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Everything posted by gendao

  1. 'White' Mummies in 'China' .

    It was taken from this article: The arrows might simply signify the "direction" of the Silk Road (as labeled in the map)...not migration? And China as a nation (or any national boundaries) is irrelevant with regards to genetic groupings. Nationality and "ethnicity" are entirely independent.
  2. Volcanoooooo

    Lol, again, you never look past the symptoms to the roots of the "problem..." Poverty in the Philippines is not caused by China, it is caused by a myriad of reasons that have nothing to do with China. Of course, one was Spanish/American Christian colonialism - where 81% is still Roman Catholic, 8% Protestant, and 6% Muslim and a dramatic caste system still remains with just a tiny elite minority at the top. And their church still retains heavy influence on the state to tailor laws for their benefit (but not the masses), too. So, there is little upward mobility available for the untouchable, indigenous majority following their lead. You see this same situation in all the other former Spanish colonies/aboriginal reservations around the world, too. I mean, did they ever even charge Uncle Sam a red cent in rent for allowing them to use their islands as military bases? I would have taken them to the bank for that, at the very least! The Stormtroopers needed the PI a lot more than the PI needed them (not)! Of course, there are many other reasons too, that have nothing to do with colonization or China... Not to mention, wealth (GDP) or industrialization as a primary societal metric is a very colonialist lens... Notice that colonialists never measure and rank ecological and environmental health - which are typically farrrrr higher in "underdeveloped" countries, lol. No amount of money can ever buy or compete with a pristine wilderness!
  3. 'White' Mummies in 'China' .

    Interesting, although not nearly as sensational as the headline implies. It's not like these bodies were found in central/Eastern China where all the major population centers have always been. No, they were found in Gumugou, in the far NW corner of China by the Kunlun and Tianshan mountains. Now if these bodies had been found maybe just ~300 miles further west in ME/central Asian countries/US military targets like Afghanistan...where there are still people who look like this: Then there wouldn't be nearly as much "cognitive dissonance" in people.
  4. 'Politically Correct' Run Rampant

    Of course, sexual harassment is UNWELCOME advances. This could be because you are not attracted to that person, have some other issues with them, or they or you are married/taken, or you just don't want to sh*t where you work, etc, etc... There's a multitude of reasons why some advances might be unwelcome or welcome in a "professional" workplace. And just because people might welcome some advances...doesn't mean they don't also have the right to find others unwelcome. ESPECIALLY AT WORK, where it's not their job to just f*** everyone indiscriminately, lol.
  5. 'Politically Correct' Run Rampant

    But it's not just confined to the higher echelons, if you're talking about the workplace in general. I know an attractive woman who just started working at a major corporation. I thought these days, men would be overly-paranoid about any behavior remotely considered sexual harassment at work. So, I was shocked to hear how many of her "grunt" coworkers were openly hitting on her, like even on their intranet messaging (leaving a full electronic trail). Like, it's just the same as always, if not worse! They really just don't give a f***! There is a real problem out there, from the bottom to the top. And the more attractive women especially will have to deal with more of it. Unless you talk with some of them personally, you may not realize it because they usually don't file official complaints.
  6. Climate Change

    Come again? Tanking testosterone levels in American men is "Russian pseudoscience propaganda?" Wow, you really are punch drunk on the Team America Kool-Aid, huh? This issue isn't even controversial - it is well-known and commonly-accepted because it has been corroborated by multiple studies. One can only wonder where this generational degeneration is taking our species...
  7. Climate Change

    No, artificial gender distortion and depolarization due to chemical/malnutrition/etc castration from colonialist cevilization has already been well-documented on numerous levels... Just think about that. Amurican testosterone has dropped by over 25% in just the last 20 YEARS, alone. At this rate, what will happen in another 20??? This is a RADICAL and UNNATURAL trend in mass endocrine health...and not something you can simply dismiss with another sociological or status quo word salad rant.
  8. Volcanoooooo

    And for all of Duterte's tough talk, he's still serving as the US military's b*tch to keep replacing self-sovereign freedom (like China's) with their own imperialistic global rule. Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse, here! Just let that sink in for a minute...the slaves letting their masters "protect" them? These same masters who had: Lol, the only reason the US is in your land is because they want your land and freedom...or somebody else's land and freedom nearby. In this case, as a backdoor to leapfrog to China/Asia. Ergo, China sends humanitarian face masks...while the US regularly sends their fiercest army ants, lol!
  9. WW3 2020?

    So what? There are nearly 300 million Protestants worldwide alone and the elite American power structure has long been composed of WASPs, hello??? The Ozzie Trump, ScoMo, is also a WASP... Now compare this to your ~200,000 minority Christians living in the "Holy Land," lol..
  10. WW3 2020?

    Lol, the callous dismissal, degradation, dehumanization, and denialism about the (Semitic) Arabs living under Israeli apartheid is ACTUAL anti-Semitism. It's like heyyy, the inmates had a swimming pool, orchestra, sauna, and brothel in Auschwitz, so it was like summer camp there too, yo! And BTW, ultra-colonialist Bibi would disagree with you... But of course, who again, we have CHRISTIANITY DRIVING AMERICAN POLICY again...and again, and again... HERE is the root of all colonialist evil! No matter how whack it is in reality today...still gotta follow what the Bible instructs its sheeple to! I mean, it's literally insane that our government plays global checkers based entirely upon that playbook...instead of sane and situational ethics. But instead, literally insane!
  11. Climate Change

    Let's take the humancentric sociological element out of this. Let's just talk straight biology/ecology, here. Look, what if another animal's gender/sexuality is artificially altered by colonialist chemicals? Which clearly is rampant amongst frogs for instance, now? How is abnormal development caused by unnatural chemical exposure not a problem for those frogs??? And the whole ecosystem that they play vital roles in? Or are you dismissing any concern over such chemical side effects as "homophobia"...simply because they affect gender? Or what if these chemicals were causing cancer, not gender disruption? THEN it would be a real problem...or just "cancerphobic?"
  12. Climate Change

    Well, a lot of modern homosexuality and gender-bending may have actually been caused epigenetically by the feminist Pill. Like a lot of Western cevilization technology - some side effects are delayed until the 2nd generation... there anything Christian colonialism hasn't f*d up by tampering with Mother Nature???
  13. WW3 2020?

  14. WW3 2020?

    Welcome to Zionist Colonialism 101: Then back on 12/12/2017:: And now 2 years later: Ah yes, who are the real "terrorists" here...LMFAO!
  15. Uh, you do realize that paraphrase and quote (much less "ACTUAL quote") are LITERALLY ANTONYMS by definition, NOT SYNONYMS??? Or are you also redefining all literate English speakers as "idiots," now? NO, you do not get to reverse the English language and employ mental gymnastics to "prove" you are not a complete liar and "save face!" Your desperate global search for authority continues...everywhere high and low...except for within, lol. OK, now moving on...
  16. ^ Ok, now compare my ACTUAL QUOTE to your "actual quote" of "You lived in Hong Kong and the Philippines? You must be really brainwashed because they're both colonized people." Uhhh, if you still can't see the ACTUAL difference, then maybe you ARE brainwashed into total ignorance, but thanks for at least proving it for the record here, lol.
  17. ORLY? OK, let's see it? You can just post that excerpt...
  18. That's not an "actual quote," but an actual lie then, followed by yet another personal attack. So, not only are you claiming to post a PM from me publicly without are falsely posting something you claim I PMd you, but didn't. Again, the LARPing hall monitor is above violating his own laws!
  19. Nice selfie, but just FYI: Interesting, so "Ganesha" got a big "head transplant" from an alien, which bestowed him with superhuman intellect...hmmm... Funny what you find when you scratch past the surface...thanks for the alley-oop! ORLY? Where was my "actual quote" of that? From Okita Kato...?
  20. Well...they were supposedly invented around 7000 BCE in early Mesopotamia...around 1500 years before these coneheaded figurines appeared there...and cEVILization subsequently "arose"...just sayin'... Now, should you choose to liberate yourself from your palatial Anunnaki prison and take the RED PILLow, forewarned that possible side effects may include sudden Kundalini awakening and your pineal gland going supernova after the first week, like you've been binge-chugging Ayahuasca. Source - Okita "Tech Buddha" Kato.
  21. Right, so if you remove your memory foam pillow...your head is...still on memory foam. And while you're at it, implement Esther Gokhale's Stretchlying posture for spinal traction...and you will sleep like an aboriginal, Daoist baby!
  22. Funny how the smallest steps of defiance against the groupthink herd mentality also seem to inspire the greatest resistance... Hence, ditching your pillow becomes a scary, revolutionary act and another Rosa Parks moment. Even though it simply makes total COMMON SENSE!
  23. If you're sleeping on a memory foam mattress, that would still be a soft surface without a pillow. But by eliminating the elevation, you are allowing the head/neck to rest in a more neutral position. Again, just imagine your sleeping position rotated as if standing with your back against a wall. Still think a pillow wedged behind your head is a good idea? And remember, mastery is all about remastering the most basic, very fundamentals...questioning all your underlying, base assumptions. A lot of which is like fish noticing water for the first time.
  24. Lol...Wang Deshun is from northern China...and is not "Okita Kato" - a "tech tycoon" from Japan. As you can imagine, this misinfomercial just keeps skidding further downhill from there... So, pillows were probably invented to keep bugs out of people's heads...not for good posture. (Maybe earplugs would have been a better idea?) Ergo, I'm with David Wolfe now - pillows are like smoking and are basically trainers for bad posture. Think about it, everyone in the colonial world is developing "desk jockey syndrome" from hours spent hunched in front of screens, now... And, what does a pillow do? It also pushes the head forward, just like in a standing slouch... And you are then additionally training your posture like this 8 hours per night! This is a DOUBLE-WHAMMY for colonialist civilization - and explains why slouching is so epidemic today! Now, what if you simply slept without a pillow? Now, you're retraining good posture 8 hours/night effortlessly IN YOUR SLEEP! I've actually been doing this for the past year or so...and it has definitely helped to correct my cervical posture! I mean honestly, if anything, what modern people need is a bed shaped like this that they can sleep faceup on:
  25. I love how their explanation ignores the obvious (SKULL-based) facts that: YET... And often red/ over in...Paracas, PERU... So it's very possible that prosthetic coneheads were used to imitate actual, ELite coneheads...