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Everything posted by gendao

  1. New Age Bullies

    Julia Ingram herself is a PAST-LIFE regression hypnotherapist, so is probably speaking from her own past experience, lol. But I do agree in general that many New Agers tend to oversimplify and overhype things...while promising instant gratification with little effort. And I also agree that many of them just start spouting cliched New Age rhetoric, instead of genuinely investigating what is specifically going on in your case. I got some "readings" from some "New Agers" a few months ago and that's basically what they gave me.
  2. David Verdesi

    Lol, you mean like cultural biases against exploitative business practices? Wow, what a rebel! I read one anecdotal story before about this - but is there any additional "proof" (from an independent source) that he has attained MoPai level 4?
  3. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    Oh, my bad.. So, isn't that enough for citizenship then? Or no?
  4. David Verdesi

    True. And you can see both at 4:41 here. According to this site, Jiang Feng is currently 44 and studied under Shaolin master Xuankong.
  5. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    But that's his girlfriend, not his wife... So, now what? And I don't think immigration officials will be interested in discussing "nuances" when it comes to clearly-written laws. But good luck, Vaj! One day, it will be much easier to get into this country...than OUT.
  6. The coming economic crisis

    I think only you? Everyone else thinks China has 1.3 billion today...
  7. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    Unfortunately for Vaj, due to Canada's colleftivist lean...they must strictly control whom they allow in in order not to quickly bankrupt their Socialistish system. And poor, unemployed people with no ready job prospects are PRECISELY the type of people they refuse granting citizenship to... So, good luck with that, Vaj! Funny how US liberals here kept screaming to have us model Canada's collectivist healthcare system...yet NOT their super-strict immigration policy! Although the former canNOT work without the latter!
  8. SHAKING by Bradford Keeney

    Is that unhealthy, though? Can't too much fire burn out your system and cause organ degeneration - leading to premature aging & a reduced lifespan?
  9. The plan was simply to destroy our water - and then seize greater control in the aftermath. Based upon the 5 element cycle, Fire was used to create/overheat the Earth (oil) - which destroys Water. In addition, Fire itself also "insults" Water too... Basically, Fire & Earth were both used to attack Water. And once the water is destroyed - it will require & consume TONS of Metal (gold/money) to replenish it. --- SKIP ADDITIONAL POLITICAL COMMENTARY BELOW --- This will require far higher deficit borrowing from global bankers and plunge this country even deeper into a highly-taxed Socialist state - eventually all to be forfeited to these bankers we owe. Check...
  10. Hello from North Georgia

    I agree. Unfortunately, a large % of Americans are still mass-hypnotized and in stubborn denial. Including the same majority that fell for Obama...then Pelosicare...and now still refuse to recognize Obama as part of the BP "Gulf Kill" plan. So sad that that gorgeous part of the US is now completely contaminated and you had to move... And what are Clif's reports? Link please? I've also been hearing a lot from UFO encounterees lately too. What do you think the purpose of their visits to you were and why were you chosen?
  11. Books!

    Woaa, I see this same swirly iridescent spot in front of me like...whenever I want to. WTH is it??? Been wondering that for a while now... I tried DLing the file, but the DL expires as soon as the waiting period is over...
  12. How to overcome sugar cravings

    Try some EFT? "Even though I want to eat sugar...I completely and deeply accept myself/I choose to relax now." EFT gave 75% of people an improvement in their vision...
  13. Qi is NOT Energy

    You can see why opening the chong mai has such powerful effects. By doing so, you access your primal, ancestral yuan qi (as opposed to just "ordinary" postnatal qi in your main 12 meridians).
  14. Getting to full lotus

    I think that would accomplish about the same thing as the WASFB - except you won't also be working your splits too. It will also stretch your hamstrings as well as increase the rotational range of your hips. But the splits are optional because they don't really help your full lotus anyways. I just do them because I want to open my kua more in general. And yes, these stretches HAVE helped me a lot! I started nearly a year ago with a very tight half-lotus and a bent back. My half-lotus is now far more comfortable with a straight back and I just test drove a pretty comfortable full lotus yesterday for an easy 10 minutes. My current goal is to be able to meditate fairly comfortably in full lotus for an hour - so, hopefully I'll be able to reach that in a few months.. (I am purposely taking my time, not forcing it and making sure my knees are not strained.)
  15. Getting to full lotus

    Here's a great vid of a gymnastics chick doing a full T-stretch. Notice how she lays down pretty much entirely flat on the floor while in the full splits - forming a perfect 'T'. So, this is probably one of the best ones I've seen yet - although for full-lotus training you'd want to rotate your toes back as far as you can too.
  16. Download Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality!

