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Everything posted by gendao

  1. What does it matter in the end?

    *WARNING: METAPHYSICAL BS AHEAD* Why are you homeless? Because you chose to leave home. Why did you choose to leave home? Perhaps you felt it was abusive and associated the 2. But in doing so you threw the baby out with the bathwater. When they are not necessarily 1 & the same. You escaped, and running away never solves the root problem. What you have to do now is GO BACK & resolve, heal and reintegrate the 2. You must heal the wounds and make it a happy home again. Then, you can enjoy the home for what it is supposed to be - a safe shelter & refuge. Right now, you are like a snail who cast off its shell because there was a shard in it. And instead of just removing the shard, you removed the entire shell. Yet still did not remove the shard, which you still carry in you! Ouch!
  2. How to stop ejaculation tutorial

    Interesting, could you elaborate more on YJJ? When you say tense, do you mean mentally or physically (muscularly) tense - or both?
  3. Good luck to BOL. He just needs to remember that non-attachment means neither craving NOR rejecting. Neither pulling in nor pushing away. Neither indulging in the samsaric world nor escaping it - but remaining true & unaffected by it. It means accepting all equally with zero preference.
  4. Dao within the Dao

    Our consciousness is just a tiny sliver of perception in the broad spectrum of reality. Even a supercomputer couldn't run our bodies for a minute - yet we do so unconsciously for decades on end. But if we are so unaware of what's going on inside of our very own bodies - then what makes people think we (our conscious selves here) have much control over what happens in our lives??? Anything destroyed in the Dao could always be recreated if "desired" anyways. I just have the sneaking suspicion that life here is all basically a VR video game..
  5. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    I don't remember what all I've posted lol...but it does seem that a lot of women's choices are based upon situational Game Theory evo-psych. Which means that as her situation changes, her needs change too and so do her choices. For example, I've noticed that the only time women in this country tend to settle for "beta providers" is generally when their backs are up against the wall and they really need them. Like after they're done having all the kids they can have and may have financial and other troubles. Basically, when they've reached a tipping point in their lives where their need for survival outweighs their need/ability to breed. This tends to be the type of women that the older Baby Boomers here interact with most. Whereas most young, single women are nowhere near reaching this stage - and so basically instead focus on finding the biggest studs to breed with. This is the type of women that Non encounters. In addition to the generational impact of feminism, this explains a lot of the generation gap in views of women between Baby Boomers and younger generations here. Because they very literally are talking about 2 different sets of women! Of course, on a psychological "Byron Katie" level, your individual results will still vary depending on your own internal beliefs, regardless of all the stats out there.* Since I suffer from similar issues as Non, I am now starting to probe this issue deeply to finally resolve it. I made some headway yesterday, but haven't found the definitive answer yet. But, I think it has to do with a lot of rejection (including self-rejection) between the male and female within us (internal gender conflict). * For example, I'm sure this chick could have married the biggest stud on the planet, if she wanted to. Instead, she marries this beta-looking geek - who even "jumped the ladder theory" with her! Maybe there is a logical reason why she apparently "dated down" - like developing an aversion to alpha studs in high school because she was a drama geek outcast then. But point is, Game Theory & evo psych are just pieces of the puzzle - but not the WHOLE picture in themselves.. For the women, there's many examples of this too. Look at David Letterman's ex-wife. For a late-night multimillionaire, he was arguably shooting well below what evo psych says his "league" should have been too. So again, personal psychological issues may have overridden biological instincts here as well..
  6. How To Improve or Heal Your Immune System

    Chlorine itself is really not that bad for you. And yes, it does dissolve into salts when mixed in water after 24 hours. The greater problem though is disinfection byproducts that form when chlorine reacts with organic substances in water. These can include some carcinogenic organic compounds. I'm not sure how much of these are typically produced or how long they may take to break down, though.. I habitually avoid ice water now too. Although I think you really only want to avoid it after your qi's been activated and moving from certain activities. Most diet & lifestyle changes are only indirect methods, though. Although you will notice that the Standard American Lifestyle is completely the opposite for promoting health. I think the only real way to directly boost your immune system is to open your microcosmic orbit. We could ask Rainbow_Vein if she has noticed any difference before and after she's activated hers?
  7. In the West, authors oversimplify & rebrand tradition to market, legally own and sell them better.In the East, authors cite tradition to gain authenticiy & credibility.
  8. Lol yesterday, I actually purposely thought of personal "hot button" issues during meditation - in the hopes of working through and releasing them then. I think when you purge stored negativity, it's either going to hurt or manifest as crap out in your life. So, pick your (Or more likely, it will pick for you...)
  9. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Personally, I wouldn't recommend this. I'd rather have at least a somewhat meangingful first time - who wants to remember her as some random hooker that you had to pay to deflower you? Of whom you probably don't even know her real name? Non is looking for female validation of his worth as a man - not simply physical pleasure. Therefore, having to PAY a professional to service him is only going to make him feel even worse. He wants to be freely desired by women, not so undesired that he has to pay them! Seriously, how would a woman feel if she had to pay for sex??? Like completely undesirable...pathetic sh*t? I'd take the money he'd spend on a hooker and blow it on emo-lipo from Clyman instead.
  10. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Well, I mean just try out his emo-lipo for $250. That alone could be well-worth the investment if it can really clear out huge emotional blockages that quickly. I will say that I did get his "The Chi Kung Bible" and was quite disappointed in that I was expecting a well-organized, concise instruction manual. And instead what it appears to be is all of his various archived articles & interviews, etc. cut & pasted into essentially a giant scrapbook. Too much stuff "about" him and not enough stuff on how to simply do his methods... But whether or not you want to learn his methods, his emo-lipo vids alone really do intrigue me and I feel they would be worth trying (at least for me). Problem for me is I would have to fly there so all that further increases the cost...
  11. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Lol, unfortunately it's really expensive for a 2-day workshop, although he does offer a few options: I'd be mainly interested in getting the emo-liposuction. That alone would be $250. But to justify a whole trip there, I might consider a workshop while I'm there. That would be $500 for " " (PPT) alone or $1000 for that AND chikung & his $800 Tidal Wave DVD. Or if 2 people enrolled together, it would be $1500 for PPT, chikung & ONE Tidal Wave DVD copy. If anybody else wanted to enroll with me for $1500 - I'd let them keep the DVD if I paid $550 & they paid $950? Or I think we could maybe also both enroll together for PPT & chikung (but no DVD) for $500 apiece? Not sure, his menu items are kinda confusing.. But, has anyone here ever tried his emo-liposuction before???
  12. Great metaphor! To me it beautifully symbolizes Byron Katie's work. About how we often try to fix the world to correct our own personal flaw - that's just so close to home that we can't see it. Except only by how it colors how we see everything around us. And so we may end up destroying our world in a misdirected effort to pluck the beam from our own eye.
  13. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    You know there's some serious purging...when there's serious pain! Clyman loves to trash talk, but I don't really care. He's obviously still got some legit skill & I'd personally love to try out his emo-liposuction someday. I wish Non would try it out too, at the very least just for the sake of science. It'd be really interesting to see what Clyman could do with his issues and watch it on tape. He'd be a great test subject too since we've all seen his "before" state here - so could really "quantify" any change from that.
  14. Habitually Afraid

