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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Wow, fascinating insight on your codependency with your "surrogate" child there. And perhaps another "child" you raised was yourself, through this depolarizing experience? So back to you now eh, "Saint Barbara?" Please continue sharing your sorreal insights.
  2. We all have issues-

    Non-duality is just past the beginning of Enlightenment, which appears to be a deepening process.. It appears like once non-duality is realized, emotions still arise - but they feel less associated with the individual and pass away much faster.
  3. This is essentially what Anita Moorjani said she felt when she had a life-changing NDE back in 2006 - that once separated from her body, she was basically just a point of awareness in an "other realm" that felt timeless. Everything connected to each other - it was just a matter of wherever her awareness went. And being "timeless," there was not really a past - everything was essentially all there timelessly... Although of course in our material frame of reference, we may perceive these same connections sequentially in "spacetime" as "past lives."
  4. Characteristics of Baby Boomers

    Don't forget self-absorption, self-entitlement, monumental short-sightedness, irresponsibility and living so far above their own means that they will be leaving many generations to come saddled with their staggering debts...all while continually preaching their self-righteous, outdated attitudes..
  5. I totally agree! Brilliant 2-point plan - someone's done their homework!! No more subsidies & better yet, just no more oil/currency wars, period! High time to re-level the playing field and re-open the free market to free competition!!!
  6. Oneness

    Good way of putting that. Non-duality means that the (perceptual) distinction between Observer & Observed disappears. Since we normally identify ourselves as the "Observer," to us this initially feels like our "self" has disappeared and that there is simply "no self." "True"...but in the larger analysis, what's fully happened is that the whole dividing line between Observer/Observed doesn't exist (perceptually anymore). Whereas, saying that there is "no self" - is still operating within that dualistic paradigm - and implies that there is only the "Observed" left. But, true non-duality actually transcends both sides of that coin. So, what's left is a bizarre "quantum dream" state that may be neither fully "objective reality" or "subjective perception." Or I don't really know...I'm just rambling now.. Anyhow, the state of "oneness" traditionally occurs sometime after the macrocosmic orbit has already been opened. I think this basically happens when you open your xuan guan and see the "white strobe light."
  7. I'm I possessed?

    Many start out on their spiritual awakening this way. It's "textbook," actually. First, they have a blissful, mystical opening... Kriyas are often experienced at this initial stage - as commonly seen in various forms of "spontaneous qigong" (search "Kunlun" here) or " ." IMO, these are due to high energy pushing through your larger, gross blockages. After this initial revelatory high though, comes the crash back down to mundane Earth. This is where you enter your detoxing phase - which will typically manifest in both your physical health and "outer" life as a whole. Here, you must constantly heal yourself and actively resolve your karmic issues that will keep on surfacing. The journey spirals inward and becomes intensely personal and psychological now. Because one must master their own humanity before their divinity. MASTER THYSELF!!! And 5 years after my first ecstatic opening...I'm still working through this So uh, join the club?!
  8. Yes, everything you've said here makes sense to me... Un-I-dentifying is the beginning of non-duality & enlightenment. There is actually a small, growing community of Westerners who have had this realization lately. I guess for some people there may be a feeling of "oneness" at some point and then "noneness," etc. IMO, this is because "we" are nothing more than multiple frames of (perceptual) reference simultaneously superimposed upon each other: A "lifetime" movie character, the more "immortal" actor playing that character, a viewer watching both and the whole production with NO frame of reference (observer) at all (classical Buddhist "emptiness"). Here, "emptiness" refers to a lack of any absolute IDENTITY (inherent frame of reference), not "physical" SUBSTANCE. Anyhow, I only have such an intellectual grasp of this idea, but not the actual REALIZATION yet. So close or not, still NO CIGAR!
  9. ............

