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Everything posted by gendao

  1. What is Tao

    The "Dao" is (nondualistic) objective reality without an observer (subject). Now, any description by a subject would thus be subjective (by definition), not objective. Whereas the "Dao" is totally 100% objective, 0% subjective... IOW, there is no observer/subject/self in the "Dao." It is impartial and impersonal. The sound a falling tree makes in a forest with no one ever to hear it.. It is reality without "you," or anyone else, in it. This is the Daoist void. Or from another perspective, the Buddhist emptiness is of "you" - not of reality, per se. This is why objective (nondualistic) states can never be adequately described subjectively (dualistically). Because the very nature of observation is dualistic. Whereas the "Dao" is not. And this is why the "Dao" can also never be found by "you." But only by the absence of "you."
  2. Must See Video: The American Dream

    Wow, even the MSM is finally admitting how the FRB is a banksta mafia cons-piracy enslaving and bankrupting our nation: Of course, this is really just the opening of the rabbit hole...and it goes even much deeper than the FRB & Greenspan..
  3. Mozi Neidan Scam

    Are you able to really understand any of them? It seems like even if you know Chinese, they would still be hard to interpret? For example, look at p14 of this Quanzhen Longmen ritual meditation mijue.
  4. At the simplest level, a Daoist does things in reverse from normal humanity to return to our true Nature. He empties his mind and fills his dantian. He lets go, rather than clings. Does less, yet accomplishes more. All concepts are merely koans, even the term, "Dao." All koans are merely fingers pointing at the moon. The further people are from the moon, the more they rely upon fingerpointing and disagree over it. The closer they are, the more they agree upon their shared direct experience.
  5. Japan

    Yup, Ya Mu & a few folks CALLED IT years ago - but their lone voices are but farts in the hurricane of our mass media. AND HEY, if our Nobel Peace Prize-winning progressive POTUS assures us that our GE uranium reactors/bomb factories are all safe - then shouldn't we believe him? Leftists are all eco-friendly green tree-huggers, right? Entirely different from the corporate right-wingers! A real CHANGE, right?? And if that weren't enough, Obama also appointed GE's CEO, Jeffrey Immelt, as our JOBS CZAR on his President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness!
  6. Japan

    Bingo. "Problem" is: So, good luck getting GE to switch to making thorium reactors!
  7. Must See Video: The American Dream

    Congrats, Red Shield = Rothschild. But the original family name was "Bauer." They are supposedly 1 of the 13 dynastic banking families of the llluminati. And although the public is led to believe otherwise, the largest non-governmental single holder we are indebted to is not China - but the FRB: The Japanese were 2nd...but I guess that's being taken care of now..
  8. The Lower Chakras

    Hmm, very interesting..
  9. Cutting the root of the spirit?

    Cool story. But "shen" translates to spirit and "xin" to mind/heart. So, I doubt BKF would have translated "xin" to spirit.
  10. Co-sign. Efforts like these are really what make this site awesome!!
  11. David Shen Verdesi

    Actually, sounds like he may be ripe for non-duality and liberation from the ultimate illusion - SELF... Ken, that would be AWESOME! I have a lot of let's please do start a separate Longmen Pai thread! Or do you ever just post here?
  12. Video Gaming

    Gaming actually runs counter to true spirituality. True spirituality is about peeling back the illusive layers of the onion to find the true nature of reality - not adding more. It is about engagement and integration - not escapism. So, gaming is just adding yet another VR layer to our societal matrix which is already a huge layer in itself. It's funny that people today cannot even handle this matrix level of VR and must escape into yet another one on top of it! Pragmatically, this is just a huge waste of time for which you could be doing more productive things in the "real world." I don't care what level you get to in some game - it generally doesn't translate to anything outside of it. So congratulations on wasting your life.
  13. Japan

    Ok hmm, maybe there is something to the conspiracy theory... Apparently, Alex Collier predicted that the NW0 would sink part of Japan back in 1995! He says that this is because the 1lluminati don't like them since they would never allow their citizens to get RFID-chipped. In addition, some . Something that NO American politician would EVER dare even openly speculate! Is HAARP the new atom bomb? since they are also resistant to joining their agenda.
  14. Finding a sifu

