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Everything posted by gendao
Are BDSM insults towards males tolerated yet BDSM remarks towards females are a big no-no?
gendao replied to tulku's topic in General Discussion
Right, I have no idea who's really at fault here without seeing what instigated it all...but I just find all the mind-boggling identity politics conflicts involved almost surreal. Here we have a lesbian..."mimicking" a male wigga (with cornrows, brass knuckles & sagging shorts)..."mimicking" a Black urban "hoodrat"...confronting an actual Black dude. Whose girlfriend keeps taunting him until he finally shoves her a few times. Which she then replies back with, "you wanna hit a girl, nigga?" & "you fight hoes cuz you a pu55y-azz nigga." So it's like a trap she baited him into where either he takes it like a b*tch - or if he pushes back, then he's a pu55y. On top of which, all her insults actually only reinforce the old "sexist" notion that women are weak - that they might appear to (literally) be fighting against. But again, I guess that actually supports my assertion that feminism is actually anti-feminine/female. I guess this type of "logic" just works much better on TV than IRL? -
Are BDSM insults towards males tolerated yet BDSM remarks towards females are a big no-no?
gendao replied to tulku's topic in General Discussion
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfmWZQemREo Man...this country has really degenerated into one steaming sh*thole!! -
Self-moderation as a community effort on The TaoBums
gendao replied to Stigweard's topic in Forum and Tech Support
Right, that's my point. If the judicial process here was open record - then you could at least see the thought process behind it. You might not agree with it, but you could at least understand how it was decided. Non-mods would still have no additional mod authority, but they could at least witness the process. This could help alleviate suspicions of bias, foot-dragging, etc. I mean, this wouldn't be a perfect solution by any means - for many reasons. But, there are no "perfect" solutions IRL either - that just goes with the territory of life! You have good and bad calls in any sport, too. Likewise, at the end of the day, life is just an illusory game to work out your personal issues anyways... -
Self-moderation as a community effort on The TaoBums
gendao replied to Stigweard's topic in Forum and Tech Support
Well, I think that's actually what would make him a great mod. For example, just about a month ago, he got into a slugfest with Scotty here. Yet now, he has no qualms advocating a political position that may arguably benefit Scotty. IOW, he DOES hold his principles over any personal biases. Which is exactly what you would want in a judicial system, right? Judgment without favoritism or grudges? Now, while I do personally support Taoist Libertarianism, I also realize that it may only work in select communities of very self-sufficient individualists. Whereas the masses will generally prefer collectivist control (for either war-making or welfare). Hence, I only proposed a weak compromise (transparent modding) to help alleviate grievances here. Right, which is one reason why (for better or worse), people tend to broach these taboo topics more on the internet. Because since they are banned from speaking so freely in public life, they need some other outlet! -
Foreign chicks not trapped in the American Matrix RAWK!!! I agree with her point. If a terminally-ill pet would normally get euthanized anyways, then what's the difference??? At least you're making use of their pelts (that would otherwise be discarded) and not killing more animals for theirs. And just imagine all the complete burger-loving hypocrites writing her hate mail about the mistreatment of animals.. Why don't they go protest their local supermarkets too??
I tried it this morning and liked it as a "cool-down" after some more intense stretching. However, I also experimented with doing it in a squat position to add more flexion & range-of-motion, which had felt rather limited in the seiza posture.
Stop just "trying" and start actually BEing, then.. Although tourism is great for starters...do you know what the difference between a tourist and an accomplished explorer is? A tourist has a photo of the summit... While an explorer has a photo FROM the summit. Same summit...but all the difference in the world can be found purely in the viewpoint alone! Novelty-seekers will always lose interest quickly because novelty (by definition) always fades quickly. And if that is all you seek in life, then that is all you shall find. Whereas those who look deeper, will continue to find more of interest in everything. Again, all the difference in the world can be found purely in your viewpoint alone. Try just staring at a rock for a week and see what you find?
Hmm, I wish they provided some more specifics like % plant & animal? Although I think we can assume that regardless, her diet was based on fresh, organic, whole, unprocessed foods. Much like this 71-yo raw vegetarian (for 40 years) woman! Well technically, I don't think chlorine (Cl2) itself is that bad - but DBPs that it may form are.. Anyhow, anyone tried sodium alginate for detoxing/chelation before?
I see people are still misleading each other on Buddhism
gendao replied to RongzomFan's topic in Buddhist Discussion
I really enjoy these heated Buddhist debates! They help provide a n00b (like me) convenient entry points into deeper Buddhist theory. What exactly is "luminosity" and how does it = emptiness? And how exactly are these 2 statements different? Is the bottomline here that: "luminous" = empty = dependently originated? Or not? Can we clarify & simplify this some with "word/verbal math?" -
Are BDSM insults towards males tolerated yet BDSM remarks towards females are a big no-no?
gendao replied to tulku's topic in General Discussion
Yep it's true, this board has always been a sausagefest since its very inception! As far as the reasons why, I guess that's a whole topic in itself?? You could compare the amount of female participation in spiritual forums as a whole vs other secular forums dedicated to topics like general lifestyle or (allegedly) problems getting laid? And then pie chart the spiritual forum participation into its various belief systems (including Taoism). Based upon this data, you could then determine if women today are just less "spiritual" in general (online) or simply more interested in other spiritual systems other than Taoism. And so on.. Or perhaps you've already done all this and already know the answer - and so are only rhetorically posing this question? If so, mind just sharing the answer with us? -
Well, what's "acceptable" depends upon what's mutually consensual between the 2 mature adults involved. Which is thus subjective and may vary (possibly even including euthanasia)? The key then is to ensure consensuality before engaging in it with someone.
Are BDSM insults towards males tolerated yet BDSM remarks towards females are a big no-no?
gendao replied to tulku's topic in General Discussion
IMO, Witch's remark could be taken offensively - or possibly not, depending upon her target. It's similar to how sexual comments can be taken as "flirting" or "sexual harassment," depending upon consensuality (or lack thereof). Death threats will generally be taken as crossing the line by default though, unless the target happens to be consensual.. But, I would also agree that there is a strong undercurrent of socially-accepted, feminist misandrism and anti-femininity underlying all these sexual/sexist fantasies & double-standards. However, that is a whole different topic better addressed on its own (civilly) elsewhere - like in numerous existing threads in The Pit. -
Perhaps transparent modding could be implemented to address any concerns or suspicions of bias, unfairness or misinterpretation of rules? Is there some reason why any moderator discussions need to be closed-door in internal, private PMs? If not, why not just limit all moderation debates to the public mod logs for everyone to view and participate in? Mods would still maintain final authority, but at least their collective thought processes and factors being weighed could be openly seen and understood by all? Protests could then still be aired and logged for the record, if nothing else, lol. Much like a court-of-law? Also, the initial reports or complaints wouldn't have to be included - just any moderator debate about it would. However, there could be a "reported" counter button on each post that displays the number of times it HAS been reported. (And if the mods themselves desired some privacy to protect themselves from any blowback, they could adopt separate Mod IDs. The more important thing here would be for the actual judicial interpretation and decision-making to be fully-exposed and open for public debate and democratic "townhall" input.) So, this would become more like a traditional top-down hierarchy...with a slight Wiki twist. And no, this still wouldn't guarantee 100% fairness, but nothing can - as that can be fairly subjective in many cases.. Well, just my .02! Take it or leave it!
Philosopher's Stone Claimed to Be Recently Found
gendao replied to RongzomFan's topic in General Discussion
Ok, well then ummm.. I suppose Taoism also refers to the "golden elixir".. -
True Love can only exist without Lust (For Enlightenment)
gendao replied to tulku's topic in General Discussion
Yea, my suspicion right now is that lust is houtian jing draining downward for release out your drainpipe.. Whereas love is xiantian jing that got channeled up to your heart and refined into qi, instead. Now, what happens when this qi goes up the next step into your UDT and gets refined into shen? Can't wait to find out!!! PS - I reallly miss drewhempel and all his awesome ramblings and colorful O@D anecdotes here! He needs to come back!!! -
Love and Desires are Antithetical to Enlightenment
gendao replied to tulku's topic in General Discussion
Very interesting...where did you hear this from? Source, please?? -
Lol, well the reason why he gets so bitterly enraged with "Fundamentalist" Buddhists (like Vajrahridaya) or right-wing Christians, etc...is because HE'S a *ding ding ding* FUNDAMENTALIST Leftist himself. So, he is actually desperately fighting against his own FUNDAMENTAL flaw that he perceives in others. Nothing can overrule his polarized Baby Boomer liberal dogma, not even facts! So, as soon as you disprove any of his points...he'll simply keep moving the goalposts and then ask you to kick again...with no intention of ever letting you actually score a goal.. Which is why no one can "win" a debate with him. Because the debate is really with HIMSELF. Yup, yet again...textbook Byron Katie, folks!!!
LMFAOO!!! You could find reams of worse healthcare complaints against Pelosicare within 5 seconds of Googling! So, should Libya label Obama a "war criminal against humanity" and bomb us to liberate us from that?? And Lockerbie may only further reinforce my point about psyop frame-ups against rebel leaders. Again, all by the same "usual suspects": In short - so the CIA has another "baked sale" fundraiser and offs a few potential whistleblowers who might snitch - and then conveniently blames it all on a democratic leader resisting all their plans. Even extorting him to pay a bully fee in the process. Real genius, huh??
LMFAO! Seriously, what part of "Western propagandist banksta smear campaign trial-by-MSM" don't you understand? Western "human rights" (often 0rwellian Doublespeak as explained here) organizations are often infiltrated and hjiacked (if not founded) as psyops to level false or highly-selective accusations against political targets at convenience. Even the azzrag you quoted from - has called for this ICC prosecutor's resignation!! And yet you still take a totally corrupt & discredited lawyer like this seriously??? You'd think after the US/UK blatantly lied about WMDs in Iraq to the world, these ancillary branches would have lost some credibility when it comes to wartime propaganda? LMFAO!!! You mean Obama obviously knows very little as to how the U.S. government is supposed to work!?? Typical of ironic Western hypocrisy, Obama is clearly the actual dictator invading Libya here...to oust a democratic leader whom he falsely labels as a dictator.
Wow, aweesoommee progress in under just 3 months, man!!! Sounds like your awareness shifted down to your dantian there (based upon the classic loud, thunderous sound & "missing" time symptoms). VERY awesome, dude!!! ^5
Absolutely!! For example, Libya is a greaaattt example of how the Western propaganda mill has completely distorted reality in order to justify its ongoing war for global financial control and resource acquisition. Which is not hard to do when most Americans don't even know what continent Libya is in. However, Gaddafi easily looks the part of an evil 3rd-world dictator straight out of a Disney film - so American sheeple blindly cheer our Nobel Peace Prize-winning President on!! Despite the fact that Gaddafi is actually more progressive and effective at bettering his peoples' welfare...than Obama! And has a real backbone to stand up against the NW0 for them. But oh yea, that's the real problem, now isn't it? As soon as any rebel leader stops playing by the dictatorial NW0 playbook, he must get smeared & ousted by them!!! So, WWIII will be instigated by these same propagandist bankstas in order to justify the NW0 and gain full global control under the 0rwellian Doublespeak of "peacekeeping." Just like many of their other previous wars...
Stop Shooting Your Load!
gendao replied to Ninpo-me-this-ninjutsu-me-that's topic in Daoist Discussion
Let The Victim Keep His Distance From The Rotting Corpse
gendao replied to fiveelementtao's topic in General Discussion
Actually, I typically agree with most all of your viewpoints borne of experience and plus them, lol. So, I personally have nothing against you or your current practice. In fact, HU has been used as a seed syllable in numerous other traditions (lending credence). So, I am not saying that a practice employing this mantra couldn't be an effective means. Just that ultimately, means =/= end. And perhaps your dream was emphasizing this initially small, yet potentially eventually huge distinction. My interpretation was actually thus impersonal, not personal. Not unlike your "Odin interpretation" of Jesus. You personally cringed at his assessment, yet that's simply the "message" that you received. So, who are you to judge? Likewise, I don't care who had this dream, that was simply my interpretation of it. Which I don't claim to be right or wrong either, btw.. Just my .02 opinion! And if I had a beef with your points, believe me, I would have rebutted them a lonngg time ago, lol! I didn't and still don't have a beef with your points, though! Well, thanks for sharing?! -
Let The Victim Keep His Distance From The Rotting Corpse
gendao replied to fiveelementtao's topic in General Discussion
Interesting message, I have a different interpretation though, in case you're interested..? Essentially, it means that you are a victim of your own belief that "older (necessarily) = wiser." Now although this may often be true, it is not always fully synonymous. Yet in your quest to find the truth, you have pursued increasingly more and more ancient esoteric knowledge and effectively equated the 2. To the point now where you must seek dead "masters" of "dead" traditions that no longer even exist (if they ever even truly did). Because that is the only way to keep "progressing" and "trumping" each preceding tradition that you have "outgrown." This ancient woman sitting in a trash heap thus represents a long-deceased, ancestral mother figure/master of a "rotting corpse" of a tradition. But as you seek to become her student, she actually flees you and issues your warning. Now, this is for YOUR own good, not hers. In fact, she actually burrows out of her rotting tradition to escape you (or rather, to help you escape HER) - and in doing so leads you away from both it and her. The bondage here is a dogmatic one to your belief and making the common mistake of confusing a means with its end. So, she is attempting to break this mental "link" that you have subconsciously developed between the 2. In finding your true "self" (or lack thereof), ultimately you have to enter the non-dimensional xiantian state - not the distant past. Which is now only distancing yourself further from your "goal" when taken to that extreme. IOW, going back further and further in time does not bring you any closer to "YOU." Because the real "you" exists only in a non-dimensional state - which means it doesn't physically "exist" at all... And on a more personal note, perhaps you have some issues with being emotionally-distanced from your mother, or something? -
Yea, I've been getting a pleasant buzz allover and through my body during neigong. This only just started this past week after over 2 years of meditation, though. Before that, other than the occasional sensations, I generally felt...nothing! Overall, there seems to be a very gradual phase-shift of increasing physical porosity and viscosity and energetic density and vibration. In addition, since the last few days, I've also been able to center and condense my thoughts (mental energy) and other energy down into my belly.