130 countries is NOT EVEN UP FOR REAL DISCUSSION??? Even though, that's where this discussion really needs to START!!! And all for "defending our country" and "liberating others with freedom & democracy?"
  4. Is this Mo Pai Level 1 ?

    Hmm, but where's the part about grounding to the Earth? Isn't that a crucial detail?
  5. Lol, well you already answered your own question, if you didn't notice... The deeper inner issue here is likely that your Soul is feeling drowned out and unnoticed by your distracted, egoic monkey mind. It is extremely frustrated that it is not being heard. So, this internal conflict is now simply being projected outward onto your neighbor. The answer then is to calm your frantic, extroverted beta state and drift deeper down introspectively into your own heart.. Don't think, LISTEN/FEEL and dwell in your own Presence. Honor and be considerate of your inner Self to give it inner peace free from incessant mental chatter...
  6. Exactly, losing focus on plain competence in favor of social engineering, the IMF-run FRB banking, overspending on perpetual, terroristic wars farrrr beyond our borders and any pretense of self-defense and ruining our nation's health with our purely profit-driven food and medical industry has resulted in a giant black hole of debt. Scapegoating this on other harder-working countries with more sustainable economic values is only covering-up and worsening our own root culprits here. Meanwhile, our Persidential debates are laughable charades in controlled opposition with all of the real issues and voices strictly silenced...
  7. That's because I'm a rugged individualist who doesn't give a fvck! Case-in-point, duh! As opposed to this: So, individually rebelling against religious authority is, by contrast, culturally-acceptable here, right? How you like deez apples, then!
  8. So, which one is more individualist? And which one programs you to be an unquestioningly conformist follower (sheep)...or to walk your own uniquely individual path?
  9. But, what about all the great Japanese baseball players that have been imported into the MLB? How do you explain them, if you presuppose that their cultural collectivism impairs individual brilliance? Well, I think this may be somewhat of a false dilemna. The truly great ones seem to transcend BOTH blind groupthink AND their individual egoic minds into a non-dual ZEN zone where subject (individual) merges with object (action).
  10. True, but my point is that Obama is no more "progressive" here than any other mainstream puppet...AND in fact, has actively ENABLED Monsanto under his reign!
  11. This quote made no sense. It sounds like he's claiming that he was a faithful Christian...who did not believe in "God?" Uhhh...oxymoron, much? Perhaps he meant that he was a "cultural" Christian? It is interesting how he actually experienced some more "Eastern/metaphysical" spiritual concepts in the afterlife like the bardo, synesthesia, pure unity (Oneness) consciousness, unconditional love underlying apparent "amorality," existentialist questions and a luminous "Divine" OPPOSED to Pearly Gates paved in gold or other Heaven/Hell dichotomy. And should this thread be merged with this one?
  12. Neuro surgeoun experiences the void?

    Lol, actually this doesn't sound anything like the Biblical descriptions of "Heaven." That's religious propaganda that the mass media appears to have inserted.. All I see that he actually said was that he now believed in consciousness after death. Neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander’s Near-Death Experience Defies Medical Model of Consciousness
  13. Just for reference, Jinhua is in the middle of Zhejiang Province: And at this late point: PVG (Shanghai Pudong International Airport) - Seems cheapest? SHA (Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport) - Not readily available? HGH (Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport) - Closer to Jinhua, but costs ~7X more than PVG! YIW (Yiwu Aiport) - Closest to Jinhua, and only about $62 USD more than HGH Perhaps these airfares might vary further in advance, but it seems PVG would be the primary option - followed by a few hours on a shuttle or train (~3-5 hrs to go the ~360 km/224 mi) to Jinhua. This is also probably a great time of the year (good weather & tourist off-season) to go! I'd looovvee to myself, but I don't think 2 weeks is enough for me to plan an international trip like this right now...
  14. The pictures from these rats fed Monsanto's GM maize say it all! Thanks Obama!!! I'm sure your healthcare government takeover will be just as beneficial to us all, too!
  15. Can't get over my EX

    It's not your ex that you can't get over, it's your own internal beliefs creating this repeating pattern that you can't get over. Which she is only mirroring or triggering... You are the common denominator to all your experiences in life. Start by questioning if perhaps YOU might have BPD, believe you're evil and can't see your real self? Don't spit at your own reflections or smash mirrors - use them as tools to see and better yourself..
  16. Marijuana Use Tied to Testicular Cancer Risk!