    Wow, this is amazing! I had always wondered which TCM organ was associated with guilt!
  15. Very interesting, I came to this same basic conclusion myself after last year. Our lives are actually orchestrated by our superconscious "Higher Selves" or something. I suspect that we actually have little conscious control at our very limited level of (un)awareness down here.
  16. Not really. He was born from a legendary siddhic lineage and was already showing signs of his propensities and abilities at the earliest ages (like many great Indian yogis). So, the continued development of them was likely no great surprise to anyone who had known of him..
  17. Well, guys like Ram Bomjan are special cases that came into the world "gifted." He's been training since childhood and proved to be a spiritual prodigy. He's been filmed standing in a fire for over an hour. Mosquitos and other wild animals don't seem to bother him at all. Etc, etc. In short, I think you have to be born to live a life like this. The average person probably cannot develop these abilities post-Heaven without the pre-Heaven potential, even if he trains heavily. Or most certainly not if he only starts in late adulthood. Even a wilderness expert couldn't survive a week doing what Ram Bomjan does.
  18. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Well moreso, women here no longer need to rely directly upon beta providers - because "progressive" liberalism has turned the State into a giant taxpayer-funded universal Beta Provider. So, a woman can just get knocked up by as many bad boys as she wants now - and stick the tab for cuckolding all these kids to the welfare state (collective beta male taxpayers). Same thing is happening with "universal" Obamacare too. Because liberalism is all Robin Hood policies that steal resources from beta males to give to alpha bad boys & their groupies. And people wonder why bad boys & women have such an advantage in this country now??? Hence in the Black American community now, a staggering 80% of black babies are born to unwed moms.. It's interesting because even responsible Black "nice guys" are b*tching about thug groupies there with the exact same complaints that Non has here: “Why Black American Chicks Like Thugs” Smart" girls, dumb thugs... Black Women Having Babies Expecting Others To Raise Them So, clearly this is a very REAL phenomenom that crosses all boundaries in this country. If you are a "nice guy" beta male - you will basically get reamed without lube, scapegoated as the villain by feminists & mugged by the Feds here.. So, this is just all a very predictable Game Theory outcome of anti-beta male social policies that encourage it. Whereas in the other less liberal countries, they don't essentially subsidize women breeding with bad boys.. Bad boys are given an artificial advantage in this country due to liberalism. Just like oil & other companies who enjoy government subsidies. If the playing field were leveled again - the outcome would be far more naturally balanced.
  19. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Well, a beta provider isn't likely going to get truly "loved" by anyone anywhere. That's why he has to be a resource provider, to begin with. And why he would be willing to settle for getting used for resources - because that's his only remaining option. Getting "loved" and beta male simply do not belong in the same sentence. Getting "used" and beta male do. The only real out to find "real love" is to "jump" status and ladders to become an alpha MAN. Like Robert Crumb did when he became a famous cartoonist.. Look, when you see rabidly screaming groupies in any country - who are they screaming for? Jock stars, rock stars, actors, etc. You never find them screaming for some reliable beta nerd scientist or doctor, lol. Found the cure to cancer? Who gives a f??? It's no different in Asia or anywhere else. In fact in Asia, it may be a bit worse in some respects because you have a lot more beta providers to compete against - who will up the resource ante for what women will expect from their mate. Hey, Jimmy Wongton just bought his girlfriend a new seaside condo - what have you done for ME lately?? Of course, considering the average salary in China is only ~$6,000 USD (but rising), even a poverty-level bum here should not have a problem keeping up with the Wong's there..
  20. Considering all the recent public exposes of blatant wartime lies by the US (WMDs, etc)...I don't see why anyone still puts any stock in their propaganda anymore?? Again, I think there is a generation gap where Baby Boomers seem to remain diehard government believers vs the "conspiracy theory" generation raised on more open source info. The question though is which side keeps gaining more credibility and which side keeps losing it?
  21. Well, of course DL is in bed politically with the US. So, he would only be alienating himself if he spoke out against them. In censoring himself to worship a greater power, he is effectively sacrificing integrity to worship power. For he is bowing down to the hegemonic US (just like any other power-starved groupie), not vice-versa. This is why politics and spiritualists don't mix very well. If he was really nonviolent - he wouldn't even have associated with the US to begin with. In fact, he would have spoken out against all of our military ops killing people around the world every time we launched a new one. Instead, he is still indirectly using the US's military strength to back his "nonviolent" preference. Instead of maintaining his own military, he has merely effectively outsourced it to the US. So, it's a very difficult position for him to navigate. He must attempt to reconcile a moral high ground with relying upon a moralless bodyguard. In addition, the US keeps getting more shady & thuggish while China more civilized. So, he may be questioning what the right side to be on really is as the ground keeps shifting under his very feet. I'm sure he's learning a lot in this lifetime.
  22. The So-called "Tree of Life" has been debunked

    True, it wouldn't answer the overall question - but would effectively resolve the most heated portion concerning the oddly-accelerated development of humans. Now, for an entirely unrelated question and pointless exercise in logic: Is the evolution of the automobile proof for or against their "intelligent design?" Were these progressive improvements due to a series of random defects along the assembly line that proved advantageous...or deliberate design? We have a very reliable fossil record here that clearly shows chronological advancement. So, what does that actually prove?
  23. Ruthless Truth

    Well, I can see how there are 7 billion bodies - but no real separate sovereignty within any of them. Same with souls, etc, etc.. All the world is like an illusion, but "you" are the real illusion. Anyhow, I think nonduality is just the first breakthrough in Enlightenment. He seems very passionate and excited in having reinvented the wheel here. I personally could have done with a far less verbose and more concise explanation of the key points...but his personal experience is nonetheless very useful in describing it with modern "pop cultural" languaging. It's also interesting because it shows how although there is "no sufferer," there is still suffering by this selfless individual that remains. His bleeding ulcer following his pivotal breakthrough was likely a manifestation of the immense amount of rage he had built up inside. And so I think "self"-inquiry for full "self"-integration is still useful in resolving such suffering - that would still be experienced, even if there is no "experiencer."