    Very nice copy, thanks! Looks like an old one - when it was only 2.95... Main problem though is that it is apparently not searchable! Which would have been the primary advantage of a softcopy!
  17. Download Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality!

    "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" (DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK!) Awesome! But could someone who already has DL'd this please UL it to badongo or MediaFire? Cuz I got a Html/KillWin.Q quarantine warning when I tried to DL it from there..
  18. My Dantien is < 2% full

    A lot of "John Chang's" students have gotten injured even with his guidance (although they may not have followed all his instructions). Many Old School teachers take the karmic responsibility for whatever happens to the students they teach. Hence, they are often reluctant and very selective in who they teach. I think this is more true with the more potentially dangerous methods.
  19. TaoBum Love

    Why thank you - and likewise! I also always particularly enjoy posts by drewhempel, Vajrahridaya, Trunk & dao zhen! And of course, many, many more here too...
  20. My Dantien is < 2% full

    It takes 81 hours of real meditation. Which most people actually achieve for only a small % of the time that they are attempting meditation. Therefore, this can take 1-5 years if you practice several hours per day. Or 10 years if you practice only 1 hr/day. Keep in mind that you should ideally be celibate during this time too. IOW, the vast majority of people out there will NEVER attain even this (at least in this lifetime). "John Chang" can also personally determine your dantian fullness with his sensing ability. Otherwise, I'm not sure what other reliable method there is?
  21. Started to study Tai Chi on my own. Suggestions?

    I'd like to think this is true. I believe the real foundation of Taijiquan is dantian development cultivated in stillness via neigong (but what do I know?). Well, just for kicks, how many Taijiquan peeps out there can pass the "Dantian Challenge?" Apparently, only 22 people have passed this fundamental groundwork test since 1999. And people wonder why Taijiquan "doesn't work" for 99.99% of people???
  22. The coming economic crisis

    As does capitalism. Only those companies that continually adapt will remain profitable in capitalism. And capitalism doesn't reward evolutionary failures with bailouts, either. Only the fittest are rewarded with profits and survival. Just like in Nature. As opposed to Socialism - which imposes a far more bureacratic structure that does not respond in real time to market conditions. It's well-known that private industry is faaarrrr more competitive, adaptable and reactive than government contracts. I meant that more figuratively, but you are technically correct. It will not technically drop down to THE lowest common denominator, but Socialism does average all the product out so knuckle-draggers will drag the average down. This does include infants too - as seen in Africa where the average woman has 5-7 children - one of the root causes of their perpetual poverty. As a result, producers have nothing to gain and everything to lose by being forced into Socialism. Whereas the opposite is true for slackers. Sure, but it's this way in Nature too. Every organism only competes in its local environment. And if you transplant it elsewhere - it might either die...or thrive as an invasive species... Agree - the "fittest" are not necessarily the most productive. It is this way in Nature too. A lion just sleeps all day while his harem hunts and brings him back meat. That's why I said beta males are generally the most productive (like worker bees), but alpha thugs are often like the hood ornaments on cars. They get all the prestige, but often actually contribute the least to society. What happens then when you subsidize alphas at the expense of betas (like in Socialism) is that you are actively inducing the collapse of your society.
  23. The coming economic crisis

    Down here, you can online trade for $5-$20 per trade (depending on your broker). Stock prices of course vary from pennies to hundreds of dollars apiece. And there is no "payment program" involved. Anyone can start an account and just start trading... Agreed. Evolution is driven by biodiversity and natural selection. Nature is nature. So, the best forms of government would work with, rather than against, such natural conditions. Capitalism assumes that greed & laziness are NATURAL - and thus tries to channel greed productively and discourage laziness - rather than pretend they magically don't exist. Socialism works better the more homogeneous and productive the population is. IT IS ONLY AS GOOD AS ITS LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR. So, the more diverse it is, the more inequities develop as the individual inputs & ouputs vary more widely and thus the highest producers get punished and the laziest get rewarded. Which quickly motivates everyone to become lazy. Which is how liberals plan to destroy this country (removing self-determination) and force it to become dependent on a global banker-run welfare state.