    Lol, I love how suddenly sloppily unscientific these Establishment-backed studies can be when it comes to trying to promote their agenda. Like, I didn't see any isolated, specific link to pot in that study - just a vague, epidemiological correlation. However, correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation...and they did NOTHING to exclude out numerous other factors, as well. For example, a lot of pot smokers also indulge in other substance usage...or just poor health habits in general. That said, smoking any herb is generally the least medicinal way to ingest it and combustion ALONE of any organic matter (plant or animal) will often produce carcinogenic byproducts (HCA-rich char). So even if there was a link, the causative agent might actually be UNFILTERED carcinogenic CHAR, not the specific plant material being charred... Whereas cannabis taken any other way is actually extremely healthy - and its ESSENTIAL OIL - can even CURE CANCER (and a host of other chronic diseases)!!! So, NO WONDER the American Cancer Society (founded by John D. Rockefeller Jr in 1913) decided to release this latest smear campaign as desperate counterpropaganda against a startling truth starting to go viral!!
  17. God and Nirvana

    Nirvana is simply the realization that nothing (including "you" and "God") is absolutely real. It doesn't wholly negate anything, per se - only denies their 100% reality. We tend to think of things in binary fashion as either 100% unreal or 100% real. But mathematically, "reality" is actually a spectrum that goes from 0 (nonexistent) and approaches a limit of 1 (existent). "God" is the limit of 1 - the closest you can get to full reality...without ever quite reaching it. Nirvana is simply the experiential realization of this fact.
  18. Thanks Sean for all your hard work! One small question though: What happened to the personal "notepad" that used to be in the Control Panel? It was very handy for jotting down notes.. Any chance of that being restored? Or maybe just be allowed to send messages to ourselves again?? Thanks!!
  19. Kunlun Book

    How does it compare to his other 2 versions? Kunlun: Special Edition Pillars of Bliss Are there any differences or new material?
  20. book search

    Great question! I'd been looking myself to verify this whole "urban legend".. So far, I cannot locate this actual report though. I asked one friend in Taiwan, but he was kind of too busy to really look. Are there any Taobums in Taiwan who could search for it? Or maybe someone could post this question on a Taiwan forum? And perhaps it was just an article, and not a book? I do know for a fact that the report's supposed author, General Yang Sen, existed. And that he had fathered dozens of kids and lived into his 90s, I believe. In fact, people at the time had wondered about his curious virility and good health into old age? However, so far I cannot confirm if he actually studied with Li ChingYuen and wrote that alleged book???
  21. Finding the higher self.

    Good question. Is the Higher Self the same as the Soul...or if not, what's the difference??? And either way, how do we shift to that consciousness?
  22. Decreasing sleeping hours

    Don't focus on fixing the symptom, but rather on what's actually causing you to need so much sleep.. If you have a lot of energy that can run freely through clear probably wouldn't need that much. Your real problem may then be that you have a lot of stagnated blockages.. I know for me, I felt much more energetic and needed less sleep after I got blood-cupped. I still have a lot more stagnation to clear out, but it's definitely improved already. Remember, nighttime is when your body performs a lot of repair, recovery and detoxing. If you need excessive sleep, it may mean your body has a lot of damage to fix.
  23. Ego versus Humility

    Life has humbled me. The more I undergo, the more I realize how "I" (egoic self) am basically at the total mercy of my soul and higher powers.. "I" am basically just a backseat driver to Life. And even Love and sheer Will are powerless to conquer its executive decisions. Only understanding its greater wisdom, and still having Faith in it when I can't - ease my bumpy ride... The solution is not changing your life, it's understanding it. Although by understanding it, it will either change...or no longer "need" to. Either way, problem solved.
  24. Kumare! A brilliant docco!

    Lol, that's obviously not a documentary, but a mockumentary spoof with paid actors, though..