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Everything posted by gendao

  1. The coming economic crisis

    Well, not directly - but the .5M will still also trickle down to the local market whenever those employees spend money locally. Also again, ANYONE ANYWHERE is still free to "get a piece" of that .5M "profit" by buying stock in the company. Anyone who bought Microsoft stock when it first came out would have shared in their wild success and be millionaires many, many times over by now. And apologies, I was only using "Socialist" in a very loose sense about Canada in certain aspects. I think we both agree on the point that it only works best under specific, controlled conditions though - none of which the US has or promotes now. In short, a country with a large, diverse welfare class on the dole and open borders will not mix well with Socialism. That will only drain the remaining life out of the productive beta males and collapse the system as all the takers outpace the givers. Which is exactly what quickly happened in every US state that state-run healthcare was pilot-tested in...
  2. The coming economic crisis

    Right, but in return this country got merchandise that was worth MORE than 1.5M. So, we made a .5M profit from that transaction. You have to factor in the value of goods exchanged as well to make a true comparison. You failed to do that. In reality, the US (including consumers) benefits greatly from buying cheap goods from Asia - because they are getting higher value for their money spent. Yet Asia also still benefits relatively since otherwise they would be making even less money if they only sold to much fewer people domestically. I agree that this may mean less core manufacturing jobs here in the long run - but that's unfortunately what undereducation, affirmative action, entitlement benefits, unions, bailouts rewarding the biggest failures, etc all end up doing to any businesses. Like parasites, they choke it to death and force it to move elsewhere. BTW, liberals always point to Canada as an example of how Socialism works well. Well, it can ONLY work fairly well in a homogeneous society full of productive beta males. That's why they purposely have such a STRICT immigration policy that basically allows only highly-intelligent, healthy beta males and females citizenship. Undesirables include: those without higher education, illiterates, no work experience, no prearranged employment in Canada, no family relations in Canada, those who lack $10K, a criminal history or PREEXISTING HEALTH CONDITIONS IN YOUR FAMILY! Funny how liberals never recommend us copying their immigration policy, though! Even though for that system to work - you need BOTH in tandem!
  3. How to Live to 101

    If legit, this woman would be record-breaking in the modern documented world today:
  4. The coming economic crisis

    ^^^ I disagree. Anyone can choose to profit-share in any large company by buying their stock. Large companies can actually save everyone money by lowering unit costs through mass production and economy of scale too. There's trickle-down savings for ANY consumer at every point-of-sale here even if they don't purchase any stock. That's why poor people all shop at Walmart. And if it weren't for large companies, nobody could afford cars and we wouldn't have air travel, etc. Also, you ask poor people in ghettos what they want the most - and they all say JOBS (ok, after more government handouts). But they'll at least claim they want well-paying jobs by large employers too. McBourgeois love bashing large corporations - yet poor Walmart shoppers complain that they need jobs and wish some large employers would move into their areas...
  5. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    Lol - so the Corexit is causing a dead zone that will force evacuation. Yet, Obama has not stopped BP from dumping it into the Gulf yet. Why not? Maybe because he PURPOSELY wants to evacuate the entire Gulf Coast into FEMA camps and sanctuary cities? DUUUHHHH??? Yea, those crazy conspiracy theorists! There is absolutely no evidence of any black choppers or grand "conspiracy theories!" Corporations, including the Obama administration, are merely short sighted and greedy! Not manipulative and conniving. There have never been any covert, black or psy ops in the history of the US government! I know that for a fact, because they taught me that in school! *go reburies head in sand*
  6. A korean end times prophecy....

    Lol, ok this is just getting comical now... Allow me to clarify here: Chang chun (长春) = long Spring This is the same "chun" (Spring) in "wing chun"/"yong chun." Not to mention Chunyi Lin's "Spring Forest" or "chun lin." (Lin = forest.) Chang = long This is the same "chang" in chang cheng (Great Wall) - or literally, "long wall." Cheng = wall
  7. The coming economic crisis

    Of course, the real goal here is to destroy private industry and thereby keep increasing Socialism. This really bites too because I may prospectively be starting a company in some time. So, what these Big Lib laws are eventually going to do is force entrepreneurs and employers (job suppliers) to take their companies overseas to less business-hostile countries. This is the ultimate effect of oppressing the Beta male class foundation of society and promoting welfare alpha thugs...
  8. What would YOU ask Chunyi Lin?

    Excellent question! I'd love to hear HIS technical opinion on why full-lotus is the most efficient position for neidan? Also, what is his ultimate goal? Enlightenment, yang shen immortality, remerging with the Tao? And what did Yan Xin and his teacher achieve? And - many say that having sex a few days before or after qigong practice is bad for your health. Could he explain the precise mechanism for why exactly this is? (I've heard very vague reasoning before...but not a precise one yet?) Ok, while we're at that - do women also lose jing or qi when they have sex or orgasm? Or is it only men?
  9. What would YOU ask Chunyi Lin?

    Does he believe we are all part of a monist "God," or all empty (dependent origination)?
  10. Penn and Teller: Two Morons Learn Martial Arts

    Actually, qi is what most of them are lacking. Because it takes years of neidan to actually cultivate it - and without it, you're just doing slow-motion ballet. The real IMA masters talk about spending 4 (celibate) years on average opening their microcosmic & macrocosmic orbits & the ability to rotate and move their dantian around. This is basically the equivalent of Level 3 MoPai. Now since 99.9999% of IMA players have never even come close to achieving any of these foundational neigong levels - it's no surprise that they can't make the arts work, either. Because they are missing all the most important ingredients and are instead merely mimicking the motions like cargo cults.
  11. The coming economic crisis

    Not necessarily.. Let's say you wanted to invent a "free energy" or health device that would vastly improve our "world?" Or how about some technology that would cleanly recycle all trash or plastics? Clean up the oil spill? Just build another school or temple? But developing any product and commercializing it takes a helluva lot of money, buddy! As do "good" works.. Money is just like financial qi. The more of it you have, the more you can accomplish in life. Whereas what you choose to accomplish with it is an entirely separate matter.
  12. Eben Pagan is an internet marketing guru! Even his pseudonym & program were chosen with a clever marketing technique in mind - alliteration. The main knock against him in PU is that he is not really a PUA - and doesn't really field-test his stuff. So, a lot of it may get too "New Agey" or merely theoretical. I think PU just happened to be a convenient vehicle for his marketing saavy. Hence, he's really more of a workaholic who focuses on building his multi-million dollar business - than getting results out in the field. I mean, he's been milking his same "cocky funny" formula for like 15 years now??? That's really just a tiny facet of Game. But, it's also a stunning testament to his genius as a marketer to be able to keep marketing the same basic stuff for years... I think he was one of the first guys who really adapted and formulated such a winning business model for internet marketing that has now become standard practice. Another guy who has applied the same methods to holistic health is David Wolfe. Both of these guys have an incredible feel for the market and can really connect with their audience. Has anyone here started their own business or done IM before? Cuz I'd love some tips!
  13. Liver spasm?

    Yea, I get a slight "pain" in my lower liver that blips up occasionally too. Only during sitting meditation, though.
  14. The coming economic crisis

    I don't think banks should be forced to make bad loans to anyone - simply on account of their race. That is a horrible business practice - and also enables minority underachievement. And a lot of the "discrimination" against lending to these minorities wasn't due to "racism,"...but the fact that many of these minorities genuinely did have BAD CREDIT. Seriously, you ever been to Detroit or stepped in the ghetto??? So, if more of these minorities have bad credit on the whole...then why should they be expected to own homes at the same rate as everyone else??? I mean, if bad credit is all due to discrimination - then why don't ASIANS have low credit scores??? And the predictable end results of this act bear witness to all this.. Anyhow, I'm against these racist policies rewarding underachievement because I'm getting stuck with the bill as a taxpayer and it is DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY!!!!
  15. The coming economic crisis

    ^ Well, I was talking about real industry that make real consumable products - not Wall Street that just plays financial shell games. As has been discussed, the housing bust was started by the Communist Reinvestment Act - which forced Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae to give loans to select minorities with bad credit. This started a competitive "no money down or credit check" subprime lending spree in mortgage lending...that fueled wild speculation and of course ultimately a total implosion. So, this was due to BAD "Commie-style" REGULATION - forcing banks to make BAD LOANS. Now of course Wall Street did suffer from UNDER-REGULATION - just like BP. Obviously, because most mainstream politicians are totally paid off by these industries. But most voters are too f'n stupid to actually do their homework - and simply vote for whomever has the best slogans (like "HOPE" & "CHANGE"). We are not losing Wall Street jobs overseas though - which is why I wasn't really including them in my analysis. The cold, hard reality is very simple, though. You keep spending more than you have...and you will end up in deep doo-doo. This is pretty much true of any system. This contry is suffering from SEVERE JING DEPLETION due to overEJACULATION and ZERO CONSERVATION. Our qi is thus down to fumes now - and let's not even talk about our SHEN! Shen, what shen??? Yet this is the sobering picture that NO Americans want to accept and deal with. So, they start pointing fingers at every other excuse out there - aside from the one that really counts! Instead, our leaders advise us to...EJACULATE even MORE? That is their cure for our jing depletion! Obviously, this country is completely delusional now!
  16. The coming economic crisis

    What else are they supposed to do? The American business model is simply inefficient and flawed now due to excessive regulations. Liberals handcuff industry with so many staggering entitlement costs - which then simply get passed on to the consumer. But the American consumer isn't willing to foot these enormous bills - so choose to buy elsewhere. So maybe you should blame liberals or cheap consumers, instead? Seriously, if your PC was made entirely in the USA - it would probably cost you $10,000. You'd really rather to pay that??? Nope, I am against various aspects of liberals/neocons combined. Yes, Dubya blew our budget to bits by blowing $80 billion/month in Iraq... BUT, HOW MANY DEMOCRATS OPPOSED THE IRAQ WAR??? And why hasn't Obama pulled our troops out now? Here we see their false dichotomy exposed as they all express solidarity on the core CFR/Trilateral/Bilderberg issues. Yup - all else aside - they work harder for less. That's the KEY VARIABLE HERE - REAL "SWEAT EQUITY." Blaming all this on "unfair trade practices" is denying the real problem - and solution. And as far as corruption and quality control - yes, there does need to be more safety regulations in China - but those are also problems anywhere. Why do you think people stopped buying American cars? Cuz they got so sick of the hunks of rust churned out by Motor City in the 70s! BTW, Ronald Reagan first granted illegal aliens amnesty, George Bush Sr. passed an EO banning offshore oil drilling & Clinton passed welfare reform (PRWORA). So, so much for conservative/liberal stereotypes in real life...
  17. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    I'm curious about you and SSW.. You both seem to lack adult male mentorship in your lives. Have you guys ever talked about these issues with your dads - or are they missing, divorced, "whipped" doormats or what? Violent street gangs were formed in the 80s because so many Black kids were born daddyless that they sought protection and mentoring amongst each other. I wonder if this is essentially happening amongst the population at large now - given that 40% of all American babies are now born to single moms?
  18. The coming economic crisis

    A friend with experience in the industry told me that companies would get stuff made in China or Mexico for something like 1/10-1/8 the cost of here (several years ago)...basically slap a label on it...and then resell it here at full cost. So no, import laws and such are just a drop in the bucket compared to the majority of the savings in pure production overseas. Although, this amount has of course been steadily decreasing over time...but is still nowhere near parity. In all of our liberal tinkering to make work more "rewarding" & guaranteed for everyone regardless of qualifications - they neglected its main goal & lifeblood - competitive performance. Imagine if liberals ran our pro sports and Olympic teams? Sure, everyone would get to play...but we'd also never get another gold medal again...while we just blamed all our failures on "bad calls."
  19. The coming economic crisis

