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Everything posted by gendao

  1. I believe we each have a unique defining struggle in our lives to resolve. They usually always have to do with some form of low self-esteem. Experiencing and releasing this underlying sense of inadequacy is our personal life purpose. We were purposefully placed in situations perfectly-arranged by "karmic," astrological, biological, etc forces to force us to confront such issues. And we will only find true peace and happiness if we manage to resolve them. Our lives are guided by our "superconcious" and our personal actions driven by our "subconscious." But the part we are most aware of, define as "us" and pretend is in control with "free will" - our conscious selves - are ironically the most illusory and least influential in our lives. All it really does is attempt to rationalize what is really controlled by the other The root of your suffering is the root of your ignorance. Find and pull that and you will relieve both. You actually have great questions here - if you keep following them back deeper and deeper down to their root. This is the time-honored method of self-inquiry. Just keep asking...and the deeper down the rabbit hole you will go! You are here to work out certain issues. If you were clear of them, you wouldn't have incarnated here to begin with. And you will keep coming back until you can resolve them. Suicide is not an escape - but merely a replay button. Buddhism is a way to help you to TRULY resolve your ignorance and thus really stop having to keep coming back for remedial classes. Do not accept life nor reject life. For either act is clinging to a temporal condition that will only lead to more suffering...
  2. The beginning stage is probably the hardest part.. N00bs are often blocked, have little energy and aren't very sensitive. Therefore, it may be a while before they feel anything... As these aspects all improve - they will slowly feel more. But, it's sort of a Catch-22 like getting your first job. You need experience to get your first job, yet how do you get experience before you get your first job? Yet, people eventually all still get jobs somehow!
  3. Repression vs Control

    I used to be confused at how to handle "negative" emotions.. If you just let them out, wouldn't you (as well as others) suffer some damage from such outbursts? Yet, you definitely didn't want to suppress them, either!!! And attempting to control them still seems to lead to either one of these routes eventually... So, what was the answer? I now believe that the real answer is resolving the specific core issues causing such "negative" emotions (through self-inquiry or other therapy). Then, the negative emotions won't be generated anymore IN THE FIRST PLACE. And THAT is the real key here! You have to cut them all off before the pass! And in my personal trials with this so far, it has been working! So, work on the underlying ISSUES, not the symptomatic EMOTIONS!
  4. Right, but that's not what you were saying at the beginning of this thread... Lol, that's great then. See, you're not as bad off as you thought! Some might even say that's the "true measure" of a man, lol.. My simple point though was that a "sexually yin" male would be more sexually-weak or deficient in some way...not necessarily gay. By the same token - not all lesbians are butch. Some are feminine "lipstick" lesbians too.
  5. Lol no offense, but it sounds like you may be a bit confused... I'm sure you're not really gay - as liking HUGE b00bs proves it!!! But, female >>> male??? "Yin"/"feminine" men = gay = chick magnets??? This entire post just shows how deeply-ingrained misandrism, male self-hate & gender confusion have become today. Just imagine if you had reversed all the genders in your that would be received here?? But more importantly, your equations are simply misleading & inaccurate. You know, gay men range from effeminate to "normal" to macho. So, it is inaccurate to equate gayness with femininity. And, women only want to BEFRIEND (not f***) them anyway...just like nice, non-threatening & "asexual" "yin" guys. Friendzone =/= f***zone, buddy! If you were truly sexually "yin," then you would suffer from low sex drive, low virility and be poorly-endowed/performing with sexual dysfunction. Yang = big & hard while yin = small & soft. This would apply to both gay or straight men. So, the actual reality today is that everyone (both men & women alike) is competing to see who is the yangest and trying to out-yang each other. And, if you can't out-yang a female - then she will have zero respect for you. (The same goes without saying for men..) To the yangest goes the spoils... Yangness is the raw currency of sex now for men. Sure, this may or may not always change in the future...but that's how it is for NOW.
