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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Questions and Answers about Kundalini II

    Can it really be this bad? What kind of physical problems are we talking about here? Chronic health problems or pain? Serious health conditions? Stuff that takes 17 years to resolve? Is this all detoxing or what? And why did it wreck your life? Just due to the physical problems? Or also, as aforementioned, due to various life mishaps and "bad luck?" How exactly is it so dramatically life-changing?
  2. Avoiding re-incarnation

    New Age rhetoric tends to be very vague, theoretical and ideological. Much of it falls under the category of "spi-fi" and mental masturb@tion. Whereas Old School teachings tend to be very experiential, concrete & precise. Various states and levels have already been very accurately and concisely mapped out in some of these traditions.
  3. Women's health, women wisdom

    Women do tend to open up and work with energy easier because they are naturally yin and more in touch with their feelings. And also, they are not constantly ejaculating their jing They tend to have more difficulty focusing from multitasking and attaining mental emptiness due to more A.D.D., though.
  4. Questions and Answers about Kundalini II

    When people talk about "kundalini syndrome," what all exactly does this encompass? Obviously, it can cause some bizarre health conditions - like scorching fevers and lots of other "tapas" as problems detox to the surface. But does it also include life mishaps and "bad luck?" Is this stuff also a typical part of the process as well? Is it like karma releasing or something?
  5. OBE

    Exactly. Most people in the hood are essentially "hungry ghosts" all chasing instant self-gratification - in the form of sex, drugs, bling, etc. And they will pursue all these things with cold-blooded, ruthless abandon. They don't care about their own well-being, much less yours.. We both know this because we've both actually lived in or near hoods for significant portions of our lives. Or you can always talk to someone who has actually grown up in one - and hear some of the most depraved stories that will melt your ears off... But any sheltered yuppie liberal barricaded in his suburban fortress who truly believes that ghettos are "bastions of compassion" should put their money where their mouth is and "reverse White Flight" into one! What's stopping them? Shouldn't that be their ideal place to live? Cheap rent and overflowing with compassion? Perhaps the ideal Taoist village, even! BTW, I am not saying that there are no compassionate people in the hood. I am objecting to the ludicrous hyperbole that they are the most compassionate locales in society (when the truth is far more the opposite). Sadly, that statement actually represents the raw ignorance and stubborn denialism that also runs rampant in the hood. Sorry folks - as the DDJ says: Truthful words are not beautiful; Beautiful words are not truthful. To be a true Taoist is to be honest, not beautiful... For only from truth can real solutions grow.
  6. OBE

    Lol, really??? Hey, maybe these guys can give the Dalai Lama some tips! I just love liberal mythology 101!
  7. Questions and Answers about Kundalini II

    Yes, they do. The difference is that they open the microcosmic orbit first...and then the chong mai (sushumna). I think this order serves as a better safety mechanism.
  8. The coming economic crisis

    Lol, you mean some cartoonish imaginary strawman named "vortexxx" who is in favor of unbridled population growth? A self-indulgent Baby Boomer finally comes clean & fesses up: Of course, this is all cheap lip service that won't actually be acted upon...but at least he is willing to admit it! Real change won't come until the Baby Boomers leave office and die off and get replaced by the next few generations.. Old dogs just don't learn new tricks.
  9. Increasing Jing