    I concur. I think the lesson of pain is generally to figure out whatever is causing it and FIX IT (if at all possible)! So, why waste ANY TIME with that???
  10. Any paradigm shift takes measurable time to gain mainstream adoption. You are simply an innovator in this country. Your students and patients are early adopters. And as this trailblazing group steadily grows up to 16%, only then will it hit the tipping point into the mainstream...and then "go viral" much more quickly.. But, we're already starting to see a little mainstream exposure to alternative healing, even now though.. This episode on Oprah actually featured energetic & TCM treatments for eczema & vitiligo for "mainstream sheeple" - both with noticeable results in time!!! So, I see this stuff following the same trajectory as yoga, which spread amongst the fringe underground here for years until it finally exploded out into the mainstream and is now so popular it's trendy (for better and worse). Once the sh*t hits the tipping point, look out!!!
  11. Wang Liping Videos

    Noice!!! Wish my damn computer would play those, though! Caould anyone DL & UL those movie files, please?
  12. American leaders are full of it

    The mass media ran a smear campaign against it just like they did (to a lesser degree) with OWS in order to preserve the Mainstream Party and its militant, 0rwellian, overspending agenda. Meanwhile, the younger generation is coagulating around a new paradigm due to better self-education from the more open source, non-Big Biz/Gov internet. Because it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to see how badly our country is in deep doo doo that will take some INDEPENDENT OUTSIDERS (not the same old status quo) to start correcting our course out of.. This is essentially why BOTH Tea Partiers & OWS are pissed off and FED UP! Unfortunately, you will never see simple breakdowns about the state of our union like this on TV. Gee, wonder why??
  13. This policy is practiced in many developed Western countries too. Not to mention when the US invades foreign countries and just bombs them to smithereens into Superfund sites with DU toxic waste. I'm not sure what policy this is called that gives them that so-called "right?" Anyhow, the really sucky thing in this case is how they apparently came in and just razed it without warning. This gave these monks no time to protest or salvage anything they could. Which is basically complete authoritarianism. Boo.
  14. Training in awareness

    The Secret of Quantum Living I just started this book, but I like it so far... Although it might appear to be just another fluffy metaphysical hack job, the author actually appears to have had a decent background in more traditional Eastern schools and gurus like the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. So, it looks like he's basically reinterpreting some of these old concepts in a modern context in plain English. He wastes no time in getting you in touch with your awareness either, leading off with a simple exercise for that on page 7! So, this is not merely academic theory, but an instructional workbook.
  15. Ping Heng Gong

    Why thank you, thank you very much!! Means a lot to me coming from you, teach.. /\ And no, nothing wrong at all with "touchy-feely," lolz..
  16. Anyone tried this? I'm a little confused with her vagina monologue, here. Is she proposing that the real problem with "Western Woman" syndrome is that they are stuck up in their heads, or not getting enough orgasms? And is her solution then getting out of their heads and/or having more orgasms?
  17. Not so fast... More likely, it was a false-flag attack on Ron Paul by Huntsman's own campaign. Seriously, the video was uploaded by a brand-new "NHLiberty4Paul" (how creative & subtle, eh?) user who just joined on 1/4 JUST to post that ONE video. Remind anyone of all the MoPai trolls here who all do the exact same thing?? Wake up, people. Without critical thinking, this is why sheeple keep voting for NW0 puppets in this country... All of these are just smokescreens from our more pressing top priorities: - End the FRB banksta cartel and slash spending - Pull all our military back from costly global imperialism and prevent WWIII - Repeal 0rwellian police state laws If you focus on the essentials for national survival first (without which other secondary aims can't even be accomplished), then Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate even on the table. Romney is just another Obama (see epic Romneycare fail) and Santorum is just another neocon warhawk. Both complete NW0 tools and more of the same.
  18. Ping Heng Gong

    I was only making a relative ("more," not "only") comparison here between the two.. - Ya Mu is a professional healer and his material (book & workshop) does include a large healing component (medical qigong with "Taoist Medicine Neuro-Energetic Chi Kung Bodywork," etc.). Of course, as he stated, you need neigong development to become a great healer too. Hence, he also puts a strong emphasis on hours of daily JDG practice to keep bolstering internal development. (Ya Mu may feel free to correct me on any of this, lol.) - Whereas WLP is a renowned neidan specialist and Longmen Pai focuses more exclusively on personal neidan development (see Ken's blog posts). And while I believe he also does do healings sometimes, it's not his primary focus. Anyhow, I personally found that they both share many similar foundational core neigong practices (like sitting, walking, sleeping & tree qigong) - albeit with some slightly different approaches and emphases. And, of course there is a lot of crossover between "pure" neidan and healing, too. Neigong is essentially a common engine to both. Thus, I agree that you are not likely to develop one without the other (as Ya Mu notes about his system). And as far as "touchy-feely" tree qigong - I think most students find that one of the highlights of Ya Mu's workshops. Where even most beginners can learn to feel and connect with a tree's energy field in a very natural, organic fashion. Now, if only I had one of these nearby... PS - I have not really taken any workshops lately. I have stayed busy trying to somewhat master all I've already initially been taught...before I try to move onto the next level.
  19. Ping Heng Gong