    Great posts idquest, topflight, A Seeker, joeblast & ralis. Except.. China values intelligent beta males and a hard work ethic. As a result, they simply produce greater VALUE (more results at lower cost) than we do here now. That is the BOTTOM LINE that liberals are loathe to admit. Because they don't want to face up to the hard fact that they've enabled an underachieving society full of Bart Simpsons now. They also don't want to admit that Chinese industry is also more efficient because it isn't excessively burdened with "alpha thug" subsidies like the Communist Reinvestment Act, select group-based affirmative action, unions, Bailouts, etc. All government entitlement programs that reward incompetence and punish competence. Well guess what folks - you keep rewarding failure - and that's what you'll get. I know a girl that got hired by an American company and then almost immediately went on a long maternity leave (she didn't tell them she was preggo when she hired on, either). Feminists laud this as progress - but how less competitive does this also make a company? There's 2 sides to every coin... Yet, there has not even been any discussion about removing any of these FAIL enablers during this entire meltdown! Instead, we delude ourselves that the answers are financial shell games like "bailouts" and "spending ourselves out of debt." Because many Americans still want something for nothing. They don't want to make the hard sacrifices - so will force our children to.. They will be the ones who get all their Social Security cut, benefits cut, services cut & taxes raised to pay off our debts as America degenerates into a 3rd World slum in many areas. So instead of blaming China for outperforming us - we should be modelling their capitalist success factors. Again - working hard & smart. LIVING WITHIN YOUR MEANS - NOT CREDIT/DEBT. Nose to the grindstone. That is the only way out of an economic black hole. That is the way China is slowly digging itself out of decades of Communist-induced poverty (along with population control). And it is the way America used to be before LBJ's "Great Society" welfare state kicked in...creating a legacy of self-entitled slackers on the dole.
  20. Well, being a fighter (martial arts) and being a lover (venusian arts) are 2 different skillsets. You have to know when to use each one in context. Now, interesting thing tonight. I just went out for a walk. Had my shirt off cuz it's hot. 2 girls drove by and pulled up next to me. We chit-chatted for a bit & 1 got my number. Point here being - my animal nature (beast) was on display - and that's what attracted women (beauty). Remember, women are like sports teams. They mainly just want the best player that will help them win (best ensure their and their offsprings' survival). Sure..."integrity" or "manners" are great - but capability is the main priority here. Of course, attraction is merely the first step. I then had to prove my social fluency by being able to immediately carry on a fluid conversation with random strangers. And yes, I spent at least a year studying PU to improve this ability within myself. How much further it now goes also depends upon my additional skills. (Although, I am actually avoiding dating this year due to a host of projects including my training..) Now, I'm certainly no Tiger Woods or Russell Brand...but for me this still represents a quantum leap from when I was a total Cho Seung-hui-type social omega male reject in junior high. So YES, I am living proof that with time and dedicated effort - you CAN improve yourself and things CAN get better. If I could do it - I know ANYONE can!!!! You can slowly shift from omega-to-beta-to-alpha! Whatever doesn't kill you...MAKES YOU STRONGER!! ARRRGGGHHH!!!!
  21. But let's say you're at rock bottom now. And who knows, maybe your life may slowly keep improving until one day, 10 years from now, you are 50X better off than you are now? Why force the worst possible ending now (for yourself and others) - and possibly prevent your own happier ending? I mean, as good or bad as your life could get in the future - I seriously doubt it could ever naturally get as bad as going Columbine/Cho/Sodini/Joe Stack. Look at this guy. He lost his legs...then his job...and then his wife... BUT HIS SPIRIT REMAINS INDOMITABLE. He is "HALF A MAN" NOW - yet 10X the average man!!!! Surely you are still better off than him right now? Take it one day, one step, at a time. You didn't give yourself any challenges in this life that you ultimately couldn't handle. Taiji Bum went from a completely celibate ascetic to dating 11 women in half a year now. JaneSF went from psychiatric depression to healing herself through BKF's dissolving qigong. It's tough, but you must ENDURE! Society takes a long time to change.. Also, try to meet some holistic healers or mentors in your area. You are definitely at a point in life where you could use some personalized expert help. Know when you could use some outside help to deal with all these crushing issues. That's what they're there for.
  22. I agree - great comparison! Anyways, here's some insight on why "alpha bitches" prefer "bad boys." It's the archetypal beauty tames the beast formula.. This dude was boinking 80 girls a month??? That would make Tiger Woods look like a choir boy!! Not to mention a HEROIN ADDICT?!!! But obviously, women dug his bad boy "magic shtick." And the more who dug it, the more others wanted it too via peer pressure... Thing is, women are so strong these days - they are disgusted by anything weaker than them. And demand a man who is actually stronger than they are. Nice beta males just don't get this and try to play Captain Save-A-Ho - which only demeans strong women because it implies they are weaker and need saving. Whereas bad boys are not afraid to treat them as either fearsome enemies or powerful allies on the battlefield of sex. This attitude is actually more flattering to these women because it implies real respect - not patronization.
  23. Sadly, getting rejected by a bunch of spiritual people...could actually push him over the edge. SSW is not alone either, he is part of a growing lost generation of disenfranchised beta males. I see all the same conditions in many younger beta males, just in varying degrees... Therefore, it's a growing issue that does need to be addressed - and not just continually swept under the rug by Baby Boomer liberals. I sent him a PM back - hope he read it before he got banned. Or drops further down into despair. BTW, I've traveled abroad a lot myself. All it did was show me that our country is actually even more screwed up than I had previously thought! (Particularly when it comes to women - most women overseas are measurably nicer and attractive than here due to more Old World culture/lifestyles/diets.) Although I also came to appreciate a few good points here too - namely our relative attempts at justice, good highway infrastructure and decent public facilities. Of course, these are all paid for by $15 trillion of debt - so those government projects don't really count in a fair comparison, anyways. But I digress. I hope SSW the best.
  24. Not at all. Buddhism was founded upon the very precept that life is suffering. By recognizing this so very painfully in his own life, SSW is actually on the very first step towards liberation from it... But if Buddhists turn him away, then where else would he go find answers? Aren't these the exact people Buddhists should be helping?? To help stop him from taking more drastic actions? Buddha's answer wasn't psychiatry, either. His answer was enlightenment.
  25. Good point - that's probably why "The Secret" didn't work so easily for most people as advertised. Or we'd all be multimillionaires with supermodel partners by now.. FAIL!