    My current vague "understanding" is this: You are bequeathed prenatal original jing (xiantian yuan jing) from your parents. This supply is finite and "cannot" be restored or replenished during your lifetime (at least according to popular TCM). Jing conservation thus really refers more specifically to prenatal jing conservation here - because it is such a precious finite resource. Like an unrechargable battery that effectively helps determine your lifespan. Now, the reason why you could conserve prenatal jing is because your body doesn't need to run directly off of it. Instead, it normally runs mostly off postnatal qi (houtian qi). Which can be absorbed from your environment in addition to being converted from prenatal (and then postnatal) jing. So, if you could constantly intake enough postnatal qi from your environment - you theoretically wouldn't have to tap into your prenatal jing battery. But prenatal jing is also converted into postnatal jing during sexual arousal and gets released during ejaculation.. And by forcefully retaining this postnatal jing at this point one risks trapping and stagnating it in your body (creating unhealthy body armor and blockage). Now, I suspect that if your channels were open enough, you might be able to recirculate it naturally. Or, there may be some other safer alternative methods. However, either way - you've still depleted some of your prenatal jing that cannot be recovered. Hence, retention =/= prenatal jing conservation. At best, it might help you retain some postnatal jing which could be better than losing it. But at worst, it could create a stagnant blockage. As opposed to prenatal jing conservation - which would include preventing sexual arousal and the subsequent conversion of prenatal to postnatal jing to begin with... Thus, Taoist longevity methods generally include absorbing more houtian qi while conserving prenatal jing. The general idea here essentially being to run off the universal qi grid rather than your own personal battery in life. But again, this is just my current semi-speculative "understanding" though and I could easily be off..
  15. Japan

    Ya, I personally no idea if that possibility is true or not - but the HAARP hypothesis has been floating around for a few years after the ongoing spate of global earthquakes. So, just thought I'd throw that out there. Of course, it could also simply be caused by "natural" Earth changes. Interestingly though, Edgar Cayce did make this prophecy about Japan: He believed all this would happen by 1998, so is obviously already off on dates.. But otherwise...who knows? Here's some more ancient prophecies for the near future (which may include nuclear war followed by some spiritual savior, world peace & harmony amongst humanity):
  16. Japan

    Hard to say. The Jewish Holocaust bodycount has been repeatedly revised downward from 6-9 million to a few hundred thousand in subsequent years.. By comparison: Of course, in both cases, one must remember that wartime bodycounts are often highly speculative guesstimates and heavily-politicized. So, it's hard for anyone to ever know what the real numbers are.. Now, for the conspiracy buffs out there:
  17. Finding a sifu

    That's a very good start and practice.. (Assuming you are practicing jing conservation and not forceful retention.)
  18. I believe this is referred to as "leaving the square (society)." Look, the typical mainstream American guy focuses on sports & beer (see SI, MAXIM magazines). The typical mainstream American girl focuses on fashion and TV/movies (see PEOPLE, COSMO magazines). Very few are interested in any type of non-materialistic esotericism or personal self-inquiry.
  19. Quick Kunlun question

    Not everyone will necessarily feel joy or bliss. What gets released, depends on what's been bottled up inside you. Also, only about half of each workshop opened up during each workshop. These tended to be females and those with prior qigong experience. Males and those with more blockages tended to take longer. It could even easily take someone weeks or months... Of course, most n00bs will find any form of meditation to be mentally boring and physically strenuous to begin with. Nobody said this was easy. But you think Kunlun 1 is bad...try sitting still in half-lotus or
  20. Enlightenment Experiences Poll

    Actually, I doubt many people here have even experienced Kensho, much less Satori... I think the number of people who have experienced nonduality - the first step of Enlightenment, is very, verrryyyy small...
  21. Antioxidants

    In addition to all the currently well-known antioxidants, here's a few "new" ones being currently researched: Astaxanthin may be the most powerful carotenoid antioxidant, particularly for the eyes.. You can get it from pinkish-reddish-colored ogranisms, particularly algae. Glutathione is another super-antioxidant that is naturally-produced in the human body. It can be boosted by taking precursors like cysteine or NAC (the stable form of the amino acid cysteine).
  22. ^ Man, I love his explanation of the 3 Treasures: