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Everything posted by gendao

  1. Common n00by mistake. You are focusing on what you DON'T want...hence that is what you GET. What you DON'T WANT. If someone asks you, "What kind of girl do you want?" And you answer with a laundry list of...all the traits you don't want...then that is what you'll attract. Instead, describe her by what you DO want. Set your intent, and then totally let it go (don't keep thinking about it) to get your mind out of the way of manifestation. At least in theory... Of course, who says it actually works that simply & easily in real life!
  2. Rebirth is caused by karma (unpaid debts).Karma is caused by attachments (accounting or keeping score of acts). Attachment to any illusory "Self" is the root of all attachments. So, to prevent rebirth, you must lose all attachments (including that to any "Self") and thus all karma. Only when you let go of your identity and all attachments - is there no longer anything to be reborn or debts to be settled. At least that's my guess for now!
  3. Mountain/Eagles!?

    I'm not worried about large predators. I'm worried about mosquitos, gnats, ants, spiders, bugs, etc when practicing outside. That shyt gets real distracting. Which is why I practice sitting indoors only..
  4. Full Circle

    More on seeing stars...
  5. Gulf Oil Spill & Continuous Outpour

    They're not insane, this is just another world banker black op to gain more control over Americans. And Obama is their appointed point man here - which is why he has been actively impeding all clean up efforts. So, the amounts of Corexit dumped into our Gulf has declined only 9% in over a month!!! Of which ZERO% is actually "needed," since all the dispersant does is sink the oil so the spill doesn't LOOK as bad on the surface (PR move only). It does nothing to actually clean up the oil - but only makes it worse by harming more marine life and making it indigestible to bacteria. So, while the Coast Guard can impede all clean up efforts and stop nosy journalists from covering the mess - they somehow can't stop BP from dumping nearly 2 million gallons of unnecessary toxic waste into the Gulf??? Well the reality is that they are in this black op too and are actually running interference for BP. You see folks, this is what happens when you elect officials serving HIGHER POWERS (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, etc) - rather than grass-roots candidates serving THE PEOPLE. BIG difference! These are not merely "bogus conspiracy theories" like the mainstream media would have you believe. You can see, they are very, very real. And they are the ACTUAL "terrorists" we should be worried about! If Obama was a Republican...people would be asking for his head by now. Well, worst-case scenario for US...but best-case scenario for Obama & his banker buddies! In short, once the wellhead gives way, seawater will be sucked down into the hole and get vaporized into steam. This will create a giant steam "bubble" that will then create an extinction-level tsunami that will wipe out our coastlines. Not to mention all the residual pollution that will prevent resettling for decades. This has all been planned by our global bankers, executed by our elected officials and prophesized by the Hopi (and others).
  6. In The Root of Chinese Chi Kung (p 80-84), Yang Jwing-Ming talks about 3 main alchemical pathways: Fire Path - the microcosmic orbit running normally up the back and down the front Wind Path - the microcosmic orbit running backwards up the front and down the back Water Path - the "kundalini" path running up the chong mai into the brain and down the front According to him, the Wind Path is generally only rarely used "therapeutically" to cool the Fire Path down when its somehow gotten too hot (Yang).. BTW IMO, the safer way of opening the microcosmic orbit is to just keep filling your dantian until it overflows and starts opening up the orbit at its own pace - mostly passively guided by your posture rather than active intent. For example, I believe full-lotus may be the most efficient neidan posture because it impedes qi circulation down your legs while opening your difficult weilu (tailbone) pass up your spine. Thus, it helps to passively concentrate and guide your qi exactly where it should be going. This reduces the amount of mental effort needed (as well as mistakes) - allowing you to properly disengage your mind more and cultivate more safely.
  7. Got Any Fiction Recommendations?

    Has anyone read The Alchemist by Paul Coelho? Must be in Oprah's Book Club - because it seems like a lotta chicks loved it. Anyhow, it sounds sort of like The Celestine Prophecy, so I'm curious what its all about? And why it's become one of the best-selling books in the world??? Anybody??
  8. Sexual vocabulary

    For better or worse, hip-hop culture here has popularized using that term (and others like ho, nigga, skank, etc.) in a wide variety of contexts now. In my case, I was actually referring to men mostly & our entire population as a whole - in a playful manner.. Lol awww, are we upset that pseudo-valiantly playing Captain Save-A-Ho has backfired against our wannabe knight-in-shining-armor here? That these grown women in 2010 simply aren't helpless, puritanical damsels in distress who need a chivalrous knight anymore? You're about 500 years too late, buddy! The irony here is that YOU'RE the one who's sexist - because you stubbornly refuse to see women as strong beings capable of standing on their own 2 feet - WITHOUT your assistance. That notion is actually too threatening to you, because it essentially makes your services and usefulness to them as a supplicating beta male obsolete now. You were never truly offended by the "vulgarity" of "pu55y" were you - you only pretended to be to gain the sympathies of women (pity fvck, anyone?)? So when that backfired, you got pissy and angry at them! Hilarious! Seriously, who are you to tell women what they should be offended at and what is or isn't sexist to them? I actually respect women because I don't underestimate them. Nor do I mythologize them onto pedestals like museum pieces. I simply try to see them as they are.
  9. Dzogchen (and Buddhism) Summarized

    PS. Forms are called "empty" when they're found to be emergent experiences constituting a part of larger conglomerations of phenomena arising in impermanent configurations as a result of interdependent causation by all phenomena as a whole, the names we ascribe to them being chosen for human convenience, and not to reflect self-existent essences. If we apply this to all forms perceived through the indriyas, then Emptiness and DO become synonymous. Um... this is Mahamudra though, not Dzogchen.I love that! Thanks! I sort of had an inkling of that before, but this guy really nailed it in words!
  10. Hua Shan Pai Do Ga Qigong

    Awesome! Mind sharing some of these crazy stories, cool experiences & the main precepts of the system? And to what ages did Si Gung Chin & Chan Chiu Lim live to? PS - If I seem to recall, George (Guoming) Xu looked pretty good on Youtube?!
  11. How to Live to 101

    But if they are "irrelevant," then why are most of them vegetarian & celibate? Just for the h*ll of it? Anyone got a pic of this? Fascinating! BTW, longevity is far more impressive than most people realize. It's probably somewhat akin to making a collegiate sports team or something... 1 OUT OF 6000!
  12. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    Isn't this sort of like the theory of evolution though? It shows how things change - but doesn't really address how they originally started? If everything is dependent - and "stuff" exists now - then doesn't that mean some "stuff" must have always existed for that to be possible? Otherwise, if there was nothing ever to begin with, then there only be nothing now (−A → −B ). I mean, if effect B only arises when condition A exists...then how did condition A arise? At some point using this logic, musn't there have been a "first arisal" with no precedent condition? Where does the buck stop, so to speak? Or how can anyone know if the buck ever stopped, or not? Or are we just gonna pull the "infinite regression" card here? That existence is a linked chain of infinite length with no beginning or end?
  13. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    You nailed it, buddy! Baby Boomer denialists suffering from generation & geographical gaps can keep spouting the same feminist "goddess" mythology rhetoric - but that has no connection to the actual cold, hard reality out there in the streets today of First World countries (where secret societies hold the most sway).. Feminist mythology 17-yo reality Not to mention, all the "spiritual-minded" posters here are an EXTREME MINORITY out in the real world. Their attitudes represent the EXCEPTION, not the NORM. So, even if some women here did really look for "nice guys with integrity" (even that's doubtful) - they are still NOT the norm. And regardless, feminists worked hard to gain power at the expense of men - so why would they want to help YOU undo that? They have absolutely NO motivation to change their comfy status quo racket and empower men like you. You must also take this motivation into account whenever they dispense any (usually self-serving) "advice" - which usually consists of denying there's any problem (which there isn't - for THEM! ) or blaming you for it all. In all honesty, they could care less about YOUR welfare - as long as they keep getting your taxes and the redistributed fruits of your labors! Why milk the bull yourself...when the government gives you his milk for free? And if it's ALL ABOUT just US - then why do they support affirmative action that gives women an artificial advantage? Shouldn't it just be up to each woman to "man up to the god" and fend for herself to attract a wondrous career? Self-development, not self-pity? Maybe connect with the moon more or something? But no, feminism is ALL ABOUT changing the system to better suit women. It espouses that nothing is EVER the fault of any individual "goddess" and that she should never have to improve herself. But when it comes to MEN - now all of a sudden this equation gets reversed? It's NEVER the system's fault - but always and ONLY the man's??? Thing is, what you are recognizing here IS real & ALL BY DESIGN. The goal of 2nd-wave feminism and liberalism WAS to fission nuclear families & downsize the beta male worker bee class. Meanwhile, they would subsidize low-IQ bad boys and their welfare queen baby mamas. This was all funded by the Rockefellers in order to create a fractured, dumbed-down population that is entirely dependent upon the government to pave the way towards Socialism and then NW0 totalitarianism. Which you can see, has succeeded precisely as planned.. And under this plan - nice guys with integrity (beta males) ARE the enemy/resource to be tooled until they shrivel up and die! This is the systematic oppression you palpably FEEL. Here's a good summation of the situation in the broader picture: In short, liberals (funded by the Rockefellers) are purposely promoting and subsidizing an unintelligent, irresponsible society with low integrity. Productive beta males will have their incomes redistributed to bad boys (see Obamacare) no matter how hard they work, in order to effectively sterilize them. Beta males are already at a sexual disadvantage naturally - so stripping them of their ability to harness resources is the final death blow. The goal here is to create a crippled population totally reliant upon a Socialist crutch. Which then paves the way for a totalitarian regime - the global NW0 endgame. Check... I really feel sorry for the next generations of beta males - liberals today have totally thrown them under the bus. And so it just keeps getting worse and worse for them... You guys will just have to wake up on your own, resist & save yourselves. No one else is going to do it for you. Although in reality, everyone will suffer. Because beta males are the engine and glue of society. And when the host dies, so do all its parasites... Checkmate, biotches.
  14. boosting immunity

