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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    1. LMFAO, or maybe you should report yourself for being an sinophobic, GOP, Trump-sympathizing, PRC/CCP Commie-basher when it comes to China - the opposite of Sean - who is a staunch ANTI-TRUMP, COMMUNIST HARD-LEFTIST? So c'mon now, Sean already asked nicely! 2. ZOMG, even Yahweh is facepalming himself right now... FFS, You do realize that CHRISTIANITY is the primary cause for virulent racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc in the world today??? Africa is currently the most homophobic continent on the planet. But WHY? Because of the lingering influence of...*drumroll*...yep, YOU GUESSED it...CHRISTIAN COLONIALISM!!! Their punishments are literally straight out of the "Holy" Bible! Which not to mention, also FORBIDS biodiversity and ONLY allows well as mixing fabrics! In short, the Bible BANS DIVERSITY down to your f****** SOCKS!!! Fact is, whenever you trace all of these very deepset prejudices and insane beliefs back...most of them stem to the BIBLE. It was the BLUEPRINT for all these pathogenic ISMS (colonialism, tribal racism, misogynistic sexism, intolerance, Trumpism, etc, etc). And it IS THE BIGGEST ONGOING (false) CONSPIRACY THEORY/WMD/hate speech/omnicidal cargo cult/mental illness on the planet!!! And has thus killed probably 58 million - 102 million heathens in Europe and the Americas (through the Spanish Inquisition, Crusades, and colonization) ALONE (to say nothing of all non-human life and the rest of the planet, as well)! Seriously, this planet was created in 6 days by some "loving" Santa Claus...who human-sacrificed his love child son...that you then must accept to pay for your "sins"...or burn yourself in a holocaust Hell. All while battling Satan, Lucifer, serpents, heathens, etc, etc. And it's all infallibly true because...even though all such characters are invisible and undocumented SAYS SO! How is THAT NOT the ultimate conspiracy theory??? GIMME A F'N BREAK, ALREADY... So, I am fighting against many of the same things that Sean is...I am just going deeper to the actual TAPROOT and beating HEART OF THE HYDRA for them! Which lies in early Mesopotamia... NOW, are any of the tiny gears in your head clicking yet??? MegaMind is also simply a rational guy sticking to his guns with a common sense-view of MoPai. But I can see why that triggers the Hell outta you, too! Yes, it does extend, and this topic is worthy of its own thread. But since I don't want to derail this one any further, the short answer is that if you look at colonization as a spectrum...Christian colonialism in particular is the most massive outlier to the farrrrrrr right with unparalleled, irreversible and ongoing, devastating global impact BY FARRRR.
  2. Yup, and more specifically, ALL of these endocrine-disrupting, industrial pollutants act as xenoESTROGENS (and often carcinogens, too). Even worse, many of the epigenetic effects persist and aren't seen until the 2nd (F2) generation...because that's when the new organism is being built with the new, altered blueprint code.
  3. 72 hours facts and fiction

    That would be a cool video to make - one showing you scanning or energy healing someone...and their reactions.
  4. To be fair...just MAKE SURE you limit it to ONLY those living in the USA...(Devil's in the details)!
  5. Yes, the internal vortex is the key.
  6. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    I HAD ALREADY TRIED THAT and it didn't work, homey - BECAUSE OF YOU!!! I did respectfully honor your previous request to stop quoting you back in August, 2019...but then what did you keep doing after that? Right, YOU kept on trash-talking about me while I dutifully refrained from quoting you... Yup, YOU just kept on taking free, uninstigated potshots at and MISparaphrasing me while I bit my own tongue out of deference to you! NOPE, NOPE, and NOPE! Again, just part and parcel for dealing with trigger-happy personality disorders that are like emotional volcanoes that simply must erupt on a regular basis. Antisocial much? Repeatedly and unremorsefully lies and flagrantly breaks forum rules due to need to aggressively seize power? OMG, these textbook checklists literally explain all of your repetitive and consistently-slimey behaviors in a cohesive nutshell TO A huge, capital T! Look, facts don't lie, so I suggest you quit trolling and digging your own grave, already. And I'm sure you've got bigger fish to fry with a raging volcano inside and outside, anyways. I know I sure as Hell got better things to do, too. Just be gone, put me on ignore, show greater tolerance for any replies I do make, and may innie/outie peace be with you.
  7. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    STOP LYING. Nope, I did not misquote you. Just more vague, false accusations, followed by your customary personal insults...when you run out of facts. Again, par for your course.
  8. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    That was only after you had already claimed to have posted an "actual quote"...from my order to prove that you HAD LIED. When I called your doubling-down bluff to post your screen capture "proving it was an actual quote"...which you did, and subsequently PWNED yourself. But I never gave you permission to post your initial "quote" from my PMs...which was a falsified quote on top of that. People really need to be warned about your untrustworthiness and disregard for personal privacy, given how you demand their full legal names for your "Akashic Record readings."
  9. 'White' Mummies in 'China' .

