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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Considerate Christian Women Abort

    Lol, the funny thing is how such a sadomasochistic (blood-sacrifice-based), male-dominant religion irresistibly attracts so many devout female followers. Essentially, it verifies their underlying attraction to alpha bad boys and evo-psych instinct to worship apex power animals at the top of the food chain (like Yahweh). Only as you move East, do these numbers start to equalize and reverse. Buddhism, a pretty drama-free, impersonal, "nice guy" belief system that facilitates DIY self-liberation - repels most Western women like household chores due to the lack of any tribalism, male domination or apex magic genie. IOW, if there's no all-powerful "Jesus Bieber" apex bad boy at the top to idolize...then women just aren't interested!
  2. Hey, shaddup and do your patriotic duty by eating artery-clogging Freedom Fries, driving gas-guzzling Humvees (or tanks!), supporting the Patriot Act, voting only for CFR-endorsed mainstream puppets, kawk-blocking Palestinian independence against the rest of the UN and liberating Libyans from their direct democracy with carpet bombs! AMERICA - FUCCKKK YEEEAHHH!!!
  3. Hey, I am ALL for more efficient living! I agree that could reduce wasted time & energy. But, windmills don't build themselves, either. At some point, work is still involved. Anyhow, free-market wealth is not a zero-sum game. If anything, the more money I make, the more taxes I pay and the more you get from that. Africa has few multi-billionaires and most everyone there is still dirt poor. So, simply eliminating all the rich from your society will often make you poorer, if anything. This is because profit can be tied to many infinite resources like productivity (and is therefore not zero-sum). So, if you want to become wealthier, YOU need to become more productive - not try to reduce the size of my piece of the pie as if that would magically increase yours. That's like if I had 4 toys and you had only 2...thinking that taking 1 away from me would somehow add 1 to you? Seriously, I don't blame Bill Gates for me not being richer...WTF??? But if you really wanted to increase the general wealth of a country - you'd have to minimize all the parasitic rich AND poor. Because mooches (who consume far more than they contribute) fall into both classes. Anyhow, you and anyone else is perfectly free to start a "Venus Project" resource-based commune as a pilot test anywhere RIGHT NOW. There is nothing stopping you. The Taoist way is to allow movements to grow naturally on their own from the grass-roots level. If they possess enough effective merit, then they will eventually passing a tipping point to the mainstream.. So, go for it!
  4. The prodigal son returnsAfter a lifetime on the run. Truth be told.. You've been homeless your entire life. Now welcome back! Life is orchestrating a reconciliation and family healing here. I believe this phase is unavoidable as you start digging into the deeper recesses of your pain.. Oh boy, have fun!
  5. Um, how do you remove the time and effort of people having to provide for themselves? Car driven by Communist "equality": Car driven by capitalist "greed": Yes, to each their own..
  6. Global Revolution!

    Government universal healthcare has already been pilot-tested in a handful of US states:HI - Keiki Care MA - RomneyCare MN - Dirigo Care TN - TennCare And quickly went bankrupt every single time. The only money that PelosiCare will save is that of California's own debts by passing it on to the rest of the country. Add that on top of the fact that we would be expecting a government $15 trillion in SAVE MONEY??? :lol: And above all else, a government sold-out to Big Pharma will definitely not be saving lives, either!!! So, to HELL with empowering that cabal with more tax money!!! Lol yes, the mainstream knife blade in our back has 2 sides: the Robin Hood Left & neocon Right. This has been proven by Obama's same core agenda as Bush. So, arguing over which side "alone" is cutting us is ultimately laughable.. Whereas, Libertarians are actually trying to pull the whole damn knife OUT! And if you are a Constitutionalist, then you might actually be a Libertarian or Tea Partier - but not even know it! Libertarians are DEDICATED to adhering to the Constitution, reducing foreign military intervention and reducing Federal power (including centralized banking - hence Ron Paul's cries to END THE FED!!!) Yup, that's pretty much what got the snowball started..
  7. Lol, well actually 3rd generation is extremmmeeellyy generous! In reality, the "Americanization" already started generations ago back at home before immigration out of China. You had some people there idolizing the West and eventually such seeds would slowly sprout and mature over their next several generations - culminating in immigration and full assimilation to their foreign host culture. So, most of the Chinese-Americans you see here are, in a sense, the "worst of both worlds." They were mostly not the spiritually-cultivated Taoist hermits - but the materialistic carpet-baggers out seeking "Gold Mountain." Most of whom, actually originated from a single city in all of China: So, what many people now stereotype as "Chinese" here, is really more just a tiny "Taishan" subculture. And not necessarily representative of China/Chinese as a whole.
  8. AlienMind