    Right - but that's why there would be energy loss in casual sex for men. This energy would normally be going to supply a potential baby with prenatal jing. But, in recreational sex nowadays using birth control where the point is NOT to make babies - this energy is instead lost and "wasted" (at least from the man) since it has nowhere to go (except perhaps the woman). This is probably why most Old World religions taught that sex was intended more for procreation, not recreation. It may have started out as a pragmatic, not moral, guideline.
  10. So, is anyone going to this? It's 2 days from now... If so, please leave us with some feedback!
  11. Well, it was rhetorical in a sense - more using hypotheticals to make a general point. (I was going to add that you've probably redeemed the value you've received from the handouts and your buddy might not have come as an adult - but I didn't want to write a novel here and the point really wasn't to get personal.) But interestingly, I think you, me, your friend & the native Norwegians here all agree that Socialism can be very unfair, divisive and unsustainable as it encourages parasites to feed on hosts. Hey, I agree with all your points - and applaud you for actually being able to carry them out to fruition! Americans are so deluded and brainwashed now that you're right - this country is pretty much a lost cause at this point. That's why I forsee more and more Americans "White Flighting" out of here in the coming decades... My main point is how the same liberals who constantly accuse others of being "racist" or intolerant - are also the first ones to "White Flight" out of an area when their own "diversity welfare" policies start attracting too many parasites. Whereas others are simply trying to keep their areas from becoming run down further like that (see Detroit). It's really only common sense to want to avoid crime-ridden ghettos - but liberals just seem to be much more guilt-ridden, naive & hypocritical about it. Ignorance may be blissful - but after you've lived on this rock for a few decades - that becomes a luxury only people living in sheltered bubbles may still enjoy. I've lived next to ghettos myself for many years now and would definitely not want to raise a family around here. Many of these people behave like lazy, sex & drug-crazed, violent animals, to be blunt. Although liberals may portray them all as heroic victims of "racism" or intolerance - they are generally at most victims of themselves. About the only plus is slightly cheaper housing prices.. Norway sounds much nicer...except for the exorbitant cost of living and ice! Anyhow, I always enjoy people who are not afraid to bluntly speak their minds - so have definitely enjoyed this exchange with you too! It's all about opening our throat chakras, right?!
  12. E&DO and The Self

    Is the Awareness ("a formless, all-pervading consciousness") the essence of this body, though? Does not everything originate from this Awareness...and it not originate from anything else? Is independent origination basically saying that as you peel the eventually get down to this core Awareness? Whereas dependent origination says that no matter how much you keep peeling, you will never get down to a core? Because there is none? Just an endless stack of skins? But if the Awareness is not the core - then what is it dependent upon?
  13. Increasing Jing

    Well, except the traditional theories state that a man loses postnatal JING when he ejacs...not just qi. So if he doesn't ejac, he may not be losing jing...but is he still losing qi? This area is not clear. And does he really absorb a woman's jing? Or only if she comes? Well, an endorsement from Trunk means something. So, do you wear this c0ckshocker around 24-7? Does it feel tingly like an electric current is constantly shooting through? How does it work? Sort of like those old electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) pads? I don't really have a desire to get one, but I am more curious now..
  14. Increasing Jing

    Interesting - so this hypothesis would propose that BOTH men & women lose jing through orgasm/ejaculation. However, since women don't orgasm as regularly as men during sex - then it is usually only men who lose their jing. In order to "break even," the man would have to make the woman orgasm while he does too. And to come out "ahead," he would have to make her orgasm while he is inside her, but doesn't himself. But wouldn't both then exchange qi in the encounter, regardless? Hmmm...who knows...all speculation here... I'm just going to refrain as much as I can for now.
  15. Master Wang LIping's seminar in SC

    You can sign me up! BTW, to address an earlier question - anyone who has actually attended a workshop would know that WLP does not speak English. Therefore, even if he somehow hypothetically had the time to surf the internet all day reading various forums - he wouldn't be able to read any of the English ones. DUH??? Anyhow, more knowledge is always great - but I think it takes at least a year or 2 just to become proficient at the fundamentals. Which are "simple," but not easy. For example, "A" students can sit in full lotus for an hour or 2. But reading a bunch of "secret scrolls" isn't going to get you into full lotus. Or allow you to easily disengage your observed mind and clear your heart of passions. That simply takes a lottt of stretching & practice over a long period of time on your own. Knowledge can be taught...but skill must be practiced. And you need both equally to get very far - like 2 pedals on a bike. Now, if you are already an advanced adept - then by all means seek the knowledge you need to get to the next step. Mileage here varies with each individual. Unfortunately, I myself still need more skill than knowledge at this point...
  16. E&DO and The Self

    But, is it possible for the universe to all be one "Big Body"...yet empty and dependently-originated at the same time? Isn't the "Big Body" theory that of independent origination? What about the Awareness?
  17. One thing that always concerned me is if all their materials are often given out freely...where does all their funding come from? I'd like to see their exact money trail? Is it all just donations - even though they don't ask for any? Also, what is Li Hongzhi up to now? Is he still in NY? What is he doing???
  18. Your Health-Your Sanity in the Age of Treason