    They call opening the microcosmic orbit the cure to 100 diseases.. This is done by conserving jing and converting it to yang qi - to rebuild your yang nature. Remember, the goal of neidan is to cultivate your yang shen, so rebuilding your yang qi is very important to this (as well as your health). To do this, you have to reverse your natural decline of yangness starting from around age 16. And the older you are, the longer this will take..
  15. Qi is NOT Energy

    Interesting, I thought Yuan Qi was prenatal by definition - since it is inherited from our parents before birth? Didn't know there was a postnatal Yuan Qi - where would it come from & got a source for that? Also, do you kow if Q2 is possible, then? Master Chen says that Yuan Qi can be alchemically made from yang jing...but doesn't detail how...
  16. NP, man! Both mainstream party members take their orders from the top (not their constituents below that they're supposed to be serving). Yet, somehow many people have been seduced by liberals to view them as the "good cops." Well, they're not good at all...and they're still pigs! For example, just to clarify what you're ultimately supporting when you vote for either mainstream party: So, Mika & her pals are a mouthpiece for Obama & the White House...who are a mouthpiece for these world bankers...who are mouthpieces for...*paging David Icke* It is important for me to point this out to people, because I see it happening YET AGAIN! Hook, line & sinker... People must realize that totalitarianism is traditionally always ushered in under leftism. Obviously, it'd be hard to gain a following promising totalitarianism! So, you market it as some form of Marxism which allows you to centralize all the power and vest people into the new system (so they can no longer fight it or get out). And once you've done that - you've now got full control and can do whatever you want! This is how all the Communist despots took power. And don't forget, NAZI stood for National Socialist - which is exactly what Hitler did - nationalized & Socialized Germany.
  17. What is so "special" about full lotus?

    Here's some support for this: In short, you're damming the downward path to passively "force" the qi to go upwards, instead. Since the first neidan goal is basically to open the microcosmic orbit, there's no point in sending qi down below it into the leg channels. The Ren & Du Mai are all up in the torso, not legs. There's "nothing significant" down there. In fact, most of the key channels and centers are all in the torso and head. So, it would make alchemical sense to contain the qi more to these areas. The more you can concentrate your qi into these key areas...probably the more efficient you are...
  18. how to cool the body

    Jwing-Ming Yang talks about the Water Path to cool down overheating from the Fire Path, and I think the actual method is the Marrow Washing Qigong.
  19. Non-ejaculatory Orgasms

    Not true. Girls are far more sexually active than boys now. The average age American girls lose their V-card is now around 13.8-17 vs 14.7-18 for boys. So, they have about a year jump on guys. I absolutely believe this too. Seriously, you're not going to meet many remotely-attractive co-eds in their 20s who are still virgins these days - unless she's Christian or something. I remember when I dated an 18-yo Christian girl once who was ASHAMED that she was still a virgin! She was like the last one left in her high school. All her friends had been fvcking for a while and most had already had abortions. She felt very "left behind." Why do you think they made such a big deal when it was revealed that Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson were "STILL" *gasp* virgins at age 18!? If this was the norm, it wouldn't have been so shocking... But it still took many more experiences for me to realize that girls aren't in it for love like we're falsely told - they're in it for ego (just like many men). That's why high sexual performance is the key to regaining some leverage in any relationship now. Society provides women with everything else they can possibly want in life. The only thing that is scarcer and harder for them to find is good sex. Remember, most women don't even come during intercourse. And if you measured when people had their first ORGASM, I'm sure men would have women beat! There are probably just as many 40-yo "orgasm-virgin" females as virgin males out there! So, there's the difference. Men have trouble getting sex - but when they do, it's usually "good" enough (orgasmic) for them - regardless of the girl. Whereas women have no trouble getting sex - it's just usually not that "good" (orgasmic) for them. From this standpoint, of course girls will look down on male virgins. But, losing your V-card is like getting your first job. You need experience to get a job, but a job to get experience! Yet somehow, most of us all still end up getting laid & employed eventually, though! My advice to non is that - yes, the liberalized secular world now is a lot like you see it. So, you will have to evolve to adapt to it. In the short run, PU has proven to be the only effective method for this. Getting some women could help you become more content. But in the long run, only freeing yourself from the illusion of your ego via enlightenment will bring you happiness. Not all the pu55y in the universe.
  20. What does your Qi feel like?

    To be honest, I don't really know yet... But its properties always seem to be much more akin to its ancient descriptions - than currently-known science. Remember, magnetism was already employed by the Chinese by at least the 2nd century BC in lodestone compasses. So, if qi was just magnetism - they would have just called it magnetism... Qi seems to be an unusual phenonmena with many varied properties. It's been described as "fluid" or "plasma"-like. Yet qi has a freqency too, like light. But it can communicate information instantaneously (supraluminally) like an all-pervasive cosmic substratum. Yet, it can be also impeded by bodily tension, "emotional issue" blockages, etc. Yin qi can be impeded by some synthetic materials (like carpeting). Qi can swirl around in the air like iridescent sperm - which can then also be impeded by blocking the air out. Yang qi has been described as having an electric blue color. Yang qi has a more solar light quality, while yin qi a more gravitational vacuum nature. They attract each other like polar opposites, yet don't easily fuse together like oil & water. The combination of yin & yang qi is what makes something alive. Now, some of these properties seem like they are describing different things - not the same one. And maybe some of these apply only to yin qi, yang qi or an interactive combo of both? I don't know yet myself. Because these properties are so varied, I haven't figured out how they can theoretically all tie together yet either..
  21. Qi is NOT Energy

    I think you may be actually sensing yi, not qi, there. I think you could throw a strike with varying amounts of both yi or qi. Although since yi leads qi, I think throwing one with a lot of qi qould require a lot of yi too. I dunno. I can definitely throw a non-telegraphing punch with little yi. However, it may not contain much qi, either! ...I dunno?!
  22. Cold water on my chest? Sensation?

    That raises a good question. What exactly does it mean when various meridians or organs are yin or yang - when it comes to jing or qi flowing through them? Does the Ren Mai only channel yin qi? Or can yang qi flow through it too? And if yang qi can flow through it, then what makes the vessel itself "yin?" I mean, when qi circulates around the microcosmic orbit, isn't this normally all yang qi? Since that's the type we cultivate in neidan?
  23. A question for Vaj the Buddhist

    Looking for a "beginning" also assumes a linear time-dependent perspective. Outside of spacetime though, there is no "time" and thus no "beginning." "Beginnings" and "endings" are only concepts used to describe phenomena in the time (linear sequential perception) dimension. By the same token, emptiness is also a concept used to describe phenomena (or the lack thereof) in the space dimension. But outside of that dimension, it becomes a meaningless term as well. These are all just concepts built upon limited frames of reference. So, you cannot use concepts and vocabulary limited by any frame of reference to fully describe phenomena that lie outside of that frame of reference. "Buddhist emptiness" thus probably describes reality completely unframed (deconceptualized, non-dual, dimensionless, etc).
  24. Oh I agree - FAUX NEWS is just as biased. The DIFFERENCE is that the neocons wear their biased party-affiliation on their sleeves. Whereas the liberal media doesn't. This same liberal MSNBC "journalist" "reporting"/reading straight off her White House memo defending Obama against Giuliani's accusations of him mishandling the BP oil spill: BTW, who is Mika Brzezinski? She just "happens" to be Zbigniew Brzezinski's daughter. Zbig just "happens" to be Obama's mentor and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller in 1973. And liberals think THESE are the good guys? Really??? So, I don't watch TV AT ALL anymore. I don't even OWN one now. I'm ALLERGIC to all that BS. It makes my eyes water and throat start gagging every time some trained teleprompter zombie starts reading prescripted CFR talking points like it's actual "news"... Problem is the MAJORITY of American voters who do...
  25. Hey thanks, bro! Don't know what I did to deserve such generous praise, but glad to befriend you now!