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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Mo Pai and Immortality

    I might ask him again about it later.. However, he wasn't even sure if it was legit at the time, as I think some smoke may have also been involved. And again, I'm also not sure who exactly his teacher was.. I guess my point though is that if it were legit, then Waysun probably had some undefined neidan training that was really the basis of his skills, not just Taijiquan. And so I don't know which school of neidan he really belongs to (if that's true)?
  2. Mo Pai and Immortality

    ^^ Great questions and very interesting point. Unfortunately, I don't have any answers and what I posted before was a lot of open conjecture. So, I'd take it with a shakerful of salt, lol.. Thing is though, what neidan systems did Waysun Liao really learn? What abilities does he really possess and what were they all actually derived from? Do we know? I do have a friend who studied some Temple Tai Chi decades ago and claimed he saw his teacher (not sure who) apparently walk through a wall.
  3. Mo Pai and Immortality

    Good question. Apparently, there are 2 main schools of neidan. One is the "pre-Heaven sanhua juding" school and the other is the "post-Heaven yinyang" school. Most of us are familiar with the former school's theory of refining jing to qi to shen to emptiness and ultimately developing an "immortal" yang shen jalus. This approach includes Quanzhen jia and Taoist Yoga's Wu-Liu pai. Assumedly, the "post-Heaven" school likely refers to "thunder path" sects such as Mo pai, Guang Hua pai, etc. known for developing an electrogenesis-like ability, amongst others. While I'm sure it is similar in many ways, it also differed enough that it could not simply be fully absorbed into the "pre-Heaven" school. Of course, much of this is highly speculative on my part, though...
  4. John Chang Video

  5. How do you measure meditation progress?

    Taoism also has numerous confirmatory signs for making various breakthroughs... So yes, there are many established ways to measure your stage of integration and realization. Which I think is useful because a lot of imagined "progress" is really just wishful thinking without any semi-"objective" points of reference..
  6. Microcosmic Orbit: Taoist Yoga Style

    When you pop a nonsexual boner...I believe at that occasion you may progressively raise jing to 4 increasingly higher points along your du mai from your huiyin to your baihui - taking 9 breaths during each stage while rolling your closed eyes from left to right. Going down your ren mai you follow a similar process - except with only 6 breaths per stage and rolling your eyes right. Hence there are 36 ascents and only 24 descents.. Or I could have some of that mixed up, but that's the basic gist. And it may also be that your body may have a tendency to do this naturally as your MCO opens and jing starts transmuting to qi. But I don't really know as I stopped trying to do this a long while ago, lol..
  7. Yup, Communism has utterly destroyed every country its ever infected. Interesting and gritty interview with a Tibetan monk The cultural Revolution to what extent were daoist treasures destroyed Ya Mu's qigong teacher was jailed by Communists for 17 years... So, really what the Tibetan monk in the interview has to thank for a higher standard of living is the rise of capitalism in China over the last few decades - NOT Communism. And of course, America only focuses on Tibet (whilst ignoring far worse situations around the world) to bash/destabilize China and gain influence in a strategic location that they would love to acquire. This is not to say that Tibet hasn't suffered under Communism or that any area in the world doesn't necessarily have a right to fight for its own sovereignty. Just that these facets are highlighted to the exclusion of all others due to a hegemonic political agenda. The US basically has no real interest in "human rights" or "democracy" anywhere. These rationales are simply used to justify operations actually driven by resource acquisition and economic rivalries..
  8. John Chang Video

    M. Winn's ultra-jaded critiques always crack me the h*ll up, lol... Anyone know which issue this is??
  9. good guys finish last

    ^^ Well, remember this is women's PERCEPTIONS, not necessarily reality. Of course, women base their choices on their percetptions that's really all that matters to them. Perception, not reality... And they're also just bell curve generalizations. You'll find polarized comments resembling both yours and Non's below the article. For example, read sam7777's - who basically echoes both of your points:
  10. I dont get "morning wood"

    I love the intuitive knowledge hidden in common idioms & pop culture. Morning wood needs kidney water to grow. Anger (liver emotion) can deplete this water. Per TCM, the liver color is also green. Ever notice why the Hulk turns GREEN when he gets angry??? So, increased anger could conceivably reduce morning wood (as one factor). MUST REDUCE ANGER. To reduce your anger, you must resolve the issues underlying it...
  11. Another "Missing Link" Fossil Found to be a Fake

    More likely, birds and dinosaurs had a common ancestor. And the birdlike dinosaurs (raptors) actually evolved from birds (not vice-versa). Problem is that overzealous ideologies (religious or atheist) rigidify the mind and spin all the science with cognitive bias. Hence, you can have 20 years worth of "conventional wisdom" turn out utterly wrong. There is no need to get emotional over these issues. Unless you are using them as a proxy to prove something else to yourself.
  12. Energetics and Wisdom Teeth?

    Well, the real problem is that the Western diet often causes narrowing and underdevelopment of the jawbone and crowding of the teeth. This was documented by the dentist, Weston Price. Whereas, natives eating traditional diets all had naturally circular arches and no tooth decay. So, they had room for wisdom teeth to grow in naturally. The problem we face now is that the damage has already been done to us at this point. We can't go back and fix our diets and widen our arches again. What's done has been done. So, there is not really a "perfect, natural" solution available now. So, we may be forced to use artificial means to fix problems induced by artificial lifestyles at this stage. Sometimes, prevention is the only real cure. But, we must rely upon our parents & society for these crucial health measures that should have been taken in our childhood. And if they weren't health-conscious...then you'll get screwed. How many millions of kids got mercury amalgams too???
  13. Right, I can see how militantism (which obediance-trains people to blindly obey authority like robots) could lead to fascism... That's the main reason I never joined the military - I knew I could never become a robot to that degree and don't personally trust government authority enough. But militantism does not require goose-stepping. Nor does it necessarily repress sexuality. I mean, many hookers rely upon US military bases for their livelihood.. And if anything, I'd think high-stepping requires some added flexibility in your hamstrings, not more tightening. You have to do similar high kick drills in Shaolin gongfu. Ballet and gymnastics also employ a lot of similar extreme movements. I don't think any of these lead to fascism, though. Such associations are highly contextual. Although, I also agree that the rigid, unnatural postures generally enforced are ergonomically incorrect.
  14. I agree with your overall point about Reichian armoring - but goose-stepping is not really an example of this. It was just a military tactic that later fell out of favor with the advent of long range firearms. The tendency to invoke Godwin's Law as a debating tactic in the post-British Empire is more simply a demonstration of post-WWII Allied messaging than anything else. Fact is, there are still plenty of countries today whose militaries employ goose-stepping - yet are neither fascist nor necessarily sexually-repressed. So, to connect all 3 together is a totally Americancentric construction. Similar to how Americans all immediately interpret swastikas as Nazi - when they were already used widely and looonngggg before that. Anyhow, how much would you estimate that Rolfing has thus far released your armoring (%-wise)?
  15. Could you give some examples of these "proven abilities" that were developed solely/primarily from these Western "magick" traditions? Are we talking healing, psychic reading, manifestation, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, levitation, teleportation or what?
  16. Well, Buddhists also don't (purposely) transmute jing to qi.. Anyhow, I would agree that experiencing nonduality, for instance, alone would likely not cure deviancies. Neither would even sexual sublimation, per se - as the deviancy is likely a separate issue that just gets expressed sexually. Rerouting the sexual energy then could reduce its ability to get expressed - but would not eliminate the mental thoughts initiating the deviant acts. You would have to engage in some deep self-inquiry to find and uproot the actual emotional issue underlying the deviancy to truly stop it.
  17. I am Hitler

    Humans are extremely gullible and susceptible to peer pressure and mob psychology. Many countrymen were desperately poor, humiliated, angered and demoralized after WWI. And desperate times "require" desperate measures... To some disatisfied with the status quo, any "change" beats more of the same... Many people would resort to cannibalism if starving long enough... In fact, this actually happened in Communist Russia as tens of millions starved to death. Anyhow, the most common agitprop tactic is fomenting/exploiting class warfare between "noble proletariats" vs "greedy bourgeois." Reads like an oversimplified comic book punchline - but simple is what works for the masses. Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Hitler, Obama, etc. all used the same playbook here. But in reality, the real battle here is between the "free individual" vs "enslaved collective." Because the more you centralize power, the more you gain control over the masses. In a battle for hearts, minds & souls - victory is the surrendering of individual minds to the dictator's. Where the individual becomes just a part of the mob, which becomes just an extension of the despot... And if you didn't join them, you got beaten... Look, the US invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc all under false pretenses. Yet, this was fully-approved by the Mainstream Party (Dems & Repubs) in Congress. An estimated 800K Iraqis have been killed and 2 million displaced from "Operation Iraqi Freedom." Your average American can care less however - and most all actively support the Mainstream Party/wars. So, most people here today now are obviously NO DIFFERENT than those back in WWII...
  18. Well, anecdotal and experiential. Which is what science is really too - just with more rigorously controlled settings. But the simple reality is that the vast majority of common phenomena in life have been commonly-accepted based upon consistent mass anecdotal experience, yet never actually scientifically "proven." For example, the sky is blue...sugar tastes sweet...etc. Ok, but their system is not really a whole separate "Western" system much of it is simply & directly kundalini yoga. The more "Western" aspects of it seem to be the "Harry Potter" rites/spells/etc stuff that I remain rather skeptical of due to a seeming lack of a good body of evidence. For which Prophecy, Veos & Bardon would not really be good examples of anyways since they merged a lot of yoga into their training. I guess, show me a real-life Harry Potter who developed tangible abilities primarily/exclusively from Western "magick," and then I'll be interested...
  19. I dont get "morning wood"

    Absolutely. Christ's res-erection was merely a Freudian metaphor for regaining morning wood after going without it for 3 days after the crucifixion of his mortal self. But this wood was spiritual, not sexual, in nature (as spoken about in Taoist Yoga). So, that's what we're really celebrating today. An immortal boner signifying the onset of spiritual puberty and the rite of passage from man to xian. Huzzah! Lmao!!! Unfortunately for us, there's been more Bigfoot sightings than of your latter example here... But fortunately for Non, I think he has only about a 0/8 billion chance of meeting that exception. I'm curious - please do? I wonder if this might be a reference to the whole New Age scene?
  20. I need nelp with a triangulation

    Wow, sheeesshh...careful what you ask for! Anyhow, I suppose his soul must have had a reason for doing that? But all goes to show how life is all just a big VR video game played by our souls or superconscious. Which is why there is often purposeful method behind the "random" madness. And really anything is possible, more or less. So if you totally ignore the meanings and messages behind events - you could totally be missing their whole points. This is what I call the "Law of Attention." Where events get orchestrated in our lives specifically to grab our conscious attention (sort of the Law of Attraction backwards). The point of which is to get us to focus upon karmic issues of ours that need resolution.
  21. Yes, I know of someone who got cancer and went to a Chinese acupuncturist/herbalist for treatment instead of getting chemo. And fortunately, he did get cured that way. And I think there's enough energy healers out there in the general population now using these methods that we all know of some cases like these (if not always so dramatic). They may vary in skill level and results - but I think there's at least a body of evidence large enough to support that there is some validity to these arts. And of course, there's also many well-known Chinese & Indian masters - including guys like Wang Liping or the numerous gurus written about in Ram Dass's Be Love Now. I mean, just his personal accounts of his experiences with Neem Karoli Baba alone make Aleister Crowley sound like some totally lame D&D wannabe geek. Whereas, I am not even aware of any professional "Hermetic" magicians who offer healing or other services. They have no measurable presence or body of evidence to speak of. I'm not saying there couldn't be a few exceptions here and there - but the Eastern methods just seem a lot more accessible and proven (with both past and present practitioners). I'd never even heard his levitation rumor. But if he truly possessed that ability, I'm guessing he would have showcased it a lot more often. Astral travel is somewhat impressive...but still not as impressive as working "magic" out in the real world. As in, actually healing people of physical ailments or something. I don't know anything about Prophecy and Veos, but if they were using yoga as well - then it's hard to say exactly which methods actually developed their alleged abilities. Anyhow, I'm not against any Western traditions - I just haven't seen or heard of too many advanced practitioners of them. If there are any, I'm all ears. Although also, a lot of it seems like a lot of symbolic-ritualistic-ceremonial-fantasy-over-conceptual-in-your-head stuff that just doesn't personally appeal to me, either.
  22. I need nelp with a triangulation

    ^ I know exactly what you are talking about. I think you made a brilliant connection there. The easy shower misdiagnosis could possibly reflect a medical misdiagnosis, as well. I am no psychic, but when considering this possibility I got a flash of a thought that the real problem might actually be in the brain? Again, just a random potshot there..but just thought I'd throw it out there. However, it definitely wouldn't hurt to keep your mind open to alternate possiblities or seek professional medical intuitives - in addition to the more conventional route you're already taking. No harm in that, and may even be a good idea.
  23. Well, the proof is in the pudding. Are there any living masters of these Western esoteric traditions who have any tangible attainments? I don't think Aleister Crowley could even actually do anything "magickal," for instance.. So, color me skeptical. There are at least definitely various masters of Eastern cultivation methods ranging from healers to Indian gurus and Chinese neigong masters who serve as living proof for these various methods.