  6. Well, you can't really keep a woman loyal. They are only loyal to themselves - and their own changing needs. If you happen to be the best for them that they can get at the time, then they will be loyal to "you" (but in reality, themselves). They are always looking to trade up though, so again this "loyalty" is an illusion. As are any "quick fix" games you might try to maintain that. Self-Made Man: One Woman's Journey into Manhood and Back Again You might find this book interesting. It was written by a lesbian who lived in drag for over a year to examine what life as a man is really like now (aside from all the usual feminist stereotypes). So, this is really a very unique perspective - from someone who essentially passed as a "yin" male, but with the actual background experience of life as a woman for comparative insight. And what she found really shocked her.. She found men to be far more sensitive and accepting than she had imagined. And as for dating women...just as you say:
  7. I said SEXUAL society - Non's specific focus in his rants here. The examples you cite are all of "yin nerds" who "overachieved" arguably in attempts to compensate for their "yin nerdiness." But cool yang males don't have to do that - because they don't need to. They naturally get respect from their male peers and plenty of willing groupies without having to "achieve" much otherwise. Simply due to their more masculine physiology. Hence, an unemployed masculine stud will still get 10X more women than Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg ever does... I think your worldview is a materialistic one - where cash is king and the ultimate measure of your self-worth. But, financial and sexual sectors are 2 different circles with vastly different criteria and pecking orders... And although they may have had far more intersection in the past - they have increasingly diverged within the past few decades with the rise of feminism. Simply put - women now have more choice to outsource their sexual and financial needs separately now.
  8. I agree that our core struggles are usually self-esteem issues. And until we resolve these issues, we will be enslaved and driven by them like puppets... This all ties in with Byron Katie's method of self-inquiry.. I'm curious what Caroline's method is, though? Essentially, what are these "special guided exercises for cultivating healthy, vibrant self-esteem?" If they're not meditation or psychological self-inquiry? I think Non is struggling with some legitimate issues, though. "Yin" men do occupy the lowest rung in sexual society - both mocked by men and rejected by women. Women would generally prefer a "bad" yang man to a "good" yin man. So, sounds like his defining struggle in life may relate to how to resolve this (or a deeper underlying) issue... It's probably no coincidence why he was born like this. He is in fact brutally confronting the very issue he was supposed to face in this life. Denying any of this would only be counterproductive. The real question then is what is the resolution?? But first, I think the problem has to be truly reduced down to its very root and clearly solve it. This requires a lot of progressive inquiry. What is it he really seeks? If he could remain as "yin" as he is - yet somehow enjoy tons of sexual female validation - would he be happy? If he could become much more masculine - regardless of if he attracted more women or not - would he be happy? If women started preferring "good" or "yin" males - would he be happy? Is he upset because "good" men get punished and "bad" men rewarded in our post-counterculture society now, moreso than ever? Is he upset that women are just as "bad," if not worse, than most men now? Does he subconsciously feel like he deserves to be punished for being good? Etc... Forgetting about external validation for a's important to nail down EXACTLY what the underlying INTERNAL issue within us is here - in order to fully resolve it. Non's issues cover a lot of ground with the "ugly" intersection of life, morality & sex - but I don't think have been precisely pinpointed down to a singularity on this forum here yet. And until THAT happens - I don't see an effective solution.
  9. So, what if we are not good people?

    ^ Well, I didn't say Tao = heart. I was just making a similar comparison for comparison's sake. Although, the "heartspace" is not really about morality (a mental conceptual framework), anyways...
  10. So, what if we are not good people?

    Well, if you have to ask if you've found and are following your true nature...then you haven't. This is similar to the New Agey advice to just "follow your heart." Sounds great...but how do you actually do that?? The catch to these is unblocking your connection to these aspects first...which is a whole task in itself. So, you can't just simply follow these tenets off the bat.
  11. I've taken an intro workshop in 1 & Ya Mu's portion of 3. Without going into detail, I'd say the 2 share the same basic framework and are extremely compatible (at least at the lower levels). I've also heard that Yan Xin emitted a ridiculously powerful qi field that would often cause miraculous instant healings. Of course, one person healed during these seminars was the now famous qigong master Chunyi Lin who even studied with Yan Xin’s teacher.. I've also heard good things about Lin's own Spring Forest Qigong...but unfortunately have not had time to personally test-drive it out yet.. But, I'd like to learn more about Yan Xin qigong...although one excerpt about one of his forms (9 breath?) I heard sounded like a very odd technique that did not resemble 1 or 3 in the slightest. So, I'm not sure what framework or theories it is based off of? I am mainly just impressed by it due to the legendary rep of Yan Xin himself. I dabbled around with Zhineng's off-shoot - Chi-Lel qigong a while back when I was much more closed. Was a moving form that didn't do much for me - but that could have been because of how closed I was at the time.? Haven't ever tried Tianshan qigong yet... Anyhow, from what little I know so far, I'm guessing that 1-3 are the most powerful here...especially for neidan or healing. Except, what about MoPai though?
  12. I agree, bliss was used as one of the more attractive selling points to lure in more seekers. (Nothing wrong with that, btw.) Awareness simply is not as appealing to the masses. But bliss is not actually one of the goals of Kunlun. In fact, many ended up experiencing more detoxing and emotional purging than bliss, lol... I think Max did a good job of kickstarting a shytload of people on the path who otherwise might not have ever reached that tipping point on their own. And whether they just stuck with Kunlun or explored other routes after - I'm guessing most probably integrated more traditional teachings in their practice eventually regardless.. All good points, btw. And I've actually always enjoyed your voice of sobriety and tireless dedication to keeping it real in here. Thumbs up, buddy!
  13. Well, Max essentially said that you could do Kunlun 1 to TV or music (using Mongolian music in his workshops) as "training wheels" to distract your mind and get you out of your head. I don't know about TV, but the music actually worked well for most participants (many of whom were meditative n00bs).. Of course, I think the next level is dispensing of the crutches and just dropping out of your mind on your own...instead of merely distracting it. I think as you progressed in the system, you would go deeper into stillness and quietude. Level 3 Kunlun is all done while sitting in full-lotus. All my own personal practice now (including Kunlun) is done in complete Zen-like stillness and silence and I barely have any reactions anymore..
  14. Love and Relationships

    Yea believe it or not, that is what Enlightened people say too.. And the deeper you go down the rabbit hole...the more you realize just what a big f'n VR video game life simply is. But all we generally see is the very surface - not the actual coding running the show...
  15. Just to play DA, Kan already had like 20 years of various other qigong and spiritual experience under his belt. So, it's not like his final attainments here just happened overnight or were solely due to Kunlun. There were many other variables in his development. I've also heard of the few other students claiming some partial dematerialization experiences...but I think these are hard to confirm and I haven't heard of any others lately since.. Meanwhile, there's also some older students who have practiced Kunlun since the 90s who have NOT attained enlightenment or GDB/GPB I think it's still premature to judge the efficacy of this process until we get more results in. All that's proven to me about Kunlun so far is that it can certainly induce some very powerful purging and awakening experiences early on...and may possibly eventually lead to some sort of dimensional shifting/dematerialization ability. So, it does do something...but as far as what all exactly and how fast - I think is still rather inconclusive..
  16. Well, until you reach enlightenment using "yigong" (or know of many others who have), then you really can't compare its speed with other methods. Kriyas are generally just the initial phase of clearing out gross blockages. So, you've likely still got a ways to go... I'm not saying that it is fast or slow...I'm just saying that I haven't really seen proof of either, yet..
  17. 9 Palaces Birth Numbers Form

    Interesting. In the Yijin Jing (more external), you keep focused up on your belly. In the Xisui Jing (more internal), you keep focused lower in your dantian. And what is the "ren ying" and "mi ying?"
