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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Seth Ananda please teach me about kundalini

    Cool, thanks! Yes, very MCOish, lol.. But all breathing is done through the mouth? Is this what you used to awaken your own kundalini though? Or was it some other type of meditation?
  2. Critical Thinking and Creativity

    That's because the "bio" prefix merely defines the SOURCE of the electromagnetism - which is not fundamentally different than plain electromagnetism. Which is thus equating qi to electromagnetism. Which means that it has entirely the same properties, exhibits the exact same predictable behaviors & falls within all the very same parameters. And thus any household electrical appliances we use today are actually generating and running off qi? Unless you are postulating that bioelectromagnetism is a fundamentally different force than the electromagnetism scientifically-defined by physics? And similar in name only?
  3. Critical Thinking and Creativity

    Say what? Are you claiming that qi = electromagnetism generated by an organism? If so, then qi is essentially just plain electromagnetism? And any EM generator is thus generating qi? And who's "we?" Does that include any critical-thinking scientists or peer-reviewed scientific journals? Or Taoist masters, for that matter? Sorry, just exercising my "critical thinking" here.. How am I doing?
  4. This probably should have been set up as a poll question to show the bell curve. But, it appears that most started logging on regularly around the mid-to-late 90s. So, subtract 10-15 years from everyone's ages here - and voila. That would be post-college for most Baby Boomers and pre-college for anyone under 30. With Gen-X somewhere in the middle. I think technology has radically altered the way information has been presented and accessed by people over the last decade. For instance: 1) Mainstream mass media is filtered by a small handful of media moguls and corporate advertisers whom they sell airtime to. 2) Books are filtered by mainstream publishing houses and profit-driven market demographics. IOW, a prospective book must be deemed marketable enough to be worth publishing (thus often leaving out niche or minority viewpoints). 3) The internet is a far more unfiltered free-for-all where info has been "democratized" to most average citizens. Anyone can now post & publish most any material for free. And unlike 1 & 2, it is also a 2-WAY interface - not a 1-way lecture where any feedback or dissent is automatically silenced. So in general, the internet has unfiltered and allowed a vastly more diverse spectrum of voices and info to be heard. As a result, people who grew up with different media during their formative years are going to think differently now. Which is also precisely what scares the sh** out of 1 - who are now trying to buy up the internet and "control the debate" again..
  5. How to Awaken

    Very nice pointers, thanks! Just curious - have you awakened your own kundalini and did you write that yourself?
  6. Major component of evolution theory proven wrong

    Lol, a few pts: 1) You do realize that this same "accepted scientific consensus" that you believe discounts any type of "ID" - also similarly scoffs at all of this Taoist qi-microcosmic orbit-neidan-xian-yadda-yadda as a bunch of superstitious hogwash too??? 2) I don't really have a problem with you being "abrasive." But you just can't complain about others being "abrasive" while being "abrasive" yourself... 3) I essentially agree with Creation's excellent deconstruction of the false conflict here. IMO - the real questions still remain scientifically unanswered: How did life first originate from "non-life" and is evolution a totally random process - or is there some non-random intelligence/consciousness/intent/awareness involved? 4) My other observation is how Baby Boomers seem utterly incapable of viewing reality today outside of their old B&W paradigms. Because he entertains ID, Immortal4life is immediately branded a "Christian Fundy" here. Nevermind the fact that he is posting Falun Dafa links on a Taoist forum. Acts that would get him banned as a Satanic troll on any Christian forum, lol. So, here's how a typical 1-way conversation like this often goes: Baby Boomer: You're not White? Gen-E: No. Baby Boomer: So, you're Black? Gen-E: Well, I'm Green. Baby Boomer: Oh, you mean you're Black? Gen-E: No. Green. Baby Boomer: Right - Black. Gen-E:
  7. Was Mao Zedong a Taoist?

    Lol, so you state the right and "conspiratorial" sites are the sole "purveyors of propaganda." But then claim the problem is a "plutocratic class divide" and NOT a "left and right political divide." Do you ever even stop to read your own posts??? Which paradigm do you think you really adhere to here? Baby Boomer polarity = "Left Vs Right/Conspiratorial" (or possibly "Right Vs Left/Conspiratorial") Emerging Gen-E polarity = "Conspiratorial Vs Mainstream (Left/Right)" If you really have your finger on the zeitgeist pulse - you can feel the Left & Right increasingly coalescing together (into irrelevance) and the "conspiratorial" steadily gaining legitimacy towards a mass tipping point to supplant them. This is why both the Left & Right fervently oppose the Tea Party - which represents a grass-roots shift away from the mainstream Right towards the "Conspiratorial." Because any 3rd Party represents the deathknell for both of them and their CFR/banksta/corporatized agenda. The "Conspiratorial Vs Mainstream" is thus the paradigm of the future based upon an awakening grass-roots consciousness and natural flux.
  8. Was Mao Zedong a Taoist?

    I totally agree. Mao was a Marxist Communist - about the furthest thing from a Taoist... His brutal and misguided regime was a horrifying testament to radical leftist ideology in actual practice. Which is why I ideologically oppose Western liberals who romanticize and idealize the same principles from the comfort of their ivory towers in capitalist countries today.
  9. Major component of evolution theory proven wrong

    Again, this highlights the generation gap and inability of Baby Boomers to peer beyond their old polarized filters here. Where, any talk questioning evolution immediately gets one labeled as a "Christian Creationist" - because that is the only duality they recognize - and thus project upon others. Nevermind the fact that this is a Taoist site where all sorts of (majority non-Christian) spiritual people seek a new integration/intersection of spirituality & science and even believe in many siddhis and phenomena that science currently labels pure bunk. But still - you dare question evolution - then you MUST be a Bible-thumping Fundy (in their minds)! When in fact, it's not the same usual suspects here at all - but in a way, represents coming back a full circle while a spiraling up a level.. Similar, yet different. BTW, I'm not taking a stance in the debate here - just noting the knee-jerk reactionism of "outdated" paradigms.
  10. Japan

    Mostly thus far, I agree. Which is why most any candidate that enjoyed corporate mass media support (like Obama) was by definition not a true "grass roots" progressive. (This may somewhat change in the future with the replacement of the mass media with the internet, though.) And, I think the "liberal" mainstream media has still gone VERY easy on Obama in comparison to Dubya. They've turned a blind eye to much of the same behavior and in general, toned down their raucous disapproval. Well, you somewhat contradict yourself here. You automatically discount Obama's possible Manchurian grooming like a manufactured Disney pop tart because sources for that tend to be "conspiratorial or hard-right." Yet, you also believe that 9II was an inside job - despite the fact that this theory is also purported by the very same "conspiratorial" sources. Although indignantly denied by both liberal & conservative sources. So, are you anti-conspiratorial or just anti-right? Maybe you're actually a liberal-turning-conspiratorial? I think the Baby Boomer generation raised on the corporate mass media still views the world through its polarized filter between the liberal left and conservative right. Whereas the younger generations raised on the free internet/info are starting to transcend that polarity into a new one between "conspiratorial" and the mainstream (left + right). I personally feel this view is more accurate - as Obama, in actual core policy, is still basically pushing the same CFR/banksta/corporate agenda that Dubya did. There is thus no "surprise," lame excuses or disappointment in me at his behavior thus far - as I accurately predicted it from the very start (based on psychoanalysis, following his money trail and the same connections). Thus legitimizing my "conspiratorial" worldview, IMO.
  11. Consciousness

    So, I have been wondering - is nonduality merely the first stage of Enlightenment? But not the whole enchilada? According to one rumor, Wang Liping demonstrated "genuine Enlightenment" by walking through a wall. (Interestingly, a few others like Zhang Baosheng & Wong View Kit's sipak also allegedly had this ability.) What do you think?
  12. Japan

    I have pretty astute political radar. And I NEVER believed Obama was a true "progressive" to begin with. Not even close. A quick search on his background reveals that he was a Manchurian candidate groomed by NW0 bankstas as a corporate salesman to sell their policies to the gullible American public. Anyhow, the latest news on his new JOBS CZAR/NATIONAL TAX ADVISOR: LMAO!!! So, where's all the liberal outrage at our "progressive poster boy" totally selling out the environment, healthcare and taxpayers to Big Biz now? Oh I'm sorry, he's actually a high Taoist master of "wei wu wei" - not "politics as usual." Apparently, only conservatives can stoop to that level. Baby!
  13. Which Tai Chi School is "Best"?