    Yup, great points! Funny when I say it though - I get attacked as a misogynist, a-hole or tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist (because that is how the media matrix trains sheeple to discredit us). Yet, when some dead old White author says the same thing - he's heralded as a prescient genius. The truth is the truth though. I can feel the "pulse" of society - and simply say what I feel. But that alone, in our media-controlled mass hypnosis today - makes me a "revolutionary." AA - David Wolfe claims that you can counteract EMF smog by grounding yourself. He has many YouTube videos on this... Funny because Americans are now calling a "revolution" what Chinese have been doing in their homes forever!
  19. Yet, you both freely chose to immigrate to Norway as adults. You could have moved anywhere in the world. Why not Somalia? Why not elsewhere in Africa or an Islamic country - if that's what you truly love? Yet, you chose to raise your family in a wealthy, Nordic society with no Black ghettos or a vast Muslim population precisely because you love it! That's why you 2 are best friends now. You are both benefitting from Norwegian Socialism in the same manner. And why the brødskivers may resent you both. It doesn't make either of you better than them - because you are on opposite sides of certain financial transactions - it is only natural for the forced benefactors to resent the pre-designated beneficiaries. Forced wealth redistribution is what makes Socialism ultimately divisive & self-destructive. And remember, when we get overemotional about an issue, we are usually Freudian-projecting it upon others...(see Byron Katie) This does not mean your criticisms have (or haven't) no merit - just that things resonate most strongly when they exist within ourselves as well. Because if you truly believed in your own "convictions" here - you'd be writing from Somalia right now...NOT Norway! Yes, it's all-too-easy to preach about how "multiculti" you are...when you are shouting from an ivory tower in a wealthy White gated country! Women who sleep with the "enemy" during wartime are commonly regarded as "traitors" in the worst way. Although it is quite common because women are always the first to jump ship to side with the winner, lol!!!
  20. Non-Genital Centered Sexuality

    Hmm, very interesting discovery - do you have a source for this? Is that from TCM or somewhere else? I have a feeling that I am now starting to deal with issues stored in my upper chest (heart, lungs, upper back) & neck/throat/mouth/back of head areas...
  21. Ahh, trouble in Socialist paradise? Say it isn't so! Well, instead of simply stopping the buck at each point-of-sale...once you decide to "compassionately" keep passing it around like a ultimately ends up getting evenly-distributed amongst the taxpayers in the end. Why else would the legal fees for starting a business be an astounding $10K? Obviously, they must have been shifting the costs for all of their social services (like "free" qigong classes) onto entrepreneurs. Which now only makes the situation worse because now no one (unless you're a foreigner?) can afford to start up any new businesses to actually create more wealth (instead of just circle-jerking it around)... It seems this liberal ethos has totally infected the Western hemisphere and that's the real reason why they are getting reality-checked by Asians now who are still relying upon good old-fashioned smart & hard ("slave labor" lmao) work. Rather than various New Age "Law Of Attraction," corporate bailouts for those "too big to fail," welfare for those "too failing to fail," "spending our way out of debt" and other "progressive" positive-thinking (but never actually DOING) ways to "harmonic wealth" BS...peddled by media-saavy magic genies promising instant gratification (for just a few $5000 seminars!).
  22. My spiritual journey

    Wow, awesome story man! You sound like a real prodigy who has been extremely fast-tracked in neidan! With an incredible work ethic too.. I'm jealous! I'd like to know where these 26 "Energy Locks" are and if they are on traditional acupoints? Purification from opening is a real b*tch, btw!
  23. alien religions?

    I'm not saying that Bernard Perona is credible (he actually sounds like another questionable New Age huckster)...but he does talk about Egyptian giants (p 120) and also Egyptians with the elongated skulls (p 136)..
  24. Great points! That is how the US SHOULD be if it were run properly (wisely & realistically). Unfortunately, you're right - it's pretty much a lost cause here now. This place is headed into becoming the next Brazil due to decades of liberal & neocon Baby Boomer policies that squandered our wealth waging hegemonic wars and rewarding failure at home. But they don't care, because they will be dead (or have fled the country) just as the government coffers run dry. It is the next generations who will then have to pay the full price for all their sinful excesses: