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Everything posted by gendao

  1. The Lower Chakras

    Well, the heart houses the shen and overjoy scatters the shen. So I think for heart health, stillness > joy > overjoy.
  2. Passive Intolerance

    Interesting, you mean something like this? Pssttt...BYRON KATIE...
  3. The Nature of Self

    Interesting.. What is BMT, though?
  4. The So-called "Tree of Life" has been debunked

    But, I don't exactly see why ID, Creationism, evolution & "God" have to be "mutually-exclusive?" Why not "Intelligent Evolution," for example? Eventual mainstream awareness of alien intervention is going to completely redefine this whole outdated paradigm anyways...
  5. The So-called "Tree of Life" has been debunked

    Hmm, could you quote a peer-reviewed scientific journal proving that assertion? If not, then how did you come to that conclusion?
  6. The So-called "Tree of Life" has been debunked

    Exactly, but my point was that eugenics was an EVOLUTIONIST-driven thought, NOT ID-driven thought. So you were actually demonstrating the opposite example.. But this is exactly what happens when you mix politics, emotions, religion and science, lol. All the science gets drowned out.. So, reality is that Fundy Scientists can be just as pre-biased and illogical as Fundy Christians. Mentally, you guys all have a lot more in common than you think!
  7. The So-called "Tree of Life" has been debunked

    Lol, actually I was applying some Byron Katie self-inquiry as an example. Because it's actually helped me a lot. Unfortunately, my cold reading was an EPIC FAIL...but the technique itself is still very sound. Nanashi is still nonetheless conflating ID with a number of other groups like "rich Western white barbaric Christian men" that are perhaps his deeper targets. However, the problem is that not all ID proponents fit this grouping. I'm sure many are poor redneck Fundies or non-Western, non-Christians who simply believe in other Deist/monist religions or general spirituality. And whose to say that a South American shaman or Hindu yogi might not also believe in some sort of ID?? Moreso, many evolutionists are "rich Western white men" - including eugenicists who believed in "barbaric" Social Darwinism as a necessary mechanism for strengthening the species. So, this polarized stereotyping is something of a false dichotomy. Etc, etc - there's just so many logical inconsistencies here when overpoliticized.. But in reality, evolution doesn't disprove the Bible, and nor does ID prove it. I'm not even personally a big fan of Judeo-Christian religions - I'm mainly just pointing out some narrow stereotyping, underlying logical fallacies and shifting paradigms here. Again, I personally subscribe to the 3rd option - the alien hybridization program.
  8. The So-called "Tree of Life" has been debunked

    Aha, so now we're getting somewhere... So, perhaps your real problem here is with "barbaric rich white guys" - not ID (which your mind merely projected on them). (I'm guessing you must be a 40-something Baby Boomer?) Of which perhaps you are, or secretly aspire to be, one yourself? Or perhaps your dad is one? And you resent your dad... So then maybe your real beef is with your dad, not "rich white guys?" And perhaps you might resent your dad because he hurt your self-esteem in some way. Made favored another sibling and made you feel inadequate or inferior somehow? So then maybe your beef is not really with your dad, but some aspect of yourself that you don't like? This is not to say that ID is right or wrong, rich white guys are or aren't barbaric or your dad may or may not be a jerk who played favorites...but that ultimately your beef is with yourself, regardless. You only exhibit an overemotional bias against all these other triggers because you associated them with your root problem within yourself. And so resonate with, superconsciously orchestrate and take all these impersonal issues VERY personally. The good news though is that if you were to reintegrate this part of yourself that you had cast off - then you would immediately resolve your emotional bias against all these other tangential issues built upon it. They would no longer be of any personal concern to you and you could then discuss them dispassionately on a purely mental level without getting so emotionally disturbed... It's not about ID, it's about YOU. Good luck with that. Namaste!
  9. The So-called "Tree of Life" has been debunked

    Well, you do realize that a lot of the late 19th century eugenics movement was built off of Darwinism? It's no small coincidence that "modern eugenics" directly followed the publicization of Darwin's theories...
  10. The Image of God

  11. So basically, 2 Anunnaki half-brothers split Earth between them: Enlil/Zeus ruled Lemuria. Enki/Poseidon/Satan ruled Atlantis. He was the genetic-engineering serpent god (caduceus was his symbol) who seduced Eve in Edin. Edin is in present-day Iraq. This tablet depicting their test tube hybridization of Homo sapiens 200,000 years ago was found in Iraq. So now you can also see one of the real reasons why the US has been illegally occupying Iraq and the Mid East. They are on a scavenger hunt for all of these ancient Anunnaki artifacts and technology.
  12. cutting myself out of the loop

    Well, there are definitely some very high-level gurus in India. But I think a lot of meeting the right master depends upon your karma and yuanfen.. So, good luck with that. Anyhow, real spirituality is also about integration, not escapism. So, don't be surprised if the same issues follow you areound, wherever you go.. Why? because only a fool thinks he can escape himself. You can never escape yourself - only integrate it. Although Buddha did the same thing with his family & it worked out for him, so who knows?
  13. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Interesting. I guess we're all born feeling incomplete and lacking. The natural temptation then is to fill this void with another person...or sometimes drugs...or something else. But, what if we resisted that temptation and just really confronted that void? What are we really missing there? Or what if we ARE that void? And so there is really nothing missing at all? I mean, how can something not there be so powerful as our driving force in life? Seems like anything that does that must be pretty significant..?
  14. Yup, collectivism/leftism/Communism is a VERY slippery slope to totalitarianism.. Codex Alimentarius
  15. Osama bin Laden Dead

    Huh, I don't get it.. What did Tim Osman or Afghans have to do with 9II?
  16. Contemplate to find Enlightenment

    Sorry, maybe I misunderstood you, but when does Zen tell you to think? A lot of Zen schools have you just go through the motions of performing mundane tasks repetitively. Do mindless things "mindfully" (with the focus on the task, not yourself). Where zoning out is like being in the zone. Engage the mind with a huatou (before thought) to disengage from the mind. The whole point of these various exercises being to lose yourself in the moment/act to induce an "out-of-self experience" of nonduality. There's no thinking required in Zen. In fact, the whole school aims at discouraging it in favor of wordless transmission and direct experience..
  17. reversing age

    I believe opening your SHO (小周天) restores great health, but opening your GHO (大周天) gives you actual youthful regeneration (white hair turning dark again and teeth growing back in) and longevity. This also correlates with forming the external medicine, the internal medicine and then the great medicine. Keep in mind though that very few people ever actually open their SHO, much less GHO...
  18. Wing Chun In Hong Kong

    She's pretty cute, although that looks more like serving food than a tan sau..
  19. Mo Pai and Immortality

    Just to clarify, you are actually talking about the "power" jin (勁) (as in "neijin" or "fajin"), not "seed energy" jing (精)? So, you are cultivating and condensing jin, not jing, correct? I also found this quote interesting:
  20. Mo Pai and Immortality

    Interesting. Could you perhaps address effilang's questions about how yin & yang qi flow through the various yin & yang meridians in the body and how they can be distinguished from one another feeling-wise? I've been wondering this myself too? Also, sounds like Waysun subscribes more to the "pre-Heaven" school of neidan.