    I am personally interested in Zheng Manqing's modified Yang-style lineage based upon judging backwards from some of his luminous students and teachings. Such as: Waysun Liao T. T. Liang (Note: I don't personally include William C.C. Chen amongst them because I don't feel like he attained much from him, for whatever reason..) But I think Zheng Manqing was actually able to elevate his brand of Taijiquan above other pure Yang stylists because he also studied with a long TCM lineage and probably incorporated a lot of that knowledge. Hence, many of his disciples also seem far more versed in the Taoist/spiritual/qigong/alchemical aspects - and use those as a basis for their Taijiquan. The other cool branch would be Feng Zhiqiang/Joseph Chen (ι™ˆδΈ­εŽ/Chen Zhonghua)'s Hunyuan Taijiquan.
  14. Japan

    Lol, these scenarios are based upon the simple facts that much of our coastlines are all at sea level - or even below (like at "Katrina"). Therefore, even a small rise in sea level could push water very far inland in these areas. And to worsen matters, many of the high earthquake risk fault lines - also run along these same coastlines...
  15. Mozi Neidan Scam

    Interesting, what event is that? What signifies that your dantian is "full?" And here is JC's approximate progress timeline, starting at age 10.. And supposedly in MoPai, you need to reach Level 5 to consciously retain your living capabilities and over Level 30 to escape reincarnation.
  16. Exactly. If you truly believe you have transcended good/bad - then if the same thing happens to you later, you wouldn't consider that "bad" karma.. It's really not karma that is judgmental here then - it's still you. Karma is merely a continuation of events.
  17. In a jam, but keeping my cool

    I'd advise some deep "Byron Katie" self-inquiry first. Are his parents perhaps mirroring or aggravating some aspect of you regarding religion that you're uncomfortable with? - For example, do you yourself have some Fundy background that you suffer guilt-trips from? - Do you feel very judged in life - and by who? - Do you harshly judge yourself or others about their religious beliefs, whatever they might be? - Are you as intolerant of their religious beliefs as they are of yours? - Can you love and accept without judging? Especially yourself? - Etc. All the other suggestions here are well-intentioned, but ultimately just various deceptive ways to avoid the truth of the matter whose roots probably lie within yourself. And avoiding this truth will only cause this pattern to keep repeating itself in different scenarios in your life (if it hasn't already). All deception is ultimately self-deception.
  18. master zhou why does he use tinfoil?

    Yup, this stage trick of his has already been debunked repeatedly for years now (try the SEARCH function here, people!). So, I don't know why he keeps brazenly doing it and risk getting really widely exposed and discredited??? Which also then makes qigong in general look bad! He should have taken that cheap stunt out of his repertoire a long time ago and just focused on whatever legitimate (if any) skills he does have. Real masters don't need their own carefully-prepared props.
  19. Mozi Neidan Scam

    Right, most all of those terms are actually defined in the book itself. For example, "generative force" = jing. Once you get used to the lingo, you can understand the text. But the real problem is that the book is mostly a repetitive, loosely-organized Q&A - and not very linearly sequenced. This format could be helpful from the standpoint in that a lot of specific details get covered. But, what it lacks is a simplified overview or outline of the process. Which someone could extract from the book as a useful condensed supplement. I could even do it, if I had the time, but I am in the same time crunch as MPG here. I basically also agree that you can't really make fast progress with a full-time job. Because it seems like you need about 3 hrs daily practice just to maintain (compensate for normal degeneration), 4 to make some progress & 6-8 to really accelerate. Most of the TBs here who were able to practice 6-8 hrs daily for some period (drewhempel, phore, etc) were unemployed at the time. Of course, being broke is not a sustainable lifestyle and will eventually retard your progress after a while too. BTW, if people don't think that they're already supporting a lot of irresponsible slackers on welfare in this need to spend some more time out in the hood.
  20. Mozi Neidan Scam

    Lol, there do seem to be a lot of e-xian re-incarnating here over and a desperate bid to escape their karma.
  21. Interestingly, I just read this passage that echoes this same description: I think the real measure of a Daoist path or individual is how close it gets to the Dao. First, I only read about the Great Mountain. Then, I had the fortune of meeting some travelers who had actually been there and got a few glimpses. Finally, I embarked upon the journey to the Great Mountain myself. Each level of encounter has its place, though. A distant one is good as an introduction for n00bs or those who have little time or desire for more. Something is better than nothing. The closer encounters would be for those with more time and desire.
  22. What is Tao

    Sorry, the "lol" was a natural reaction to your casual preface of, "I tend to believe ancient Taoists and Buddhists misunderstood the idea of Void." Which, no offense, but is like saying, "I tend to believe Jimi Hendrix misunderstood the guitar." Anyhow, there are essentially 2 schools of thought regarding the transcendence of duality. The "oneness" (Vedic) school believes that everything is "subject" (all God or the infinite Self) The other "noneness" (Buddhist) school believes that everything is "object" (Godless with no self). Although, some might argue that perhaps they both could refer to an impersonal, selfless "God." But, I have not experienced nonduality yet and am no expert on Indian philosophy - so I'm sure you could search Vajrahridaya's posts for more elucidation on this subject..
  23. Japan

    A new Waterworld?