    To oversimplify, I found Longmen Pai's tree qigong more methodical and theoretical, with Jing Dong Gong's more freestyle and "touchy-feely." I liked both approaches, and they can also be easily and compatibly combined (sort of like a bicameral brain). In fact, I'd say both systems appear to share a common foundational framework, and are very similar and compatible. JDG just then focuses more on healing and LMP more on neidan. The other thing that's helped me a lot is hundreds of hours of zhan zhuang practice to keep refining my standing posture. And learning to shift into my "energetic bandwidth" has proven to be a real KEY to qigong, of any type...(for me)
  20. Not really. All you have to do is avoid processed foods as much as possible. It's actually not that hard. Just buy foods in their whole, natural plant forms. Not only is this generally healthier - but you then also ecologically save the time, energy & financial costs of processing, packaging and cooking. The thing we basically CAN'T avoid now is GMO crops - which Obama has been pushing HEAVILY on us under his rule.. So, not only is everyone here being fed lots of corn syrup & sugar - but it's mostly all GMO too!!!
  21. Hardship

    Compare it to a n00b struggling with level 1 of a video game vs an expert gamer choosing to play level 72.. Similarly, your soul chooses its next life. Which is not to say everything goes exactly as planned or hoped - people often do not accomplish what they had sought out to and must repeat lessons. However, there is fortunately a restart button for that. Life in this bigger picture is fair and voluntary, believe it or not..
  22. Hardship

    No conceivable way? What if our souls live on after death and reincarnate numerous times? Wouldn't that be a complete game-changer, then? Destiny of Souls purports just that and effectively answers the age-old question of, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" The short answer is that more "advanced" or "ambitious" souls tend to choose more challenging lives, may have more karma to "work off" and can also underestimate the amount of their soul's energy they need in their life "missions." A lot of "New Age" books are lightweight and fluffy, but this one is at least somewhat pseudoscientific. It's based on a hypnotherapist's own case studies corroborating the superconscious memories of countless patients. It interestingly answers a LOT of big life questions (although of course it can't really "scientifically" be proved true or not).
  23. Global Revolution!

    LMAO! Check out the Commy News Network censoring a self-informed soldier when he supports and explains Ron Paul's non-interventionist military policy: It's like uhhhh wrong answer....EEEEEEEE!!!! Cut! Cut! Next! The MSM Old Boys Cult is scared sh*tless of him because RON PAUL is the only candidate who dares !!!
  24. Straight up folks - the NW0 is now desperately trying to regain control of the free flow of information on the internet and turn it back into a 1-way propaganda outlet like lamestream TV. Because grass-roots forums (like this one), blogs and open comment sections are slowly waking people up and turning the tide against them through unfiltered and uncensored, independently-sourced information. So, SOPA would effectively prevent and shut down all private dissent. All any G-man tool would have to do then is register for a forum exposing too much dirt and post some copyrighted material to get it sued and taken offline. Ultimately, all user feedback would simply be banned and the internet would just be turned back into TV PROGRAMMING with more channels. Yea, like we need yet MORE Kardashians and robotic teleprompt readers! This is why I keep railing against Baby Boomers here who still believe that the Left is the "Progressive" answer (and not also part of the problem) - when they are simply the left hand of the same Devil. The NEW paradigm is now the Independents vs the Left/Right Mainstream Party. These Mainstreamers are mainly ALL just a bunch of puppets who exploit swing voters on low-priority, emotional wedge issues and then come in to execute the NW0 agenda with surgical precision once they actually take office. That's why they all march in lockstep on key issues like SOPA & NDAA - as OPPOSED to the few Independents like RON PAUL - who is still fighting for OUR rights and OUR future! Ron Paul slams SOPA as government overreach
  25. Yea, very impressive healing there! My friend had Ménière's disease and eventually had surgery to cut a nerve or something because it was getting so bad he'd even randomly have seizures while driving. And without being able to drive anymore, his life was obviously just getting shut down. But he wasn't really open to holistic options - and allopathic medicine couldn't correct it, only surgically remove it. So VERY COOL if someone could get a real cure non-surgically!!!