    I dunno, I didn't draw the map, dude... Nor are ancient migrations remotely my specialty.
  10. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    ZOMG, QUIT LYING, already!!! compare that to what you had fictitiously claimed: Those are 2 entirely different passages. Yours is not even a paraphrase (much less "actual quote"), as I said nothing about you being brainwashed, FFS. You invaded my privacy, made a false accusation, and then still tried to deny it even after YOU posted proof of your own lie. Full stop. That's 3 severe violations (knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy) in 1 alone. And here again, you STILL refuse to admit you lied...and act like you "got me." You didn't get me, you got yourself! Anyways, this is just par for the course for dealing with you.
  11. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    In your initial quoted post, I was attacking colonialist Trojan Horses, not you. As in, reminds me of...that time at band camp... My LARP comment about you was prefaced with, "I believe you obviously have good intentions." You frequently avoid simply replying directly to issues, but instead just want to compare street cred. It's like asking a car mechanic to fix your transmission - and he hands you his thickly-padded resume instead. You also continually misrepresent my opinions with Strawman fallacy. You even proved this yourself when you first claimed to post an "actual quote" from my PM (without consent)...and then when you actually posted it...changed your story to it being a "paraphrase" because it clearly WASN'T an "actual quote." Never mind the fact that those 2 terms are literally ANTONYMS. And even a paraphrase was false, because I didn't call you brainwashed in my it was your own creative misinterpretation, in reality. Similarly, I am against artificially-induced homosexuality, gender distortion, cancer, or any other UNnatural side effects. And, it would hardly be surprising if daily consumption of high doses of equine estrogen (or other xenoestrogens)...might have all sorts of endocrine side effects. Much of which is well-known scientifically...but others still under investigation. Maybe technophobe would be a more accurate term here. And I never edited out my Rosa Parks yet another lie. Nor am I forcing any of these issues out of context...but they are ALL in response to other posts bringing up the topics in those threads. I'm also not sure what racist BS you're referring to? But no, removing the triggers out of your life will not remove all YOUR rage triggered by them...which still resides within YOU. Again, you could easily just put me on ignore right now...and even if that doesn't fully fix the "problem" in your mind, wouldn't it be a big partial solution that would at least HELP YOU? Anyways, do me a favor, wear a blood pressure monitor, and don't type any more responses to me unless your BP is 120/80 or lower (for your wellness and mine). I don't have time to keep debunking all your lies and juvenile hate speech. I'm sure you're also pretty busy dealing with volcanoes on multiple levels, too. Look I get it, you don't like my worldview. Fine, let's agree to disagree and just put me on ignore if you don't want to hear any more.
  12. Video Predicting too much this year

    ^^ OK, some might call that nitpicking, others would call that healthy skepticism. So fair (and DIRECT) response, thanks. OK, I'm done here now, then. Enjoy your day!
  13. Why gendao is worth having on this forum

    Do you also have a problem with Nungali, who is constantly pushing his BMAC migration theory? I don't. A lot of us all have causes, and what I find is that most of us are posting them IN RESPONSE to other posts that bring up the topics themselves. That has actually been the case with a lot of the Mo Pai posts, and all of mine that you cited. I do notice that you have a big problem following the Forum Terms & Rules here, though. You have violated all the ones I bolded against me alone unapologetically with impunity, often very habitually, and I can link numerous examples if you want? Starting with calling me an idiot in your OP, for instance. Or your last mature response before that: Clearly, you are just using this board (and select political elements) to get hair-triggered and unleash all your displaced anger at...well, you know who... Look, I have nothing personal against you, we just have clashing worldviews. So, I'm naturally going to end up countering a lot of your takes, because mine are different. Again, it's no different than if I started posting a bunch of "out of India" claims...and then of course Nungali will come in and counter them with his BMAC routes. Not because he is "harassing" me personally...but because he is following the relevant content. That is called live debate - and without it, you have a dead echo chamber.
  14. Video Predicting too much this year

    I meant you initially dodged his question of why you didn't acknowledge, must less address, his other 5 specific points. And then dodged it again when I asked you directly...with an irrelevant accusation. And now you just doubled-down with the reasoning that he didn't need an answer (after he specifically asked you again and you stonewalled him). So, still no explanation on your part after all this - not even a simple, "I only replied to the 1 point I happened to be thinking about lately and could care less about the rest." Or, "I could only debunk that 1, but not the rest." That's what I meant by dodge. Again, I accept your weather skepticism. The question is about his OTHER 5 POINTS? Like the video does literally show Notre Dame crumbling down. That's a pretty specific "prophecy," no? So, how do you explain that?
  15. Video Predicting too much this year