  18. Thank you. Chinese culture unfortunately tends to be very conflict-avoidant, so people will keep tiptoeing around the elephant in the middle of the room until it's been completely trashed. Clearly though, this situation is long overdue for some direct 3rd-party intervention. It's like someone just dropped a stinkbomb in the room, and everyone is red in the face quietly wincing. Well, time to quit holding your breaths and crack a f'n window open & clear the air already!! So IMO here, this whole psychodrama ultimately has little to do with accounting fees, "stealing pens" or even Longmen Pai...and will thus not really be solved on this level of petty quarrel. It's really just another classic case of peoples' personal issues being played out in their lives at large. Which will also keep repeating themselves over and over like bad reruns until they finally resolve them. That is the only real solution here. Your world is merely your mirror. So, if you have poor relations with your friends, colleagues, partners or family - then you got issues (being reflected and Freudian-projected outward). An emotionally-cleared person should have very healthy relationships with all their close peers. If not, then you're probably due for some internal auditing.. Getting past this blockage thus requires a lot of self-inquiry and self-reflection. And although this might seem like a distraction from training...this IS actually a real part of any genuine spiritual cultivation! (It took me the past 2 frustrating years to slowly realize this, lol.) You must master humanity before you can strive for immortality! And, defining YOUR defining struggle in life...and successfully resolving it...will actually put you on the doorstep to Enlightenment. Because much of our "houtian identities" are based upon our core issues. So, as you release your core are releasing core aspects of your illusive selves.. And when you eventually remove every shell off a Russian egg - what is left? So, when someone sounds like a broken record because they are painfully struggling with the same issue or pattern over and over again...they are actually getting close to identifying the "root of their ignorance." And cutting it off. So, this is actually a good sign of progress - like the storm before the calm. The key here though is to dive INTO the eye of the storm to find calm - not keep perpetually spinning around its edges... To escape that trap, you must delve IN, not OUT of it! THE WAY OUT IS THE WAY IN. Didn't mean to beat a dead horse here - but Master Wang has already had an unsavory experience with another foreigner who was charging his students 24,000 euros merely to "introduce" them to him. Although he has been very gracious in this unprecedented global outreach program to teach foreigners - I'm afraid that another sour experience like this could cause Master Wang to stop bothering before it even had much of a chance to take root abroad. I think this would be a horrible loss to all of us - and we really can't afford to screw this up! So, I urge us all to diligently work through our own issues and bring our best selves to the communal Longmen Pai table. There's just too much at stake for everyone here. Let's keep it real but play nice, everybody. Thanks for everybody's contributions thus far. /\
  19. Taoist Problem Solving Methods

    Intuition is foresight, logic is hindsight. Logic helps you to analyze what you first see with intuition. Einstein himself did not use logic for inspiration to make discoveries. He also used intuition, which he allegedly tapped into with this method: That's a crude method, but there are many others as well...
  20. Firemen are usually non-intellectual, blue-collar, well-built guys. Many of them are amateur bodybuilders. Firefighting sounds like a very exciting, high-risk profession (although the vast majority of their time is just spent diddling around the firehouse). So, we can see that the key factors to sexual attractiveness here to women are simply physical appeal and danger. Brawn >>>> brains.. Very biological and nothing mystical.. Notice, by contrast, that no female here excitedly piped up before that "spiritual guys are hot!" or "vegetarian yogis are hot!" Why? Because they're NOT considered hot - even to the small minority of spiritual women here... Whereas, the only posters here who argue that spiritual guys ARE considered "hot" by women...are spiritual guys, lmao! But if so, then where's all the hot young groupies trolling these boards for such so-called "hot" spiritual guys? Oh yea, they don't exist! The active m/f ratio here is roughly 30/1 (very far from the 1/4 claimed earlier)!
  21. But love can only be given, not taken. And that is one thing that your ego can never control. So, egoic control is not the answer here - but will merely continually worsen her problem.. (Btw, I am psychoanalyzing and openly speculating about whoever is making these accusations, not her target, lol.. Although this is supposed to be a thread about Master Wang's has obviously become merely a proxy for someone else's own internal struggle. This appears to be a classic case of Freudian projection that Byron Katie self-inquiry could definitely help resolve. Lots of meat to work with A great opportunity for self-growth, in fact. As there can be no peace with others, until there is peace within yourself! ) So, I hope we can all resolve our own issues here and become a functional, loving family. We all have much to contribute together, instead of against one another. BTW, if you have something against Chinese food or teachers with very poor English - then you probably shouldn't go see Master Wang in China, lol. To me, fluent Chinese or bilingualism is far more important in a Taoist teacher - since all the source material is in Chinese. I (and probably many other students from non-Anglo countries like Russia) could thus care less about 100% grammatically-correct English.. Seriously, who gives a f***?
  22. "We Are All Already Enlightened"

    Realizing that "you" don't exist is termed Enlightenment. But whether "you" realize it or not..."we" don't really exist, regardless. So in truth, there is never anyone to realize this to begin with - and really no one to ever "become" Enlightened. Technically, "you" cannot become Enlightened, as there technically is no "you." The biggest confusion in these Advaitan (nondual) sayings are the varying meanings of "you"...a concept that no longer even exists in nonduality.
  23. Excellent philosophical analysis, my friend! The very fact that Non's posts strike such a deep chord of fundamental unease within so many people here indicates that some far deeper issues are at play rather than merely female biological sexual attraction. So, while most would here would like to simply sweep all this under the a philosopher or psychoanalyst - this is the equvialent to getting a BIG, tugging bite on your fishing line! Far from letting this go...this may be a huge trophy catch that they really want to reel in and land! What it comes down to then is the possibility that our human bodies are all merely robots preprogrammed for survival in this 3D realm. Attraction, sex & "love" are merely evo psych & game theory means to this end and ultimately nothing more than that. PUA and ongoing scientific studies have both proven the general validity of this. So, our whole existence here is equivalent to an elaborate VR video game. Ultimately, this possibility is what deeply disturbs both Non and all his fervent detractors. Everyone here wants to believe that our lives on Earth are so noble, meaningful and more than just a global game of Survivor. That it's all so REAL...(and not scripted). However, contemporary enlightened people (Jed McKenna's, Steven Norquist's, Tony Parsons's, etc) actually essentially argue otherwise...that our very "selves" and "free will" are all illusive and that "love" (parental pair-bonding) is merely a clinging based upon all these "illusions." That life on Earth is the ultimate Game (which is also the title of the PUA "Bible," btw). And anything you experience in the flesh here is ultimately about as real as a dream...
  24. But if it was truly just supply & demand based upon the numbers game...and these scenes have a vast surplus of women (essentially a "harem")...then shouldn't it be the spiritual women who are getting less sex...and the spiritual men who are getting more??? If there are 4 girls for every 1 guy? So if things were simply based off the numbers - spiritual guys should be having 4X more sex than spiritual girls, right??? Yet not only do we not even see sexual parity here - but actually the reverse! Spiritual men are getting undersexed...despite being in lopsided environments (allegedly) teeming with 80% women!!! This shows that statistically, they are actually performing farrrr below average. Their female colleagues are sexually avoiding them like the plague in these communities.. Seriously, how can girls be having more sex than guys in groups that are 4/1 f/m??? So apparently, spiritual girls must simply be choosing to have loads of sex with...non-spiritual guys - whom they find cavemanlier and therefore, sexier. Or are there any women's romance novels about spiritual vegetarian men? Has anyone seen one with the Dalai Lama, Ken Wilber or Thich Nhat Hanh on the cover yet??