    Does anyone know if these alleged Egyptian depictions are legit? Especially the first pic, lol? That one looks a little PS'd since the tones & shadowing look a bit off..
  9. Rooting

    Has anyone ever pushed or learned how to root from Doc FaiWong? Fong Ha can also definitely root. However, it's an ability that still defies all his own philosophical and technical attempts to explain how to most students..
  10. September 23 - September 30 2011

    Just random thoughts after reading the OP.. Might mean something, might be more for entertainment purposes, lol... Anyhow, I think green hair would be pretty hawt too! Uno Dos Tres Cuatro Cinco And check out this site, lol! Woaa!!
  11. Apocalypse Culture

    What does that mean, exactly? Like he actually has a powerful teaching presence and gives some sort of energetic transmission?
  12. Foundation: Core exercises

    Well yes, sports medicine/physical therapists focus primarily on muscles alone. So, their particular viewpoint represents the muscle-based perspective. I am not advocating stretching the spasmed muscle. I would advocate resolving the issue that is causing its spasming. This might include relaxing the antagonist muscle or more likely, correcting a skeletal misalignment (chiropractice/bonesetting) that is causing the muscle to spasm (lock up) in order to serve as a stabilizer to prevent further misalignment/injury. IOW, say a physical therapist, chiropractor and Taoist are looking at a bent see-saw spasming from 50 lbs on only one side. The physical therapist would simply add a 50 lb counterweight to the other side to counterbalance the excess weight out. And then strengthen the beam to handle all this added weight. (Or maybe not, I'm sure you can correct me if I'm wrong here, lol!) Whereas, the chiropractor would recenter the beam on its fulcrum to eliminate the need for the 50 lb weight to begin with. The Taoist would also concur with this move - zeroing out tension via proper alignment. Once all the weight is removed, the beam would also then gradually undeform and spasms would be relieved naturally. (And yes, this is only my personal opinion and NOT peer-reviewed. Only mi dos centavos, nothing more, lol!) The kua opens in many directions other than just backwards-bending by stretching the hip flexors. For example, if you want to sit in full-lotus, that requires stretching just about everything there BUT the hip flexors, lol! However, what are some good stretches that you would recommend for the hip flexors (or backwards-bending the entire spine, including shoulders & neck, in general)? I'm trying Cobra pose right now, which seems to be working. But, I'm open for any other ideas, too!
  13. Real levitating buddhist monk?

    Lol, obviously faked, although I did enjoy the whole exotic travelogue narrative. Especially how he managed to work in the whole Blair Witch/Texas Chainsaw Massacre a storyline centering around a devout Tibetan Buddhist monk! Magic is all about the presentation and setup, and I think he certainly did an admirable, creative job with this one!
  14. Global Revolution!

    Right, this is the amendment they want to add (which would only be a partial solution to much greater systemic problems here): IOW, these proposed clauses would prevent the FDA from arbitrarily banning "experimental"/non-conventional therapy for a patient, even if the patient signs full consent of any additional risks involved in writing. So, the goal here is to give patients greater access to alternative therapy (especially initially) & prevent the FDA from blocking clinical trials of such alternative therapies and literally FORCING them to use "conventional" (Big Pharma) therapies instead. Because currently, such patients are FORCED to use conventional therapy (like chemo) first, by the full extent of the law. Only after that has completely failed, are they allowed to try anything else (of course, they are basically already dead by that point.) Primary support for this amendment has come from the alternative, holistic health community, right-wingers and Libertarians. Primary opposition has come from the establishment medical mafia & Leftists. Who interestingly, support pro-choice on abortion for women, but not in general health for all.. Now, who originally funded and led the Sloan Kettering Institute??? The reality is that the Western medical establishment today is basically the profiteering legacy of greedy quacks & robber barons from a century ago. And this is the massive underlying monolith that patients today are still banging their heads against whenever they try to deviate from their profit-based model. And one that needs to crumble (for those who vouluntarily wish to opt out of it). There's nothing wrong with having pharmaceutical medicine as another option, it may even be the best option available in many cases.. I personally enjoy having a buffet of options to selectively choose from for any given condition! But I just think it should be a personal option and not a mandated one. I mean, when the CPS can force parents to allow the FDA to inject chemo into their cancer-stricken kid against their will, and then bill them $43K PER BAG of it (in a batch of 10 bags upfront, regardless of how many then actually get used)...SOMETHING IS HORRIBLY WRONG!!! And it's high time we corrected course! Now, to really understand how we got to this point and what we're truly up against, one must learn the true history of how we got here. How we took the path of politics/profits over principle at every crucial fork (just like with Obama/etc over Ron Paul) in our road...and are now increasingly paying the price for it!! For a very interesting narrative (if overpoliticized at times) timeline of this, please read: The Medical Racket
  15. The Swastika

    Far less-publicized...but just as interesting, is the 2nd pictograph right by Prophecy Rock, which may arguably depict a classic flying saucer:
  16. The 256 year old man

    I've verified the historical existence of his alleged last main disciple, General Yang Sen. However, I am still trying to verify the existence of his alleged book, "A Factual Account of the 250 Year-Old Good-Luck Man" or Li ChingYuen himself? Perhaps someone in Taiwan could see if that book truly exists, or someone in Brazil could ask Liu ChihMing about the veracity of this legend? (Cuz if you just search the English internet - you basically only find the same blurb reposted over and over...)
  17. Global Revolution!

    Ok, well I'm under the impression that I am supporting an individual's common sense right to choose their own medical treatment for their own health/well-being. While I believe chemo should be an available option in cases like these, I believe that the final choice should be up to the patient (or perhaps their parent if they are a child) - NOT the Feds/Big Pharma. But what is grossly infringing upon this right now is micromanaging government control and decreasing separation between "corporation and state" (FDA, CPS, ACS, NCI, Big Pharma, etc). And this is the larger issue that I am fighting against. Now, if I am being "manipulated" as a "sheeple" here, please "unbrainwash" me and let me know how I've been misled! What exactly is this "other agenda" that you're speaking of?
  18. 30 minute 30 day mentorships

    Of recent or relatively active posters, I'd love to learn (just a few off the top of my head): Hundun - qigong zerostao - Baguazhang fiveelementtao - spirit fighting Clarity - Yuen Method Taomeow - Shamanism/divination Trunk - acupressure Etc. Maybe we could start compiling a personnel/skills listing, lol? I'm not really of their calibur to be able to offer a worthy exchange (nor do I have much time right now), but it would be cool if maybe they could just post an open primer covering some of their basics (article or vid).
  19. Tao save world

    Well, without a doubt, the 1-child policy played a huge role in China's "economic miracle" recovery from Communism. As the West poured ~$4 trillion into Africa, it is still languishing in the same impoverished conditions as before. One main reason for this is that they still have the highest birthrates in the world - ranging up to nearly 8 children per woman on AVERAGE!!! Which even wealthy women in the West can't afford - much less starving women in Africa!!! As you can see, Africa didn't need $4 trill, they needed a birth control policy. And still do. Of course, the 1 child limit is extreme - but it was an overcorrection from Mao's former policy of encouraging large litters to "boost the country's labor force" (very flawed nongmin's thinking). The Taoist way would have been to allow a natural, optimal litter size close to the replacement rate all along.. Which perhaps they'll return to once a rebalance has been achieved. Yes I agree. I would NOT want to be a male in China. The Confucian burden (responsibilities, duties, obligations) placed on that role is staggering, as they are reduced to little more than human slaves to their entire extended family & country. Whereas in the West now, the attitude is far more, "every man for himself" (until the gov starts playing Robin Hood, that is).. True, although Taoism is still ingrained deeply within the culture that people are often affected by it, even when they don't realize so. For example, feng shui, TCM, martial arts & even cuisine are all based on a lot of Taoist principles. Like, they all utilize 5-element theory (see "five spice" in cooking). Etc. Yet, the number of truly practicing Taoists is, and probably always will be, a very small minority. Such an ascetic lifestyle simply doesn't appeal to the mainstream masses.
  20. Global Revolution!