    Confirmation bias in the sense that you only "debunked" that one point...but never addressed his other 5 (which aren't as easy to explain away). Similarly to how you initially thought I posted here because I was "following" Earl Grey...when it was merely coincidental that he had last posted here. Which I didn't even reply to, either. And sure, by all means he has a right to vent. But the point is that I only made a political COUNTERPOINT to his in that thread...and did not initiate it. It's no different than if I made a post about migration "out of India"...Nungali would be up in here in 10 minutes flat, lol! But, I wouldn't then blame him for "derailing" anything OT, if I had started it! But thanks for the "human" explanation of your side.
  16. Video Predicting too much this year

    ^ Well I guess being driven strongly by confirmation bias explains your cherry-picking of both welkin and I. Which explains why you've also ignored the fact that I've generally posted in whatever topics are at the top of the heap, half of which Earl Grey is absent in. And I didn't even post in his volcano thread until HE started "going OT" and grinding his political axe in it. Not to mention, there's numerous threads of his that I've NEVER even posted in. So NO, I am not "following" him. But, another nice dodge from my simple question!
  17. Video Predicting too much this year

    But, welkin had already highlighted 5 other timestamped references (specific points) in his OP that you could consider?
  18. Volcanoooooo

    Lol hypocrite, ever try reading your own signature??? How small are you, boy?
  19. Volcanoooooo

    I've only given my political opinions in response to yours, and have not personally insulted you once here, yet. Yet, you've called zerostao an Asshole, me numerous insults (including this one now), and then lied that you only blow your top at me. All just in this thread alone. Dude, you've blown your top at MANY different posters all over this forum...on a very regular basis...which is easy to fact check and debunk since it's all in writing (just like your previous phony "actual quote" of mine, LMFAO). Get out of denial and spiritual escapism. And like I thought, no real psychic ability. So much for "monkey mind" and "energy larvae"...
  20. Volcanoooooo

    Because it's not TRUE. The planet IS in ecological crisis mode...and has been since, YES, Christian colonialism clearcut the continents clean. YES, the PI WERE in fact brutally colonized by both the Spanish and Americans - because they reached into every farthest corner of the globe. That is not just in my "monkey mind" and up for debate...we are in the midst of the 6th Mass Extinction (Extermination). The Titanic has hit the 'berg...and of course your band just wants to still play on... No, F*** that noise! Although I do suggest we get off this tack here and stick with the volcano. But, if Earl Grey wants to limit it to just that, then he also needs to drop his politicking here too - or he is INVITING political debate. If he wants to grind his axes, fine - but don't complain when others then grind theirs back too. Lol, but no similar prescription for Earl Grey, who blows his top every 10th post at someone? If you are actually psychic, give me a real reading about myself with details that I can actually verify first.
  21. Volcanoooooo

    Right, but to Earl Grey...he's simply an Asshole. Because anyone who so much rubs him the wrong way, is. So, do you think that Earl Grey is a reasonable fellow? Oh yea, I'm free and way off the rez. I'm an indy thought leader who doesn't cave into peer pressure, buddy. I speak for a planet that otherwise has no voice, and is getting curbstomped to a pulp by the "norm." That's the difference between me and you/Earl Grey, and why you think I'm "crazy"...or think it's "sad." I think it's sad that all of you aren't.
  22. Volcanoooooo

    ^ Lol, try reading this thread from page 2 and see who politicized it first (ranting about Duterte, China, etc)? Um, what does China even have to do with this volcano? And also already called zerostao an Asshole, BTW? You're like the latecomer who only sees the last punch in a scuffle and has zero clue what led up to it. Of course, it matters not to you - you just opportunistically see an opening to blow off some steam and take another swing at me, lol.
  23. Volcanoooooo

    ^ Lol, ludicrous. You do realize he's one of the most active, aggressive posters here and is harder to avoid than follow? Well to each their own and birds of a feather flock together, lol...
  24. Volcanoooooo

    I have not been violating guidelines, unlike you who has repeatedly hurled personal insults at multiple members in this thread with complete impunity. And you never directly respond to the issue at hand either, but merely attempt to engage in a "street cred" contest for authority, lol. Moreso, you are not a mod, nor is this your PPD. In short, you lack both the ethical grounds and authority to kick me off this thread, and are extremely arrogant to even think you do. NO, YOU DO NOT OWN THIS JOINT. And even if you did, your despotic tendencies would drive everyone away voluntarily... The only reason why you're even still here is because I have a high tolerance and have not reported you. But if you really didn't like all my can simply block me, ya know??
  25. Volcanoooooo

    Uh, when you are begging for help, grants, and soft's because you are impoverished. And I was LOLing at Earl Grey, not them... Of which I was just responding to HIS politicization of the volcano...which I'm sure he knows what is really about, lol.