    Actually, both neocons and liberals were pushing to invade Libya. Because they are simply 2 factions of the same party. Neocons just fight more for totalitarian control abroad, whereas liberals fight for totalitarian control at home. Like with healthcare: Now, who sponsored the H.R. 3677: Thomas Navarro FDA Patient Rights Act bill to keep the FDA, ACS, NCI & CPS from FORCING cancer patients to take chemo against their will and deny them choices in their own treatment??? Far-right Rep. Dan Burton [R-IN6] & 48 co-sponsors: Bob Barr [R-GA7] Joe Barton [R-TX6] Shelley Berkley [D-NV1] Ken Calvert [R-CA43] Tom Campbell [R-CA15] Charles Canady [R-FL12] Steven Chabot [R-OH1] Helen Chenoweth-Hage [R-ID1] Thomas Coburn [R-OK2] Peter DeFazio [D-OR4] John Doolittle [R-CA4] John Duncan [R-TN2] Robert Ehrlich [R-MD2] Barney Frank [D-MA4] Benjamin Gilman [R-NY20] Gilbert Gutknecht [R-MN1] Ralph Hall [D-TX4] John Hayworth [R-AZ6] Maurice Hinchey [D-NY26] Stephen Horn [R-CA38] Henry Hyde [R-IL6] Walter Jones [R-NC3] Ray LaHood [R-IL18] Steven LaTourette [R-OH19] Rick Lazio [R-NY2] Frank LoBiondo [R-NJ2] Bill McCollum [R-FL8] John McHugh [R-NY24] David McIntosh [R-IN2] Howard McKeon [R-CA25] Carrie Meek [D-FL17] Jack Metcalf [R-WA2] James Oberstar [D-MN8] Frank Pallone [D-NJ6] Ronald Paul [R-TX14] Nick Rahall [D-WV3] James Ramstad [R-MN3] Charles Rangel [D-NY15] Thomas Reynolds [R-NY27] Jim Ryun [R-KS2] Marshall Sanford [R-SC1] Joe Scarborough [R-FL1] Bob Schaffer [R-CO4] Robert Stump [R-AZ3] Thomas Tancredo [R-CO6] Tom Udall [D-NM3] James Walsh [R-NY25] Frank Wolf [R-VA10] Of which only 11 were Democrats... And it is still stonewalled due to objections from Democratic Congressmen like Hollywood liberal Henry Waxman [D-CA]. So, sheeple who want Pelosicare really don't know know what they're in for!!!
  21. 1959

    Well, Rwanda has no oil nor political capital to exploit. Duh! So, the real question is not why not, but why?
  22. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Yup, while our MSM will go to great lengths to cover "civilian unrest & dissent" in other select countries...they will do anything to ridicule, attack or cover it up at home. This includes any grass-roots anti-war protests, anti-G20 protests, Tea Parties, Indy candidates, etc.. This despite the fact that straight-talking, anti-establishment "Indy's" like Ron Paul & Herman Cain have actually been winning all the straw polls lately! Not the MSM muppets Perry & Romney whom they are falsely portraying as the "frontrunners!" Unfortunately for them, the MSM is only digging their own grave as we now have open source coverage on the internet to bypass them with. No one needs to rely upon their talking drones anymore when we can find far more unprocessed, direct coverage online ourselves!
  23. Foundation: Core exercises

    Interesting, but a lot of it just looks like Western rebranding of basic yoga poses like Utkatasana: I think the athletic mindset also overfocuses on strengthening (contraction), as opposed to stretching (release). In the Western fitness world, it's all about "strengthening your core." You try to strengthen & counterbalance everything as much as possible. I guess that's fine for their purposes.. But, in the Eastern esoteric arts, it's more about "opening your kua." Where, one seeks to minimize muscle antagonisms to return to a default tensionless balance - that then enables greater qi flow (qi vs li). So, it's not how hard you can tighten and shorten here, but how far you can lengthen and let go... Different strokes for different goals, though!
  24. Don't believe PUA techniques work?

    Well, they never got married. Supposedly, he was cheating on Lisa Leveridge and she dumped him back in 2006. Talk about dud to stud, though!
  25. Do I smell a third world war?

    CIA defector, Susan Lindauer, blows the whistle on Libya, Lockerbie & 9II: